Thursday, January 17, 2019

From Virtue Onlne - Episcopal Bishop To Be Deposed for Traditional Biblical Views

 Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
Do his actions remind you of Matt Harrison's "established doctrines of the Lutheran Church" (Missouri Synod)?

Virtue Online:

The news broke just before lunch on Friday, January 11.
The Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, dubbed the "love bishop" for his endless talk about love, announced that the godly orthodox Bishop of Albany, William H. Love is hereby "partially restricted" from performing his duties as a bishop, because he had canonically offended the Church by refusing to allow homosexual marriages in his diocese.

Under Canon IV.4(1)(c) he now faces a trial where he will inevitably be inhibited, deposed and thrown out of the Episcopal Church. His ecclesiastical fate is sealed forever.
Bishop Love is a Bible believing, evangelical catholic who believes in God's Word written more than he believes in the efficacy of General Convention resolutions, many of which have gone against God's revealed Word and will for our lives.

He is the last of the orthodox bishops in The Episcopal Church, and now he will soon be gone because he refuses to succumb to the siren call of Resolution B012 which demanded that every diocese allow homoerotic couples to receive the Church's blessing on their coupling, even though Scripture denounces sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman as the only ideal God recognizes and approves.

This resolution is the final stand in a decades long march by Episcopal pansexualists to push their sexual behavior onto a gullible House of Bishops and clergy in the hope that their new-fangled doctrine of inclusion would somehow fill churches with homosexuals and lesbians just waiting to push open the red doors in the name of diversity.

That has not happened. In fact, the reverse has happened. The election and ordination of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire promptly emptied the Episcopal Church of more than 100,000 members, resulting in the birth of the Anglican Church in North America.

But still a handful of bishops, calling themselves Communion Partners, (CP) thought they could stand and stay as the Church's loyal opposition; their views honorably respected by the other side.
Over time, opposition grew dimmer, as one by one the CP bishops died or retired with no replacement for their views being found in incoming new bishops who swore fealty to the prevailing presiding bishop. It also became apparent that the House of Bishops would only give consents to bishops who permitted the progressive and revisionist agenda of the Church. In fact, eligibility to be a bishop, (preferably now women) was only possible if one signed on to the predominant sexual zeitgeist.

The Episcopal Church's progressive and revisionist hierarchy have, tragically, become "kissing Judases" (taken from Søren Kierkegaard) --- followers of Jesus who betray him and his teachings, hell bent with every nerve to reach successive generations of the cultured despisers of the Gospel: and then join them and become like them, no longer faithful to Jesus Christ. As Christian sociologist Os Guinness noted, "Some have surrendered to Enlightenment ideas, and become skeptics about God's sovereignty, or skeptics about human sin, or skeptics about the possibility of the supernatural and any world beyond the here and now."

The Communion Partner bishops are quislings who issued statements disavowing B012, but intent on staying in TEC, becoming traitors of the gospel. They collaborate with Curry and the HOB, washing their hands Pilate fashion, assigning progressive bishops to do what they themselves won't do. They submit "pastoral care" to another bishop or a DEPO bishop, as Central Florida Bishop Greg Brewer has done.

Ironically, Brewer got raked over the coals, when a woman priest, the Rev. Alison Harrity, rector at St. Richard's Episcopal Church in Winter Park, told ENS that when she informed Brewer that two men of the parish had asked her to perform their marriage, the bishop told her, "St. Richard's needs a broader oversight." Brewer delegated episcopal pastoral oversight to Kentucky Bishop Terry Allen White, Harrity said. Brewer "didn't even say, 'Let's have a conversation'; he just gave us away." However, Harrity added that the DEPO arrangement feels freeing to her and the congregation.
But as Jesus reminded his hearers; "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." These quisling bishops who claim the mantle of orthodoxy will have to answer for their sin of commission.

"Any denomination that eliminates a male-female requirement for marriage breaks faith with a foundational element in our Lord Jesus' sexual ethics. It breaks faith also with the apostolic witness to Christ in the New Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures that preceded Jesus, and the historic tradition of the Church universal," writes Dr. Robert Gagnon, theologian and world authority on homosexuality and the Bible.

"Jesus regarded God's creation of "male and female" (Genesis 1:27) as the foundation for all other sexual commands. According to Jesus, God's creation of two complementary sexes is our best indication that God intended marriage to be limited to two persons. This suggests that for Jesus homosexual practice was a more severe violation of God's will at creation than unions involving three or more persons, because it strikes at the very foundation of marriage.

"The Apostle Paul teaches that for a person to attempt sexual union with someone of the same sex is to "dishonor" or "degrade" oneself, for it treats one's sex or gender as only half intact in relation to one's own sex as opposed to the other sex. Rather than have the two halves of the sexual spectrum, male and female, unite to form a single sexual whole, a homosexual union presents a bizarre picture of two incomplete half-males attempting to become a single whole male or two incomplete half females attempting to become a single whole female. Approving homosexual practice in the Church is the antithesis of love because it celebrates that which dishonors the God-bestowed stamp of gender."

Bishop William H. Love will stand before his Lord "in that day" secure in the knowledge that he obeyed Scripture rather than pleasing a group of mitered men and women who approved a resolution that had the blessing of the culture. Theirs may well be a different end.

 In 2004, Bishop and Mrs. Robinson...

 ...tore The Episcopal Church apart.
And then they divorced. ELCA decided to join the fun.
 Bishop Guy Erwin was the Confessional Professor for ELCA, like the gay activist Wengert of Kolb-Wengert Book of Concord fame. The 2009 ELCA vote shattered the denomination.

Variations on a Theme by Satan - Mobbing Shows a Lack of Faith.
As Wise as Doves, As Innocent as Serpents

The Mobbing article by Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's successor at St. Mark, Columbus, continues to incite discussion. The behavior of clergy and laity in denominations and Holy Rome is no different than what can be found in corporations. The one big difference is that corporations necessarily protect people from many forms of abuse because the law says they must.

Religious institutions are not governed by the law in dealing with employees: clergy, teachers, organists, staff. When a married pastor was hitting on a young single teacher, and she sought advice, she was blamed, fired, and removed from the calling list. The pastor was moved, not to repentance, but to another parish. It happened before - he was protected, she was not.

When Stolzenburg was forced to resign his call in St. Louis, he came to Columbus, Ohio. The WELS Michigan District clamored to make him their Church Growth Consultant, even though he was also taken to court by the husband of one of his targets. No problem! The hiring board refused to hire Floyd. No problem! WELS made it happen.

As apostasy spreads through Objective Justification, accelerating apostasy, the evil fruit of non-faith grows in a harvest of shame. I know readers shocked by the facts of the Mobbing article, but they are mild.

I could tell stories of many future pastors who were run down and left for dead by the synodical steamroller - LCMS or WELS - while others did nothing in response. I know unbelieving and adulterous laity can be malicious in serving their Father Below, but they need their synodical bosses to energize, enable, and leverage the damage.

If I told the stories, the men and families involved would be wounded all over again.

The LCMS has an interesting two-faced approach. If someone wants to be Synod President, he better kiss up to Herman Otten. However, anyone dealing openly with Otten will be totally shunned by the mobsters he helped achieve power.

WELS has a similar system. Certain people, like John Brug, keep Herman happy and spin everything for him. They encourage him to spike stories of murder, adultery, alcoholism, and seduction. In turn, Otten treats WELS as doctrinal heaven, a light to lighten the Missourians. But do not identify with Otten as a WELS pastor, or the axe will fall. Everyone knows the rules, but no one can recall who wrote them.

  This is Luther summarizing St. Paul.
He did not organize church socials.

Synods Destroying Themselves
When I first began playing computer chess, I was willing to sacrifice pawns for a seeming advantage. I soon learned how much I needed them in the late game.

The church politicians - all of them - think they can sacrifice people who get in their way, sometimes to make progress, sometimes out of pure spite to make up for their difficulties when being potty trained. They have been sacrificing pastors, teachers, lay leaders, entire congregations - for decades - and now each sect is dead and hollowed out.

One Thing Is Needful
A congregation only needs to teach and preach faith from the Scriptures. I have no less an authority than Jesus on this. The Church is the instrument of the Holy Spirit. Don't we wear red for Pentecost when donning our glad rags for an ordination, installation, or similar event? Yes.

What is the chief office of the Holy Spirit in the Word. Jesus said, "To convict the world of sin..."

"Of sin, because they believe not on Me."

  1. Every Church Growth or Missional program is another basket of weed seed sown.
  2. Every step toward women's ordination is another way to identify with the unbelievers of the feminist covens.
  3. Every political scheme is laying out the battleground in a way ideally suited for Satan and his helpers to win. 
 No more programs!

Herman Otten Criticizes Paul McCain in January 21, 2019 Christian News.
Otten Put McCain in the Purple Palace by Working with Paul Secretly and Lying

Herman Otten told me how Paul McCain, in his first and only parish, sent DP Al Barry's newsletter early to Christian News to publish and make a conservative hero out Barry. Both of them denied colluding, and Otten denied this in print.

McCain invited me to a personal tour of the Purple Palace. The phone rang and it was Otten's number. McCain did not answer it. He said, "If they knew I was talking to Otten, I would be fired."

So Otten got McCain into the Purple Palace and kept him there by denying their game after their plot succeeded. When Barry died, McCain sought grace and favor at the Shrine of the Immaculate Migration (Concordia Historical Institute) and next at Concordia Publishing House. He also had a much-praised (by McCain) blog, which was exposed later as plagiarized from Roman Catholic sources and his friends' blogs. McCain never apologized for his blog's dishonesty, but insists everyone has to apologize for offending him.

LutherQuest (sic) finally realized they were publishing McCain's links to plagiarized hagiographies from The Catholic Encyclopedia. They did not apologize to their readers or explain how easily they were fooled.

When Matt Harrison won the SP election in 2010, who showed up for a triumphant photo tour? Paul McCain.

 When Barry replaced Bohlmann, Bucky Hellwig said,
"At least Bohlmann's administration was polite to us." Was he suggesting that McCain was earning his nickname in Missouri - McNasty?

 Notice how papal Matt the Fatt is - "the official teachings of the Lutheran Church." That is a Roman view of dogma - why they cannot be wrong. The Book of Concord does not teach denominations but Biblical truths. 

 Buchholz is another inflated ego in a dying sect.
"How can you, little man, depart from the sacred truths of  our synod fathers? For that we extend - in Christian love - the Left Foot of Fellowship."