Saturday, November 5, 2011

C. F. W. Walther - The 200th Anniversary Deception.
WELS Member Asks for a Walther Icon.


Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "C. F. W. Walther - The 200th Anniversary Deception...":

What is really confusing is the melding of two heresies. We were all forgiven at the cross(Universalism), yet we have to make a decision to accept it (Arminianism). What's wrong with Scripture and BOC? Christ atoned for the world's sin at the cross. The Holy Ghost gives the sinner Faith in the Gospel through Word and Sacrament. It's no wonder the Synodical Conference is imploding. They call themselves Lutherans, yet practice Crypto-Calvinism, Arminianism, and Anabaptism.


GJ - Narrow-minded, when someone understands the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace, these deviations stand out like a bug moving in a bowl of raspberries and cream.

This amalgamation of heresies shows that:
  • Basic education in Lutheran doctrine is missing, all the way up to the leadership levels.
  • The clergy are only being attracted to like-minded individuals - Pietists like Groeschel and Andy Stanley, Babtists like Rick Warren, Universalists like Leonard Sweet.
  • Those initiated in the UOJ cult are almost invulnerable to exegesis and the Confessions, since they always start with Huber/Knapp/Wallther assumptions. That seems to be the core of seminary training, except for "We are the greatest and most orthodox Lutheran synod ever. Repeat. We are the greatest and most orthodox Lutheran body ever. Repeat."

AC V has left a new comment on your post "C. F. W. Walther - The 200th Anniversary Deception...":

Regardless of which proof texts are used, the question is: "Do you have/own/possess the forgiveness of your sins without faith?" UOJ says, "Yes, but it doesn't do you any good unless you have faith" Scripture and the BoC says, "No, you do not have/own/possess the forgiveness of your sins except by faith alone through the gospel in Word and Sacrament."

The UOJ-er would say, "We have Subjective Justification, so what's the big deal?" The big deal is that when UOJ is emphasized over so-called Subjective Justification, which UOJ always does because it is considered in WELS to be THE gospel, then either you have confusion because of the terms or more likely - and this is what we're seeing - heretical practices that turn the sacraments into ordinances (i.e. "we're just remembering the forgiveness that Christ gave us on the cross 2,000 years ago") and the Ministry of the Keys into powerless words (i.e. "an unbeliever locks himself out of heaven" [Oct. 6, 2011 Meditations devotion] and "you must forgive your unrepentant, abusive husband because Jesus did a la UOJ.")


GJ - In every case - Richard Jungkuntz as the prime example - justification without faith becomes the Gospel, God's grace, and all things bright and beautiful.

Jungkuntz, who feared the loss of UOJ in WELS, dishonestly promoted the historical-critical method at Northwestern College, moved on to Springfield and the LCMS doctrinal board for the same mission, and chaired the first gay seminary in America - Seminex, the official seminary for the Metropolitan Community Church. They even had a homosexual professor - Deppe.

The Seminex professors moved to the Lutheran School of Theology (ELCA) in Chicago, making it even more radical.

People need to understand the beginnings of UOJ and also where it ends up.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "C. F. W. Walther - The 200th Anniversary Deception...":

I was wondering if you guys felt the earthquake up your way. They said it was felt in Joplin.

Seems things are getting worse at HW too. A member who solos there frequently and who has not shunned me on FB posted a vid of what he will be singing today. The song is crocked full of works and decision theology.


 LPC said...
Quiet WELsian et. al.

The issue is not grammer etc. We are discussing my comment at the Real Icahabod. It will be to your advantage to skip the ad hominem on Dr. Jackson. That is, if you want to take the high moral ground for which you criticise him for having less.

I do not check my grammar most times because when I comment, a.) I am usually in a hurry b.) I only check my grammar if I am writing a paper for an international conference etc. There I have no choice but to waste time in that exercise.

The real issue is this God does not merely passively foreknow that he will create faith in us, but he makes a decision to predestine us from the foundation of the world as Ephesian says. He cannot have passive knowledge of something he will do, since he must actively decides to cause faith in the believer

Then you can answer my question , on what basis does God predestine a person, is it according to Decree?

A simple yes or no will do.

Personally, I believe that Walther and Waltherians made a serious blunder in engaging in predestinarian controversy that was present during Walther's era.

Also It is clear to me that you are not very familiar with his (Walther's)theology. I would encourage you to read the man on your own and not listen to Jackson on him or anything else for that matter

I have read and re-read his Law and Gospel and I have read his essays. I do not care if I have not read all of his work, I am satisfied that in what I have read I have compelling evidence that he was a.) responsible for the synodical fragmentation of Lutheranism in USA, b.) He was a Huberite and a quasi-Universalist, c.) He absolutely was not familiar that Calvinism is not only an ism - it is actually a rational paradigm in which he fell.

Walther and Waltherians are actually Calvinistic in paradigm. The Calvinism sneaked in through Pietism. That is my contention about you UOJers.

So let me cut to the chase that I might understand your position

What do you teach is the basis of predestination? Does God predestine people according to his decree?


Jerry Sandusky, Former Coach At Penn State, Is Charged With Abuse -

Thirteen years of abuse - first two Penn State locker room cases - 1998.

Jerry Sandusky, Former Coach At Penn State, Is Charged With Abuse -

'via Blog this'

GJ - Hang the enablers by their thumbs. This story is too atrocious to copy any of the content.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jerry Sandusky, Former Coach At Penn State, Is Cha...":

There are similarities between this grotesque account and the (W)ELS clergy who, contrary to the Synod's official false doctrine of Universal Objective Justification, reject UOJ and confess solely justification by faith alone (JBFA) but turn a blind eye when faithful Christian families are excommunicated from their Synod for staying faithful to JBFA.


GJ - Corruption of doctrine also means corruption of behavior. WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect turn a blind eye to many kinds of abuse against their own members. WELS lied to the court when a minor girl sued Fred Adrian's congregation and WELS for being seduced by the married vicar. The judge issued WELS an order from the bench to tell the truth about many other scandals. (Lying to the court is perjury, a felony.)

DP Robert Mueller and VP Paul Kuske were deeply offended by the notion that they should not place a known wolf  (doctrine and behavior) in a flock, but they did it anyway. The Michigan District is just bursting at the seams with people who want their wives and daughters violated by the clergy.

The Michigan District is very mission-oriented. If a pastor drives his car into a light pole in a drunken stupor, he is sent to Russia, where no one is supposed to notice.

In Russia, we test the sober drivers,
saves time.
Welcome, Comrade. 

The questions asked in this article could be asked of the Wisconsin Synod, especially the Michigan District. The pastors who pretended not to know are still in leadership positions, including DP Seifert.

When will the District Presidents step down? Church is almost as important as football. Except for the  antinomians in WELS, there are still rules.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Jerry Sandusky, Former Coach At Penn State, Is Cha...":

Jerry Sandusky's autobiography, 'Touched,' is still available at The Penn State Bookstore

These Luther Quotations Are Copied
From One of the Most Read Posts

Hundreds have been clicking on this post.


"One Christian who has been tried is worth a hundred who have not been tried, for the blessing of God grows in trials. He who has experienced them can teach, comfort, and advise many in bodily and spiritual matters."
Martin Luther, What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, III, p. 1381. Genesis 27:28-29.

"In order to keep your faith pure, do nothing else than stand still, enjoy its blessings, accept Christ's works, and let him bestow His love upon you. You must be blind, lame, deaf, dead, leprous and poor, otherwise you will stumble at Christ. That Gospel which suffers Christ to be seen and to be doing good only among the needy, will not belie you."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, I, p. 110. Third Sunday in Advent. Matthew 11:2-10.

"We have the comfort of this victory of Christ--that He maintains His Church against the wrath and power of the devil; but in the meantime we must endure such stabs and cruel wounds from the devil as are necessarily painful to our flesh and blood. The hardest part is that we must see and suffer all these things from those who call themselves the people of God and the Christian Church. We must learn to accept these things calmly, for neither Christ nor the saints have fared better."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 263. Sunday after Ascension, Exaudi. John 15:26-16:4.

"Therefore God must lead us to a recognition of the fact that it is He who puts faith in our heart and that we cannot produce it ourselves. Thus the fear of God and trust in Him must not be separated from one another, for we need them both, in order that we may not become presumptuous and over­confident, depending upon ourselves. This is one of the reasons why God leads His saints through such great trials."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, II, p. 21. First Sunday after Epiphany. Luke 2:41-52.

"Secondly, God permits His saints to suffer these trials as an example for others, both to alarm the carnally secure and to comfort the timid and alarmed...But when we see and hear that God has in like manner dealt with His saints and did not spare even His own mother, we have the knowledge and comfort that we need not despair in our trials, but remain quiet and wait until He helps us, even as He has helped all His saints."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, II, p. 40f. First Sunday after Epiphany, Second Sermon. Luke 2:41-52.

"Now it is the consolation of Christians, and especially of preachers, to be sure and ponder well that when they present and preach Christ, that they must suffer persecution, and nothing can prevent it; and that it is a very good sign of the preaching being truly Christian, when they are thus persecuted, especially by the great, the saintly, the learned and the wise."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, II, p. 97. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Matthew 8:23-27.

"Not only is Christ hidden from the world, but a still harder thing is it that in such trials Christ conceals himself even from His church, and acts as if He had forgotten, aye, had entirely forsaken and rejected it, since He permits it to be oppressed under the cross and subjected to all the cruelty of the world, while its enemies boast, glory and rejoice over it, as we shall hear in the next Gospel."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 67. Second Sunday after Easter. John 10:11-16.

"There is another temptation also in the time of trouble which was punished severely among the people of Israel and which alas is common as compared to the other temptation and equally irrational. That temptation occurs before God's Word is heard; this after we hear the Word, namely thus: when we know that God has promised help in the time of any trouble, but are not content with it, go forward and will not abide His promise, but prescribe time, place, and manner for His help; and then if He does not come as we expect and desire, faith vanishes."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, I, p. 366. Epiphany. Matthew 2:1-12.

What can we learn from Babtists like Stanley and Warren?


GJ - These comforting quotations are far removed from the self-centered bragging of the Evan-jellyfish, who are spineless and poisonous. For a time large crowds gather to hear them boast about their great success, creating a fake sense of intimacy with their audiences. Like Schuller and Osteen, their faces grow into the mask they assume for broadcasts.

Why are the "conservative" Lutheran seminaries turning out clones of Schuller, Osteen, Driscoll, and Groeschel?

Answer - the schools are charging a fortune in tuition to turn their students against Biblical, Lutheran doctrine. Fraudulent professors turn out fake Lutheran pastors.

Proof That the Olde Synodical Conference Was,
And Continues To Be, Pietistic

The marks (notae) of Pietism are obvious:
  1. Cell groups are the real church while the congregation is a convenient gathering place for groups.
  2. Shunning.
  3. Doctrinal indifference and unionism.
  4. Halle University, the mother ship, created to promote the movement.
Henry Melchior Muhlenberg was a Pietist who graduated from Halle University and founded the Pennsylvania Ministerium, which grew into the General Synod/General Council.

Fill in the blank in the following sentences, to test your Pietism I.Q.

Bishop Martin Stephan was a _______ who attended Halle University, gloried in his cell group ministry, and founded the Missouri Synod.

C.F.W. Walther was a ______ who belonged to a Holy Club and associated with Martin Stephan, usurping the leadership role while continuing the ______ cell groups for many years.

J.K.W. Loehe was influenced by the Reformed and attended the University of Berlin. Influenced by the writing of Hollaz, Loehe emphasized the Confessions, Holy Communion, and the pastoral office. The Loehe missionaries invited the Perryville ______s to join them in forming a synod. Loehe's man started the Ft. Wayne seminary, but Loehe was shunned and erased from LCMS history because he was not a ______.

Adoph Hoenecke was a ______ who graduated from Halle University, but his study of the Confessions watered down the ______ influence after graduation. He joined the ______ Wisconsin Synod, which was started by a unionistic mission society.

The Little Sect on the Prairie came from the ______ Norwegian tradition, which is why they are hotter than Georgia asphalt for UOJ.

Today ELCA teaches UOJ, with an emphasis on universal absolution, promoting cell groups and unionism, because they are also from the ______ tradition.

Answers to the above test - the correct word for every single blank is Pietist.

The Olde Synodical Conference Pietists Today

  1. They refuse to allow doctrinal discussions, because they hate the Confessions and embrace doctrinal indifference.
  2. They love Church Growth and Emergent Church because both forms of Enthusiasm promote cell groups, the real church in their eyes.
  3. Liturgical worship and Biblical sermons are disappearing because Pietists always favor unLutheran worship.
  4. If a pastor or layman wants to discuss doctrine, that person is shunned and insulted, along with his family members. Anyone who persists in questioning Pietism is expelled as a "trouble-maker" or worse.
  5. The pastors go along with this abuse because they are afraid of being shunned and expelled.
  6. The LCMS, WELS, and ELS happily work with ELCA because they share the same doctrinal foundation - UOJ - and the same repudiation of the Scriptures. Nevertheless, they act holier than thou because Pietists need to keep up appearances. What is more fun than denouncing ELCA while grabbing funds for working with them?
  7. The three Bibles promoted by the Conference partners are: LCMS - the Calvinist ESV; WELS - the Universalist porno-mytho-NIV; ELS - the Babtist NKJV.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Proof That the Olde Synodical Conference Was, And ...":

The effects of doctrinal indifference are severe. On one hand most (W)ELSians will avoid any discussion of doctrine where Scripture and the Confessions are the sole arbiters. On the other hand they will gladly enter into a doctrinal discussion when everything is open to consideration and no interpretation is condemned. An example would be the so-called Bible studies where everyone shares what the verse or chapter means to them and the Pastor, layman or laywoman leading the group simply acknowledges each opinion as a viable alternative.

The result over time is abhorrent to anyone who holds God's Word as the supreme authority and not open to personal interpretation. A prime example is the Synod President's brother, Pastor Neal Schroeder's question at the 2011 Emmaus Conference in Washington state. He asked the Synodical CEO's whether the Lutheran church should continue to teach that God works solely through the Word purely taught and Sacraments rightly distributed. He proposed that God also works through the Word impurely taught and Sacraments wrongly distributed. He had an Eastern European example to fortify his position which he admitted was contrary to the historic Lutheran confession. A few LCMS pastors mumbled, "no,no, no" but most of the attendees had no reaction and simply waited to see if there was a counterpoint from the Synod presidents.

It is a subjective determination as to how far down the road to utter apostasy the (W)ELS has gone. But the appalling lack of public repudiation for all of the unChristian and anti-Lutheran doctrine and practice which is running rampant speaks volumes to the speed at which they are making the journey.

2 Peter 1:20-21, Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.