Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Milwaukee Roman Catholic - On Wisconsin Lutheran College's Special Speaker - Archbishop Weakland

Unknown has left a new comment on your post "Ordain a Lady - Non-Viral Video Shot Outside an Ep...":

1) I can assure you that the Catholic blogosphere's biggest reaction to this video has been side-splitting laughter.

2) The ladies in the video are young, but the vast majority of "Catholic" advocates of women's ordination are elderly. Many of them have given up on the "institutional Church" and have priested themselves and set up their own churches.

3) Re Archbishop Weakland: I am a Milwaukean. He was more of an embarrassment to his flock than he was to Rome. And also to his monastery, as St. Vincent's made it very clear that he was not welcome back there. He has very few devotees left, and while the damage he has done has not entirely been repaired, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is in better shape than it was 11 years ago. 

"You oppose women's ordination?"

GJ - Thanks for making my point, Unknown. WELS took one of the worst Roman Catholic leaders (doctrine, character, honesty) and made him a featured speaker.

Later WELS lied about the event, which included a series of lectures by his priests as well. WELS said it was a private luncheon of some type, not a public lecture series.

I once had the brochure for the public lecture series.

No one believes a story about WELS until it is officially denied.

Independent Churches Will Increase in Number

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Ordain a Lady - Non-Viral Video Shot Outside an Ep...":

Ichabod -

I found (without looking for it) this video (you highlight) as it was the first one on my one website blog list posting for yesterday.

I think your perspective is spot on; but, will be rejected by those very same church bodies and perspective "leaders," with which you reference. "Hard of spiritual hearing" might be more, the [cause] case.

You certainly do know how to make the best of material found on the web. Thank you for all the information relative to your commentary where Lutheran church bodies are; and where they are headed. I have no doubt that as the decadent culture spirals downhill, Lutheran denominations will follow. After all, what better way to attract people to the already existing many (spiritually dead) church buildings, than to become more and more like the culture? Why heed Scripture about not being conformed to the world? [Romans 12:1-2]

May I make a prediction? As the culture continues to go south; and, as Christian denominations follow; there will become more and more Independent Lutheran churches. I maintain that there are faithful Lutheran pastors (and their perspective congregations) who will not continue to tolerate all the damning spiritual foolishness which emanates from their perspective synodical headquarters.

Nathan M. Bickel 

Time Out, Episode 200 – Time Out

Time Out Rotating Header Image

Time Out, Episode 200 – Time Out:

Time Out, Episode 200

Text: Micah 7
Hymn: 393, Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Kretzmann Commentary: Micah 7
Bonus Bumper: Holst, “Jupiter,” from The Planets
Overtime Bumper: Praetorius, “Vom Himmel Hoch,” from Mass for Christmas Morning
Merry Christmas!
Wait for the God of our salvation…he comes born of a virgin and lying in a manger. Lizzie Palmer brings this out further in her singing of “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly.” Christ the child is Lord of all and born for you.
Special thanks to our overtime contributors:
Jon Ellis
Ed Lamberton
Rev. William Weedon
Steve Stearns
The IggyAntiochus trio
Matthew Pancake
Those who sung on Hark! “The Herald Angels Sing”:
From Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Columbus, OH:
  • Dan Engle and daughters
  • Mark Fergus
  • Molly Leithart
  • Lizzie Palmer
From Risen Savior Lutheran Church, Palm Bay, FL:
  • Gary Held
  • Ruth Lanning
  • Jay Lanning
  • John Brahn
  • Phyliss Derda
  • Cynthia Livingston
  • Marguerite Medina
  • Lois Deibel
  • Matthew Pancake

Setting from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission.

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly

  1. Infant holy,
    Infant lowly,
    For His bed a cattle stall;
    Oxen lowing,
    Little knowing
    Christ the child is Lord of all.
    Swiftly winging,
    Angels singing,
    Bells are ringing,
    Tiddings bringing:
    Christ the child is Lord of all!
    Christ the child is Lord of all!
  2. Flocks were sleeping,
    Shepherds keeping
    Vigils till the morning new
    Saw the glory,
    Heard the story,
    Tidings of a Gospel true.
    Thus rejoicing,
    Free from sorrow,
    Praises voicing,
    Greet the morrow:
    Christ the child was born for you!
    Christ the child was born for you!

'via Blog this'


GJ - I am going to link blogs more often. Blog This! is a handy tool.

Ordain a Lady - Non-Viral Video Shot Outside an Episcopalian Church

Is there a WELS pastor nearby looking for extra work?

Pastor Nathan Bickel sent me this video. I decided against embedding it, so watch "Ordain a Lady" at your own risk. Usually YouTube comments are obnoxious, crude, or obscene - often all three.

"Ordain a Lady" was shot outside an Episcopalian church, perhaps one closed by their Presiding Bishop - Katie Schori.

Very few denominations have resisted the pressure to ordain women. As the star of the video says, "Don't listen to Paul, cuz I have a call."

Many theological trends can be associated together, since each one nurtures the others.

Enthusiasm is the foundation. Once people ignore the Scriptures as the revealed Word of God, the only norm for faith and practice, something else must become the norm. In the Church of Rome, the pope can generate or verify any dogma he wishes - "from the throne of his heart."

Pentecostals were the first to ordain women. Mainline denominations followed.

Mainline Protestants began by questioning the text and canon of the New Testament. I know of liberal ministers who said from the pulpit, "The New Testament could have 15 or 100 books in it." Therefore, the Bible is just a convenience, so we can baptize societal trends with a few stained glass words.

Feminism, abortion-on-demand, and political activism all paved the way for gay liberation. The jokes I published about ELCA in 1987 have all been fulfilled. For example - "There is plenty of storage room at ELCA headquarters. The closets are all empty." But - when have I been wrong? The only problem is being 25 years early.

WELS and Missouri have already approved the ordination of women, and they have started the process. Everything is a process. Look up Diaprax on ChurchMouse.

WELS and Missouri work with ELCA feminist leaders - and they love their fellowship together. ELCA looks down on its smaller partners in ministry with compassion and understanding. They were once led by male clergy alone. WELS and Missouri will gain much from ELCA insights, and ELCA calls the shots on all cooperative work. Thanks - Thrivent.

WELS already "ordains" women in several ways. John Brug, at the Sausage Factory, endorsed women's ordination years ago, in The Popes Speak, aka the Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly.

Stadler and crew promoted women's ordination, cheered on by Herman Otten's sister, Marie Meyer. I saw them both at Ft. Wayne.

Remember Iver Johnson? He was part of the Stadler team of three pastors. Instead of liberating women , he was liberating the Sixth Commandment. He celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary by divorcing his wife and marrying his mistress.

Iver was an editor of Tiefel's Cult Worship, the Booze and Broads edition.

WELS and Missouri advance women's ordination in baby steps. For example, the Latte Church had a woman ministering the Means of Grace, her words, at its couch and coffee location, which flopped almost as fast as Paul Kuske's Pilgrim Community Church.

WELS used the offering money from its congregations to give women assistants plush salaries for helping to start Church and Change missions. Several got $50,000 a year - very impressive when ordained pastors are not able to make ends meet, choosing between buying meds or groceries.

Missouri does these little skits too, such as having a couple give a "Bible study" at a "prayer study" that looks just like a formal worship service. Al Barry attended one and had no problem with it.

Or Missouri will invite an ELCA lady (pro-abortion, gay ordination advocate) to preach at their congregation. Nothing is done, of course. Feelings would be hurt.

Glende and Ski, who take pride in never telling the truth, mounted an expensive evening service in another part of town, pretended it was a "new urban mission," and appointed Bishop Katie as the assistant to Ski. Church and Change spends church money lavishly, foolishly, reverently.

Soon Katie was jetting around with Glende and Ski, attending all those ministry conferences, such as the Drive raves hosted by gay advocate Andy Stanley.

Just as WELS and Missouri advance women's ordination step-by-step, so also they move gay ordination forward the same way. They already ordain known homosexuals, obviously knowing who they are. They move each one around until there is one scandal too many.

We already know that one notorious homosexual was working at WELS headquarters when he was arrested on felony charges of man-boy porn sharing. Notice how he was absolved immediately by SP Mark Schroeder and given the best lawyer money could buy. In time the charges were reduced and a very light sentence handed out.

It all goes together - signs of the times. Martin Luther College students produce an obvious gay video and claim in print, in the Wisconsin Lutheran College student paper, that they "did not know" they were copying a gay video - Party in the Fire Island Pines. The director of that classic was "Mike Fudge."

Wisconsin Lutheran College - isn't that the Church and Change school where the notorious homosexual archbishop, R. Weakland, gave a public lecture? Oh yes, I still have the graphic.

It all goes together - apostasy. Depart from the Word of God, make excuses, and join the Satanic amen corner of cultural decline.

Archbishop Weakland was such an embarrassment to Rome - think of that -
that his retirement was forced.