Saturday, June 2, 2012

If Adultery Is Not Enough To Boost Your Career in WELS,
Try the Appleton Liquid Diet - Beer

A steady supply of beer will help a WELS pastor's chance of becoming DP.
Never overlook the value of a DUI arrest:
It won't hurt and it might help.

Hebrews Will Be the New Adult Study

I decided to have a study of Hebrews, since we finished the Pastoral Epistles. I wanted to add to the Hebrews graphics. In doing so I discovered many similarities to the Gospel of John.

Hebrews is the most colorful epistle and unusual in its language. The letter has been attributed to Paul and to Apollos.

I will have some additional introductory material later today. The graphic above is my latest one, as I work through Hebrews. I decided some time ago to do some Photoshop work each day, to build upon my rudimentary skills. The satirical ones are fun, but the most fulfilling work is to illustrate Luther, the Book of Concord, and the Scriptures.

UOJ Enthusiasts Cannot Refute the Scriptures or Luther

Luther's Commentary on Galatians, posted here.
Listen to the UOJ fanatics -
they are all law (their own) and glory in their works.
They hate justification by faith.

Pope Paul, the Unlearned Plagiarist,
Has Found His Brother in the UOJ Un-Faith - Tim Glende

From Tim Glende's Anonymous Blog:

Paul McCain

My blogs

"Fake scholar"
"Fake pastor"
"Fake professor"

But, I'd add to your list:

June 2, 2012 1:45 PM

 GJ - 
Pope Paul McCain does not apologize for his plagiarism, for sinuflecting to Rome. All his comments piled up high will not absolve him from breaking the law. We cannot steal the original words of others and claim them as our own. 

Yet McCain takes $182,000 a year from Concordia Publishing House to pose as an editor. If CPH imagines someone is using their stuff - oh my! They pounce instantly. The post above is the real McCain. He has found a UOJ/CG brother in Tim Glende. They "work" the same way.

Nevertheless, plagiarism is against the law. Glende is another plagiarist who denies copying without attribution. His response to the evidence was to excommunicate the attorney who told him the truth. Remember WELS' love for Matthew 18?  

When the district pastors and laity wanted to meet with the District Pope, Deputy Doug, he set up a meeting finally and skipped it, leaving a letter that blamed me for his troubles.

McCain could always find a job in WELS if he finally gets the Left Foot of Fellowship from Missouri. He could copy and paste for Ski and Glende.

DP Doug says there is nothing wrong with plagiarism. Lots of his pastors do it. When the Bethany Appleton pastor got caught copying Swindoll verbatim and taking credit for it, the pastor accused his accusers of...wait for it...violating Matthew 18. Yes, he was truly sorry - sorry he got caught.

Bethany in Appleton hosts Church and Change conferences, but why not? SP Schroeder backs Jeske and the Changers, protecting and promoting them.


In Paul McCain's Copying Work - "Source" Means a Roman Catholic Website

Do not annoy Paul McCain with Lutheran doctrine
or the facts.

Paul McCain wants people to read Roman Catholic material, but he does not admit this in his flimsy citations.

The latest violation is his Justin Martyr post. It is not one of his 100% copied pieces, with little or no citation, but once again, "source" means a Roman Catholic website.

The Roman Catholics have a massive apologetics efforts, but the Lutherans are content to promote Fuller Seminary (LCMS, ELCA, ELS and WELS) and Roman Catholicism/EO (LCMS, ELCA, WELS, ELS).

Roman Catholic Archbishop Weakland and his priests gave
a series of lectures at Wisconsin Lutheran College, (WELS).

Floyd Stolzenburg was kicked out of the LCMS "for cause,"
so WELS adopted him as their Church Growth expert in Columbus.
When he finally wore out his welcome, they endorsed him for a parish.
The ELS welcomed him as a money source for Thoughts of Faith.
Remember that when the "conservative" Lutherans knock the Church of Rome
they secretly admire and emulate.
The Glende boys grew up in the congregation Floyd infected with CG.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - KALAMAZOO, MI: Disgraced Rector given $468,000
In Severance Payout by Bishop.
Mainline Denominations - Like WELS and LCMS -
Reward Incompetence

"We are walking together with WELS and Missouri,
thanks to Thrivent."

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - KALAMAZOO, MI: Disgraced Rector given $468,000 in Severance Payout by Bishop:

Three days after shoving a 74-year old parishioner Marcia Morrison, the rector of troubled St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Kalamazoo resigned and has been given a $468,000 payout by Western Michigan Bishop Robert Gepert.

The Rev. Jay Lawlor, 41, served a brief 21 months as rector of the parish. Parishioners described his tenure as uninspiring and said he was unqualified to lead. One parishioner described him as "inept" and "narcissistic" and a "puppet of Bishop Gepert."

Church members say there has been tension in the parish ever since Lawlor started as rector in July '09 and continued till March '11 when he tended his resignation to the satisfaction of the vast majority of the parish who wanted him gone. Last fall, the diocesan office got involved in trying to resolve the dispute.

On March 2, Bishop Gepert sent a letter to parishioners informing them that he was taking over the parish and disbanding its lay board. At that time, Gepert announced that Lawlor would be going on a four-month leave, but first Lawlor had been was ordered to downsize the church staff.

On March 3, Lawlor terminated the employment of the parish secretary, music director and facilities manager.

After church services on March 6, parishioners confronted Lawlor about these unacceptable changes in the church. Witnesses said Lawlor became upset and headed down the church aisle hitting the elderly lady. He did not stop to apologize. She sued. A jury found him not guilty as the incident did not constitute assault.

The bishop has paid out nearly half a million dollars to Lawlor for a 3 year 9 month severance package, which includes his salary, medical and pension as well as his moving and attorney fees. The grand sum totaled $468,000. The money was taken from an unrestricted bequest fund.

A parishioner described the severance package as "criminal" saying he hoped that with Gepert's tenure being up in 18 months, a new bishop might change things.

Bishop Gepert did not return e-mail requests for an explanation of the payout.

Lawlor left the diocese and moved back to his home state of North Carolina. At his blog he maintains he is a priest and economist who has worked with Jeffery Sachs and the Earth Institute on the MDGs. He says he is founding an interfaith nonprofit aimed at getting faith communities involved in the Millennium Villages Project.

'via Blog this'


LPC has left a new comment on your post "VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - KALAMAZOO, MI: ...":

This is the practice in large companies also. After ruining the company, a CEO gets more when the company goes down than when it is making profit.

Immoral no?



Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - KALAMAZOO, MI: ...":

This issue is going to take on more prominence as days go by and earth worship (satan worship) absorbs other religions.

From the above article (Lawlor) He says he is founding an interfaith nonprofit aimed at getting faith communities involved in the Millennium Villages Project.

Millennium Villages Project

Same goes for LCMS' Pres Harrison's favorite group - Lutheran World Relief and the Lutheran Synods financial glue - Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and their support for the United Nations United Religions Initiative - the new global religion.

Success Kid Has May, 2012 Statistics

Walmart Annual Meeting - Another Quiet Day in NW Arkansas

Celine ended the meeting with a three-song set.
No one sat down during her singing. All the cameras were flashing.

Justin Timerlake wore a hula skirt, imitating the founder, Sam Walton.

Lionel Richie and many others had the audience dancing in the huge Walton stadium,
with 16,000 cheering stockholders packed to the rafters.

Taylor Swift sang her mean song, which she blended perfectly with  smirky close-ups.

Walmart is selling Acts of Valor, an action adventure movie featuring Navy SEALs instead of actors.
The director said, "I am spoiled after working with them."

Many of the associates from all over the world toured the $1.2 billion American art museum,
not far from our woodsy home in Bella Vista.
Admission is free.

Prophetic about how Church and Changers treat everyone, eh?
And I can see you years from now in a bar, talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion but nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing.

But all you are is mean
All you are is mean and a liar and pathetic and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean.

WELS Reports Linked Here - Murdoch NNIV, Dying Schools, and More Diaprax (Process)

Piepenbrink is the latest WELS felon to plea-bargain.
He did not receive a papal absolution, because he skimmed WELS money.
That is considered usurping the power of The Love Shack staff.
SP Schroeder immediately and publicly absolved Joel Hochmuth,
WELS Director of Communications,
for sharing man-boy rape graphics/videos with fellow aficionados.
Plea-bargaining, he should be sentenced soon.

SP Schroeder has little to say. A chart with felony arrests of WELS staffers should be in each annual SP report, so he can say, "Felony arrests dropped 50% this year, but plea-bargains were up." It would add  a note of reality to the traditional smoke and mirror approach.

The Murdoch NNIV gets puff treatment again in the latest TEC report, which is as objective as David Valleskey's analysis of the Church Growth Movement.

The language of the NNIV report proves how little those men are to be trusted with the Word of God.

For example, they write - translations may have doctrinal problems, but those are offset by other doctrinal passages in the Bible that teach the doctrine clearly. Everything is kept delightfully vague, but that principle alone should be enough to get the whole group tossed into Lake Michigan by an angry crowd. Instead, they will be praised and thanked, world without end, Amen.

The old NIV is treated like a favorite, beloved grandma who is slowly slipping away, shovel-ready in the words of President Obama. In reality, the old NIV travesty made the New NIV possible.

Mequon got WELS ready for the NIV by trashing the King James Version every chance they could get. The pastors obliged their overlords by carrying the message to the congregations. Now several generations are trained on the anti-Means of Grace and leaden prose of the NIV.

I may translate the entire report into Word and post it, with highlights, today or tomorrow.

This prediction just came in from a secure, undisclosed location in WELS - the Traitorous Evaluation Commissars will announce they have one more year of grace to use Grandma NIV - oh joy! They will continue to promote the NNIV and claim at the convention next year - "Time's up. We have to approve the NNIV now! Emgency! Blow the ballast tank! Sound the klaxon. The entire Kingdom of God is at stake."

That may sound extreme, some may claim. That is how they managed to buy Prairie and turn a failing Catholic high school into a failing WELS prep school, only to have it find success as a prison.

Good news - Last year, Stroh helped close down the Latte Church
with the female pastor.

Friday, June 1, 2012

UOJ in the Schools

Pastor Dr. Gregory Jackson,

I suppose that you are highly criticized for your emphasis warning against UOJ - universal objective justification teaching which is rampant within Christianity, and now, especially in Lutheranism, the religious Christian persuasion of which you grew [up in] and learned to love, - especially, Luther's teaching and exposition.  But, I contend, that no matter what the criticism is, of you, - your emphasis appears very genuine and timely. [I'll also add, if some don't care for your presentation style, with pics, humor, etc. - that, is to their own educational loss]

But, be that as it may, - I had another stark reminder this week that the UOJ (universal objective justification) teaching of Lutherans, of which you continually trumpet (warn about) is very real, indeed – and, pathetically “alive and kicking!” I happened to come across one of my grandson's 1st grade WELS parochial school paper booklets. It was [is] one of those copied school materials that is stapled together as a simple paper booklet. This one, is 27 pages with pictures to be colored (by the student) on every page. The printed material is somewhat poetic. The booklet is entitled:

"Who is Martin Luther?" - c. 1995 WELS Parish Services Commission on Youth Discipleship - Milwaukee, WI  53222 - Author:  Burow-Gauger - Illustrator: Gail B. Day

One of the portions of this 1st and 2nd grade booklet is, as follows:

Pages 11-12

"John Tetzel came near Wittenberg selling papers that were bad. When Martin read the lies they said, it made him very sad. Luther wrote down many truths-- there were ninety-five in all. Later he told about the Bible and that Jesus saved us all."

Nowhere in this booklet did I recall reading the words, “belief,” “faith” and the “Holy Spirit.” Nowhere in this booklet does it state the hallmark Scriptural teaching of Luther, - that being, that the sinner is justified by God's grace through faith in Christ.

The booklet's error is that it teaches tender souls, that Jesus "saved us all," rather than what the Scripture actually says, that Christ died for all. Just because Christ died for all sins, - that does not then translate into all people being "saved," no more than a cookie jar, is guaranteed to possess cookies within it. Thus, Scripture is, undermined and children are subjected to a type of spiritual molestation. In the process of it all, children miss out on what the Word, actually says:

Galatians 3:11 - "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, the just shall live by faith."

Also:  Romans 3:28 ; Romans 5:1 ; Galatians 2:16 ; Galatians 3:11 ; Galatians 3:24 and James 2:24 
Personally, I think it is repulsive that little minds should be so spiritually abused with false teaching. It's bad enough that church attending adults hear this UOJ (universal objective justification) throughout the church year. But, to spiritually mess up these young minds with this damning doctrine, (as they regularly attend Christian Lutheran schools), is, I believe, inexcusable!

If my first grade grandson is presented [and, he is] the aforementioned teaching about Martin Luther and the erroneous misapplication of Scripture at his WELS parochial elementary school (about) 20 miles from Saginaw, - I then ask:  "What type of false teaching goes on at the MLS (Michigan Lutheran Seminary), there, in Saginaw? Or, is the damage already done from pre-K to 8th grade, - and there is no further need to solidify the UOJ mindset? What then "tops" this false UOJ teaching beginning at grades 9 through 12?

Come to think of it, the aforementioned teaching booklet came out in 1995. That's about 17 years ago - about the same time frame which MLS - Michigan Lutheran Seminary students are about to graduate and then some of them go on to other WELS schools in preparation for teaching and pastoral ministries. I cannot but help conclude, that it's no wonder why there are some Lutheran pastors and teachers out there who avoid Scripture’s teaching about personal faith, belief and the mention of the Holy Spirit's role (from beginning to end)  in the life of the believer. Sadly and pathetically, it’s easier to preach and teach the blanket Lutheran synods’ sanctioned teaching of overall (sinner) absolution through UOJ - universal objective justification. All this is the sorry case for Lutherans and other Protestant Christians who have been so richly and divinely blessed by the great reformer, Martin Luther……….

Nathan M. Bickel - pastor emeritus


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "UOJ in the Schools":

Extra Nos discussion of UOJ with a re-converted UOJist.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zorro Says - "Robe Up!"
Problems with the Glende and Ski Comedy Hour

California wrote:
After watching one of the Who Dunnit? spectacles, some thoughts came to mind.

1.  To the stage performers (apt description, no?),  I say: Breathe deeply and repeat three times in rapid succession--- "It's not about me, it's not about me, it's not about me."  Repeat.  And again.

2.  Does a head-set make you a rock star? Moves like Jagger? Uh, no.  Please stop that ridiculous wandering back and forth all over the stage. 

3.  Does your belly spill over your belt? Ewww, that's gross. Another reason to robe up! 

4.  The old Adam always says "I want to do what I want to do and when I want to do it so don't you tell me I can't!"  The liturgy, in essence, is to curb that particular vanity so seductive to preachers.  I know, I know...but you want to  be relevant and connect and....sigh.

5.  Back to that wandering  across the stage thing:  Do you a bladder condition?  Control yourself and get behind that pulpit. pulpit?!

6.  The tie and shirt look is kind of, well, goofy.  I get it, you want a professional yet edgy look, right? Not to be mean, but it looks as if you forgot something. Just sayin'...

With all due respect, 



Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

More "gold" from Appleton and the (W)ELS.

(W)ELS Pastor Ski
WhoDunnit series 2
00:30 “not going to be as bold as Pastor Tim and call God out. I don’t know if any of you noticed but Pastor Sievert and I tried to slide...(?)...when the lightening hit him we did not be affected. Now I’m not gonna say, not gonna say that God possibly isn’t a suspect, that’s not what I’m gonna say…”
15:50 “because our savior Jesus was on a mission, a mission for you and a mission for me, and through His life and through His death and through His resurrection a broken relationship that sin has caused will be repaired and eternal life would be given to us.”

(W)ELS Pastor Tim Glende
WhoDunnit series 5
3:50: “And if we want to talk back about week one when I talked about God we see God at work, but his handprint, his literal handprint, he wasn’t there actively.”

13:20 “and the Son of the Father was crucified, so that all the sons and daughters of the Father could have eternal life.”

14:00 “he (Barabas) must have said, “There’s no chance I’m free. I have so many crimes and sins against me I’m going to be punished. But he was given a new lease on life. The same is true for us, because the ultimate Son of the Father stood in our place. And released from us all the sins and weight and guilt of all of our problems and said, “you are free, your sins, they are forgiven.”” 


GJ - It is important to note that Uncle John Brug's dogmatic materials mark justification by faith passages in classical orthodoxy as MISLEADING.

The one and only dogma taught at Mequon is this -

the entire world has been declared forgiven of sin and saved, without faith, without the Word. 

That renders all discussions about doctrine, liturgy, music, and creeds obsolete.

Whoever fails to report a criminal assault against a child is a criminal himself.

DP Ed Werner went to his state prison for assaulting girls in his congregation.
But he was born forgiven, according to UOJ.
Deutschlander cannot fit UOJ (the orthodox position!) into the Confessions,
no matter what. What does that make UOJ? Hmm?

UOJ and Pietism go well together.
Knapp is still in print today, 
and UOJ is the only dogma of mainline Protestantism.
The translator was a ... Calvinist!

WELS Pastor Joel Lillo Must Also Be Glad
That Jesus Rode a Hog

Joel Lillo, Fox Valley has left a new comment on your post "Church to Bless Bikes for Summer Riding Season - S...":

I actually do a bike blessing. I have a couple of members who are big Harley enthusiasts and ask me to go through the liturgy for travel that is in the little agenda book that NPH published a few years ago whenever they're about to go on a big trip. It's actually a very well written little order of service and serves the purpose very well.


Harley Davidson - Our theme for today's WELS sermon.

WELS Pastor Scott Oelhafen, the author of this...uh....the author. 

I Am so Glad that Jesus Rode a 'Hog'

A sermon by Pastor Scott Oelhafen

August 31/September 1, 2003 - Pentecost 12

Text: Luke 8: 26-39
(Posted but no longer available on the congregation's website--Trinity, Waukesha)

[GJ - That particular Sunday marked the 100th anniverary of Harley Davidson. Few ministers can manage a product tie-in so deftly. I hope the Harley Davidson folks preserved this commercial message on their website.]

1. He proved His heavenly horsepower
2. He promoted His heavenly mission
(Special thanks to Trinity member Greg Heichelbeck for parking his Harley Davidson motorcycle in front of our church for this sermon and for loaning me his Harley merchandise for this service).

Dear friends of Jesus,
They came this past week all dressed up and places to go. Did you see them? They came motoring across the country, state, and city, revving their engines. Undoubtedly, you heard them. From the city streets, to the parking lots and even in the hallways, their mommas were proud of them. It was truly a sight to behold. Of course you, know what I´m talking about. School started this past week and students, staff, and parents returned to the classroom. Okay -- that´s not what I´m referring to. Unless, you´ve been sequestered in a cabin in the Northwoods for the past few months, you´ll know that Metro-Milwaukee has welcomed more than an estimated half-a-million Harley-Davidson motorcycle enthusiasts. With their world headquarters here in Milwaukee, Harley-Davidson is celebrating its 100th birthday. It´s a popular motorcycle company holding 46% of the sales in North America.

We have a number of Trinity members that are associated with Harley. If you talk with them, they´ll tell you why someone wants to buy a Harley. They´ll tell you that when a customer is buying a Harley, he or she is buying an image first and a motorcycle second. So what´s the image of Harley-Davidson? Most people get their image from the movies like The Wild One in 1953 or Easy Rider in 1969. Harley riders are pictured as big, tough, rebels without a cause. But, remember these words, your mom probably first spoke to you: “don´t always judge a book by it´s cover.’ Some years ago a young, single school teacher decided to travel across America to see the sights she had taught about. Traveling alone in a truck and a camper in tow, she found herself on Interstate 5, near Sacramento, California. In rush-hour traffic, wouldn´t you know it, her water pump blew. She was tired and scared. In spite of the traffic jam, no one seemed interested in helping her. Leaning up against her trailer, she finally prayed, and this was her prayer: “Please God, send me an angel .. preferably one with mechanical experience.’ Four minutes later, a huge Harley drove up, ridden by an enormous man, sporting long black hair, a beard and multiple tattoos. With an incredible air of confidence, he jumped off his Harley, barely glanced at the young woman, and went to work on the truck. Within another few minutes, he flagged down a large truck, attached the tow chain to frame of the disabled truck. He whisked the truck off the freeway to a side street where he continued to work on the truck. The intimidated teacher was too overwhelmed to speak -- especially, when she read the paralyzing words off his leather jacket – “Hell´s Angels, California.’ Yes, God had sent her an angel she wasn´t expecting. As he finished the repair, she finally got up the courage to say: “Thanks so much.’ Noticing her fear, he looked right in her eyes and simply said: “Don´t always judge a book by it´s (sic) cover. You may not know who you´re talking to.’ And with that, he smiled, closed the hood of her truck, and straddled his Harley. He was gone as quickly as he appeared. “Don´t judge a book by it´s cover.’ Good advice – especially when it comes to the greatest person in history – Jesus Christ. Most people who saw Jesus weren´t impressed by Him. Jesus didn´t have the kind of education or degrees that would´ve attracted attention. He didn´t come from a prominent family – just the adopted son of a carpenter from an unknown hick-town known as Nazareth. Isaiah told us ahead of time in his prophesy concerning Jesus Christ: He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him (Isaiah 53:3). Most people would call Jesus the original “rebel without a cause.’ He certainly didn´t fit in to what most people were expecting in a Savior. Sadly, most people of His day dismissed Jesus as unimportant and irrelevant (like many do today). Jesus didn´t fit in to their lifestyle and His Word didn´t appeal to their way of thinking. So they wrote Jesus off. In doing so, they missed out on a God-centered purpose for life now, and an eternity with God in the future. Let´s not make the same mistake. You probably know the nickname for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, don´t you? They´re known as hogs. If you could see the divine Jesus walking among us, I´d like to think that that Jesus could identify with us as human beings. And I´ll bet that even Jesus would ride a Harley this weekend. I don´t know He´d choose a Harley model like Low-rider, Fat Boy, or Heritage. But, as our sermon text will show us, I Am So Glad that Jesus Rode a Hog. In the Biblical account of demon-possession, we´ll hear again how Jesus rode those demon-possessed hogs or pigs, right out of town. But, Jesus did this for good reasons. Jesus Rode Those Hogs to prove His divine horsepower. And Jesus Rode Those Hogs to promote His heavenly mission.

I find it very interesting, and maybe you do too, that of all the places to go in the United States, Milwaukee, Wisconsin has been chosen by Harley-Davidson riders as they (sic) place to be. It´s a place by a lake. Listen to another gathering by another lake, albeit a smaller one, that´s recorded for the ages for us to visit time and time again. Listen as our sermon reading begins: 26 They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes,[2] which is across the lake from Galilee. 27 When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don't torture me!" 29 For Jesus had commanded the evil[3] spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. Demon possession still attracts a lot of curious fans, especially in college or around Halloween. Just look at the movies that will be advertised in the coming few weeks. Most people just laugh demon possession off as a Steven Spielberg movie trick or pure science fiction. But, our sermon reading shows us that demon possession is fact, and happens more than we realize. The Bible tells us that there´s a spiritual world behind what we can see (and beyond what news agencies report on), and both angels and demons are locked in a spiritual battle (thank God the book of Revelation tells us that the good angels triumph as do all Christian believers). Think about how horrible demon possession would be: to be controlled by a will not your own. The man of our reading had been demon possessed for some time, away from his family, living among tombs. Actually this Biblical account is recorded in 3 of the 4 Gospel writers. The Gospel writer Mark tells us that the demon would make the man cut himself and cry out at night. What suffering! Listen to what happened next: 30Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" 31"Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. Notice how many demons were in this man. A Roman legion of soldiers numbered between 3000-6000. Incredible – a good-size city (3000-6000) of demons were controlling this man. How horrible, and hopeless! But, one more powerful than Legion had come to this place by a lake and the demons had to acknowledge him. Notice the demons knew who Jesus was: the Son of the Most High God. Though many are quick to dismiss Jesus, even these demons had to admit His identity and bow at his feet. And they knew that Jesus hadn´t come to save them but to judge them. For Jesus had come to do battle with them and they only could retreat. When demons are faced with Jesus – they always lose. Listen to what happened next. 32A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission. 33 When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. To prove that Jesus has all power of heaven and earth at His disposal, and to prove His horsepower as the Savior, Jesus Rode Those Hogs right out of town. For demons are always destructive.

So let me ask you, can you relate to this account of Jesus? I doubt that many here have been in the presence of the demon: Legion. But, each of us has demons that we have to reckon with. Some of us have to daily face the demons of addiction – maybe it´s the demons of drugs, alcohol, pornography, gossip, or materialism (the quest for more and more). Maybe you just can´t stop. Others have to struggle with the demon of death, that makes you feel all alone because your spouse or parent has died and you may feel abandoned. Still others have to face demons of fear, disease, or divorce. We feel trapped and don´t have a ghost of a chance to escape on our own. We can find help only when we begin to realize that we were born as rebels without a cause, rebelling against our creator in what we say, think, and do and deserve nothing but eternal punishment. Yet, remember the Savior´s presence and His words: Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Jesus took our demons, sins, and shame to the cross where He paid the ultimate price – His sufferings and death. Better than a car repair, He paid our way into heaven. And He walked out of the tomb to free us from the ultimate demon of death. Now, He invites us to come to Him and He will give us exactly what we need. Sometimes Jesus chooses to remove those demons with continued prayer, Bible study, and angels of all shapes and sizes who will help us. Sometimes, He chooses to let these demons remain – but always providing His almighty presence, peace, and power. Remember, Jesus Rode a Hog to prove His heavenly horsepower.

But, Jesus also rode that Hog to promote His heavenly mission. Jesus just did what no one else could do. He healed a man who was demon possessed. But, listen to two very different responses to Jesus´ saving activity as our sermon text concludes: 34 When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, 35 and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus' feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 36 Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. 37 Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left. 38 The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, 39 "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him. Can you imagine the crowd shuffling Jesus out of town, after all the good He had done? That´s what happens when people are inconvenienced by Jesus and His Word for our lives. Even though they know the truth, they don´t want what Jesus has come to bring: a new life, a new change from being selfish to being self-less, a change from following sin to following the Savior. And this reaction is the scariest part of our reading – people can actually reject Jesus. You and I can reject Jesus. And Jesus doesn´t force Himself on anyone and He does leave if He´s continually rejected. The second reaction was more amazing and had a happy ending. Jesus had come to be the Savior of the World. That demon possessed man knew it and wanted to tell others. Here we have an unusual witness but one that we can relate to. Jesus gives us the same command: start at home, and let´s talk with our families, friends, and neighbors how Jesus has freed us from Satan´s grip for a life of love and concern for others. There´s no better purpose in life. We too can promote Jesus´ heavenly mission as the Savior of the World. And we can do that today by our encouragement to others, by our invitations, by our offerings and prayers. There just might be someone we know who can be freed from their personal demons if we connect them with Jesus.

Yesterday, I took my family to the Waukesha Expo Center and waterfront by Lake Michigan to see the gathering of Harleys by Lake Michigan. It was amazing to see the chrome bikes, the black leather clothes, and the black and orange t-shirts. But, I guess I was most surprised by the vintage tattoos. I wonder what would happen if I came home with a tattoo to my wife Christine. Do you think she´d like it? The only thing I´d have to wonder about is the pain of removing that tattoo :). But, think about it: you get a tattoo to always remember. Do you realize that each of us are tattooed to God´s hands by virtue of our baptism? We´re tattooed into God´s family, which is even better than being a part of the Harley family. Isaiah tells us in the Bible that God has engraved you on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). God can always see us and see a way for us to be rescued from our earthly and more important eternal problems. So the next time you see a Harley, I pray you´ll remember: Even Jesus Rode a Hog, to prove His Horsepower and promote His heavenly mission. Amen.


GJ - The apple does not fall far from the tree. Wally Oelhafen was in charge of the Michigan District Mission Board, and he loved, loved, loved the Church Growth Movement. Wally only got angry when the CGM was criticized.


Sceleratissimus Lutheranus has left a new comment on your post "Another Children's Sermon from WELS":

I'm speechless, this is the worst example of preaching I've seen to date. You know the definition of a synod is supposed to be people walking together in common support of the Gospel, but I think WEL"S" is now composed of different elements going in different directions. Sorry, as an Orthodox Lutheran I cannot walk in harmony with this CG/Church and Change bilge!


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Joel Lillo Must Also Be Glad That Jesu...":

With apologies to HD owners and employees, my humble opinion is that this whole Harley thing is a pathetic subculture. Most of the young folks can only afford "cr__ch rockets". I'll bet that a lot of HD's profits come from residuals associated with the sale of their trademarked merchandise. A decent, reliable four wheeled vehicle costs a whole lot less than even a used HD. Owning an HD used to be somewhat of a status symbol, but most folks really do not care. There has been some rather serious talk of shutting down the HD corporate HQ in Milwaukee. That would leave only the HD museum left, along with some graying owners.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Joel Lillo Must Also Be Glad That Jesu...":

Pastor Scott Oelhafen
UOJ Sermon
April 1, 2012


GJ - The Sunday gimmick has been used to exhaustion before. The old Methodists had Girl Scout, Boy Scout, bakery, Masonic Lodge, military, and who-knows-what Sundays. That worked fine for a long time, accompanied by sermons where a God without wrath sent His Son without the cross into a world without sin.

Suddenly, the Methodist congregations emptied out, their massy buildings holding a fraction of the old membership, the Sunday School rooms almost empty.

The more relevant and political the Methodist churches became, the less they mattered to anyone. Going up or down the scale of mainline UOJ, one can find many examples of the same.

Gimmicks arrive with the cutesy baby-talk children's sermons, like the one linked above by Brett Meyer. Wally Oelhafen had the same penchant for talking down to everyone. Wally was besotted with the Church Growth Movement, so WELS made him the District Mission Board chairman. WELS required everyone with "mission" in their titles to be Fuller-trained, and Wally was no exception.

What makes it so easy to study at Fuller Seminary? UOJ.

Church to Bless Bikes for Summer Riding Season -
Saline, MI Patch.
Fox Valley WELS Should Try This.
It's Real, It's Relational, It's Relevant

"Look folks, we got on Ichabod with this gimmick."

Church to Bless Bikes for Summer Riding Season - Saline, MI Patch: "Holy Faith Church will kick off the summer riding season with a Blessing of the Bikes service on Sunday, June 10 from 11-11:30 a.m.

This "public liturgy" will take place in the church's parking lot, following an outdoor Mass on the Grass at 10 a.m. All forms of bikes will be blessed, from pedal-pushed to scooters to hogs. There will be a hot dog community meal and a drum circle to follow. "

'via Blog this'

Churchmouse Campanologist - The Diamond Jubilee


Churchmouse Campanologist:

"As we enter a week of official Diamond Jubilee celebrations in thanksgiving of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, let us explore a few facts and figures about her life and the times during which she has served her nation and the Commonwealth countries.

'via Blog this'


Queen Elizabeth II HRH The Queen and Catherine Duchess Of Cambridge, (Kate Middleton) arrive at Leicester City Station as part of The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Tour on March 8, 2012 in London, UK.
Queen Elizabeth II

GJ - Queen Elizabeth is one of the most influential figures of the modern age, although many do not realize it. She became queen when Churchill was Prime Minister, using her considerable power to benefit Western democracies.

The volatile Stuart kings, who left an indelible bad impression on England, inadvertently produced the religious freedom we have in America. No one wanted to go through that again!

The history of Great Britain is the history of the world, from Queen Elizabeth I to the current monarch.


churchmousec ( has left a new comment on your post "Hebrews Is the Most Colorful Book in the New Testa...":

Thank you, Dr Jackson.

I find the Book of Hebrews both inspiring and liberating. It's one of my favourites.

Please remember our Queen in your prayers at the weekend.

Many thanks


churchmousec ( has left a new comment on your post "Churchmouse Campanologist - The Diamond Jubilee":

Thank you, Dr Jackson, for kindly remembering Queen Elizabeth II.

Yes, she has done much for the world in a quiet and orderly way.

As she is only a few years away from approaching Queen Victoria's length of service, we in the UK are gearing up for happy local and national celebrations this weekend and next. The flags and bunting have been up in our area for several days now.

As June 3 is Trinity Sunday, the national church service will be held Tuesday in St Paul's Cathedral [a day off in the UK this year for the Diamond Jubilee], and many parish churches will hold their Service of Thanksgiving the following Sunday.

One of the things which struck me is that the Queen has done much for women without being obnoxious about it. It is a shame that she is not regarded more highly as a role model for young women (perhaps because she goes about her business in a quiet way).

She became Head of State at a young age with much expected of her. The late Queen Mother and George VI prepared her well. (The drama of Edward VIII's abdication still lives on in those aged 50+, through what their parents and teachers told them. Americans might have romanticised it, but it was alarming to the British.)

Another thing the Queen's story disproves, it seems to me, is the necessity for complementarianism among very conservative American Christian men -- not Lutherans, I hasten to add -- to make women subservient to men to such an extent that they lose their ability to think.

Prince Philip, despite his controversial comments on many subjects has, nonetheless, been a particularly able and fitting consort. One has the impression that the Queen relies on him a great deal. They seem to support each other. And they were young sweethearts, she being a few years younger than he.

So, one could say that the Diamond Jubilee marks not only the 60th anniversary of Elizabeth II's service but also serves as a testimony to an earlier and enduring marriage (1947) of equals. One could hardly describe Prince Philip as a wuss or metrosexual. He's a strong man in his own right (having served in the Royal Navy in various Second World War battles) and has firm opinions, not all of them well received by either side of the socio-political spectrum.

Perhaps you and some of your older readers saw (as I did) the late 1960s documentary on the Royal Family when it aired at the time -- compelling viewing of their everyday lives, not so different to the rest of us in many ways. It would be great if they reran it this year, but I haven't yet seen any mention of plans to do so.

My thanks

PS -- Thanks for the new graphic! Excellent! :)

Ski and Glende Wandering on the Stage,
Sugarcoating the Gospel,
Trying to Make Their UOJ Appealing

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

More "gold" from Appleton and the (W)ELS.

(W)ELS Pastor Ski

WhoDunnit series 2

00:30 “not going to be as bold as Pastor Tim and call God out. I don’t know if any of you noticed but Pastor Sievert and I tried to slide...(?)...when the lightening hit him we did not be affected. Now I’m not gonna say, not gonna say that God possibly isn’t a suspect, that’s not what I’m gonna say…”

15:50 “because our Savior Jesus was on a mission, a mission for you and a mission for me, and through His life and through His death and through His resurrection a broken relationship that sin has caused will be repaired and eternal life would be given to us.”


GJ - Gimmicks are common among the Arminians (Decision Theology). One of the conservative Luthean books of the early 20th century complained about Lutherans imitating the revivalists, shouting "Ha!" every so often.

Now the common form of preaching is to say cute things about the Biblical message. The Bible is really a detective novel, a whodunnit. Are they putting God or the Bible on trial in the pompous series of messages? Since three of the culprits are involved, the leaden style of Mequon cannot be blamed on one person alone. Cuteness does not rescue their presentation, although they probably think they are really great, since they put it up on YouTube: Party in the Fox Valley Circuit.

Wandering around the stage, chancel, or the whole nave is a common feature. today. One bishop went from corner to corner, behind the pews, making everyone turn around, smirking that he made people crane their necks.

Oddball dress codes are strange things to copy. Ski likes to wear the clothes that are too shabby for lawn mowing, but the crew adopted business casual for this one - neckties. All this calls attention to the individual rather than the Gospel.

Church Growth is for narcisissistic ministers and laity. Even the staff bios are examples of the Me Generation at work and play.

5 ways to describe you: Blessed by God. Loves his family. Passionate about sharing Jesus in the Valley. Hard worker. Obsessive about Ohio State Football – “Go Bucks!”. 

The Luther sermons posted on this blog show that any lesson can be mined for vast amounts of spiritual insights. The Fox Valley allergies to Luther and their affinities for Groeschel, Driscoll, and the Babtist gay activist Stanley are apparent here. They probably think they are "successful," since they spend a lot of money.

They are not faithful, which is the only requirement for ministers.

KJV 1 Corinthians 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

More of the glory of the (W)ELS - imputation of Christ's righteousness without faith.

Pastor Sievert
WhoDunnit? Part 4

17:10 1 Peter 2:23-24, “…by his wounds you have been healed.” Oh, that Herod would know that message. What a joy it is though that you and I have the privilege to join here on a weekly basis, and hear that our God has healed us. That we are washed clean in the blood of the lamb. Your sins are forgiven. God does not treat us as our sins deserve. And to close our section on ….

18:30 As we see the words of Jesus and we see how our Savior acted, tonight as we leave we remember that our God is not silent with us. Our God is not silent with us, instead we open up His Word, we see what He has done for us. He tells you I love you, He tells you I forgive you and he tells you I have a place in Heaven for you. You are healed, you are at peace.

Professor Robert Wilson, Yale University -
And The Bird of Israel

Luther - "You have as much laughter as you have faith."

Plagiarism and academic dishonesty create a mish-mash in research. For instance, I wonder how two men could carry around the same page from the same unknown book for years, carefully quote it, and yet not know its source. When I find another version of the post, without the snarky introduction to the list of Biblical verses, I have to puzzle over the original source. 

I had a paperback book on the Creeds, in the 1960s, with a similar list. It is not exactly the Rosetta Stone. Anyone with a concordance could find the same thing - and that would be original research instead of copying.

Titles of Majesty
My teacher for Genesis in Hebrew at Yale was Mr. Robert Wilson. He later became a full professor. No one was called "Dr." or "Professor" at Yale Divinity, because every single one had an earned PhD. When a professor passed out a syllabus, it always used "Mr." as the title, and students addressed professors as "Mr." We had one woman on the faculty, Margaret Farley, but she was in Leftist ethics.

Thus it always amused me later when Lutheran CG ministers got into a drive-by DMin program and called themselves "Dr." before the ink dried on their certificates. Larry Olson, DMin (Fuller Seminary), will not answer questions in class unless he is addressed as "Dr. Olson." He constantly corrects people who call him Larry, because he is Lawrence!

Is he "apt to teach" or inept? His students prayed for him to take the call to India. But God is punishing WELS with more years of the Olson oppression at Martin Luther College. Does anyone sense some irony, with Luther losing his doctorate when DMLC took over NWC, and they put a fake doctor in to teach theology?

The Bird of Israel - Old Testament Scholarship
Back to Wilson. He was doing research when he came across repeated references to a scholarly book called The Bird of Israel. Everyone seemed to quote the same book, the same page. He kept looking until he found the original typo. The author or printer should have had The Birth of Israel, but changed Birth to Bird.

The Bird of Israel appeared because no one went back to the original to read the source. They were simply copying one another's footnotes, a common but dastardly practice among lazy academics. Lazy bloggers do the same thing, such as McCain copying a typo from Aardvark Alley and not even noticing the mistake.

Copying a quotation from another source is perfectly fine, if the trail of evidence is clearly shown. If there is a nifty quotation in a book, pointing to a source I do not have, I can identify it this way -

Original source of the quotation (example - Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire), cited in 
Tim Glende's fake blog, retrieved on April 1, 2012. And I would give the URL where it was found at the time, before it was erased. 

When WELS began lying in print about the Church Growth Movement, I revved up Megatron, the legendary database, and began copying every CG quotation I could find, starting with Wayne Mueller's deception in The Northwestern Lutheran. I copied the citations into the database because the facts seldom come together again. Soon WELS pastors began sending me materials that I would not have seen except for their possession by the elite, who were invited to special conferences.

When I began quoting everyone about CG, Missouri included, the hows of outrage reached their Father Below, and he jumped in to support their nefarious work. Just as the ELCA pastors did nothing about gay activism for 25 years, the LCMS/WELS/ELS pastors did nothing about CG for 25 years. Now WELS and Missouri have both - CG and gay activism - in Andy Stanley.

My two-fold Mission Vision is:
  1. to identify what is happening among the apostates and 
  2. to point people to  the Confessions and the Scriptures.