Saturday, November 10, 2012

No Call Paul Has Trouble with Honesty

Paul T. McCain, MDiv
So, get this, there’s a guy who runs a really wacky web site (RWWS) and whines about the fact that I quote from various sources but do not use Chicago Manual of Style references. He routinely prints a picture of Martin Chemnitz on his site that I took when I was in Braunschweig, Germany several years ago, without attribution of any kind. Go figure! Pretty funny stuff actually.


GJ - Now we discover that Paul McCain is just "quoting from various sources." Like most plagiarists, he has a cover story.

He has routinely copied Roman Catholic and Lutheran publications verbatim with little or no citations, endeavoring to leave the impression that he wrote them. We all got a laugh from McCain copying from The Catholic Encyclopedia and leaving a link to his plagiarism on LutherQuest, as if he wanted us to read Rome's devotion about St. Barnabas or to share in the Miraculous Lactation of Mary, the Got Milk? feeding of St. Bernard. 

Undergraduates do the same thing when I mention their essay was 99% from the Net.
Excuse Number One - "But I gave a citation at the end!" 
Excuse Number Two - "But I changed a few words!"

To copy more than five words in a row, while giving the impression of original writing, is plagiarism. Among many other assertions  McCain claims to be an editor and draws a salary and benefits from Concordia Publishing House. An editor should know this about academic dishonesty, and his overpaid boss Bruce Kintz should know it too. But Bruce unfriended me on Facebook when I gave him the evidence of McCain's plagiarism.

I have never mentioned the Chicago Manual of Style. That is another McCain smokescreen, a straw man. So I demanded the CMS while insidiously stealing his great art? No I said he should stop pretending to write original work when stealing the work of others, especially papalist propaganda.

CPH has no credibility when the top two salaried employees engage in this deception. And where is the apology? McCain demands that people repent and apologize for teaching justification by faith. But like all UOJ Enthusiasts, he considers himself born forgiven and above mortal consequences.

I can usually find his graphics borrowed from the Net. He is grieved that I have borrowed his Chemnitz graphic. But look at how ugly it is. A line comes down his face. I got the impression this was photographed from a book, whoever did it. At any rate, I fixed up the crease-face and used that for the basis of several graphics. At some point a Photoshop becomes original work. Perhaps McCain would like to litigate that point. Doubtless ecclesiastical lawyers have spoken to him more than once about his behavior.

Anyone can see I do not use the crease-face that McCain uses. My earlier point is that McCain will mark the birthday of Chemnitz and act as if he really cares. But does he agree with Chemnitz the Concordist or Rambach the Pietist and Huber the Calvinist?

McCain is another Inspector Javert on the trail of anyone who confesses justification by faith. He desire to claim the creased face of the Second Martin is just as odd as his self-description as a "confessional Lutheran."

In fact, I recall No Call Paul using my version of Chemnitz, without the crease and with the colors adjusted. Those of us with more than copy and paste skills can do that sort of thing.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel said...
Ichabod -

I will be gracious with this McCain plagiarizer guy. Hence, I will put the best construction on this issue. I think that the St. Bernard admirer cannot help himself. Perhaps, he should stop spiking his Mother Mary lactation milk?


Paul McCain has left a new comment on your post "No Call Paul Has Trouble with Honesty":

Greg, thanks for helping us understand your situational ethics. Love it. You are one really funny guy.

It is ok for you to steal intellectual property as long as you doctor it up on photoshop (sic).

Interesting understanding you have there of copyright law and the seventh commandment.

You crack me up.

Can you please work up some more photoshop (sic) stuff of me as the Pope?

I rather like it. I think I look great in papal duds.

: )



GJ - I thought they taught editors at editor school to honor a trademark. Photoshop is a trademark. To use the word in lowercase is similar to dishonoring the trademark. Zipper was a trademark until it fell into common usage. Coke and Pepsi want to remain distinctive, to retain their claim, so food vendors will always correct a Pepsi order when they only have Coke and vice versa. The cola companies send out lawyers to pounce if their brand name is not honored. McCain should know that, but he was a political appointment, as revealed in the massive recall of his botched Book of Concord publication.

Read about McCain's epic fail on the Book of Concord here:

Lutheran Laity - Here Are Some Graphics for You

A Lutheran I know from Ohio phoned to say hello. He was outraged by the teaching of forgiveness without faith. He was reading his way through the entire Book of Concord. Inactive for years, he was back in church and participating in the Means of Grace.

Since we were talking about justification by faith, I suggested that he obtain Luther's Galatians Commentary. He looked over his shelf of books and called out the Luther Romans Commentary, which is rather slender, and said, "There it is. Galatians." He had the commentary that summed up Luther's teaching of the Gospel, and yet most clergy know more about the Grateful Dead than they do about Galatians.

This is the most read post since June of 2010. The second on the list is a collection of Luther quotations. I have nothing against the saints, but Lutherans need a lot more Biblical exposition than they do saint veneration.

Some people get their Friar Tucks in a knot because they fear their bad photographs will be Photoshopped and used to promote sound doctrine. I welcome copying but have no fears about my majestic Photoshops being copied by the fake Lutherans.

Would Paul McCain copy any of my Photoshops and caption them thus? - "Now I see that there is no forgiveness without faith. Thank you for guiding me from the Stygian darkness of UOJ."


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Lutheran Laity - Here Are Some Graphics for You":

The apostates in the Lutheran Synods are caught between a rock and a hard place - every time they open their mouths to defend their false gospel they expose more of it's contradictions and blasphemies. Yet, they can't stop defending it because there are no Lutheran Confessional documents that teach it - if they don't who will?!

Another clear false defense is seen in Buchholz' 2012 UOJ essay.

Buchholz, "We understand the word "justification" to be defined according to a broader sense of the term, so that it is used in reference to the substitution of the righteousness of Christ for the world's sin; the universal verdict of "not-guilty" pronounced upon Christ as the world's substitute; the achievement of the forgiveness of sins for all people; and the personal attribution of forgiveness and imputation of the righteousness of Christ through faith. This is the position articulated by theologians of the former Synodical Conference. The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are heirs of this doctrinal position."
Page 1

The bolded section teaches that the world has obtained Christ as Mediator for their sins "substitution of the righteousness of Christ for the world's sin". Yet Scripture and the Confessions teach that Christ is Mediator only by the gracious work of the Holy Spirit working faith (the righteousness of Christ) through the Means of Grace.

The Lutheran Confessions
80] AAC That We Obtain The Remission of Sins By Faith Alone In Christ, "The wrath of God cannot be appeased if we set against it our own works, because Christ has been set forth as a Propitiator, so that, for His sake, the Father may become reconciled to us. But Christ is not apprehended as a Mediator except by faith. Therefore, by faith alone we obtain remission of sins when we comfort our hearts with confidence in the mercy promised for Christ's sake."

In addition to this BOC refutation of Buchholz deceptive teaching the BOC defines the only two usages of Justification in Scripture - neither of which applies to the world of unbelievers:

Also, 71] "but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God. And because "to be justified" means that out of unjust men just men are made, or born again, it means also that they are pronounced or accounted just. For Scripture speaks in both ways. [The term "to be justified" is used in two ways: to denote, being converted or regenerated; again, being accounted righteous. Accordingly we wish first to show this, that faith alone makes of an unjust, a just man, i.e., receives remission of sins".

Faithful clergy and laity in the Lutheran Synods need to address the heinous false gospel of UOJ being spoon fed to their children to the eternal detriment of their souls.

Martin Luther - Spurned by Lutherans in Name Only.
Happy Birthday!

The Chief Article of Christianity is justification by faith, but the primary passion of the established Lutheran synods in America  is justification without faith - Universal Objective Justification:

  • ELCA - everyone is forgiven, without faith, without the Word, without the Means of Grace.
  • LCMS - everyone is forgiven, without faith, without the Word, without the Means of Grace.
  • WELS - everyone is forgiven, without faith, without the Word, without the Means of Grace.
  • ELS - everyone is forgiven, without faith, without the Word, without the Means of Grace.
WELS is becoming more confessional:
two of his staffers have confessed to felonies in the last year.

Various bloggers will posture about Luther for a few moments today, but their own dogma rejects the Gospel of the Scriptures.

To make matters worse, they hide their dirty little secret and pretend to teach justification by faith, but they shun, excommunicate, and suspend anyone who teaches what the Reformer risked his life to proclaim.

I remember Jay Webber scoffing at the stupidity of the Kokomo Statements, but now the Torquemada of Ternopil is hard at work enforcing Kokomo. That is how double-talk works: say one thing, mean the opposite. Webber and Buchholz pursue justification by faith with the single-mindedness of Inspector Javert.

Today the Lutherans are obsessed with works and sell indulgences to wealthy adulterers. The "Good News" today is - You were born forgiven, so leave your wife for your mistress. Mess up your children for life. But build us some cathedral-chapels and everything will be fine. The angels will sing and everyone will praise your name.

No Call Paul still clings to the nonsense of Edward Preuss,
the St. Louis professor who became a Roman Catholic advocate.
Something about Preuss resonates with McCain,
who styles himself a "confessional Lutheran."

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther - Spurned by Lutherans in Name Only....":

Just a note. The singular UOJ refrain given the four synods above maybe misleading. Some may get the impression they all teach the same false gospel. The truth is that they all teach a version of Universal Justification but even within the (W)ELS and LCMS there are multiple versions which contradict each other. Read through (W)ELS DP Jon Buchholz' 2012 UOJ essay, much like his 2005 essay, and you'll find a significant amount of time spent deriding various versions within and without his own denomination. [GJ - True, and yet he sounds just like J. P. Meyer, whom he has criticized.]

What the false teachers of UOJ won't admit is that in the world today there is no concord on their man-made rationalist doctrine. That's why those who lead the parade must write long winded defenses every so often. It is the only way to curb their members enthusiasm. And I do mean enthusiasm in the Lutheran sense.

For instance: Buchholz will deny their are saints in Hell. Saints being an individual who has been forgiven of all their sins. (W)ELS Siegbert W. Becker reluctantly walks the reader of his essay through the process step by step to end up with saints in Hell. The LCMS clergy of LutherQuest boldly pronounce that all of the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah who are now in Hell were declared righteous in Christ and were forgiven all of their sins.

Contradiction, inconsistency and lies are the nature of the beast.