Saturday, March 27, 2010

Justification Book Plan

Cover by Norma Boeckler

The two universities have given me a bounty of classes to teach lately. I enjoy lulls in teaching, which enable me to finish a planned book. However, those pleasant times are rather light on income.

Stage one is going to be an essay, which will be done this week and available for editing. The essay will follow the plan for the book and show the main concepts:

  1. The efficacy of the Word.
  2. Enthusiasm.
  3. Zwingli and Calvin.
  4. Pietism.
  5. Walther's Pietistic Easter absolution of the world.
  6. Justification by faith.

I want the material available for the Texas WELS UOJ conference, even though no one will admit reading it. That is the highest possible commendation, so I am not worried. I borrowed this idea from somewhere, and I still think it is true:
1. If everyone agrees, it was not worth saying.
2. If people are furious, it was right on target and drawing flak.
3. If people act as it it was never written, it has them so frightened that they cannot deal with the issue.

When Thy Strong Word came out, no one would write a serious review. One professor would not even admit that he got a free copy. Rolf Preus claimed he read it before anyone had a copy! (UOJ fanatics lie? Tell me it isn't so.) Rolf wanted a free copy after he denounced it before reading it.

Logia got a review copy and deathly silence ensued. But lately people have asked again for copies, which are out there in the used market. I am going to Lulu-fy the original book, so people can print it or use the free PDF files. But that will be later this year.

You've Lost Your Mulchness

The Mad Hatter: to Alice - "You used to be much more...muchier.
You've lost your muchness."

I garden based on the Biblical doctrine of Creation. Since God mulches everything, so do I. Many people today have lost their mulchness. They spend enormous amounts of energy carting away their mulch, then buy their mulch and various concoctions to make up for their lack of mulchness.

Trees cover the ground with a blanket of leaves. Every plant does the same. For some reason, people love to rake away that mulch and leave bare soil, which the wind blows away - unless kept in place by newly sprouting weeds.

Mulch has many advantages, and earthworms take advantage of those benefits. Mulch:

  1. Shades the soil. This frustrates weed growth and provides an umbrella for the light-hating earthworms. They can come up and do their work under the shade of mulch.
  2. Holds in moisture. Earthworms and plants need moisture, and harsh sunlight evaporates it away.
  3. Keeps the soil in place. The best soil is on top, so we call it topsoil. The wind turns it into dirt, blown away. Earthworms mix and grind soil ingredients, so soil left in place and worked by worms will become even better.
  4. Rots. Organic matter feeds worms and worms feed plants - ultimately us, just as we ultimately feed them. Mulch provides a constant supply of food, helping the vermicular population grow.
  5. Looks and smells good. Cocoa mulch leaves a chocolate smell at first. I love the smell of chocolate in the morning. It smells like...victory.

I have used tons of spoiled hay and leaves for mulch. The strange thing about using fast rotting mulch is the amount of organic material the soil can absorb.

I should have posted this in the fall. I pile up leaves on future gardening areas, so they can rot into the soil over the winter. If I want leaves to rot faster, I run them through the lawnmower and leave the fragments on the bare soil, with more layers on top.

I have used grass clippings on corn and vegetable gardens. There is never enough.

One of the benefits of mulch is watching starlings march through the garden, suddenly flipping over a leaf to reveal a bug. They look like pompous soldiers on patrol. Birds love a worm-and-bug-rich environment. People buy mealy worms to feed their bluebirds. Birdwatchers order them live, roasted, and sauteed in suet. My worms are free.

The ultimate goal of Creation gardening is humus soil. Humus is that miraculous end- product of compost, a miraculous complexity that improves sandy soil and clay alike.
Rich soil feels like jello, something I noticed when creating a garden area comprised of a pit of upside-down sod. It was 100% topsoil, grass, clay, and roots. Because of the nitrogen in the grass, it rotted fast. Every time I walked on that area, the soil wiggled under my feet.

I read that the prairie soil of the Midwest used to feel like gelatin when people jumped down from their wagons. That soil was created by centuries of tall prairie grass and their enormous root systems, on the spot composting, manured by endless herds of bison. One herd took three days on the hoof to pass an observer.

We have the best soil in the world because of that grass growing and dying, millions of miles of roots mining the soil for nutrients and dying, opportunistic earthworms thriving on this God-designed feast so we could live and prosper.

Some readers are saying to themselves, "But does he leave rose clippings and leaves around his bushes as they grow?" One principle of mulching is to take away disease bearing trash. Roses love to harbor blackspot, for example. If I find blackspot on leaves and trim them, the trash goes elsewhere. I mulch with wood and with garlic chives. Garlic chives provide a good ground cover and a gassy deterrent to insects. The garlic family is highly regarded for improving the health of plants and humans.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Local Area Network Restored

LI came over with his family to fix my LAN. First we had to fortify ourselves at Dairy Queen, which is down the hill. We got a zillion hugs and kisses from the grandchildren, one dressed as batman. It is great fun living here.

I have the obligatory modem, plus a router (more like a post office) and a server. The Cox people did not understand the configuration and neither did I. Now all the hardware is talking to each other and the conflicts are over. Our granddaughters pick up wireless from the router and use their laptops to play games and stay in touch with friends.

Fortunately, I took courses in all this, so I can follow the lingo. Oddly enough, that got me into the position of being one of those education professors in the graduate program who is certified in computers. I have a blast with teaching a regular course on education technology every few weeks. We discuss Unix, Linux, Twitter, social networking, broadcasting on the Internet, blogging, etc.

We should have a normal service in the normal chapel on Sunday.

Trying To Reach the College Demographic -
Doing Anything, Short of Trusting the Word,
To Reach Them

Kelm is good at getting the bosses to push him on everyone,
whether they like it or not.
He was ObamaCare before ObamaCare.

ELS Pastor's Son To Face Reduced Charges

Here is the article.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Federal prosecutors filed reduced charges Friday against conservative activist James O'Keefe and three others who were accused of trying to tamper with the phones in Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans office.

The new charges are contained in a bill of information, which can only be filed with a defendant's consent and typically signals a plea deal. The new filing charges the four with entering a federal building under false pretenses, a misdemeanor. They had been arrested Jan. 25 on felony charges.

O'Keefe, a videographer famous for wearing a pimp costume in a stunt that embarrassed the ACORN community organizing group, has said the group was trying to investigate complaints that constituents calling Landrieu's office couldn't get through to criticize her support of a health care reform bill.

J. Garrison Jordan, a lawyer for another defendant, Robert Flanagan, said his client has "an agreement worked out with the government" but wouldn't elaborate or confirm that the others also have reached a deal with prosecutors.

"I think it's a fair resolution to the charges, and I'm happy with the agreement we've worked out," he said.

Lawyers for the other three defendants didn't immediately return calls. A spokesman for Landrieu said he couldn't immediately comment, and a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's office in New Orleans would not comment on a possible plea deal.

Federal authorities initially accused the four of trying to tamper with Landrieu's phones, but the new filing merely says they planned to pretend to test the phone system.

The FBI said O'Keefe, 25, of New Jersey, used his cell phone to try to capture video of two other men who posed as telephone repairmen and asked to see the phones at Landrieu's office. The fourth allegedly waited outside in a car with a listening device.

The two suspects who posed as repairmen—Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan, both 24—wore white hard hats, tool belts and fluorescent vests. One of them had a camera hidden in his helmet.

Flanagan, of New Orleans, is the son of the acting U.S. Attorney based in Shreveport. Basel, of Minnesota, and Stan Dai, 24, of the Washington, D.C. area, also were arrested.


GJ - The stunt struck me as dumb, post 9-11. Offering a false ID in a federal building is going to get law enforcement types very excited.

Wisconsin's Little College: Jobs Bill at Work

Leonard Sweet-heart Paul Kelm teaches secrets of staying young.

25 March 2010
Second campus pastor

Willowcreek Liberal Wisconsin Lutheran College welcomes back Pastor Paul Kelm, who recently accepted a call to serve as the second campus pastor alongside Pastor Nathan Strobel. Kelm previously served the college from 1979-1984 and 1993-1998.

Pastor Kelm spoke during today’s chapel service, following the week’s theme of The Lord’s Supper.


GJ - Kelm is in charge of organizing Pietistic cell groups and contemptuous worship services, both very popular with aging Boomers. The WLC board serves Geritol during its breaks.

Feel the buzz? Enthusiasm at work.

Donkey Poem - By G. K. Chesterton - Over 7,000 Views

The Donkey -
a poem by G.K. Chesterton

WHEN fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil's walking parody
On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,
Of ancient crooked will,
Starve, scourge, deride me I am dumb,
I keep my secret still.

Fools, for I also had my hour,
One far fierce hour and sweet,
There was a shout about my ears
And palms before my feet.

Kelmed from Norman Teigen


John Berg, Ma Vie en Rose

Gottesdienst sent me their latest issue, mistakenly thinking I subscribed earlier. They want money to send it to me in the future.

I had to wait through a routine appointment at the hospital, so I took it along.

One writer decided that ELCA would start using quotas, now that the 2009 convention voted for Please Ask, Please Tell clergy. ELCA began with quotas in 1987, which shows how timely and discerning the journal is.

I found the entire issue dismal, devoid of Lutheran content, and trying so hard to be cute. My gaydar issued a warning signal, but I thought, "Impossible. Gays are actually clever and creative."

absorbed the Berg brothers' earlier effort, which they tried to sell over the Net.

The alleged Lutheran answer to the Church Growth Movement of Norm Berg is priest-craft. That is why so many Lutheran clergy flip over to Rome or Constantinople. After working with Paul McCain, MDiv, on a worship book, LCMS Pastor Fenton crossed over to Eastern Orthodoxy, denouncing Lutheran doctrine.

That upset McCain, who has no doctrinal position.

Leonard Sweet-hearts Are Occultic

Here is a good link about Leonard Sweet.

In defending Paul Calvin Kelm, Frosty Bivens called him "no mean theologian," praise intended to awe the audience.

Kelm was pointman for the Church and Change Leonard Sweet conference. Kelm's buddies begged him to dis-invite Sweet, but Kelm would not even answer his critics on the Church and Change listserve. I have published that conversation.

Those who read the link will see that Sweet is clearly in touch with the demonic. The blog author discovered the connections with the Evangelicals back in 2000. I was writing about it in the 1980s - and being ignored, as usual.

The Shrinkers start out in the Reformed-Calvinistic camp with their precious UOJ, but their itching ears soon hear the siren call of occultism. Paul Y. Cho, South Korea, was one of the early blenders of occult and Christian thought - the ultimate winner being his Father Below. I heard Cho and met him in Wheaton, Illinois.

Earlier than Cho was a WELS favorite - Norman Vincent Peale. That man's Power of Positive Thinking was largely plagiarized from an earlier occultic work. Peale was kelming before Kelm! My source for that claim is the final issue of a quarterly journal the LCA produced. I was editing an article for one of my professors and it was published in that issue, as I recall.

Swimming in the same cesspool is Napoleon Hill, whose Think and Grow Rich has influenced so many, including Robert Schuller, who rightly claims to have invented the Church Growth Movement. Hill wrote about communing with the ancient spirits who hovered in his office.

If you think Hill is old news, he influenced Mary Kay of cosmetics fame, and many others as well. A quick Googling linked Mary Kay, W. Clement Stone (insurance fortune and his own foundation) and Hill.

Where did it all begin? The Father of Lies is the founder of all this, but Asian religion has served as a good mediator. Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism are anti-confessional, a-historical, and perfect for combining their concepts with formulas for success.

Cho combined South Korean religion with Pentecostalism and earned rave reviews in America. He was a guest professor at Fuller Seminary, thus proving my Unified Field Theory of Church Shrinkage. In the name of success, the false teachers have used the demonic to destroy their own denominations.

Who is denounced?

And who is paid lavishly for proclaiming these falsehoods and denying their associations?

The answers tell you how bad it is.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Birds in the Rain

One reader expressed marvel at my bird habitat activities. She lives in the People's Paradise of California, with all its complications.

I do not spend much time or money on that hobby, but I get a lot of entertainment. For example, she wrote about providing nectar for hummingbirds and getting wasps as a result. Lots of wasps. An invasion.

I planted bushes for the hummingbirds, investing about $4.50 in all three, which grew and sprouted an abundance of orange blossoms. That was in Phoenix.

I can buy bird nest fluff balls from Duncraft, to help birds build their nests. Instead I have dogs who shed their own fluff for the birds to use.

I have been bringing popcorn back from the movie theater for 30 years, putting me in the awkward position of keeping my relatives from eating it all. My last attempt at feeding the birds popcorn, on the window sill, ended up with all three dogs coming in reeking of popcorn. The sill was low, so they discovered it right away.

I thought Sassy would be good at eating the loose popcorn out of the Ichaboat, but she would not vacuum it for me. I gathered it in my hands and tossed it in the bushes. Sassy went into the bushes and ate the popcorn there. If Sassy senses I am a little peeved at her, she hangs her tongue out in a grin, "Don't you just love me?"

The newly planted roses got a perfect rainstorm, last night and most of today. I always watch the feeders to see how the birds are reacting to a storm. They normally come out in droves before a storm and stay in during the storm. This time they also came out in the worst rain, perhaps signaling that the rain would last a long time.

I have a good mix for the birds at two locations, both near windows. Each one has suet, sunflower seeds, Nyjer, and water. The squirrels may raid the sunflower seeds. So far they are content with the corn on the cob. I know squirrels and most birds love sunflower, but I gambled anyway because Bruce Church reminded me of how stunning a feeding cardinal can be.

By Norma Boeckler

Another solution is to raise a field of sunflowers. I am buying the giant Russian sunflower seeds and planting them in the sunniest locations. They can create some comical scenes, with squirrels riding the heads, bopping back and forth, eating the blossoms and later the seedheads.

If you doubt the abundance God provides, count the seeds on one Russian sunflower (striped seeds).

Unfriended - Only 900 Left

One of your classmates is looking for you on Facebook.

I expressed my opinion about Obama's Cuban Health Care takeover and abortion activism on Facebook. A classmate posted on the wall of another class, "I just unfriended Greg Jackson." That was followed by some name-calling. The second guardian of the Left, who received that message, followed by unfriending me and taking down the Photoshop I created for him. I was OK with them until I supported individual freedom and the sanctity of unborn life.

I only have 902 Facebook friends left now, so I am not too sad.

I point this out only because the Left does not tolerate an ounce of dissent. They excommunicate swiftly and without remorse.

David Scaer and Paul McCain unfriended me. I thought that was pretty funny too. The LCMS leaders who fall over themselves being friendly to ELCA are gratuitously rude to others. That's what I get for correcting Editor McCain's spelling. I do not know about Scaer. The last time I saw him, he thanked me for writing against Waldo Werning. Of course, Scaer did that sotto voce.

LP Cruz on Pieper, or, The British Empire Strikes Back

UOJ Stormtroopers love to debate...their way.

LP Cruz from Extra Nos sent a perceptive note, so I asked him if I could publish it:

I have been reviewing Maier's paper again.

I found the Calov quote that Jay Webber quoted to me.

This [Maier] paper is a clear and solid refutation of UOJ and is quite complete in that it even suggests how UOJ terminology should be corrected.

The fallacy of Pieper was the thinking - Tertium non Datur, meaning, he taught that either accept UOJ or you wind up believing you are saved by works which faith is a subset of. He believed there was no other alternative position.

This is a serious blunder and people are assuming what Pieper assumed, that there is no 3rd alternative to his idea of objective justification.

It has become serious because people are saying that if you do not believe in UOJ you do not believe the Gospel. Maier's paper is very sound and he paraded his exegesis of passages. For this to not be taken up by folk in LC-MS shows to me that there must have been a political spirit operating at LC-MS.



GJ - The basic fallacy of the Synodical Conference is the infallibility of CFW Walther. Therefore, they had to construct arguments to support everything he wrote, and Walther was prolific.

UOJ was cleverly used by the Preus brothers to push Maier out of the seminary presidency.

Rolf Preus, Jay Webber, and Paul McCain--three difference synods--promote UOJ as the pure Gospel when it is plagiarized from the Pietists. Those who reject their Calvinism are called "Calvinists"! That shows how little they have progressed from their repeat-after-me training at Ft. Wayne.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Corinthians Question

A sincere request: Would you please write or post on your blog your commentary on 1 Corinthians 9... especially verses 19-23? What does this mean? Please define how a present-day pastor might "do what Paul did" without being CGM. I would benefit most from a positive statement of what it means and how it applies, rather than negative statements on how others are doing it wrong. But I can't tell you how to write.

Thank you.

(P.S. This may already exist on your site, but I couldn't find it. If it does, a link, please.)


GJ - I am not sure what the issue is. An additional comment would help.


PoultryMan wrote:

As background info for you, that passage was also used in the Martin Sprigs "Outreach in a Digital World" presentation to cajole attendees that "see, Paul would use the computer."

(Page 5, here is the use of the passage. This link is to the resources page for the presentation.)

Yeah, Paul certainly would have a laptop on his travels. He would also travel steerage on his missions, and not spend most of his time at conferences and fundraising strategy sessions with his board of directors.

Grab your red-letter Bible and see what, if anything, Jesus said would fit in a Tweet.

Roses, Compost, and Birds

On Saturday we began to get about 10 inches of snow. An email told me the roses I ordered were on the way! Yesterday some snow was still in the parking lots and in the woods. The roses arrived late in the afternoon.

The altar guild decided to Go Galt this year, since one rose bush costs as much as one inexpensive bunch of roses at Walmart (about $10). I decided to order aromatic hybrid tea roses since Wayside Gardens had a special on them.

Today we had to pick up a scan of Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure, since my gruff but likable editor is ready to get it prepared for publishing. Northwestern Publishing House gave me the rights. Like Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, it sold very well for them. CLP is still listed with NPH. All the completed books are available from as free PDF downloads - no limit.

I looked at the sky and said, "Let's get home to get those roses in the ground."

I picked some good areas in the yard for the roses, although shade is a bit of a problem. To make sure it would rain, I washed and waxed the Ichaboat afterward. That worked, and the rain will stay until Sunday.

Nothing is better for new seeds and roses than steady rain. The bushes need to have the soil washed around their roots so the plant awakens from dormancy and begins to grow. In Arizona I planted them with paper grocery bags around them, to prevent drying out. That does not appear to be a problem here.

Next I will plant garlic or chives around them as a bug deterrent and aroma enhancer. Opposites grow best together, so the garlic family is used as a companion plant with roses.

Some people really believe in digging soil amendments into the ground. I learned from no-dig composting that the earthworms will do the job. All they ask is a soggy, rotting blanket of organic material above them. Compost is best, because it is finished and ready to shade the soil while feeding the worms. Leaves, grass clippings, and many other organic materials can also be used as mulch to accomplish the same thing.

The earthworms will:

  1. Tunnel up and down, providing channels for the rain.
  2. Sweeten the soil with their unique calciferous glands.
  3. Devour and grind up rocks and organic matter.
  4. Pull organic material into the soil.
  5. Produce nitrogenous waste, which is good for the plants.
  6. Place their castings on the soil surface or beneath the surface - the finest soil amendment of all. Try buying it - very expensive.
  7. Produce eggs, which will survive the harshest weather.
  8. Die, leaving a little bundle of nitrogenous matter to improve the soil.

Birds enjoy a Creation-based yard. Our backyard is a ravine with at least four dead trees lying on the ground or standing up, hollow and inviting. What people see as trash, animals see as condos. Needless to say, with abundant water, trees, bushes, grass, and hollow trees, we have plenty of birds: bluebirds, finches, bluejays, cardinals, starlings, woodpeckers, and juncos.

Finches love Nyjer seed (sometimes called thistle or niger), so I have two socks of Nyjer hanging at two windows. Bluebirds and many other species enjoy suet, so I have two suet stations. Bruce Church chatted up cardinals, so I added a sunflower feeder to each location. Cardinals like platform feeding, so I scatter some sunflower seeds on the front patio each day. Mr. Squirrel gets his ear of corn daily, after I walk Sassy - who hunts squirrels without fail and without success.

All that bird food costs very little and lasts a long time. I overdid the suet at Christmas, but the stations lasted almost three months. At $6 a lump, that is only $2 a month for suet, if the birds have only one bag of it. The bounty was probably a good idea, because we quickly became bird central. I wanted to get birds feeding at the window, and now they are.

Birds are noisy eaters and bathers, so a few happy birds establish a choice location for the rest of them. I added two inexpensive birdbaths for them, near each feeding area. One catches water off the roof, because the dripping noise is attractive to birds. The other one is on the back deck. It will be more attractive during dry weather, if that ever happens this year. Birds need to bathe and preen their feathers, so they favor areas with shallow water supplies. I took a $2 tin and places some rocks and a big rock in it, to allow the birds to step in and out easily. One giant rock serves as the waiting area.

Birds provide cheerful entertainment for very little investment. Our friends are coming soon, and they will be able to sit in the living room and gaze out the picture windows at birds enjoying suet, sunflower seeds, Nyjer, and water. Standing in the kitchen, they will see the bush where the same food and water are provided.

Stetzer Fans, Saddle Up! - More Proof That Pietists Become Political Activists


What is Salvaton? – Answering Ed Stetzer’s Missional Question
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There is an amazing conversation going on right now around the term “missional.” Every Monday Ed Stetzer (president of Lifeway Research) posts a question for missional thinkers to answer. Yesterday his question was on the topic of salvation.

It is a large and complicated question, so first I will recap his post and then answer it a piece at a time.


I saw three underlying frustrations fueling Stetzer’s question:

1. Stetzer commented that the understanding of salvation on the individual/personal level should not be dismissed. He then gave multiple Biblical examples of salvation on this level and concluded that an individual’s personal commitment to Christ comes first and then his/her transformation toward social justice.
2. He pointed to a growing movement of people who would define “salvation” as bringing justice through political and economic reform (corporate, not individual level). This movement began as a both individual and corporate but has more recently become solely corporate tossing out the individual.
3. Many missional thinkers speak of salvation happening outside the church (specifically when speaking about God being on mission – the Missio Dei – and people joining God in that mission). Stetzer again mentioned his concern with this phrase hoping for a more further definition.

Stetzer then asked two questions:

“Should the definition of “salvation” be expanded beyond personal redemption of sins to include social justice through the reformation of economic and political institutions? We are not debating here whether we think social justice is right or wrong but rather should it be included in what we mean we we talk about “salvation.” Evangelicals have generally said no and mainliners have generally said yes.”

“Second, what is the difficulty with the question of personal salvation? Why is that hard for some to answer? Perhaps it is too unsophisticated, but I think it matters deeply. Actually, I think that just about all evangelicals would say it matters. Tim Keller has stated the concern and I share it. If you broaden “God is working outside the church” to one direction, you have to answer if it includes personal redemption. Perhaps I am obsessed, but I am O.K. being obsessed with the redemption of men and women. So, I think the “missional conversation” needs to ask (and answer), is God saving people outside of the proclamation of the gospel?”


I’m going to table Stetzer’s first question for a later post (hopefully tomorrow) because the concept of justice is complicated. Rethinking my theology and the Biblical narrative through the lens of the Missio Dei has radically changed my understanding of justice and its place in the salvation discussion.

So now I would like to clarify why I (a grass-roots missional thinker with a Southern Baptist background) use the phrase “God is at work outside the church.”

The meaning of the phrase is determined for me by the context of the conversation.

1. God is working outside your understanding of church.

Often I use the phrase “God is working outside the church” to combat the idea that those who are not a part of an institutional church are somehow not able to be used by God. Let’s be honest, in our culture the word church is most often used to denote an institution. Buildings, worship services, beloved clergy, and programs are all central to our understanding of “church.” Many times when I use the phrase I am speaking directly to that understanding. I am part of a missional community that meets on Monday nights. We look nothing like an institutional church; but God is working through us in the community to bring salvation (individual/personal) to the lost. You would be amazed what a struggle this is for the average, everyday joe. You would be blown away how often I have been asked things like, “So when do you preach?” or “So when you grow big enough you are going to get a building right?” or “So what church is your small group a part of?” When I use the phrase in this context what I am really saying is, “God is working outside your understanding of church.”

2. The temptation toward universalism.

I don’t use the phrase to mean that some other form of salvation exists outside the Lordship of Christ; although I understand the temptation to use it in this way.

Growing up I was very much protected within the walls of the church. My church family was like an unbreakable bubble. We (believers) were in the bubble and they (non-believers) were out. I got passing glimpses of those outside of it, but never a monstrous amount of contact because my life revolved aournd (sic) the church. What defined those of us inside the bubble were the rules and rituals that dominated our lives. Following the rituals and rules is what it meant to be a disciple. Now don’t get me wrong, we preached grace and mercy. We spoke about the saving blood of Christ. We railed against legalism and salvation by works; but when it came to describing what the life of a believer looked like we gave examples like: we go to church on Sunday, we participate in the following five programs, we don’t drink, we don’t cuss, we don’t dance (where anyone can see you), we pray when we are in trouble or need something, we only listen to Christian music, and on, and on, and on.


GJ - Asking the question is a good way to promote the subject being raised.

Leftist Evangelicals quickly become pure Leftists who hide behind the cross to hide their hammer and sickle.

Church and Change hired Stetzer to be their main speaker, then lied about it until the cows came home. The Conference of Pussycats finally woke up and insisted the invitation be withdrawn.

WELS discipline consists of denying that it ever happened, or as Don Patterson handles it - hiding the eggs.

Texas WELS has a message to those concerned about organized Easter egg hunts:

No hay huevos.

Cuban Health Care Celebration

Missouri Shrinker Snuffs His Own Blog

Here is the shocking admission.

Click on his link for all the Shrinker trends, including Craig Groeschel, the Delphic Oracle of The CORE.

Community Church Easter Egg Hunt

Two choices here.

Dateline: Bella Vista, Arkansas.

I got my first Easter egg hunt invitation in the mail yesterday. No, it was not from Holy Word Lutheran Church (WELS) in Austin, Texas.

The Bella Vista Community Church invited me to their Easter egg hunt. There was not much room on the postcard, so that Easter egg hunt must have been very important to them.

One sect makes a big deal about Easter being named after a fertility god Oster, and the day being marked by giving colorful eggs. Such customs go back to Zoroaster, the religion of Queen's founder, Freddy Mercury.

One Lutheran, who does a lot of research for this blog, suggested I look at a search for WELS and Easter eggs. I did another for Missouri and Easter egg hunts. The results were appalling, in both cases.

I was discussing religious holidays with some pastors. We agreed that Easter was our favorite because it was the least commercialized. Advent has become a time of "I'm too busy because of all the parties." We have to hear Little Drummer Boy, sung by Bing Crosby, in every store and elevator.

Why detract from the value of Easter by associating it with a non-Christian tradition, an event staged by dozens of community groups at once?

Holy Word is so proud of their effort that they advertise it as a clever idea at the Church and Change website. They omit the eggs in the write-up, lest someone think they are Chicaneries. Patterson has issues with Church and Change. That is why he speaks there, attends their conferences, and organizes WELS workers to attend the Exponential conference.

Enthusiasts find each other and work together. They have a common bond, a common un-faith. They do not trust the Word.

Imagine the apostles gathering the crowds for an Easter egg hunt rather than teaching them about the resurrection of Christ.

That is what the WELS and Missouri disciples of Church Growth are doing. They are ashamed of the Gospel. They are Enthusiasts, looking for something "that works."


wildcard ( has left a new comment on your post "Community Church Easter Egg Hunt":

Holy Word is so proud of their effort that they advertise it as a clever idea at the Church and Change website. They omit the eggs in the write-up, lest someone think they are Chicaneries. Patterson has issues with Church and Change. That is why he speaks there, attends their conferences, and organizes WELS workers to attend the Exponential conference.

They are so arrogant AND stupid!


wistex ( has left a new comment on your post "Community Church Easter Egg Hunt":

The reason why the eggs aren't mentioned is because they are an afterthought. Most non-members come to the sunrise service because they saw a road sign. These signs don't say anything else except "Easter Sunrise Service", the time, and the location.

The Easter Egg Hunt is done in between the sunrise service and the regular Sunday service, mostly to give the kids something to do. Similarly, Holy Word offers a breakfast to give the adults something to do.

If people weren't so willing to put the worst possible construction on things, you might see how inconsequential the Easter eggs really are.

But then we wouldn't have funny pictures of pastors in bunny suits, would we?


GJ - I thought my Doebler bunny was especially flattering. Alice in Wonderland 3-D, Part Deux, is having a casting call right now. Hurry hurry!

Howzabout having the adults hunt for eggs while the kids eat? The Shrinkers assume everyone is a kid needing entertainment?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Renewable Energy Repair Bills, II

Renewalble Energy Repair Bills, I

Mid-Week Lenten Service, Because We Are Not an Emerging Church, 7 PM Central

By Norma Boeckler

Mid-Week Lenten Vespers

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 6 PM Phoenix Time

The Hymn #268 Zion Mourns 4:98
The Order of Vespers p. 41
The Psalmody Psalm 23 p. 128
The Lection The Passion History

The Sermon Hymn #40 The God of Abram Praise 4:94

The Sermon – The Humanity of Christ

The Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
The Collect for Grace p. 45

The Hymn #657 Beautiful Savior 4:24

WELS: Women Pastors - Si! - Women Voters - No!

St. John’s votes to fire principal: Women not allowed to vote, speak

By Tim Damos / News Republic | Posted: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:04 pm | (9)

During a six-hour meeting Sunday in which females were not permitted to vote or speak, male church members voted to terminate the principal of a Baraboo Christian school.

The suspension of St. John's Lutheran School Principal John Hartwig earlier this month sparked a public outcry from a group of parents that said he was being unfairly targeted.

And supporters of Hartwig said they were shocked to learn that female church members would not be permitted to speak during a meeting Sunday to decide the principal's fate.

"That was terrible," said Pete Klaech, who voted in support of Hartwig and says the controversy may divide the church.

Though an official vote tally could not be verified by an official source Monday, several who attended the meeting said the vote was 76-74 to fire Hartwig.

Details of the principal's alleged wrongdoings are murky, and church leaders have been unwilling to be interviewed. In a letter to school parents announcing his suspension, church pastors said Hartwig had promoted materials that questioned the church's teachings and had engaged in conduct "unbecoming a called worker."

Hartwig's father, a former pastor, authored a document years ago questioning Lutheran doctrine that says women shall not have authority over men. Church members say Hartwig, who has been principal since the summer of 2003, was accused of distributing that document to several in the congregation.

Several parents who support Hartwig have said they would remove their children from the school if her were terminated.

Roughly 300 people attended Sunday's meeting, which was closed to school parents who are not members of the church, Klaech said.

Females do not have voting privileges, but are generally allowed to speak at meetings. Sunday's meeting was the first time in recent history that St. John's Council President Don Finseth exercised his authority to prevent females from speaking, church members say.

Finseth did not return a phone call Monday, and repeated attempts by the Baraboo News Republic over the last month to interview church leadership about the Hartwig matter have been unsuccessful.

When reached by phone Monday, Associate Pastor Carl Schroeder said he could not comment on any church discipline.

Hartwig has also declined to speak publicly, and did not return a phone call Monday.

Those who attended Sunday's meeting said discussion about Hartwig's possible termination began with Pastor Tom Fricke describing details of his interactions with Hartwig over several years.

That followed a period in which church members were allowed to comment and ask questions of Hartwig and church leaders.

Women who wanted to ask questions were told to write them on a piece of paper and have a man read them aloud. But some, including Hartwig's own daughter, said their questions were never read.

"I actually passed three or four questions to a church council member and none of them were read," said Emily Rae Hartwig. "I guess the way I felt about it, and the way many others felt, was that they were afraid of us (women). A lot of my dad's supporters are women."

Emily Rae Hartwig said she is not upset with the congregation, but is disappointed with the church's leaders and feels her father's future career has been jeopardized by his unjust treatment at St. John's.

Rev. Fricke released a prepared statement Monday saying Hartwig was "regretfully terminated" on doctrinal grounds after more than two years of discussions with church leaders in an effort to resolve the issues.

"While congregational leaders acknowledge Mr. Hartwig's fine administrative skills and recognize the personal admiration many parents have for him, our overriding concern is for maintaining sound biblical doctrine and practice," Rev. Fricke's said in the statement. "The decision is difficult for everyone involved. We remain deeply concerned for Mr. Hartwig and his family and will continue to pray for them and the St. John's family."

Church member Doug Zimmerman said a leader from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod who attended Sunday's meeting was asked if any other churches had rejected the recommendation of their leaders to terminate an employee.

Zimmerman said the WELS representative replied that he could recall one church doing so, and said that church later left the Synod.

"To me that was a threat to our church directly," Zimmerman said. "That's how we all took it. I'm sure they're going to say, ‘Oh no, we never threatened anybody.' But it was in the man's voice."

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GJ - Ted Hartwig has long been known as the heresiarch of the Wisconsin sect. The fired principal is his son. Ted Hartwig's sons-in-law include Jim Mattek and Wayne Laitinen.

John Hartwig can become a woman under ObamaCare and begin serving as a pastor in WELS. No problem. Most denominations require a seminary degree and ordination, but WELS does not require either one for women. Just get a gig at a lavishly funded Church and Change operation. Certification - not required. Brotherly notification of a radical change - not required. Spineless DP - required. Fortunately, WELS has a busload of them.


More coverage.

False teachers always get a lot of loud support.

Ben Stein on the Cuban Health Care Bill

His Expelled movie is a good exploration of the evolution scam.

Ben Stein:

My Thoughts on Watching the Dems Stab the Constitution on the Congressional Floor

By Ben Stein on 3.22.10 @ 9:37AM

1. This is a "bill" that is clearly not really a Constitutionally allowable legislative entity, eligible for signature into law. For it to be that, it would need to be identically passed in both houses. It was not. It was passed as a corned beef hash of vague promises in the Senate. Then a vote was taken in the House to eventually pass the same bill but with a few changes and a further vague promise to reconcile both versions. This is not how the Constitution defines a bill en route to becoming a law. This is just a demand by President Obama to submit to his authority, which the Democrats meekly passed. This is not Constitutional.

2. The slovenly laziness of the Majority to not even read the vague bits of the bill floating around is further evidence of contempt for law and the Constitution.

3. This is not how the U.S. government is supposed to work. This is how a South American junta does its work with a puppet legislature and a supreme Caudillo above law. This is, tragically, Barack Obama's America. It took a mere 14 months to get us from the government of Jefferson to the government of Trujillo.

4. The supine cowardice of the mainstream media here is almost beyond imagining. To fail to even notice the attack on the Constitution going on here is stunning and discouraging in the extreme.

5. For those of us who still believe in the Constitution, I offer the words of the great civil rights anthem, "We shall overcome, " and "We are not afraid." In that spirit, we continue the fight for the return to Constitutional government. Loyal to the nation and the Constitution, but most certainly opposed to the subversion or either.

As Churchill said, "In war, resolution. In defeat, defiance." And this is a war for Constitutional government. A war of words, to be sure, but a war we must win.

6. One more thought. If Mr. Obama's goal really is to protect life and health, the surest way to do that would be a right to life amendment to the Constitution. May we expect that proposal from Mr. Obama soon?


Stuff Their Mouths with Gold

I have Broken Many Things with Both Hands, But...

When I break things, it is always because I am trying to fix them.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Here Is a Man Who Has Accomplished More Because He Began with Less


Old Chicago Tribune Cartoon

1934 -
Left click for a better view.

Chrysostom on the Multitude

On Faithfulness, not numbers in the church.....

"Would you learn that it is the saints, not the numbers, which make the multitude? Lead out to war ten hundred thousand men, and one saint, and let us see who achieves the most? Joshua the son of Nun went out to war, and alone achieved all; the rest were of no use. Wouldest thou see, beloved, that the great multitude, when it does not the will of God, is no better than a thing of naught? I wish indeed, and desire, and with pleasure would be torn in pieces, to adorn the Church with a multitude, yea, but a select multitude; yet if this be impossible, that the few should be select, is my desire. Do you not see that it is better to possess one precious stone, than ten thousand farthing pieces? Do you not see that it is better to have the eye sound, than to be loaded with flesh, and yet deprived of sight?"

St. John Chrysostom, 5th Century, AD
Commentary on Acts, chapter 3

Another Triumph for the Compromisers:
Cuban Health Care

The socialists passed their dream package, Cuban Health Care with abortion funding and death panels.

I have no idea what will happen. Some people, whose history knowledge is limited to "classics from the 1960s pop list," are saying nothing is ever repealed. Prohibition was repealed. All the pro-life protections of the past were nullified by the US Supreme Court. The Congress passed a protection of marriage act and gay marriage spread faster than ever. The Supremes even repealed natural law concepts in Webster. The Supreme Court thus reversed its own position in the Georgia case, although people act as if stare decisis is absolute.

Anything can be repealed. The US Constitution began to be repealed under FDR, with the groundwork done by his cousin, Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy grabbed land from various states, all for a good cause. That is why we are short on oil today - the feds can grab oil and coal fields simply by fiat. Everyone accepts it.

I give all the credit and the glory to the compromisers, the people who want to appear as nice guys by giving in to each bad idea, resisting a little, and then caving and justifying. No political leader fought against the Medicare D drug plan, which was the largest unfunded socialist plan since the New Deal of FDR. Medicare D simply grew into ObamaCare. The GOP laid the egg that hatched into a Democrat vulture.

The radicals need these useful idiots because the bare program itself is always so unappealing.

National trends in politics are foreshadowed in denominational trends. For instance, the willingness of WELS and the LCMS to work with ELCA meant that American Lutherans had lost their horror of abortion and homosexual ordination. ELCA pays for abortions in its health plan. The Lutheran's editor, wrote, about 20 years ago, "We have been ordaining homosexuals for years."

The Surrendered Fort used to make me laugh when they acted so snooty about their school while lavishing praise on any ELCA leader who condescended to speak at their shrinking academy. When an ELCA bishop spoke against the radical takeover of ELCA, Ft. Wayne acted as if they had just discovered the Fifth Gospel. And yet that same bishop was one of the worst ones just before the ELCA merger, calling inerrancy advocates "bat-brained cowards who don't have the guts to lean on Jesus Christ." He was just miffed that the new crop of radicals despised him for being old school.

The vast majority of "conservative" Lutheran clergy today are no more than ELCA enablers. They will not do anything that would make them lose out on a free trip to Europe or even a committee assignment. Their supine attitude toward apostasy is obvious enough. The only thing that arouses their wrath is being reminded of their timidity.

Time of Generic Grace Offers...Generic Grace

John has left a new comment on your post "Jeske's Name - 14 Times, Jesus' Name - Once:Jeske...":


My point is that what Time of Grace does can hardly be called outreach. It does nothing to guide folks to any resource other than Time of Grace.

Is the sacrament of Holy Baptism available at Time of Grace? It is not.

Is the sacrament of the Lord's Supper available at Time of Grace? It is not.

Does Time of Grace guide folks to resources in their area where they can be properly instructed/catechized? It does not.

These facts lead this layman to believe that Time of Grace exists only to perpetuate Time of Grace.

As far as your comment about the typical WELS pastor not doing much outreach:

I want the shepherd called to tend the flock of which I am a member to do exactly that, first and foremost.

So what if a great shepherd is not so hot at outreach? Maybe the congregation needs to be sure that it has a great evangelism committee/board in place.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Photographic Message

Mine Eyes Have Seen
The Glory of the Coming of Paul Kelm

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WLC - Wisconsin's Little College - News":

"I just attended Kelm's first Proclamation and Praise service at WLC Willowcreek Leftist College and must say that he is quite a wonderful addition to our campus. May the name of the LORD be praised!"

Didja Know Soccer Is a Means of Grace?
Raffles, Petting Zoo, Face Painting Too!


Here is another source.

WELS Pastor Paul Seager

About Christ Alone

Christ Alone emphasizes…

  • Christ-centered worship.
  • The loving and powerful work of God in his Word, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • Bible Study appropriate for all ages.
  • Personal pastoral care.
  • Encouragement in our God-given, individual callings.

Christ Alone is…


GJ - People used to make fun of the Assemblies of God for bribing kids into coming to church. Valleskey's pal Radloff was the mission counselor for this area.

Who might the sponsoring pastor be? Doebler? Doebler? I have read that name before.

Judica, The Fifth Sunday in Lent

By Norma Boeckler

Judica Sunday, The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Daylight Savings Time

The Hymn #268 Zion Mourns 4:98
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Gospel
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #40 The God of Abram Praise 4:94

The I AM

The Communion Hymn #657 Beautiful Savior 4:24
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 45 Now the Hour 2:95

KJV Hebrews 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; 12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. 13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: 14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

KJV John 8:46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? 47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. 48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? 49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me. 50 And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. 51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. 52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. 53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself? 54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: 55 Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

O Lord Jesus Christ, we thank Thee, that of Thine infinite mercy Thou hast instituted this Thy sacrament, in which we eat Thy body and drink Thy blood: Grant us, we beseech Thee, by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may not receive this gift unworthily, but that we may confess our sins, remember Thine agony and death, believe the forgiveness of sin, and day by day grow in faith and love, until we obtain eternal salvation through Thee, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

The I AM of John’s Gospel

John 8:48 Before Abraham was, I am.

For a long time, the modernists raged against John’s Gospel because the divinity of Christ is so clearly taught. So is the pre-existence of Christ.

Those aspects of Christian doctrine are not lacking in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but they are especially clear in John.

The following characteristics of John’s Gospel were found to be true, and they all point to the apostolic authorship of the Fourth Gospel. The original manuscripts did not have a title, but they had traditional authors.

1. The language of Jesus’ sermons is easily translated into Hebrew or Aramaic. They were not spoken by a Greek philosopher, as skeptics argued, but by Jewish rabbi addressing the largest group of people possible – the Greek-speaking population of the area.
2. The geography of John shows knowledge of the area, more in evidence than the other Gospels. Knowing the territory can only come from someone who was there. Imagine trying to get little details right about your area without ever living there.
3. The earliest scrap of a Gospel ever found is from the Gospel of John. That means it existed several centuries before the skeptics thought it was written.
4. The Gospel assumes people know the other Gospels, but it also fills in many details and spoken passages, without contradicting anything in those Gospels.

I could list more. This is writer’s intuition – the Gospel has the feel of a first-hand account. John’s claim is clearly made, since the “disciple Jesus loved” is his reference to who is the author. But the language of the Gospel itself reveals an eye-witness knowledge of the events no one can fake.

John’s Gospel is especially devoted to showing a harmony with the Old Testament. That begins with the first chapter starting in the same words as Genesis 1:1. References to Moses and the Exodus call up details from the holiest books of the Old Testament – the Five Books of Moses (Pentateuch). The Torah scrolls are the Books of Moses. When they march through the synagogue today, the Torah scrolls are carried. They are the holiest books of the Old Testament, according to Jewish practice.

This particular lesson features Christ identifying with the appearance of Moses before the burning bush.

Too many translations and books try to make “I AM” seem to be the same as Jesus saying, “It’s me.” When someone phones and asks for a given name, we say, “That’s me.” It may be bad English, but that is what we say. “It is I” seems a bit formal.

“I AM” is God’s name and it was used that way in Greek at that time. That is especially true of this particular use.

“Before Abraham was, I AM” – that makes no sense in any language, unless Jesus is God. The “I AM” transcends any sense of tense. English demands “I was” because both should be past tense. “When Sam was in the Army, I was in school.” No one would say, “When Sam was in the Army, I am in school.”

“I AM” means that the Son of God has always existed.

Secondly, Jesus called to Moses out of the burning bush.

KJV Exodus 3:4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. 5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. 6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. 7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; 8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. 10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. 11 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? 12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

The orthodox Lutherans also identified the nature of the burning bush with the Two Natures of Christ. The bush burned but was not consumed, so it had two natures – the flame and the bush. In the same way, Christ has two natures, human and divine. Just as there is one burning bush, there is one Christ.

For Jewish people, faith in Christ meant seeing that all their religious observances of the Passover were pointing them to Christ. For those who were outside of Judaism, learning the Old Testament was essential.

"But when we are speaking of the subject itself, it is certain that the doctrine of gracious reconciliation, of the remission of sins, of righteousness, salvation, and eternal life through faith for the sake of the Mediator is one and the same in the Old and in the New Testament. This is a useful rule which we must retain at all costs: The doctrine, wherever we read it, in either the Old or New Testament, which deals with the gracious reconciliation and the remission of sins through faith for the sake of God's mercy in Christ, is the Gospel."
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1989, II, p. 459.
"Therefore God, 'who is rich in mercy' [Ephesians 2:4], has had mercy upon us and has set forth a propitiation through faith in the blood of Christ, and those who flee as suppliants to this throne of grace He absolves from the comprehensive sentence of condemnation, and by the imputation of the righteousness of His Son, which they grasp in faith, He pronounces them righteous, receives them into grace, and adjudges them to be heirs of eternal life. This is certainly the judicial meaning of the word 'justification,' in almost the same way that a guilty man who has been sentenced before the bar of justice is acquitted."
Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 1989, II, p. 482.
"Yet these exercises of faith always presuppose, as their foundation, that God is reconciled by faith, and to this they are always led back, so that faith may be certain and the promise sure in regard to these other objects. This explanation is confirmed by the brilliant statement of Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:20: 'All the promises of God in Christ are yea and amen, to the glory of God through us,' that is, the promises concerning other objects of faith have only then been ratified for us when by faith in Christ we are reconciled with God. The promises have been made valid on the condition that they must give glory to God through us."
Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 1989, II, p. 495.
"Therefore this apprehension or acceptance or application of the promise of grace is the formal cause or principle of justifying faith, according to the language of Scripture."
Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 502.
"We must note the foundations. For we are justified by faith, not because it is so firm, robust, and perfect a virtue, but because of the object on which it lays hold, namely Christ, who is the Mediator in the promise of grace. Therefore when faith does not err in its object, but lays hold on that true object, although with a weak faith, or at least tries and wants to lay hold on Christ, then there is true faith, and it justifies. The reason for this is demonstrated in those lovely statements in Philippians 3:12: 'I apprehend, or rather I am apprehended by Christ' and Galatians 4:9: 'You have known God, or rather have been known by God.' Scripture shows a beautiful example of this in Mark 9:24: 'I believe; help my unbelief.'"
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 503. Philippians 3:12; Galatians 4:9; Mark 9:24.
"For we are not justified because of our faith (propter fidem), in the sense of faith being a virtue or good work on our part. Thus we pray, as did the man in Mark 9:24: 'I believe, Lord; help my unbelief'; and with the apostles: 'Lord, increase our faith,' Luke 17:5."
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 506. Mark 9:24; Luke 17:5.
"But because not doubt but faith justifies, and not he who doubts but he who believes has eternal life, therefore faith teaches the free promise, which relies on the mercy of God for the sake of the sacrifice of the Son, the Mediator, and not on our works, as Paul says in Romans 4:16: 'Therefore it is of faith, that the promise might be sure according to grace.'"
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 507. Romans 4:16
"Thus when we say that we are justified by faith, we are saying nothing else than that for the sake of the Son of God we receive remission of sins and are accounted as righteous. And because it is necessary that this benefit be taken hold of, this is said to be done 'by faith,' that is, by trust in the mercy promised us for the sake of Christ. Thus we must also understand the correlative expression, 'We are righteous by faith,' that is, through the mercy of God for the sake of His Son we are righteous or accepted."
Melanchthon, Loci Communes, “The Word Faith.” Cited in Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, II, p. p. 489.

Our Spring Snow Warning, Sunday AM

Canada, 1972. But it feels like that today.






GJ - It's colder than a Friendship Sunday event in WELS.