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http://welsdocument.blogspot.com/2015/03/synod-appeals-process-what-happens-when.html?showComment=1425594862793 |
MelanchthonMarch 5, 2015 at 4:34 PM
But the congregation itself gave no scriptural or doctrinal basis, either--the Board of Appeals could not "incorporate by reference" (to use a lawyerly term) what did not exist in the first place.
The entirety of the reasoning for the congregation (and therefore the Board of Appeals, since they have no other ground to stand on--the DP's letter also makes it clear that this is the supposed "doctrinal basis"), went like this:
1) Techlin questioned Glende's unusual practices, especially those which seemed to come from heterodox sources and reflect those sources in their doctrinal content
2) Glende is WELS
3) Therefore, Techlin must be questioning WELS teachings
Nevermind that Techlin's entire concern revolved not around "WELS teachings", but specifically actions that Glende took which do not appear to be in line with WELS or any other Lutheran theology. Nevermind that Glende's circuit pastor at the time agreed with Techlin (and still does). THIS is the doctrinal crux of the question and it was never addressed by the congregation, the Board of Appeals, or the DP. No one.
Here are the links to documents from the Anything Goes District.
The entirety of the reasoning for the congregation (and therefore the Board of Appeals, since they have no other ground to stand on--the DP's letter also makes it clear that this is the supposed "doctrinal basis"), went like this:
1) Techlin questioned Glende's unusual practices, especially those which seemed to come from heterodox sources and reflect those sources in their doctrinal content
2) Glende is WELS
3) Therefore, Techlin must be questioning WELS teachings
Nevermind that Techlin's entire concern revolved not around "WELS teachings", but specifically actions that Glende took which do not appear to be in line with WELS or any other Lutheran theology. Nevermind that Glende's circuit pastor at the time agreed with Techlin (and still does). THIS is the doctrinal crux of the question and it was never addressed by the congregation, the Board of Appeals, or the DP. No one.
Here are the links to documents from the Anything Goes District.
A Clarion Call For Faithfulness To The Word
For Faithfulness To The Tenor Of The Gospel
A Presentation And Discussion Of Various Concerns
That Have Been Raised Recently In Our Midst
What is it that has prompted this clarion call to faithfulness, over and above the encouragement that is continually given to all pastors in our synod to “watch your life and doctrine closely.”8 Over the past couple of years a number of issues and concerns have been brought before the District Presidium by various individuals, involving doctrine, practice, and approaches to ministry. Some of them were cleared up immediately, some were the result of misunderstandings and miscommunication and
were resolved through extensive discussion, some fall under the category of legitimate differences of opinion on approaches to ministry, and some called for continued evangelical warnings to the brethren to help them avoid straying from the Word, the Lutheran Confessions, and the tenor of the gospel. It must be stated that at no point in time did the District Presidium find false doctrine being espoused or promoted by anyone. However, through extensive discussion of these matters it became clear that it would be to the benefit of all the brothers in the District to join the discussion, to be the beneficiaries of the fruit of the discussions the District Presidium has already had on these matters, and to receive guidance, direction, and evangelical warning in regard to them, so that we all may continue to be faithful to the Word and faithful to the tenor of
the gospel.
Pastor D.J. Engelbrecht
NWD Pastoral Conference
October 25-26, 2011
From Me (Tony Kubek Jr.) Excerpt from A Clarion Call For Faithfulness…page 2. The document is 18 pages long. If the entire doc is desired, perhaps it can be obtained through a NWD pastor or its presidium. The sentence in the above excerpt that begins with the words (It must be stated...) clarify the misgivings some have. The presentation by the former NWD DP to the district's pastors reflects, precisely, the concerns Mr. Frederick "Rick" Techlin, expressed to his former pastors and congregation. Several pastors and I, who stand with Rick, met with the NWD Presidium, area circuit pastors and WELS President, Pastor Mark Schroeder to discuss the issues highlighted in the paper. The "warnings" and "admonishments" in the presentation validate Rick's concerns.
For Faithfulness To The Tenor Of The Gospel
A Presentation And Discussion Of Various Concerns
That Have Been Raised Recently In Our Midst
What is it that has prompted this clarion call to faithfulness, over and above the encouragement that is continually given to all pastors in our synod to “watch your life and doctrine closely.”8 Over the past couple of years a number of issues and concerns have been brought before the District Presidium by various individuals, involving doctrine, practice, and approaches to ministry. Some of them were cleared up immediately, some were the result of misunderstandings and miscommunication and
were resolved through extensive discussion, some fall under the category of legitimate differences of opinion on approaches to ministry, and some called for continued evangelical warnings to the brethren to help them avoid straying from the Word, the Lutheran Confessions, and the tenor of the gospel. It must be stated that at no point in time did the District Presidium find false doctrine being espoused or promoted by anyone. However, through extensive discussion of these matters it became clear that it would be to the benefit of all the brothers in the District to join the discussion, to be the beneficiaries of the fruit of the discussions the District Presidium has already had on these matters, and to receive guidance, direction, and evangelical warning in regard to them, so that we all may continue to be faithful to the Word and faithful to the tenor of
the gospel.
Pastor D.J. Engelbrecht
NWD Pastoral Conference
October 25-26, 2011
From Me (Tony Kubek Jr.) Excerpt from A Clarion Call For Faithfulness…page 2. The document is 18 pages long. If the entire doc is desired, perhaps it can be obtained through a NWD pastor or its presidium. The sentence in the above excerpt that begins with the words (It must be stated...) clarify the misgivings some have. The presentation by the former NWD DP to the district's pastors reflects, precisely, the concerns Mr. Frederick "Rick" Techlin, expressed to his former pastors and congregation. Several pastors and I, who stand with Rick, met with the NWD Presidium, area circuit pastors and WELS President, Pastor Mark Schroeder to discuss the issues highlighted in the paper. The "warnings" and "admonishments" in the presentation validate Rick's concerns.