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Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Flop-Sweat Time for UOJ Enthusiasts - Pope Paul th...":
Any reference to Marquart’s defense of UOJ needs to be met with sincere laughter. This was the same essay in which Marquart called on a worshiper of the Antichrist and defender of the Council of Trent to support the doctrine of UOJ (“Hans Kueng, a world-class, liberal Roman Catholic New Testament scholar” [section 3. The Biblical Basis of “Objective/Subjective Justification”]). http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/djw/lutherantheology.marquartjustification.html
McCain should read Pastor Paul Rydecki’s faithful translation of Aegidius Hunnius’ Theses Opposed to Huberianism
Hunnius, an Orthodox Lutheran who signed the Christian Book of Concord and was actively committed to returning the local churches to orthodoxy, condemned UOJist Samuel Huber for his putrid central doctrine which McCain continues to masticate and force feed to anyone whose mouth is gaping in astonishment over the apostasy of modern Lutherans (in name only).
Thesis 1
Huber professes such a justification, for the sake of which Christ has properly, actually and practically conferred redemption on the entire human race in such a way that sins have been equally remitted to all men, including the Turks (BM-Muslims), and that all men (including unbelievers) have received remission of sins, and that the whole human race has, in actual fact, been received into the grace and bosom of God.
Thesis 3
This universal justification of the entire human race he considers (even without respect to faith in Christ) to be fully completed, sins having been remitted on account of the satisfaction made by the Son of God and swallowed up in His own blood and wounds. These things he says concerning his justification.
Thesis 4
He was pleased to correct this foul and disgusting error in the first legal proceeding before the commissaries. But what he was at that time thought to have vomited out, he swallowed up again in his later writings,...
Thesis 5
...Nevertheless, no one is justified nor does anyone obtain remission of sins from this acquired universal righteousness without the imputation of this acquired righteousness of Christ. But the imputation of righteousness does not take place except through faith.
Thesis 6
Hence Paul, when he expressly discusses justification in Romans 3 and 4, does not know of a justification apart from faith, and especially as Galatians 2 plainly says, "Man is not justified except by faith in Jesus Christ."
Thesis 7
Outside of faith in Christ and without it, man remains in condemnation, according to John 3, "Whoever does not believe has been judged already." And again, "Whoever does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him." And Mark 16, "Whoever does not believe will be condemned." If such a one has already been judged, if the wrath of God remains upon him, if he will be condemned, then in what beautiful way has he been justified? In what splendid manner have his sins been remitted unto him? Indeed, where sins have truly been remitted, there all wrath and condemnation are gone(Rom. 8). "Blessed are they whose sins have been remitted" (Psalm 32). Now then, are all men blessed? Even unbelievers? (Muslims?), Reprobate Jews?
Thesis 8
Therefore, it is certain that no one receives remission of sins for the sake of Christ except the one who believes in Him (Acts 10). Nor is anyone justified from his sins except the one who believes in Christ (Acts 13).
Thesis 9
But let Huber explain to us the mystery of this universal justification of his, and let him set forth in detail when these unbelievers, who have never believed and are not going to believe in the Son of God, ever received the remission of sins and were justified before God?
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Try Hunnius, Who Understood Samuel Huber, The Prot...":
Also Hunnius I believe was the author of Saxon Visitation Articles, a document contra Calvinism.
The argument by Hunnius is this also - if you like Huber believe in unconditional election and you do not care that it is through faith then you are obliged to go down the path of Irressitible Grace ie. the lock stock and barrel TULIP.
As a former Calvinist, I would say yes indeed Hunnius is right because that is what it leads - a grace that is never resistible
I admire this Hunnius guy, he knew what Calvinism entailed.
The Fake Ichabod commenters are ignoramuses about this stuff because they only spew out their own propaganda. Since they are ignoramuses about Calvinism, they could not see that in themselves, could not see it while they are in it.