Monday, April 17, 2023

Tom Fisher - Lutheran Layman - The Original Biblical Texts Are Not Lost.
The Lutheran Leaders and Bad-Bible-Boosters Are Lost.


 The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine Is Here - paperback and Kindle.

Dear Pastor Jackson,

Christians assert the Word of God, especially where God promises to preserve His Word to all generations.  Luther agrees when he said, "For not to delight in assertions is not the character of the Christian mind: nay, he must delight in assertions, or he is not a Christian. But, (that we may not be mistaken in terms) by assertions, I mean a constant adhering, affirming, confessing, defending, and invincibly persevering. Nor do I believe the term signifies anything else, either among the Latins or as it is used by us at this day." (Dr. Martin Luther, Bondage of The Will, Associated Publishers, 1971, pg. 11) Luther went on to boldly state: "Take away assertions, and you take away Christianity." (Dr. Martin Luther, Bondage of The Will, Associated Publishers, 1971, pg. 11)

Imagine you are on safari in the African bush again. It is night and you are hearing the haunting churls and yells of a gang of hyenas. Hyenas are one of the most dangerous predators in Africa. Their jaws are more powerful than a lion's. 

Leaders and pastors of LCMS, WELS, ELS, and ELCA are just like that gang of Hyenas in the African bush yapping, and yelping their unbelief. "The original autographs are lost forever! "  Here they assert their obstinate unbelief that God's Word is lost forever.  They even assert that God's Word has copying errors and omissions. These are blasphemous words spoken against God the Holy Ghost who perfectly preserves every word of God and guides his Christians into all truth. He is the Spirit of truth not the Spirit of copying errors and omissions.  

Now imagine you are in a fishing contest on lake Michigan. You use all of your skills and catch a huge trophy fish.  Now would you be so careless as to let this trophy fish get away and be lost forever to the vast expanse of lake Michigan? Of course not!!  So also God the Holy Ghost who inspired the prophets and Apostles to write God's word would never allow these words to be lost or damaged by copying errors and omissions!  God has promised to keep and preserve His words among us forever in Psalm 12:6,7: "The Words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."  Surely God's Words are much more precious than a trophy fish.  In fact they are so precious that God has forever settled them in heaven and has magnified his word above His name. Psalm 138:2 says, "I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." Psalm 119:89 says, "For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven." Christ promised that his words would never pass away or be lost in Matt 24:35: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."  

Imagine you are living in Jerusalem. Hezekiah is King. Sennacherib King of Assyria is threatening to destroy Jerusalem with his vast army.  He even blasphemes the one true God of Israel by saying that the Lord could not preserve and save Israel.  So the angel of the LORD went and smote 185,000 Assyrian soldiers so that they died.  Even so God sent forth his angel to publish his Word to all nations during the reformation. Rev. 14:6 says "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgement is come: worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water." 

Impossible events occurred during the Reformation because God controls and molds the events of history.  God used Erasmus to publish the Greek TEXTUS RECEPTUS and reject the Greek Vaticanus text and the Bibles that sprouted from it: Greek Nestle-Aland and United Bible Society texts, and NIV, ESV, NKJV, RSV, etc. This all occurred at the same time Gutenberg invented the printing press so God's pure Words could be published throughout the whole world in the language of all nations.  Meanwhile Luther translated the Bible into German and Tyndale translated the Bible into English. Tyndale was burned at the stake by the King of England, but God heard his prayer and opened the eyes of King James of England. In 1611 the Bible was published in English, the language of the world.

God did not publishing his word with copying errors and omissions.  He published His pure Word. Remember God rejected the corrupt Greek Vaticanus and the other corrupt Greek texts it was merged into: Nestle-Aland and United Bible Society texts. God chose the Greek TEXTUS RECEPTUS and the exact translations from it: Luther's Bible and the King James Bible. You need to do the same. Assert these pure Words of God.

 The paperback and Kindle version are here.

Pastor Gregory L Jackson, PhD has published a most valuable book on this very subject: The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations, ISBN 9798429093451

Tom Fisher