Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Most Popular Polling

This drama queen was quoted at a recent synodical meeting.

Google Blogger has a widget that allows me to post the most popular post links for the last seven days, the last 30 days, and the period since June 1st of 2010, when this new statistical method began.

The left hand column has the last seven day list, which changes every day. The bottom of the blog has the most popular since June 1. Following the list will allow the reader to see what people are reading most.

One surprise is that people have made a post from 2007 one of the most popular. That means the readers are not bound by the first post at the moment, or even by the sticky posts I create on the left.

Ich-addicts have pushed the annual page reads to the 500,000 level. The only cost is coffee - grim news for those who spend a fortune to grind out a promotional piece for Fuller Seminary every month or so.

People have to open a page to count it in the statistics. The synodical magazines count as circulation those people who might actually take the periodical home because it was left in a pile at church, handed roughly to them as they left the pew, or stuffed in their mailbox.

Alone in the world (as the opponents claim about me), I took two long phone calls from laymen last night.

I said to one Ich-addict, "You are the reason I post multiple times during the day. You told me you look two or three times daily." He laughed about that.

The other layman always urges me to keep posting. He always adds, "Say hello to Mrs. Ichabod for me."