Saturday, July 23, 2016

Long Discussion on Facing the Altar for Holy Communion on the ALPB Onlnie Forum

The Episcopals traded their female mini-bishop for a Black one,
not giving up any quota chits. ELCA is tops with two for two
in the US and Canada. The Lutherans may have two two-fers,
but that has not been revealed.
The ELCA-LCMS ALPB Online Forum is having a lengthy discussion about whether it is proper for the minister to be facing the people or the wall during the consecration of Holy Communion.

The efficacy of the Word rather than the compass has not been far.

Conservative Lutherans Join the Death March of Seminaries

The ELCiC bishop for CLC-WELS-ELCA Pastor Horst W. Gutsche
is Susan Johnson.

I posted this article about the upcoming mergers of  previously merged mainline seminaries, such as

  1. Andover-Newton going to Yale Divinity.
  2. Philadelphia ELCA and Gettysburg ELCA joining to cut expenses, 64 years after promising to do so.
  3. Episcopal Seminary at Harvard closing.
  4. Episcopal fragment at Trinity ELCA Seminary packing up: four faculty, 16 students (but bigger by far than Bethany ELS Seminary).
Meanwhile, knowing this was developing, the LCMS-WELS-ELS segment of mainline Protestantism built and remodeled their temples of learning for a drastically shrinking student population. Each sect poured millions upon millions into buildings that are liabilities, not assets, when emptying out.

Seminary student loan debt is more frightening than Hillary's plans for America.

Thrivent is the enabler -
isn't that Mark and Avoid Jeske in the back?

Mark Jeske, Thrivent, ELCA and women pastors -
always together, working harder than Japanese beetles.

How Did This Happen?
Bluntly speaking, the "conservative" Lutheran wing is only slightly to the right of ELCA, a dying sect that makes a mild interest in God look like rock-ribbed orthodoxy. 

In their lust to be relevant, the ELS-LCMS-WELS leaders have chased the mainline bandwagon at full gallop. Not once have they admitted that they are destroying and robbing their denominations by doing this. 

There is a reverse correlation between societal relevance and spiritual health. The early Christians did not celebrate abortion, pan-sexuality, and women's ordination. The LCMS-ELS-WELS leaders do - either through their own programs or their joint-work with ELCA and Thrivent.

All of them have spent millions - with ELCA - in studying how to ruin their sects - at Fuller Seminary, Trinity Seminary, and Willowcreek. WELS gave pastors free scholarships for pastors to study at Willowcreek - though no one offered to send me there for free. 

One only needs to look at worship trends in LCMS-ELS-WELS, which are no different from ELCA or similar near-dead groups:
  • Entertainment means passive services where the members or seekers sit and listen.
  • Pipe organs are ripped out in favor of chintzy, no-talent rock bands.
  • Real sermons, the liturgy, Creeds, hymns, and the Sacraments are banned on Sunday.
  • The male, female and undecided clergy steal their pep talks from each other and from motivational gurus.
  • The message is - "We know you are self-centered hedonists, just like us, so we will cynically cater to the Old Adam and enrich ourselves."
  • Suddenly everyone has to have bar ministry or a Bible study at a bar, something CLC Pastor Dave Koenig did 20 years ago.
  • This approach is marketed as "mission" and "reaching people by any means possible" but it is crass commercialism sanctified by appeals to emotion and the flesh.
The only out ELCA bishop is Guy Ervin,
who was rushed into ordination and his election.
He is married, pictured, but without issue.

The gayer and more feminist - even Lesbian - the mainline seminaries are, the faster they go downhill. The Episcopal school near Harvard has an all-female faculty, except for one man with a lot of tenure. The first female on the list shares her Biblical insights on an "out" site for the ultra-Left church leaders.

The ELCA-ELCiC leadership has only one "out" leader, but one suspects that the new crop that came in with Liz Eaton will reveal themselves when the time is right and the tenure secure.

Bishop Gene Robinson helped accelerate the rapid destruction of his
Episcopal denomination, by leaving his wife, marrying his partner,
divorcing his partner, and playing the victim all the while.

Conservative Lutheran pastors think
ELCA's Nadia Bolz-Webber is cool.

Berry Plants in the Creation Garden

The Peace rose is popular with aphids
and Japanese beetles.

Japanese beetles were in my Peace roses yesterday, reminding me of the need to feed, water, and shelter birds.

Here are tips from Master Gardeners:

Aerial Assault – Birds
Among bird predators, Starlings are the best known beetle-eaters, eating both the grubs and adult beetles.  Other birds known to eat grubs are robins, crows, grackles, catbirds, sparrows, bobwhites, blue jays, eastern kingbirds, woodpeckers and purple martins.  You can often see birds pecking at your lawn — they may be hunting — and eating — beetle grubs among other garden and lawn pests.
By the time the adults have emerged with their protective shells, it becomes harder to control their numbers.  Some birds like Starlings are known to eat the adult beetle although if truth be told, I have never witnessed a bird eating a Japanese Beetle.  Other area birds reputed to be Japanese Beetle eaters include robins, cardinals and catbirds.

Feed Birds Year Round

Next to beneficial insects, songbirds consume the most pest insects in your yard and the best way to attract birds is to provide them with year round food (bird feeders), water, and shelter.  An excellent review of attracting garden pest eating birds can be found at National Wildlife Federation’s eNature website.

Mow The Lawn Properly

Japanese beetles prefer to lay their eggs in turf grass that is short, avoiding grass that is more than 2 inches high.  Tall grass harbors natural beetle egg predators like ground spiders and ants.  And, cool season turf like fescue should be maintained at a higher length regardless for many other good reasons, so consider this one more reason for keeping your lawn mower setting at around 3 to 4 inches. 

GJ - The hint about longer grass may surprise a number of gardeners. Beetles that prey on pests are best sheltered in tall grass and areas that are never disturbed, especially higher ground.

Beautyberries are for birds at the end of the season.

Feeding the Birds - Retail
Yesterday we brought home a barrel of popcorn from the movie theater. Normally they have sunflower seeds in the hanging and platform feeders, finch seed in the squirrel-proof feeder.

Birds are always entertaining at the feeder, and the squirrels sometimes do more than sit on top of the seed and eat. Yesterday two squirrels were having a fight over the top squirrel title and swirling around the whole feeding area.

Wild Strawberries thrive everywhere, blooming early and often.

Feeding the Birds Berries - For Almost Nothing
The Creator has designed many plants to feed the bird population most of the year. Anyone who thinks this is all an accident may drink from my empty coffee cup. I did everything right to make a fresh pot this morning. When I went out to fill a mug and jump-start a blog post, the pot was empty. These are the steps in making a pot:

  1. Empty the thermo-carafe and fill it with hot water.
  2. Empty the coffee basket, place a new filter in it, and spoon 8 measures of coffee grounds into it. Replace the coffee basket in the slot designed for it.
  3. Fill the tank with water.
  4. Empty the hot water from the carafe and place it under the coffee basket.
  5. Make sure it is plugged in and the start button pushed.
This is rather simple - if we omit the steps needed to get fresh water, a coffee pot, and ground coffee. But I missed one step today and had no coffee at first.

I did not press the start button, due to being a quart low in coffee myself. 

Therefore, the production of berries is a constant wonder to me, because these plants, domestic and wild, are always producing food for us and God's creatures, most of the year, with provisions for the end of the season. 

Elderberry flowers create clusters of berries.

Flower and Fruit
Berries are always flowering on their own particular schedule. Our Wild Strawberries were blooming with little yellow flowers in the shade, in early spring. Soon they had bright red berries for the birds. I saw more plants than ever before in the front and backyards.

Berries are a perfect example of Creation, Engineering, and Management. They flower to produce their fruit, feeding nectar and pollen to the pollinators, which make sure berries will form. The berry is the irresistible capsule for the seeds, so birds and humans have food to eat and seeds to plant from the fruit.

One way to ensure birds' favorite plants will grow in the Wild Garden is to stretch wire across it, so birds perch, poop, and plant their digested food, with fertilizer added. Since I have trees, bushes, and mulched areas for birds to enjoy, I have an abundant supply of their favorite foods - long in Wild Strawberries and Pokeweed berries.

The Beauty Berries grow last and linger on their plants, to serve as food for birds at the end of the season. They are toxic to humans.

Pokeberries are another birds-only fruit, growing in the cracks of the sidewalk and achieving full potential in the sun, reaching nine feet tall, stretching out branches to support the birds that first planted it.

Thornless Blackberries and Raspberries enjoy spreading through their root system, turning a few planted canes into a tangle of plants in a year or two. Rabbits adore these tough plants, so they may be a part of keeping them in check. On the other hand, that may be why I have a herd of rabbits in and around our home.

Blueberries like acid soil, so I mulch the pine needles and pine-cones from a neighbor to make a more acidic garden, which Blueberries and Hosta enjoy.

Gooseberries are so easy to grow that they were once a staple of food for rural and self-sufficient families. Talk up berries and someone will say, "My mother made gooseberry pie."

Elderberries are a tall, majestic plant, with large crowns of flowers and the impulse to send up new shoots of Elderberry plants to make a hedge of them. Insects love the flowers of all berries, but these berries are at eye level, so the pollinators are easier to watch at work.

Gooseberries grow on an unglamorous plant.

Management by the Creator
The management of the berry population is often ignored because we take it for granted. The appeal of berries for animals and humans will always ensure that they spread. Grains have to be cultivated. Corn has to be planted at the right time in large masses for its air pollination. Tomatoes - ach, don't get me started. They are tempting and nutritious but fraught with more problems than a sorority in a crowded house.

Lantana flowers create these crinkled fruits.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Rescue Roses - Harvesting and Replanting.
Another Insect Magnet

Veterans Honor Rose:
Fragrant, pure red, lasts forever in the vase, even when left cut on the ground.
One Veterans Honor rose was in a bad place and kept getting stepped on. I moved it to the Blackberry patch temporarily.

I told our neighbor next to Mrs. Wright's home that I should have some extra roses from Gurney's this year. No offer came from Gurney's, which told me that Week's roses were not overplanted and undersold, as they were last year. I got 20 roses for $5 each and enjoyed learning about a lot of great roses that I would not have planted otherwise: Easy Does It, Europeana, Paradise, Purple Splash, and Hot Cocoa.

The Blackberries were crowding the orphan rose, so I decided to offer it to our neighbor. Sassy went outside today and found our neighbor's little terrier in the bush near our house. Sassy flushed the dog out, did a meet and greet, and started to play. The terrier ran over to neighbor's house, and we learned the little doggie can climb his own fence.

The same neighbor and her daughter followed me on Mother's Day and thanked me for the roses I left at their door, so I knew she loved roses but thought they were "difficult to grow."

The plan is to figure a place to put them, and prepare a place one day ahead. I do that by soaking the ground thoroughly the day before. Then the clay is easy to dig but not a mess on transplant day. Meanwhile I will water the Veterans Honor rose extra to build it up.

Purple Splash climbing rose stays in bloom. 

More Rescue Roses
Our helper has two Purple Splash roses growing, and one of our maple trees, too. All are mulched carefully with cardboard and shredded cypress.

Today I saw that my work on the fence roses yielded some Peace roses and Pink Peace roses. The Peace roses were harboring a couple of Japanese beetles, which enraged me. I got my supersharp rose clippers and cut the Peace roses and put them in a vase with water. The beetles wanted to stay in the roses and eat, but I chased them out with the clippers, as much a nightmare for them as they were for the roses.

Pink Peace are intense, deep pink, and very productive. The heat index was Inferno! today so I cut those too, to let them enjoy the cool weather inside.

I watered a long time in the main rose garden yesterday, so I figured some roses would be there as well. The Falling in Love row had several more, perfect in form and delicate in color, mildly fragrant (compared to Stinkin Lincoln, cough). The entire vase was quite a cloud of rose fragrance when I brought it in.

This photo captures the white reverse of Falling in Love,
but not the meanest thorns in rosedom.
This week I cut one stem with four blooms and two buds on it,
which Mrs. I enjoyed indoors.

I noticed that the whole front yard smelled rosy this morning, with only a few roses in full bloom.
The fence roses will become front yard roses next year, so we can enjoy and care for all the roses at once. I can replace the fence roses with some low flowering shrubs like Clethra.

Clethra is an insect magnet, full of flowers, attractive and low growing.

Borage is just starting to bloom, so we ate a few flowers.

This annual herb has bright blue clusters of edible, cucumber-flavored flowers. Studies in Switzerland have shown borage to be exceptionally attractive to beneficial bugs with an average of over 100 beneficials found in just 1-square-yard of borage. In addition, common green lacewings have a very strong preference to lay their eggs on borage. Look for it on garden center seed racks and mail order seed catalogs.
I have sown borage seeds and had them grow all along the Wright fence. This year I have fewer in the back that I can see, but several plants in the front rose garden. They are fun to have in a high traffic area. We used to harvest the flowers all the time in Phoenix, with them growing around the pool.

A garden of roses is a delight to everyone
and a reminder of this great Luther quotation.

Who Is Left Standing in Egyptology at Yale? From 2013.
Now Being Replayed at Fox News with Roger Ailes

John Darnell was considered the department's Indiana Jones.

The first Mrs. Darnell was actually a pioneer in the field
and was listed as a member of the Yale Egyptology faculty.

And who’s left standing?

When John Darnell agreed to a one-year suspension from the Yale faculty following numerous University policy violations, he left the Egyptology division of the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department without a chair and with just one full-time faculty member — associate professor Colleen Manassa ’01 GRD’05, with whom he allegedly had the intimate relationship that led to his suspension.

Hat tip to John Brewer.


A little more eye makeup and she will look like one of the musician women on the walls of the Tomb of Nakht. Does her mummy know how she is behaving?


Nice way to get a promotion – sleep with the boss and get him fired.
If he violated the policy, why is she not also suspended? Presumably she knew about the policy, and the breaking of it, and did nothing to report it. I’m not sure that I see that much difference between what he did, and what she did. (Presuming that it was all consensual.)

Episcopal Seminary Funeral March Underway? - Juicy Ecumenism.
Note How Another Collapse Is Affecting Trinity ELCA Seminary, Also a Merger.
Plus ELCA in Pennsylvania

This is the Episcopal Divinity School near Harvard. My professor Elizabeth Schuessler-Fiorenza taught there after Notre Dame, then received an endowed position at Harvard.
Hartford Seminary became Hartford Seminary Foundation,many years ago - and now it is Hartford Seminary again.

Episcopal Seminary Funeral March Underway? - Juicy Ecumenism:

Episcopal Seminary Funeral March Underway?

In a surprise move, the Board of Trustees for one of the 10 schools educating Episcopal Church seminarians has voted to cease granting degreesat the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year. It is unclear how Episcopal Divinity School of Cambridge, Massachusetts might continue on, with the board stating that it “will explore options for EDS’s future” in the coming year.
Interim Dean Francis Fornaro, who took office in March of 2015 following the departure of former Dean Katharine Ragsdale, will resign in November and stated “I totally disagree with this resolution.” Fornaro is a 1996 graduate of the seminary and previously served as adjunct faculty there.
“A school that has taken on racism, sexism, heterosexism, and multiple interlocking oppressions is now called to rethink its delivery of theological education in a new and changing world,” declared former Washington National Cathedral Dean and EDS Board Chairman Gary Hall in an official announcement. “Ending unsustainable spending is a matter of social justice.”
Hall has significant history with multiple theologically progressive, financially struggling institutions: he also presided over the final years of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary of Evanston, Illinois before it merged with Bexley Hall Seminary of Ohio to form Bexley-Seabury. In 2015, Hall announced that he was stepping down as head of the National Cathedral early, in order for another official to be named that could complete a 10-year fundraising campaign to stabilize the financially struggling church.
Episcopal Divinity School was formed from the 1974 merger of Philadelphia Divinity School and Episcopal Theological School, both of which trace their origins to the mid-1800s. The Cambridge, Massachusetts seminary sold property worth over $33 million to neighboring Lesley University in 2009 in an effort to pay off outstanding debt and regain the school’s financial footing. According to The Living Church, EDS draws 7 percent from its $66 million endowment to cover operating costs; 5 percent or less would be considered sustainable.
In early 2015, Dean Katharine Ragsdale announced that she would be departing as head of the seminary after five rocky years there marked by intense disagreement between faculty and the administration.
Several Mainline Protestant seminaries have been under financial stress in recent years, with American Baptist Churches USA (ABC) and United Church of Christ (UCC)-affiliated Andover-Newton Theological School – the oldest graduate theological institution in the United States – announcing intent to sell its campus and end its residential study program. In January, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia announced that they would each close and re-launch as a single institution. [GJ - I think the Pennsylvania ELCA seminaries must remain legally separate to retain their status with the ATS.]
Of those schools educating Episcopal Church seminarians, the denomination’s flagship General Theological Seminary in New York faced turmoil in 2014 as Dean Kurt Dunkle met opposition from a majority of faculty whose “resignations” were accepted by the GTS board despite not being offered. Eight of the nine dismissed faculty were later “provisionally” reinstated and much of the faculty has since turned over.
Episcopal Divinity School is regarded as one of the Episcopal Church’s most liberal seminaries. The seminary’s board describes EDS as “leaders in educational programs that are enlivened by theologies of liberation, especially the many voices of feminist, congregational, ecumenical, and global studies.”
According to EDS Board Treasurer Dennis Stark, “We are spending six million a year from our endowment, and 30 percent of that is above a reasonable amount.”
According to the school, EDS’s investments are currently valued at approximately $53 million plus the real estate value of its campus, which is adjacent to Harvard University. More than half of the endowment is restricted.
UPDATE [7/22/2016]Anglican Ink reports that another progressive Episcopal Church seminary, Bexley-Seabury, is closing its Columbus, Ohio campus partnership with Trinity Lutheran Seminary (ELCA) and will consolidate its presence at UCC-affiliated Chicago Theological Seminary. Bexley-Seabury had already shuttered a Rochester, NY campus partnership with Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in 2008. Bexley-Seabury has a full-time enrollment of 17 students and four full-time faculty as of autumn 2015.

'via Blog this'

Vines and Asparagus - A Long Wait But Worth It

 I will need to rent a truck to harvest the asparagus.

Many refuse to grow asparagus because they have to wait to start harvesting it. My experience is that there is nothing better than asparagus from the yard. In fact, we ate most of it raw in Midland.

Asparagus is better now. One can buy male plants that do not use up energy in going to seed. The plants are sent fairly well developed and ready to grow. The old instructions made asparagus growing sound like building the Great Wall of China. I simply dig shallow holes, plant the rubbery crowns, cover and mulch them.

Birds plant asparagus in the wild, along fences. If you need more information, send me an email. When we visited our farm cousins, we looked for asparagus along the fences.

Vines Take Time Too
I have learned that vines also take time. That goes against our assumptions. Don't many homes have vines growing on them. We had English ivy on the front of our house, just a little. It has taken four years for it to cover the front porch and picture window area. From there it decided to invade the rose garden. Like Burmuda grass and Blackberries, a can grow from its tips by rooting itself, and expanding form there.

God created vines for vertical use of the sun. I bought three Trumpet Vine sticks, which arrived looking dead. I soaked them overnight in rainwater and they began to grow. Last year they made modest progress, even though I doted on them, like a worried nurse reviving a weak and pale patient.

In the second year the vine began to show its strength. As I hoped, the one planted under the maple tree is now climbing the tree and covering part of the Maple Tree Rose Garden. I reckon the third year of growth will bring some flowers to attract hummingbirds.


Honeysuckle Vines are slow to get established and then take over if left alone. Last year the vine bloomed a bit and that was all. Now it is starting to spread a little. I expect a lot more blooms and growth next year.

Morning Glory
We ended up with a glorious display of Morning Glories from Mr. Gardener parking some old vines next to the fence. They planted themselves, got going on my earthworm fertilized, mulch enhanced soil, and grew fast. That happened so fast that I asked him if he deliberately planted them there. He laughed and explained the accident and worried I did not like them.

Cow Vetch is a delicate plant but some consider it invasive.

Cow Vetch seeds are harvested for budgies.

Cow Vetch
Vetches are related to beans, so they are good for the soil. I had climbing beans come back this year, just because I let them go to seed last year. The seeds stayed safe in the soil and mild winter, then took off.

Cow Vetch is wild here. Some grew and bloomed in the front yard and the back fence. On the back fence we had a blue waterfall of flowers for time. This year I have not seen it, perhaps because birds love the seeds.

Gardeners agree that they see cycles of growth. Some years nothing can stop a certain plant. The next year, nothing will make it grow.

True Diversity
The Creating Word created genuine diversity in the plant and animal world to take care of all contingencies. Nothing is allowed to dominate for long.

For example, Starlings are aggressive and work in large flocks. But they do not take over the bird population. When plants are truly invasive, it is because they are brought into a country where they do not belong - like Kudzu  Vine (US Government) or the Chinese Multiflora Rose (US Government).

Control-freak sects do not allow diversity of thought. That threatens the insecure leaders. In dominating the members and ministers, these petite tyrants deny the gifts of the Spirit and ultimately pay the price.

One layman said of the WELS District Presidents - "They have to be alcoholics. It's the only way they can live with what they have done to others."

WELS planted the Kudzu Vine of Church Growth
and is now dying of staff infections from Larry Olson, DMin Fuller.

Vines and Asparagus - A Long Wait But Worth It

 I will need to rent a truck to harvest the asparagus.

Many refuse to grow asparagus because they have to wait to start harvesting it. My experience is that there is nothing better than asparagus from the yard. In fact, we ate most of it raw in Midland.

Asparagus is better now. One can buy male plants that do not use up energy in going to seed. The plants are sent fairly well developed and ready to grow. The old instructions made asparagus growing sound like building the Great Wall of China. I simply dig shallow holes, plant the rubbery crowns, cover and mulch them.

Birds plant asparagus in the wild, along fences. If you need more information, send me an email. When we visited our farm cousins, we looked for asparagus along the fences.

Vines Take Time Too
I have learned that vines also take time. That goes against our assumptions. Don't many homes have vines growing on them. We had English ivy on the front of our house, just a little. It has taken four years for it to cover the front porch and picture window area. From there it decided to invade the rose garden. Like Burmuda grass and Blackberries, a can grow from its tips by rooting itself, and expanding form there.

God created vines for vertical use of the sun. I bought three Trumpet Vine sticks, which arrived looking dead. I soaked them overnight in rainwater and they began to grow. Last year they made modest progress, even though I doted on them, like a worried nurse reviving a weak and pale patient.

In the second year the vine began to show its strength. As I hoped, the one planted under the maple tree is now climbing the tree and covering part of the Maple Tree Rose Garden. I reckon the third year of growth will bring some flowers to attract hummingbirds.


Honeysuckle Vines are slow to get established and then take over if left alone. Last year the vine bloomed a bit and that was all. Now it is starting to spread a little. I expect a lot more blooms and growth next year.

Morning Glory
We ended up with a glorious display of Morning Glories from Mr. Gardener parking some old vines next to the fence. They planted themselves, got going on my earthworm fertilized, mulch enhanced soil, and grew fast. That happened so fast that I asked him if he deliberately planted them there. He laughed and explained the accident and worried I did not like them.

Cow Vetch is a delicate plant but some consider it invasive.

Cow Vetch seeds are harvested for budgies.

Cow Vetch
Vetches are related to beans, so they are good for the soil. I had climbing beans come back this year, just because I let them go to seed last year. The seeds stayed safe in the soil and mild winter, then took off.

Cow Vetch is wild here. Some grew and bloomed in the front yard and the back fence. On the back fence we had a blue waterfall of flowers for time. This year I have not seen it, perhaps because birds love the seeds.

Gardeners agree that they see cycles of growth. Some years nothing can stop a certain plant. The next year, nothing will make it grow.

True Diversity
The Creating Word created genuine diversity in the plant and animal world to take care of all contingencies. Nothing is allowed to dominate for long.

For example, Starlings are aggressive and work in large flocks. But they do not take over the bird population. When plants are truly invasive, it is because they are brought into a country where they do not belong - like Kudzu  Vine (US Government) or the Chinese Multiflora Rose (US Government).

Control-freak sects to not allow diversity of thought. That threatens the insecure leaders. In dominating the members and ministers, these petite tyrants deny the gifts of the Spirit and ultimately pay the price.

One layman said of the WELS District Presidents - "They have to be alcoholics. It's the only way they can live with what they have done to others."

WELS planted the Kudzu Vine of Church Growth
and is now dying of staff infections from Larry Olson, DMin Fuller.