Saturday, November 12, 2016

Winter Protection for Roses - Easily Done.
Warmth and Fertlizer Fall from the Sky

This is an earthworm's view of a rose.
"You did good work, son."

One reader asked about growing roses in Wisconsin. My response was, "I grew them without problems in Minnesota."

Roses are more like peas, not very happy in hot dry weather,  but productive in cool, wet weather. Peas also do well in Minnesota. We used to wave hello to the Jolly Green Giant on the way to Minneapolis and then to the Little Green Sprout nearby. LeSueur Valley is loaded with peas.

I used to astonish people by planting peas in Midland before the last snow. "Snow peas," I explained. Chemists are not necessarily up to date in botany,  I found out.

Which view is best?

For some reason, people cannot grasp that God engineered many plants for cold weather, so they thrive in the cold. Spinach and peas are champions for early planting  - and there are many more in that category.

The main concern with roses is harsh winter penetrating the soil and killing the bud union, where the hybrid upper part is grafted to the wild rose base. However, God has provided a solution, which I used in New Ulm. I circled the rose bed with chicken wire and filled it up with autumn leaves, four feet high. The interlocking leaves create air voids within the pile, perfect insulation to hold in warmth and keep back the drying, frost-biting winds. We had 60 below wind chill one winter. The roses were fine.

Secondly, the leaves keep the soil creatures active longer in the fall and start them earlier in the spring, to help pull the organic matter into the soil. The melting snow and early rains feed this on the spot composting. I found that the leaves matted down and provided great mulch for spring, so I did not rake the leaves away at all.

Readers will remember, I hope, that leaves were knee-high in my backyard last fall. They were almost as high in early spring. As spring progressed and composting took place on the spot, the entire area consumed the leaves until only a thin layer on top of the cardboard at the end of summer. Heavily watered areas sprouted weeds through the cardboard and leaves, but we covered them with new cardboard, waiting for the promised but not yet fallen leaves.

If roses are still mostly covered up in spring, the start of new growth is the sign that leaves can be pulled away somewhat. However, I suggest just pulling them back a bit to let more sun in. The impact of warmth and spring rains on composting is impressive, especially when the leaves had all winter to break down.

Fungus and bacteria are two of the microbes that serve the plant kingdom by breaking down organic matter into useful chemicals for the roots to take up. Chemical gardeners scoff at leaves, "Not enough N-P-K, too much carbon." But carbon is the element fungi need to grow, and they are so addicted they give up any chemical needed - even water - to get their carbon fix.

The white reverse of the pink Falling in Love rose
creates a striped look in the bud,
then a glow to show off the dominant color.
The tiny spider patrols the bloom to capture pests.

So I look forward to neighbors bagging up their leaves to add to my yard, even though I have trees of my own and a blanket of leaves. But I want several quilts of leaves, so I keep my eyes on the curbs for more.

Today I plan to rake needles from my neighbor's pine trees. She uses them for mulch, too, but the trees outproduce her needs and become an annoyance. I will use them to cover parts of the maple tree rose garden that are too eager to support random weeds and the trees planted by squirrels.

 Fragrant Cloud enjoys plenty of rainfall
and stored rainwater.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans' Day - Veterans' Honor Rose

Veterans' Honor rose has been called
the ultimate red rose, a good way to remember
and thank our military service members.

Veterans' Day reminds me of our friend in Columbus who ran out of the LST for each beach landing in the Pacific, carrying a smoke pot to disguise and protect his fellow soldiers. Norm Woehrle is still alive, in his 90s.

I think of classmates from Moline, living and dead, who served in Viet Nam.

At the reunion previous to the 50th, we had dinner with Dave and Linda Pearson. He had a previous health crisis and passed into eternal life not long after that.

Recently, cousin Peter Ellenberger was honored by his peers in the military, just weeks before he passed away. Phone calls to Pete and Helene were routinely fun, even though he had many health problems. We are so glad he was so pleasantly surprised and uplifted by those in uniform.

Someone - not I - won a trophy with
these Veterans' Honor roses.

Now on Amazon Introduction to the Christian Faith: Jesus Priceless Treasure.
Kindle Edition Available

Introduction to the Christian Faith - Print Edition.
Introduction to the Christian Faith - Kindle E-book Edition

I am moving most of the Lulu books over to Amazon. This is the Amazon author page for Gregory L. Jackson. The author page needs some revising, but that will have to wait.

This book was originally published with the current title as the subtitle, the sub-title as the title. Although that causes a bit of confusion, the fact is, the Net picks up on the main title, so I decided to feature the substance of the book, a basic book about the Christian Faith.

For those who like Kindle for their mobile devices and quoting, the best approach is to get Kindle Unlimited for $10 a month and download all the Kindle books you want, even mine, for that tiny sum. $10 a month covers every book listed under Kindle Unlimited - and include all mine in that category.

These publications do not generate direct cash for me. I built in $1 profit for each one to keep prices low, as my personal email suggests - edlp - Every Day Low Prices. At the moment I am putting together three boxes of books to give away to people who showed an interest in my books and some classic Lutheran books.

The goal is to influence others to concentrate on reliable Bibles - like the KJV family - and the best Gospel theologians - Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz.

Introduction to the Christian Faith
A sainted member of Bethany Lutheran Church asked me to write a book about the basics of the Christian faith, so that anyone could study it and get a Scriptural understanding of Christianity.

My other books are about specific topics, such as the efficacy of the Word and Creation. Introduction to the Christian Faith is more general and basic, centered on the Person and work of Jesus Christ the Savior.

Each section deals with Scripture and many include hymn quotations as well.

The print is large and the book is illustrated by Norma Boeckler.

The Next Two Books
I am finishing The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine and then completing Creation Gardening.

I am planning some shorter works in the future, on single topics, like commercialism in the church, the Heidelberg Disputation, 1518, etc.

Free and Low-Cost Books
I favor sending books to people at the astonishingly low author's price, especially in bulk. I can complete an order of various titles, various numbers of each book, in a few minutes. They arrive faster than Amazon promises. Introduction to the Christian Faith is only $3.50 at the author's price.

Those who want to order Christmas gifts might consider ordering via the author's price. Just send an email for an estimate  and mail a check to cover that amount plus shipping.

Free books are given away all the time, because some people have sent gifts to cover free books. The idea is to share printed books, which are kept for a long period of time, and let the Word of God take effect. Matthew 13 has a Parable about the Sower and the Seed, and Paul offered a similar analogy.

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:15 KJV

I Had To Harvest a Queen Elizabeth Rose, Came in with Five Other Varieties.
November 10, 2016

Falling in Love is harboring a little spider;
no toxins mean the beneficial bugs do the work for me.

Fragrant Cloud is on the lower right:
one bud will fill the room with rose fragrance.

Fragrant Cloud shows off a high-pointed bud and bloom
The group photo has Falling in Love on top,
Veterans Honor, Tropicana, and Barbra Streisand in the back,
Queen Elizabeth in front on the left,
Fragrant Cloud on the lower right.

This is either Barbra Streisand or another purple
rose from the first collection we bought for $8 each.

Collections of roses open up our minds about favorite roses. I have had to itch to grow many varieties, but the best surprises came from three group purchases, sight unseen. The first was a TV offer that included Falling in Love, Easy Does It, and Barbra Streisand.

The other two included Europeana, Bride's Dream, Purple Splash, Hot Cocoa, and some others we love.

Secrets of Growing Roses
I promised FB friends that I would reveal my secrets for growing splendid roses. So here they are, soon to be developed in my upcoming book, Creation Gardening.

The title gives away my secrets hiding in plain sight, like the purloined letter of Sherlock Holmes. Nevertheless, the garden chemical industry and lazy gardening writers have obscured the obvious. I will just outline these secrets for now.

  • I assume God created and engineered every single living creature and all elements in our universe, commanding them into existence through His Creating Word - the Logos - as revealed in Genesis 1 and John 1.
  • Every living thing has a purpose, so knowing and using this purpose is the way to enjoy beautiful, productive flowers and food plants.
  • Killing insects with chemicals means killing all the beneficial bugs and spiders while harming the soil and adding toxins to the water table.
  • Leaving pests alone will let the pest-eaters (beneficial bugs, spiders, toads, birds) fill up and reproduce where they are needed most. Very important for roses!
  • Killing fungus (blackspot) works as well as killing weeds, but worst of all, kills beneficial fungus in the soil. Not smart.
  • Killing all weeds is dumb because weeds can be harnessed to feed and harbor birds. Every weed does something good, but they are not always welcome and can be pulled or covered over for building compost.
  • Stored rainwater is a great blessing for all plants, especially roses, so every effort should be made to gather a supply when it rains.

The Four Noble Truths of Rose Gardening
  1. Red wiggler earthworms build, tunnel, and mix the soil, allowing water to penetrate more easily and benefit the plants. They should be purchased and added to every lawn and garden.
  2. Organic mulch improves soil, turns into compost on the spot, holds water, harbors beneficial bugs and spiders, and prevents wind erosion. 
  3. Pruning follows the truth of John 15:1-10. The deadwood must be cut away. The productive branches must be trimmed to make them even more productive. Lazy non-pruners put their roses to sleep by letting them go to seed. 
  4. Roses are not a member of the cactus family, so they are especially vulnerable to drying out or over-watering. They need rainwater first of all, stored water second, and extra watering when those are not available. One good soak a week is necessary.
I ended up with two Hot Cocoa plants for $5 each
last year, when they were in short supply.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dr. Bruce Church and Brett Meyer on UOJ - From 2010

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Seminary Costs Compared - Missouri Leads With Most...":

The seminaries of the ELS, WELS and LCMS, remind me a little of Scientology in that they think their Waltherian doctrine is soooo much better than all other doctrinal systems, including that of other Lutherans, that students ought to pay a pretty penny to learn it. CG doctrine and practice is just another layer of Gnostic secrets that makes LCMS seminaries worthy of being 9th and 11th most expensive in N America, and the ELS and WELS unaccredited seminaries worthy of being more pricey than the average accredited seminary in N America.

The "Gnostic Secrets Premium" (GSP) is about $5 grand, and if you want accredited GSP (LCMS), add another $7 grand:

A religion where you pay to learn secret knowledge that saves you!!!

Scroll down/search for "picture from a Scientology book" and read:


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Sloppy Synod Sermon":

Pastor Samelson states, "But that forgiveness doesn't do me, you, or my neighbor any good without faith"

This UOJ statement that Pastor Samelson regurgitates for spiritual enlightenment is in the same spirit as a secular backwards compliment.

Note that UOJ has God forgiving the whole unbelieving world of their sins but it isn't true and doesn't do them any good unless they believe it. The Triune God who created the world in a Word. Who speaks of what isn't and it is. Who said "Let there be ..." and it was. That same Triune God has in a Word declared the whole unbelieving world forgiven. But it doesn't benefit them unless they believe they're forgiven. UOJ teaches that God declared the whole unbelieving world forgiven of all sin, righteous in Christ, children of the Almighty God, justified and guiltless in His sight - and yet they aren't unless He calls them to believe that they already are. And that faith they use to believe they're already forgiven children of God doesn't do anything but accept that it's true.

UOJists claim that there's only certainty and comfort in Objective Justification as the UOJ doctrine teaches. It's in fact the opposite. The same God who declares them fogiven of all sin when they believe it is the same God who declared them forgiven of all sin while they were unbelievers and it wasn't true then. It didn't benefit them when God declared them forgiven before - how can you be sure it benefits you now - especially since nothing changes through faith. Remember, UOJ teaches faith doesn't do anything but accept what was already declared to be true.

Note that UOJ teaches if faith justifies, if faith does anything to make something a reality (justification of the sinner through the righteousness of Christ) then faith is a work of man and synergistic. This is a clear admission that UOJ teaches faith is from man and not from the Holy Spirit. An example: Faith is a work of man if it brings anything about that wasn't there before. So they remove the activity of faith and replace it with pure passivity. Their UOJ confession still makes it the work of man. If they truly believed that faith is a work of the Holy Spirit then when shown by Scripture and the Confessions that it is only faith that makes a just man from an unjust man the work would be attributed correctly to the Holy Spirit and not to man. No wonder Baptists Stetzer and Stanley are so attractive to the (W)ELS.

Lutheran Confessions
71] but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God. And because "to be justified" means that out of unjust men just men are made, or born again, it means also that they are pronounced or accounted just. For Scripture speaks in both ways. [The term "to be justified" is used in two ways: to denote, being converted or regenerated; again, being accounted righteous. Accordingly we wish first to show this, that faith alone makes of an unjust, a just man, i.e., receives remission of sins".

This BOC declaration alone destroys UOJ for those who are truly Confessional Lutherans:
71] but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God.

And if you're not Confessional, meaning if you don't have a quia subscription to the Lutheran Confessions, you're not Lutheran. Just sayin'...


GJ - WELS does not subscribe to the Book of Concord and says so in one of their divinely inspired collections of essays, either the Wauwatosa set or Our Great Heritage. They are not bound by the Confessions or anything else.

Someone would have to purge the pastors of their synod-worship before they could ever deal with justification by faith. Every WELS discussion begins with their own talking points, which define anything following. The Gnostics would be jealous.

Why Roses? Their Blooming Season Is Long and the Flowers Thrill Everyone

Effortless harvesting, if a few small scratches are ignored.

Rose are not quite as easy as those flowering annuals and hardy perennials that people insert into shallow holes. Designing a garden with perennials and annuals is a challenge, but the effect is great all summer.

Nevertheless, roses are quite easy and repay any extra trouble by producing valuable and valued roses for a long time.

Now that the leaves are finally falling and the colors changing in the sunny South, I can see one more reason why roses are so much fun. The normal flowers are almost done. No one prunes mums, which are losing their color and fading away. Nothing else is really colorful and healthy now - except roses. The rest have closed up for the season - Crepe Myrtle, Rose of Sharon, Hyacinths.

Roses are doing well, in spite of cold nights and light morning frosts. Roses have a long growing season. Of course, it is too easy to ask, "Would you rather have a dozen mums, a dozen daisies, or a dozen roses?"

More importantly, roses surprise us all season, from blooming one month after planting a new, bare-root plant, to those late blooming roses. The last rose of summer is difficult to leave on the bush, because the pests are largely gone, the plant is mature, and autumn rains have refreshed the summer-smitten plant.

The pink KnockOuts are fully blooming right now. I can see them from the end of the block. Closer up, Easy Does It and Veterans Honor are blooming. A Queen Elizabeth has reached six feet to produce a solo bloom.

I am no artist, so I let the Creator paint
the landscape for me.

Every day I am in the rose garden, I turn a corner, around the maple or in the far corner, and see a new bloom. Roses are not as thrilling as grandchildren, but they generate the same thrill of seeing something new and different, something so good that it has to be shared with someone.

 A KnockOut double red blooms fast
and fades fast, but lacks nothing in beauty.

For instance, when Team Jackson grilled on my birthday, we had delicious home-made cheesecake instead of ice cream. On the way out the door, grandson Alex said quietly to me, "Will we have ice cream next time?" I am still chuckling about that, one month later. Mrs. Ichabod will hear it several times more and add her mini-conversations.

Roses power through mistakes I have made. I will give up on one that seems to have been neglected too long. Then it comes back with a perfect flower. One rose in a bud vase will trump any other solo flower.

Fragrant Cloud is like incense in the chapel.

Deception in the November 14, 2016 Christian News.
Denying the Denial of Justification by Faith Alone

This absurd pronouncement appeared on LutherQuest,
Jack Cascione's gathering of yahoos, nogoodniks,
and poorly educated apostates.
"Everyone...have (sic)" everyone is singular.

“Nunes in his preface has words of commendation for Cardinal Avery Dulles, a mentor of Father Richard Neuhaus. Both Dulles and Neuhaus denied the doctrine of Hell and justification by faith alone." Dave Becker

What is more ironic - Herman Otten or Jack Cascione hosting a doctrinal forum?

 McCain quoted this with approval on his
now-erased blog, where he copied The Catholic Encyclopedia
articles verbatim as if he composed them.
Preuss left Concordia Seminary in St. Louis
to become a major Roman Catholic editor.
Co-inky dink? I think not.

Otten seems outraged that the Missouri Synod, which kicked him out, is so kind to liberals and so willing to work with ELCA. Nunes (LCMS) is a choice example, because his vicar from ELCA murdered a woman in the congregation. When I told Otten's stealth friend - Paul McCain, at the Purple Palace - that Missouri obtained ELCA vicars for their congregations, Paul the Plagiarist flipped his wig and denied it. I saw the evidence in writing at the ELCA seminary in Columbus, where vicars wrote up their vicarage adventures. ELCA women preached, baptized, and consecrated in LCMS congregations.

No one has expended more ink denying Justification by Faith than Herm Otten. And that is the elastic bond between ELCA and the LCMS. Because both church bodies teach Justification without Faith, they can get along, plan, worship, and do evangelism together without internal or external contradiction. They are living out their unfaith.

This is why James wrote -
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. (New NIV for the UOJ crowd) James 3:1

Here is a little church history for those who snoozed through their classes in college, seminary, and graduate school. The graduate school reference is gratuitous since so many want to teach without the education needed.

Universal Objective Justification - also OJ and General Justification - came from the Pietists at Halle University. The concept existed in Lutherdom only once before, when Huber was kicked out of Wittenberg for teaching UOJ and attacking Justification by Faith.

Halle taught UOJ, a milder form than the flotsam promoted in the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC-ELCA today, and the Calvinist translator of their major textbook used the terms Objective Justification and Subjective Justification in an explanatory note. Walther learned his UOJ from his Pietistic and syphilitic bishop, Martin Stephan, who learned it at Halle University.

Walther's Pietistic and rationalistic UOJ took some time to dominate the LCMS, and when it did, there was no room for Justification by Faith, which is barely tolerated in Missouri now and excommunicated from WELS, the ELS, and the CLC (sic).

Note that grace is the term used in all the mainline denominations and ELCA to state that everyone in the world is already forgiven and saved, the constant theme of WELS.

When they use the Reformation term Means of Grace, they mean telling the poor souls they are already forgiven and saved. Most laity have the Biblical knowledge to ignore this tripe, but the leaders and professors live it and love it. Their only condemnation is for those who deny their beloved and addicting UOJ.

Trinity in Bridgeton told Otten they would not give any more money to Christian News if Otten published my articles. Anathema sit!

WELS kicked Paul Rydecki out of their sect and tried to foreclose the church property. Anathema sit!

Jack Casione attacked me for quoting Robert Preus, who had many excellent classic quotations against UOJ in Justification and Rome. Anathema sit!

 I copied this from Justification and Rome, Robert Preus.
Can we show some love for Calov, a favorite of
Johann Sebastian Bach?

Pope John the Malefactor responded to a letter about justification with this headline - "How Can Anyone Who Questions UOJ Call Himself a Christian?" - thus excommunicating a layman just for asking about the domga. Anathema sit!

ELCA, WELS, the LCMS, and ELS came from the bowels of Pietism, so they share a common history, a common school (Halle University) and a common heresy - UOJ. The mainline denominations are similarly from the mission initiatives of the Pietists, so they all have the "why can't we all get along" mentality that turned Halle into a center of rationalism in only one generation.

A denomination without a sincere confessional basis cannot resist the go-along-get-along philosophy of Pietism. As long as Missouri and WELS had some leaders who knew and loved the theology and Biblical insights of the Reformation, they thrived. The mighty oaks of the past have fallen and their books have been left forgotten in the archives of used book sales. I can obtain them for $1 plus $4 shipping.

The LCMS leaders are so poorly educated that they call Justification by Faith "Calvinism," showing they do not know Calvinism or the Reformation. Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. (New NIV for the UOJ crowd) James 3:1

Christian News clearly sells to a mixed audience of UOJ fanatics, loyal Babtists, and conservative Roman Catholics. Otten tolerates every dogma but not the Chief Article of the Christian Religion.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Purpose of This Blog - Reformation Biblical Theology - From 2012

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson - Amazon Author Page.

Lutheran Resources - Posted on Ichabod

Melanchthon's Book of Concord Work

The Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord


Martin Luther

Luther - Sermons  - Lenker Edition

Luther - Small Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther - Large Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther - The Smalcald Articles, Book of Concord

Luther - Galatians Commentary, Recommended by the Formula of Concord

Luther - Preface to Romans - Also Called - Introduction to the Romans Commentary


F. Bente's Historical Introductions

Complete Text of Bente's Historical Introductions in One File


The Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration


Martin Chemnitz Press Books - Free PDF downloads

Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure

Jesus Priceless Treasure

Angel Joy

The Story of Jesus in Pictures, In Color

Coloring Book - The Story of Jesus in Pictures

Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith 

Jesus Lord of Creation 

The Wormhaven Gardening Book 

Thy Strong Word - English only edition 

Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant 

Discussion Guide for Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

College Students - Tips for Success

Moline High School 1966 - The Class the Stars Fell On

To Order from

Purchase MCP printed books from here


F. W. Stellhorn's family came across the Atlantic with the Bishop Stephan migration.
L. Fuerbringer mentions him as a Missouri Synod teacher in his memoirs.

From Bruce Church - The Error of Missouri and Lutheran Seminary Costs

Various Formats - The Error of Missouri


H. Schmid - Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

Text Version of Doctrinal Theology - Perfect for Copy and Paste

HTML Version of Doctrinal Theology - Webpage friendly

Another PDF of Doctrinal Theology


This is a zipped folder of all the hymn texts from The Lutheran Hymnal - from the Wittenberg Project

Here are Lutheran Reformation hymn resources.


Order from Amazon.


Project Wittenberg - Texts about Luther and Other Lutherans


Pastor Paul Rydecki is actively translating essential Lutheran materials.
Check out the link below.
Pastor Paul Rydecki's books and links to his stand on justification by faith are here.

Barron - What's In a Name?

Donald and Melania with their Barron.

Some were startled to learn that Trump's youngest son was named Barron, because it sounded like Baron at first, as if the parents giving away titles of nobility.

Not quite. The Hiltons, by J. Randy Taraborrelli, notes that Conrad Hilton's son Barron became friends with Donald Trump when Trump bought the Hilton hotel in Atlantic City. Subsequently, Trump named his last son after Barron Hilton.

But where does the Barron name come from? The family tree shows that Conrad's first wife was Mary Adelaide Barron.

 Roland Bainton was a liberal United Church of Christ minister,
but he believed in faithful research in the original documents.

Research is like putting a vast jigsaw puzzle together. Large and small pieces have their place. Usually most of it cannot be put together, but if most of the parts are together, the overall picture makes sense.

Research means gathering random and conflicting information and theories, because errors and mistakes get published. Some people advance ideas that serve their interests.

One communications speaker told us about latent errors, such as when he told people that logs are left in water "to soak the rocks off." The audience looked at him with puzzled faces as he went on to say, "Sure, people throw rocks in the forest. Some stick to the trees and get into the bark. They have to be soaked off so the rocks don't hit the saws and break them." He slowly realized that a tall tale he heard as a child was lodged in his brain and came out just like that.

Unlike any other field, we have a clear, plain, final voice of the Truth in the Scriptures. No other original book has been so perfectly preserved and kept as written. Anyone can use a trustworthy translation and apply the revealed Word to the issue and resolve the problem in time.

Other textbooks are so obscure for the beginner that their information is hidden by the academic skills needed to interpret it. But the Bible has the Holy Spirit as its interpreter, so every sincere believer can be taught the meaning of the Word of God.

Assaults against the Gospel and the Scriptures will continue until the end of time, and now that includes manipulating and disfiguring the New Testament text itself. But that is only an effect of the Faith taking root, Satan's constant opposition to Christ, and Jesus being conveyed to us by the Word and Sacrament. The battle against the Kingdom of God will never have a truce until the end of time.

The Reign of Dishonesty, Secrecy, and Corruption

I have experienced the dishonesty, secrecy, and corruption of the Lutheran synods, which not only parallel secular politics but even foreshadow the same tactics.

Dishonesty, secrecy, and corruption go together. One signals the dominance of the other two. The WELS cannot admit to anything less than perfection and infallibility. To maintain the mirage, scandals are covered up and denied. I joked with an ELS pastor's wife about the WELS mission that went Pentecostal (Taiwan?). She scowled and rebuked me, "That is not supposed to be discussed."

When a denomination suffers from major crimes - such as murder, embezzlement, sex abuse, child porn - keeping it a secret is the same as protecting the worst criminals and motivating others. The Book of Concord, Large Catechism, Eighth Commandment, points out that identifying public criminal behavior is  not slander.

Luther's words:

284] All this has been said regarding secret sins. But where the sin is quite public so that the judge and everybody know it, you can without any sin avoid him and let him go, because he has brought himself into disgrace, and you may also publicly testify concerning him. For when a matter is public in the light of day, there can be no slandering or false judging or testifying; as, when we now reprove the Pope with his doctrine, which is publicly set forth in books and proclaimed in all the world. For where the sin is public, the reproof also must be public, that every one may learn to guard against it.

This also applies to teaching false doctrine, as the red section makes abundantly clear.

But what do we have today? Questioning the blatant false doctrine - almost verbatim from Fuller Seminary - is slander! I used to keep an Eighth Commandment file, with letters from Gerlach, Kelm, Berg, Nitz, Paul Kuske, Paul Tiefel, James Tiefel, et al.

Meanwhile, how do these consecrated and consecrating leaders deal with issues? They invent, promote, and magnify slander. No one wants to run into the buzz-saw, whether WELS, LCMS, ELS, or CLC (sic). They sew the canker shut, disguise it with make-up, and cannot find this false doctrine or know nothing of the criminal behavior.

What might be a healthy discussion and cleansing of the problem turns into an even bigger problem. The net result is also magnifying of evil and a hardening of hearts, so people say, "Larry Olson is not a problem. Everyone knows he's a heretic," or "Paul Kelm listens to confessionals." One pastor in WELS said, "I cannot disagree with the Circuit Pastor, because the Holy Spirit appointed him." Haha - I have a higher regard for the Trinity than that - I never viewed a tubby, lazy, alcoholic District President as the embodiment of the Holy Spirit.

Roman Catholics teach that the Holy Spirit does not allow the Pope to err in doctrine, so now we have Lutherans aping the papacy in this and other ways.

Run Up to the Election
I had to correct many friends before the election because of the external polls. The public polls were wrong and the exit polls were even worse. Why was that? Polling is a business. They get paid to promote statistical baloney to help their cause, knowing the faked results are lies.

The candidates pay big money for internal polls. Remember that term. The real, secretly viewed polls are closer to the truth. That is why Hillary canceled the fireworks days before the election. They had to apply for the permits weeks in advance to hold the NYC fireworks. They also had to give advance notice of halting them. Everyone was hailing a Clinton victory, and Newsweak (sic) put her on the cover. But Clinton's leaders knew she was doomed.

The media people are so dishonest that they believed the lying external polls and scoffed at anything dissenting from the accepted results. My favorite mockery of the facts was averaging the external polls. Let's say we have a classroom of math incompetents or adroit liars. If we average their results of 8 - 6 x 2 + 4.1, then we will have the correct answer? I do not think so.

God only works through the Word, so whatever happens from applying the Word is good, divinely willed, and bound to prosper God's mission. Tis time to start trusting God's Word rather than man's feeble efforts at manipulation.