Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Will the Ski/Glende Solution Add to WELS?

"Katy, please, Ski and Glende
are sorry they drank all that Green Chartreuse liqueur
before the photo op. They are so sorry."

rhs (http://rhs.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "SP Schroeder Suggests a Way To Increase Infant Bap...":

Ski is doing his best with sex education to improve production in the membership.


GJ - Groeschel's Satan's Sex Ed is bound to drive people away, but Englebrecht loves what the boys are doing.

Has WLC Converted Milwaukee Yet?

The new college chaplain, Paul Calvin Kelm, can relate to non-Lutherans.

rhs (http://rhs.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Jeske Rules and Rocks":

I attended the conference monday. WLC's spotlight was a laughable video detailing everything they do except their Lutheran heritage and 'Lutheran' teaching.

Ironic isn’t it that pastors attack self-centeredness and selfishness when they embrace those qualities so strongly and appeal to selfishness of individuals who want to feel saved.


GJ - Mencken said, "No one ever went broke by underestimating the taste of the American people."

WLC is non-profit and non-WELS (when it suits them), but WLC is a business.

I predict most of the WELS/ELS schools of higher education will be gone or radically different in five years.

Jeske Rules and Rocks

"Full speed ahead!" as the captain of the Titanic said on that fateful night.

Garrett has left a new comment on your post "Deputy Doug Englebrecht Re-Elected: WELS Will Cont...":

The Timid Lutheran is spot on. Wisconsinites are all impressed by Jeske's successes, and cloud their vision to look closer at his teachings.

I attended the conference monday. WLC's spotlight was a laughable video detailing everything they do except their Lutheran heritage and 'Lutheran' teaching.


Same Old Thing - With Claws

The Church and Money Changers have a post-convention message
for you Confessionals.

John has left a new comment on your post "Deputy Doug Englebrecht Re-Elected: WELS Will Cont...":

The upshot is that Jeske will continue to do what he does.

What Jeske does with Time of Grace cannot be called outreach by any stretch of the imagination.

Outreach would include clear and direct instructions to viewers/listeners about how to get further information from a WELS pastor/congregation in their area.

Oh, wait a minute! Any outreach for WELS might offend The LC-MS, and jeopardize Jeske's relationship with them.

What to do!! What to do!!


GJ - Oh noes!

SP Schroeder Suggests a Way To Increase Infant Baptisms

From an eyewitness:

Schroeder also jokingly noted that our statistical reports remain fairly constant over the years, except for the newborn baptisms. "Men, I have a proposal on how to improve those numbers..." Rousing laughter.