Thursday, July 22, 2010

Quotations from a Reader

In view of how some so quickly cite the 8th Commandment as an intimidating scold, perhaps this quotation from C.F.M. Zorn's devotional Crumbs: Short Devotions for Every Day of the Year (CPH: 1914, reprint) might give pause for thought: "The most obvious tale-bearers are those who spread vile lies about their neighbor. But those, too, are tale-bearers who withhold from the neighbor the truth which would benefit him."

Luther's Epistle Sermons for the Ninth Sunday After Trinity. The text is 1 Corinthians 10:6-13. Here's a quote some might inwardly digest: "Where the Word of God is lacking or disregarded, human wisdom makes for itself a worship. It will find its pleasure in the thing of its own construction and regard it as something to be prized, though it may be imperatively forbidden in God's Word, perhaps even an abomination before him. Human reason thinks it may handle divine matters according to its own judgment: that God must be pleased with what suits its pleasure. Accordingly, to sanction idolatry, it appropriates the name of the Word of God. The Word must be forced into harmony with the false worship to give the latter an admirable appearance, notwithstanding the worship is essentially the reverse of what it is made to appear." (Sermons of Martin Luther, vol.8. pp.186-187, Lenker, ed.)


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Quotations from a Reader":

Not telling the truth to avoid scandal led to a century of molestation at a German school south of Frankfurt (the title says decades, but the account says 100 years):

The Roots of Abuse
Decades of Molestation Haunt Odenwaldschule
By Matthias Bartsch and Markus Verbeet, 22 July 2010,1518,707658,00.html

For many, the Odenwaldschule was an educational Eden. For others it was more like a living hell. Historical documents suggest that teachers began sexually assaulting pupils at the school, once attended by writer Klaus Mann and other luminaries, shortly after it was founded 100 years ago....

excerpt: As undeniable as the evidence seemed, the parents shied away from open confrontation. Although some enclosed the love letters their daughters had received from teachers while on vacation, the parents showed remarkable restraint. One mother even went so far as to assure the school that she had no intention of "causing a scandal" that might cast the Odenwaldschule in an "unfavorable light".


GJ - Don't read the linked story - it sounds too much like Missouri, WELS, and the ELS.

Abusive pastors need not worry. They can do whatever they want and have the synod officials cover up for them:

1. Never happened.
2. I don't remember.
3. Who told you?
4. Eighth Commandment.
5. Matthew 18.
6. Before my time.
7. You are being divisive.

Have a fling - get moved upstairs. Have numerous flings with married women and teenaged girls - change synods and become a Church Growth guru.

Let your assistant have an affair with a minor girl. The insurance will cover the cost, but the synod will lie in court to prevent even the tiniest bit of justice. Be do not worry - felonies are rarely pursued against church officials who cover up.

misprision of a felony
Taking affirmative steps to hide the fact of another's felony. Merely remaining silent when one knows of a felony is not a misprision, but hiding evidence or intentionally misleading law enforcement could be.
Lie about the assistant. Have an affair of your own. Have fun. Life is short. There will be another call for poor old ____. We all know he is too incompetent to hold down a real job.

This is all crashing down on the Roman Catholics and the Lutherans. DP Robert Mueller was miffed that he had to go to all the extra trouble, for the insurance companies, to show that he newest guys were not sex offenders. He must have thought, "How am I going to keep my pals on the praesidium?"

Mueller explained that he never told a congregation they were getting a known adulterer, because "they won't call him if they know."

Norman Teigen Asks

Norman likes smaller cats.

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminists - Church and Change":

GJ: What do you mean about women acting like women and men acting like women? I am confused and request that you provide some enlightenment. Are there certain things, other than the obvious, e.g. child-bearing, that can be specifically male or female? How does this line of thinking apply to the general place of women in the church? Can women teach men, for example, when women are better educated on a certain topic than are some men?

Norman Teigen
Lutheran Layman


GJ - The male church leaders act like fainting women. They cannot even acknowledge the anti-Biblical errors being promoted right under their noses. The male laity and pastors do not have the courage or sense to vote the apostates out. They are all a bunch of girly-girls because they are afraid of the big bucks behind apostasy. Leaders and followers - all girly-girls.

WELS Church Lady has posted a lot of intelligent and funny comments about the situation. She is far more courageous than the ordained pastors. She understands justification by faith while the rest say, "Duh. Now that is OJ and that is SJ."

I was not advocating women taking over. WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect are doing that. I did not promote the feminist conference led by Church and Changers. SP Schroeder did that - twice.

I need some free publicity too, so I can beg for some grants. How about a link on the ELS page? Let's face it - no one will notice it anyway.