Wednesday, January 22, 2020

GoodReads Can Leverage the Classic Lutheran Book Juggernaut

 If you enjoy Goodreads, you will want to link up to Alec Satin, the Lutheran Librarian. This is his link to follow him.  <- for Mequon graduates, control-click.

 Beware of the wrong Gregory L. Jackson, who also writes religious books.
This is the correct profile photo.

This is my Goodreads link. I am practicing SEO, so links proliferate on my posts.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization: using the associations on the Net to give good books a high level of visibility.

 "How dare you use Leonardo da Vinci to promote Lutheran books! How dare you!"

The same information (one book) can be described or distributed via:

  1. Blogs - more than one, overlapping and linking to each other.
  2. Facebook - including multiple pages.
  3. Dropbox - a great way to distribute free books.
  4. Website - boo, too much work.
  5. Email.
  6. Graphics based social media.
  7. YouTube.
  8. Goodreads.
  9. Amazon author pages.
  10. LinkedIn.
  11. Ustream.
  12. Twitter (not secure).
That is why I ask people to click on links, because simply looking is a way to lead people to faithful, Lutheran books.

 "How did you know I was reading the kitty edition of Pilgrim's Progress?"