Thursday, April 30, 2009

One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated

The WELS income freefall is so steep that perhaps 100 positions will be eliminated. Some may see that as a catastrophe, but what is the advantage of paying a full-time salary and benefits to a Lutheran who promotes the empty doctrine of Fuller Seminary?

I would love to discover some DMin from Fuller, a Baptist or Pentecostal, secretly advising his followers:

The Lutherans have more followers than any other Protestant group. I think we should copy the Means of Grace, the liturgy, the Creeds, and their hymns. I have had with Fanny Crosby hymns - up to here! I cannot sleep at night reading the Book of Concord. There is nothing like it in all of Schwaermerdom.

Of course, we have to ease people into this. If anyone says, "You have been reading Luther," deny it three times, with curses.

We will get our people trained at...Wait at minute. There aren't any Lutheran seminaries left. How did that happen?

We will have to form our own Luther study groups and Book of Concord societies. I got the legal papers together to form the North American Society for the Means of Grace.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated":

So, where does a WELS reject get that bit of news from? Those of us in the trenches haven't heard anything like that, yet.


GJ - An information maven is supplied with plenty of data. If the anonymous writer is always so rude and full of misinformation, he may be short-circuiting any chance to learn anything real, relevant, and relational.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One Hundred WELS Positions To Be Eliminated":

The parties seeking handouts show no empathy for those losing their jobs. Surely they have a convenient rationalization for their attitudes and behavior. After all, rationalization has been, is, and will continue to be their modus operandi.

Liberal President of Bowdoin College Coined the Two Justifications Loved by Rolf Preus and all UOJ Stormtroopers

UOJ Stormtroopers read Justification and Rome by Robert Preus but miss the clear, plain passages about justification by faith - rejecting UOJ.

Leonard Wood coined the double justification wording loved by the Synodical Conference, in print in English before C. F. W. Walther landed in America.

Leonard Wood, who translated Knapp's Lectures, was president of
Bowdoin College. Today that college is in the news:

...he made a translation of George Christian Knapp's Christian Theology, which became long used as a textbook in American theological seminaries. When he became president of Bowdoin in 1839, he was only 32 years old. He held his position until 1866. During his tenure, the College built Appleton Hall, the Chapel, and Adams Hall, which housed the Medical School of Maine and the undergraduate laboratories. A recipient of advanced degrees from Colby College, Harvard University, and Bowdoin, Woods died in 1878 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Welcome New Reader Kit

The Love Shack staff promises to be good while the SP is on a trip.

Kit from Wisconsin has left a new comment on your post "Is Jesus Liturgical?":

Before the WELS will grow there will have to be Qualitative Growth from within. Then the Quantative Growth may occur. I found your website yesterday. I can't stop reading.



Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Welcome New Reader Kit":

Kit - welcome aboard. I too was hammered by Ichabod when I stumbled upon it googling a WELS issue. I think I stayed up until 2AM that first night trying to absorb it.

"No wonder I feel a mild rebuke in my gut when we talk about UOJ," I remember thinking.

You'll start to sense some mixed emotions, though. Pretty soon you'll enjoy finding yourself talking to your spouse like a lolcat... "Iz at ur table, stealin' ur taco belle noms."

Then you'll start noticing all the church growthy things your pastor had been doing lately. "Oh, merde, another survey?!?"

Then you'll see and understand the open chess games played at WELS HQ between the competing factions. And wonder where the money really went. Can they really spend that much that fast?

Your Ichabod transformation will be complete when you relish wondering what would happen if you mailed a "read Ichabod-expose the CORE" postcard to the older WELS donors in the Fox Valley. heh heh.

The Jelly-Tele-Tubbies Make Their Debut

John Parlow, Mark Jeske, Paul Calvin Kelm, and Kudu Don Patterson form the Gang of Four known as the Jelly-Tele-Tubbies.
One DP said, "Talking to these guys is like trying to nail jelly to the wall."

They have group lovies at Church and Change board meetings, Church and Change conferences, Church and Change pilgrimages to learn from Babtist Stetzer, Babtist Stanley, Methodist Groeschel, Methodist Sweet, and the patriarchs of Church Shrinkage - Kent Hunter and Waldo Werning.

The Jelly-Tele-Tubbies never admit their real doctrinal standards (none) and act offended if anyone questions their Lutheranity. However, they have devoted their careers to erasing all influences of Luther, the Confessions, and the orthodox Christian faith.

In addition, they live from synod, Thrivent, and foundation grants. Pretending to be great successes, they are really liabilities in every sense of the word.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Jelly-Tele-Tubbies Make Their Debut":

Judge not lest ye be judged.


GJ - Luther wrote that false teachers are the surest sign of God's wrath. God allows false teachers to smite and flail those believers who were too timid to argue for sound doctrine.

The Wisconsin pastors and Doctrinal Pussycats knew 20 years ago that the Shrinkers ran the synod. The Love Shack only needed to make the DPs cower. The DPs intimidated the parish pastors into silence and cooperation. Like their Missouri counterparts, the WELS DPs were "helpless" to deal with adulterous and false-teaching clergy (often the same thing) - but full of the Spirit and God's righteous wrath whenever some poor bloke dared to question a syllable from The Love Shack.

Slick Brenner predicted this for WELS while the Shrinkers mocked him for being a traditional Lutheran. They called him a "legalist."

The Savior warned believers to judge between sound and Satanic doctrine, to avoid evil. He did not say, "Think not," or "Discern not," or "Study the Word not."

From Paul McCain's Concordia Publishing House: Batman Theology

Real, Relevant, Relational

Product Description
The Dark Knight, one of the highest grossing films of all times, is filled with images and themes which reflect our Lutheran Confessions. The use of the film as a vehicle for discussion of theological concepts helps make this study of interest to those who might not otherwise attend a Bible class on the Lutheran Confessions.
The flexible sessions allow this study to be used in both small group and larger Bible class settings. Depending on the level of discussion, the six sessions could easily expand to provide additional weeks of instruction.
Participant pages
Leader discussion guide
Customizable PowerPoint