Saturday, April 1, 2017

Comfort for Christians - A Blog from My Blogger Friend Alec Satin

Alec's cat condescended to pose
for this beautiful photograph.

Comfort for Christians:

"Why do bad things happen?
Someone once asked the Lord, Who sinned? The man or his parents?

Jesus answered, Neither this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. (John 9:2-3)

No matter what you grapple with in your life, God's grace and goodness can be made manifest in you. This is his will for all his children.

May the things you find here be a help and encouragement to you now and in the future. -Alec Satin"

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Can Mathematics Transform the Episcopal Church? | Virtueonline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism


Can Mathematics Transform the Episcopal Church? | Virtueonline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism: "


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Home»News»Can Mathematics Transform The Episcopal Church?
Can Mathematics Transform the Episcopal Church?

Can Mathematics Transform the Episcopal Church?

By Ladson F. Mills III
April 1, 2017

Clarity came at last to the Episcopal House of Bishops during its recent meeting at Kanuga from a most unexpected source. In her sermon to the house Diocese of Washington Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde candidly admitted her diocese is declining and many parishes financially unsustainable. She identified what was described as the elephant in the room; The Episcopal Church is dying.

Even the most optimistic Episcopalian should hardly find this surprising. After years of disappointment and the last decade dedicated to the predatory annihilation of its orthodox members the truth can no longer be politely overlooked.

There has been something incredibly sad in watching the current Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s attempt to return the 1960’s civil rights movement as a defining issue. And the world has come too far for any serious thinker to equate true justice with transgender toilet choice. As the old joke states, it’s not ‘rocket surgery.’ Just close stall door and get on with it.

Curry follows on the failures of his predecessor Katharine Jefferts Schori who could not rid herself of chancellor David Beers’ toxic influence. Beers would rather litigate than negotiate, but who can blame a man who bills by the hour.

Taking the House of Bishops on the road trips to Taiwan and Ecuador may have been fun, but it exposed a tragic flaw. There is a mounting disconnect between the leadership and those in the pew who bear the cost. It seems at long last the bills have come due.

It is too early to be determined if Budde’s transformation will be lasting, and there are many reasons to be cautious. The Episcopal Church has exercised cruel dominion and friendships which once seemed unbreakable are now broken; perhaps never to be restored. Even my old cynical heart has been broken."

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This drunken bishop ran down the father of two
and then ran away. She was caught.

The Presbyterian Church Is Hollowing Out -
Much Like the LCMS, WELS, ELS, and ELCA.
Should Otten Take His Own Advice?

 April Fool's edition, Christian News, 2017.

Otten's UOJ dogma is precisely what the Presbyterians and mainline apostates teach - universal forgiveness and salvation without faith.

That is why the mainline denominations all preach their church instead of the Gospel. Like the broken down Synodical Conference, they teach against faith, ban faith, shun the faithful, treat ministers and laity like dirt, and wonder why the pews and seminaries are empty.

I know what to do - sponsor another annual once-in-a-lifetime giving opportunity!

Otten has a ton of books that teach Justification by Faith - starting with the Old and New Testaments.

Some others are:

  1. The early LCMS catechisms.
  2. The current KJV Small Catechism, sold by his pal Paul McCain.
  3. The Gausewitz Small Catechism, used by parts of the entire Synodical Conference before it succumbed to UOJ ecumenism with the LCA-ALC groups.
  4. Luther's Sermons.
  5. Luther's Galatians Lectures.
  6. Luther's Small and Large Catechisms.
  7. Luther on Enthusiasm, Smalcald Articles.
  8. Melanchthon's defense of Justification by Faith in the Apology.
  9. Chemnitz.
  10. Hunnius.
  11. Polycarp Leyser - considered an expert on justification.
  12. Gerhard.
  13. Chytraeus.
  14. Andreae.
  15. Calov.
  16. Robert Preus, Justification and Rome.
  17. Jackson, Catholic Lutheran Protestant.

Old and new, Otten's list -
all teach the anti-Gospel of UOJ.
The list could be called Nasty and Nastier.

Please Encourage by Word and Deed, Synod President Harrison

From the opening of the Lenker edition of Luther's Church Postils -

The Church Postil, which Luther himself considered “The best of all his books,” was called forth by the exigency and need of the Church at the time. The majority of the preachers in those days were incapable of working out their own sermons, and were satisfied in reading the Epistle and Gospel lessons, and perhaps besides they read a sermon of another preacher to the congregation. The sermons for this purpose were those by Tauler (d. 1361) and those by Geiler of Kaisersberg (d. 1510). 

But since the latter were not in all parts evangelical Luther concluded he would himself write an explanation of the pericopes of the Church year and place the same in the hands of the preachers for their use. This Luther did not only because the preachers were so incompetent, but also in order to prevent the work of the fanatics and the sects, never however in order to encourage preachers in their laziness to take their sermons from his and other good books, and then never pray, never study and never read and search the Scriptures. (Lenker introduction, vol. 1)

Matt Harrison trimmed his mustache during seminary.

Someone watched the video and observed the attention he paid to how worn the copy of Luther's sermons was.

Harrison would have been more consistent if he had skootched up his slacks to display his Here I Stand socks from Concordia Publishing House.

Ever since 1981 - when Ralph Bohlmann, endorsed by Herman Otten, became Synod President - the Missouri Synod has embraced and promoted the anti-Lutheran dogma and practices from Fuller Seminary.

Barry-McCain did more of the same, and Kieschnick was completely supportive. Harrison-McCain continued the same disastrous course, oblivious to the ruin caused in every part of Lutherdom, including the copycats in WELS and the Little Sect on the Prairie. Someone who took refuge in the CLC said the clergy fell for the same slop.

But ask some Missouri pastors about Justification by Faith - and a buckets of offal will be poured over one's head, allegorically speaking. The same high churchmen, who are so prissy and daintily dressed, will start posting on FB like drunken sailors who had their grog stolen from them.

I hasten to add that the largest group of Justification by Faith pastors are found in the LCMS.

I was amused by Harrison pointing out that these were not actual sermons preached, since some are 100 pages long. The introduction to the Lenker set makes that clear.

Luther concluded he would himself write an explanation of the pericopes of the Church year and place the same in the hands of the preachers for their use. 

I have posted many times that the beginning of any sermon should be a study of the text itself and Luther's sermon on that text. That is a good reason for using the historic pericopes and avoiding the Church of Rome's three-year cycle. (During a time of confessional crisis, we should avoid seeming to go along with others, even in adiaphora. See the Formula of Concord for that insight.)

I dare people to read one of these sermons and claim, "I have learned nothing." In fact, just the opposite is true. In the midst of doing the most mundane kind of proof-reading, people are telling me, "I am learning so much!" And so do I, after all these years of reading Luther.

As Lenski said, the true Christian Church does not grow with programs but with the Word of God. We have returned to the Reformation in the worst way possible. LCMS-WELS-ELS pastors copy and paste sermons from the heretics (just as McCain copied Rome on his plagiarizing blog) - collecting praise, protection, and admiration from the synodical leaders.

Always a Straight Line