Comparing doctrinal quotations is not enough. Doctrinal histories are also inadequate. According to the LCMS dogma - Missouri Immaculata - their sect was born orthodox Lutheran (false), without sin (false), a beacon of truth in a darkened age of folly (suppressed laughter). The Stephan-Walther gang was a cult whose removal to America was welcome and whose scandals rose anew from the immoral, syphilitic legacy of Bishop Stephan.
The best doctrinal quotations from the alleged leaders of Lutherdom are also short of the mark. Considering how the "conservative" Lutherans treated Luther on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, how much more antagonistic must they be toward
- Krauth,
- Schmauk,
- Passavant, and
- Jacobs?
- Melanchthon,
- Chytraeus,
- Chemnitz, and
- Gerhard?
The only path to understanding Justification is through the Scriptural witness. The new book deals almost completely with the Scriptural evidence on its own and the false Scriptural claims raised by those emboldened with the Calvinist Claw Machine, that peculiar skill in pulling out part of a verse create a false foundation for a new dogma.
I will be working on the book a few more days, so I am copying the Table of Contents into this post to give an idea, to encourage any ideas or contributions to what is outlined.
I used a lot of Greek text with KJV because it provides an instant way to compare the wording, especially in seeing a constant repetition of three words in Greek - believed, counted, righteousness - from Genesis 15:6 on.
This book is really an outline for people to use in studying the issues on their own, whether pastors or laity. People take part in our NT Greek lessons so they can be more capable in dealing with the original text.