Friday, December 12, 2008

Jeske - Thank You for Hiding Your Lutheran Background

I just make it up as I go along. I am a master of divinity.

Do they change my litter box in heaven? Ask Mark Jeske. He knows.

Words of Wisdom, Reproduced by The Church From Scratch

Q: Will there be marriage in heaven?
Pastor Jeske: Jesus did say we would like angels in one respect: we will neither marry nor be given in marriage. This is both a thrilling and, to some, disappointing feature of life in heaven. God will have a new relationship design for us. I think it will be like one big family reunion. We'll just be in love with everybody. Nobody will ever again be a threat to us. You'll never to lock the doors of your house again. Nobody's going to rip you off. Everybody you meet will be your friend. I think that feeling of being surrounded by human love, in addition to being surrounded by God's love, will be a more than adequate replacement for the exclusive love that husbands and wives enjoy now.

Now- could two people WHO were extremely fond of each other on earth choose to live in close proximity, even in the same dwelling in heaven? Well, why not? But Jesus wants us to know that people who re-marry on earth will not have to torture themselves with to (sic) pick one or other to live with in heaven.

Q: I love to eat. Heaven to me will include food. What do you think?
Pastor Jeske: I've read all kinds of amazing stuff from otherwise clear-minded, sober commentators who somehow assume that we're not really going to eat anymore. That is just mind-boggling to me. Is there something inherently gross and disgusting about food? Of course not! The Bible is full of stories about the joy of eating together- the great feast, the wedding banquet. Why must we regard these wonderful prophecies as only figurative? Good Bible interpretation always means taking the words in their simplest possible meaning, unless the contact tells you that is has to be a more limited or metaphorical meaning. Jesus himself, in his resurrected body, ate food. Why could that food not have been digested in his divine, resurrected body? God may surprise us with something different, but am planning to eat food in heaven.

Q: What will we do there - sit on clouds and sing eternal praises?
Pastor Jeske: To me that's one of the most pathetic images of heavenly life, so injurious to our faith that it must haven been designed by Satan's P.R. team. Heaven will not be boring! I think we will have jobs. On your best days, you kind of like work, don't you? Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day were like that? That's what God is designing for you. There will be jobs of service, in which we will joyfully do things for each other. Those of you who are good organizers of people and events will keep doing that and you will love your work. You will find work that clicks with your ability and passion, and you will love it. We'll also have creativity. I fully anticipate Johann Sebastian Bach will be writing music again, telling of the great works of God. Great literature will continue to be produced. There will always be great storytellers and great musicians.


GJ - Helpful hint to Mark: Never leave the cap off the glue bottle when writing these things. The fumes are toxic and intoxicating.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Jeske - Thank You for Hiding Your Lutheran Backgro...":

You idiots! He wasn't saying singing praises is boring! If you knew Mark Jeske at all, he LOVES to sing praises. His favorites would be anything by JSBach. He was talking about lounging around on the clouds. Get to know the man a little, rather than taking his words in the un-kindess (sic) possible manner.


GJ - I have noticed a lot of Lutheran blogs where their favorite musicians are Bach, ScreamNPuke, GangstaDude, and Bork. Which name does not belong?

From what I have read about the Muzak at St. Marcus, it is more like white boys trying to be cool Black dudes. Bach was creative but also faithful to the original music.

WELS Rock and Roller Busts a Whine,
Subsidized by WELS Offering Money:
$22,000! Thank you, Don Patterson

The Cradle Roll at

Doebler's Stealth Church

Tex Longhorn

Snear 'N Snare

Busta Move

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Radloff Preaching at Church From Scratch - Doebler...":

Greg, Jim Radloff retired earlier this year. He is no longer in Grenada. If Joyce were a pastor, it would have said 'pastors'. They are not implying anything. What better way to honor God and your help meet by including her in your ministry. In a way aren't we all 'ministers'? For a man with your intellect, education and talent as a writer it is a tragedy that you stoop to these antics continually on this blog. How is this building the body? You call WELS the church shrinkers and yet how big is your parish? Where is your parish? A virtual online church with just you? It looks like your church as already shrunk.I will continue to pray for your peace and I would encourage all who visit this blog to do the same. Have a very blessed Christmas.
Joe Krohn, former member of Gunn's stealth congregation, current member of Doebler's Rock and Roll Church, semi-stealthy blogger at:
An Apology for a 'Rock and Roll' Lutheran Church.

Blogger Profile:
Joe Krohn
Gender: Male
Location: Cedar Park : Texas : United States
About Me
I am a member of Christ the Rock in Round Rock, Texas and part of the worship team. I started this blog to temper the legalistic opinion of some of our brothers and sisters in our Lutheran fellowship.

GJ - Denomination? Confession of faith? Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?


GJ - Joe is a regular poster to Ichabod. His grasp of English is equaled by his knowledge of Lutheran doctrine. Pastor and Mrs. Jim Radloff is the traditional caption. Joe probably knows how quickly WELS is moving toward women's ordination, which is just a confirmation that women are teaching men and in authority over men in WELS.

Aren't we all ministers? No.

A Lutheran minister is called to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments.

The Church and Chicanery crowd thinks a big apostate church is far better than a smaller faithful congregation. Just look at the crazed grins on the faces of the WELS pastors at Drive 08. Does it matter to them that their hero Andy Stanley is opposed to infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, and the efficacy of the Word? Not at all.

I don't have to hide my name on my blog or in my comments. I do appreciate the messages from Krohn. They are often wrong factually and consistently wrong doctrinally. No wonder they make his hide bristle.

I am surprised anyone reads this blog. I am shocked that a few people have survived the onslaught of false doctrine--from WELS/LMCS/ELS/CLCs--and still want to hear the Word of God.