Saturday, August 6, 2011

Any Denomination Would Love
To Have This Many New Congregations,
But These Are All Escapees from ELCA

"I know you are gloating, Brett, and it is not becoming."

George Erdner

  • ALPB Contribution Leader
  • *****
 I'm having some trouble finding the new denominational affiliation of these churches that have left the ELCA. Does anyone have any idea where they ended up? I'm suspecting one of the church bodies other than NALC or LCMC, because those two are pretty good about keeping their websites up-to-date. 

Life Lutheran Church, Richmond, CA
Chinese Lutheran Church, San Francisco, CA
Bethel Lutheran Church, Santa Maria, CA
Advent Lutheran Church, Boca Raton, FL
Peace Lutheran Church, Port Charlotte, FL
Samuel Lutheran Church, Eagle Grove, IA
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Estherville, IA
Fertile Lutheran Church, Fertile, IA
Holmes Lutheran Church, Holmes, IA
Thai Mission, Rockville, MD
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Champion, MI
Christ Lutheran Church, Shingleton, MI
Peace Lutheran Church, St Joseph, MI
Trefoldighed Lutheran Church, Battle Lake, MN
New Hope of Lakewood Lutheran Church, Duluth, MN
Calvary Lutheran Church, Golden Valley, MN
St John’s Lutheran Church, Howard Lake, MN
Rejoice Lutheran Church Renewal Church, Northfield, MN
Salem Lutheran Church, Osakis, MN
Sauk Valley Lutheran Church, Osakis, MN
First Lutheran Church, Pillager, MN
Evanger Lutheran Church, Sargeant, MN
Bethel Lutheran Church, Scanlon, MN
Sychar Lutheran Church, Silver Bay, MN
Folden Lutheran Church, Vining, MN
First Lutheran Church, Dillon, MT
Zion Lutheran Church (Obetz), Columbus, OH
St Mark Lutheran Church, Graytown, OH
Calvary Lutheran Church, Irene, SD
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Long Valley, SD
Trinity Lutheran Church, Midland, SD
Grace Lutheran Church, Snyder, TX

Jelly-Tele-Tubbies in WELS

John Parlow, Mark Jeske, Paul Calvin Kelm, and Kudu Don Patterson are the Jelly-Tele-Tubbies.

Prep Schools Abuse Students?
True Blue WELSians Object

grumpy has left a new comment on your post "Ex-Members Talking about an Abusive Sect - WELS":

You mean pink bellies, pole melvins, bottle drops, shagging, and all the other aspects of the "zex" year (no longer practiced I have been assured) could be considered abusive?

Fie the very thought !

That outsider Dr. Jackson seeks to destroy the only group of true Christians in the world...the WELS...

Well, there is the ELS, but aren't they just considered "Bethany Bombers" ?

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Huebner's Double-Talk Comes Through in His Fuller ...":

In response to former_wels_2011:

If you are serious about reaching Pastor Jackson, feel free to email me at I can then forward your information to Pastor GJ's personal email so that he can email you in return.

An easier suggestion would be for you to leave a comment with your email and type "Do not publish this comment" in the message. All veils of secrecy were lifted once the Intrepid Lutherans blog was up and running.

In Christ,


GJ - I am easy to contact, and this person found me right away. My stated email is If someone writes to me there, I upgrade the individual to my mail email address.

Much of the content of this blog comes from people who contribute research, experience, and insights.

Gird Thy Loins for the ELCA Convention:
Theme - Bottoms Up!

"We could not have reached this point without the support of Thrivent, WELS, Missouri, and the ELS.
We covet the MLC gay video."

Here is the link

As readers know, I am in statu comatosis about all church conventions. They are meaningless gatherings of boring people who think they will accomplish something with a debate and a vote.

The decisions have been made. The committee chairs and members have been chosen to render the correct rubber-stamp on everything debated.

The only possible good result for this convention would be waking up a few more souls. The exit ramps are already crowded with people and congregations leaving.

I wrote about this in 1987 and published the book-lenth manuscript with my name on it.

Lemme see. Thirteen plus eleven equals 24. I was decades ahead of the masses who are now leaving ELCA.

The ELS is dead in the water. WELS and Missouri are collapsing. The LCMC and NALC may be the alternatives chosen by those escaping their Walter-Meyer cults.

Ex-Members Talking about an Abusive Sect - WELS

I have spoken to two ex-WELS members in the last day. I am not going to add any personal details. But that is the setting for what follows.

People do not realize they are in an abusive cult because they are surrounded by those who constantly tell them that God is honored and pleased to have such a wonderful group of Christians - if only the rest were as good. An abusive cult will love-bomb people into the group but also hate them out. Someone who is ex-WELS is the worst of all reprobates, especially if that individual is onto the abuse and talking about it.

The two main components are the abuse (emotional, physical, sexual) and the foul doctrine. The evil doctrine allows and energizes the abuse. WELS teaches universal absolution without faith, which is handy for murdering one's spouse and using the youth group as sex slaves. But WELS also lays down its own law on everyone, and that law has no mercy, no forgiveness, and no fruits of the Spirit.

WELS has a long list of unrepentant, adulterous clergy and teachers. If they are in with the In Crowd, they are guilt-free. However, if a dissenter exhibits any mortal failing, the In Crowd will bury that person in verbal abuse, shun to a fare-thee-well, and excuse their behavior as discipline.

WELS has taken the verse "All men are liars" to a new level - Exponentially, one might say. Thus, they are pleased to brag about their dozens of rules about fellowship principles but will not admit they violate all of them - and have for decades. One proof of that is the shock in the voice of WELS members who do not realize they have been in bed with ELCA (and its forerunners) for many decades. "I never knew that!"

Support for the United Nations? Sure.

Pose with the head of ELCA at a leadership conference? Lie about it. "We had to take their money or someone else would have spent it."

Study at Fuller Seminary? Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, brag, deny. By all means, promote the men who studied there and lied about studying at Fuller. Here is a good one: "I am glad I was there so I could witness against their false doctrine."

Have any of the Ten Commandments survived the brutal regime of WELS? No. False doctrine is promoted as "a gray area of Scripture." The Eighth Commandment applies to dissenters who talk about doctrine, murder, adultery, and child abuse.

Murder? - "That was a long time ago." I am quoting a pastor.

But the worst part of this abusive behavior is the members and church workers try to adjust for the false reality imposed on them. Either they go along with all of it, which is extremely dangerous for the soul, or they snap out of it and get expelled.

Missouri does some of this. The Little Sect on the Prairie re-elected Pope John the Malefactor for being abusive. The micro-mini sects specialize in abuse.

My prescription for healing is two-fold.

First, begin reading the Lenker set of Luther's Sermons to hear the true Gospel and the Reformer's brilliant practical applications.

Second, leave the sect behind whenever that is possible. Worship at home is better than going along with an abusive, false-teaching group. Reading a book on abusive churches will help people realize that they come in all flavors, all confessions.

An ex-WELS pastor told me it was all over for the Wisconsin sect when he read in Mark Schroeder's spin-report that WELS does not repent. Once a sect has reached that level of self-absolution and self-absorption, there is no help.

The Word can address all these problems, but not if no one will wield the Sword of the Spirit.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Huebner's Double-Talk Comes Through in His Fuller Energized Article

The Shrinkers consistently promote their own losers to positions of power, 
so they can leverage the damage.

Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "WELS First VP Advises the Confused about His Passi...":

"My Word will not return to me empty" - unless you mortals make it less effective by not employing Enthusiastic 'church growth' ideologies.

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word" - but only if your mortals don't hinder it with lackluster methodologies!

The doublespeak employed by saying "we cannot make God's Word more effective" but then demonstrating how we can make it ineffective would be humorous if this weren't a serious article written by such a high-ranking member of the Synod.

*** - GJ

Three-fold Promise Destroys CG and UOJ
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
  1. It shall not return unto me void,
  2. But it shall accomplish that which I please,
  3. And it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. KJV Isaiah 55:8-11

In Russia, We Do Not Pass Plate,
We Drive Tank

"You should see us raise funds for Thoughts of Faith."

WELS First VP Advises the Confused about His Passion for Fuller Tricks

This balderdash was given to participants at the St. Paul, German Village, Church Growth seminar, led by Webber-Kovaciny-Shep pal Floyd Luther Stolzenburg. Number 17 has become the NNIV dragon, but #8 is the funniest of them all. No wonder WELS is not growing - they are copying Groeschel verbatim! Didn't little Timmy Glende read his hand-outs?

Drink in the Fuller Seminary wisdom without the expense of going there. No like? You have another spirit. The Left Foot of Fellowship will soon be extended in Christian love.

When All Else Fails, WELS Advises -
Try Methodism:
Stolzenburg Seminar in Columbus, Ohio

Gorge yourself on the wisdom of mainline Methodist evangelism tricks.
This was foreplay for the Groeschel ravishment that followed.

Stolzenburg Evangelism Seminar in Columbus, Ohio

Joe Krohn Finds WELS Using the Bait and Switch:
Pretending To Be Lutheran, But Not

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Golden Arches

Excommunication, or breaking fellowship if you prefer is carried out by the church on someone who is unrepentant for breaking God's Law; the Ten Commandments.  When we were cut off from all membership privileges (excommunication) by the leadership at Holy Word, it was for 'denying the doctrine of Objective Justification.'  This was erroneous since the discussions were always in the context of how the doctrine was being preached and our objection to the preaching.  Since this doctrine comes from a peculiar interpretation of scripture by men, it is not a part of the Law.  Since excommunication needs a broken law, I feel the Eighth Commandment coming into play here and that would be a travesty; that  fellowship would be broken over a man made doctrine and carried out through one of the Ten Commandments.

I was never in want of leadership at Holy Word as it was suggested, but was merely pointing the way to what a Confessional Lutheran Church practices.  You have to realize that when you say you are a Lutheran Church and swear an oath to uphold the teachings of Scripture as confessed in the Book of Concord, you bear a responsibility to that oath and not just lip service.  If I walk into McDonald's on any given day, I expect to see a Big Mac, McMuffins and Quarterpounders with Cheese on the menu.  When I walk into a Lutheran Church on any given Sunday, I expect to see a solid liturgy with Confession and Absolution, Sacraments, Word taught in truth and purity (just the facts, ma'am); music with strong lyrical content and the emphasis on Christ and what He has done and continues to do in our stead.

Fanatics Destroy Romans 3:
The NNIV Replaces the Truth with Falsehood

Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "Lito Cruz, PhD, Explains All":

The way that certain fanatics destroy the text of Romans 3 utterly boggles my mind. It is more than clear from an honest, plain reading of the text that St. Paul's point in this passage is to demonstrate that "there is no difference" between Jews and Gentiles, "for all have sinned." Paul's point is that Christ's Word, work, and justification are not only for Jews, but also for Gentiles. This is why Romans 3 ends with the thought that: "Is God . . . not the God of the Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, since there is only one God, who will justify the *CIRCUMCISED BY FAITH AND THE UNCIRCUMCISED THROUGH THAT SAME FAITH*" (emphasis added). This is the context that the Holy Spirit through St. Paul is driving at. He is not creating some pseudo-universalistic justification; rather, he is demonstrating the limitless nature of the Atonement and the ability that ALL men have to receive the benefits of justification through faith.

Historic St. John Lutheran, Milwaukee:
Great Organ Recital, Appreciative Audience

The organ recital was well received by the audience. One family drove four hours to hear the concert and see the building.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Two Comments from WELS

From a WELS member:

Several binders were out of reach in our office, mostly about evangelism, training lay minsters, or promoting cell groups.

One was a WELS evangelism training binder from 1989.  It took place in Columbus, and had some familiar names (Zehms, Free, Stolzenburg, Glende) as presenters.  My guess is that you were invited to attend this seminar, since this was during your time in Columbus.

I paged through to get a feel for what was happening when I was a youngster in the WELS.  All the usual suspects are referenced and adored and suggested for further reading: Paul Kelm, James Huebner, Win Arn, C.P. Wagner, Fuller, Bill Hybels, Willow Creek, TELL, relational evangelism, ways to present more effectively the efficacious gospel, Kent Hunter, Jim Aderman, thriving churches, things that greeters and ushers should do to not turn off visitors, copies from Methodist evangelism newsletters, felt needs, they come for sociological reasons and stay for theological reasons, and the list goes on.  I wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, or vomit.


A former WELS pastor phoned today. We had a long, enjoyable discussion. He knew about my warnings going unheeded in the Michigan District, starting around 1988, which is now 23 years ago.

Like the other shape shifters, John Seifert feigned doctrinal concern but only used the turmoil to become a Doctrinal Pussycat, Robert Mueller the Second.

Decades later, Naumann spoke with trembling voice about how fabulous the NNIV Cheerleaders were but maybe, just maybe, that was not the best translation to use. Decades ago I was sitting in his parsonage, telling him what was really happening in Columbus. Seifert, Naumann, and many others were well informed, with documentation, but they spent their time feathering their nests or quaking in their rabbit warren, terrified of the WELS Thought Police.

I did not just write to people, meet with people, and document all these things. I published the proof in about 300 Christian News articles. Jay Webber was always telling me what I should write, which gave him no time to oppose anything in writing. I was a ghost writer for the ELS.

Herman Otten went out of his way to support Valleskey, to sell Valleskey's atrocious Church Growth manual as a "doctrinal book," and to do the bidding of his WELS controllers.

The lazy-bones and cowards--all in office today--have purchased their current situation by undercutting anyone who threatened the WELS Shrinker team. The get-along-go-alongs get to watch the collapse from the top story of Pewaukee Towers or whatever their new office building is called.

Downsize? - not royalty.

Lito Cruz, PhD, Explains All

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference...":


Yes you are right.

In the KJV the ones being justified freely by his grace points back to the "upon all them that believe". This is the context.

Yes indeed, all these who believe have sinned, yet they are the ones who are justified.

Here is where Calvinism and UOJers get things wrong.

When the Bible speaks of ALL human beings, the Calvinist misses this and limits it to believers.

When the Bible speaks of ALL believers, the UOJer misses this and extends this to the whole world.

In other words, UOJers and Calvinists are united in their mistake on how ALL is to be interpreted, just that they are opposites of each other.

The proper way is to interpret ALL as referring to all human beings when the Bible clearly says so. Then also interpret ALL as referring only to believers when the Bible clearly says so. The context clarifies this.



GJ - Concise and correct. Thank you Dr. Cruz.

Cyrus Scofield, Convicted Felon, And His Reference Bible:
A Lesson for NNIV Bible Fantasies


Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures.[6] Shortly thereafter Scofield may have been jailed on forgery charges.[7]
Perhaps in part because of his self-confessed heavy drinking,[8] Scofield abandoned his wife and two daughters during this period.[9] Leontine Cerrè Scofield divorced him on grounds of desertion in 1883, and the same year Scofield married Hettie Hall von Wartz, with whom he eventually had a son.[10]

During the early 1890s, Scofield began styling himself Rev. C. I. Scofield, D.D.; but there are no extant records of any academic institution having granted him the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.[16]


GJ - One Icha-reader wisely commented in an email that the Scofield Bible was the key item in promoting the rapture business. His Bible departed from the norm by publishing his notes within the text of the KJV and cross-referencing his theories.

The Man Behind the Myth.

Scofield was able to lay a filter over the KJV, telling people, "This is what it means." The so-called rapture was new and exciting, especially since it pre-dated air travel.

According to one source, the Plymouth Brethren, a Pietistic sect, promoted the idea, but the Scofield Bible lent gravitas to the hokum. I last saw a beautifully printed Scofield Bible, with a leather cover, in the Shepherd of Peace bookcase, Columbus, Ohio. Darby is the best known member of the PBs, and he promoted Dispensationalism and the Rapture.

WELS and the LCMS were able to make the horrid NIV acceptable to their members by selling it through their charnel houses. Clergy get discounts and the materials come packaged by the synodical press - so it must be good. Born-again NIV critic Paul McCain is still selling NIVs and NIV commentaries at CPH.

I have noticed this among WELS members, even among laity who dare to think for themselves at times - There is now so much UOJ garabage embedded in all their publications that the laity will repeat WELSian "everyone is justified" nonsense. They read UOJ textbooks from UOJ teachers, going to pastors with UOJ training for advice.

The NNIV is taking this one step beyond by inserting UOJ into the text, adding a word that is not there, never implied, never supported by the Biblical witness.

KJV - One All

21But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; 22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Classic NIV - One All

21 But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

NNIV - Two Alls
21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Judgment Day Approaches for the LCMS Seminaries

President Harrison's seminary fund will come a day late and a dollar short to save both seminaries. He wants to (someday) give the seminaries $1 million per year from a fund that's just being capitalized, but now the federal government is going to be pulling some of its funds for higher education, so the seminaries are now back to square one IF Harrison can pull is fund off. I think they ought to start talking about closing one seminary:

Harrison's Seminary Fund, 2 July 2011

Former Martin Luther Prep School at Prairie du Chein:
Interest will accrue on federal students loans taken out at seminary the moment the loan is taken out, and there will no longer be any six-month deferment (grace period) after seminary where the government picks up the interest:

"Grace period":
No payments are expected on the loan while the student is enrolled as a full- or half-time student. This is referred to as in-school deferment. Deferment of repayment continues for six months after the student leaves school either by graduating, dropping below half-time enrollment, or withdrawing. This is referred to as the grace period.
Because of the cuts to the Stafford Loan Program, graduate students will no longer be able to receive a loan subsidized by the federal government and will begin to accrue interest from the moment the loan is taken. Previously, interest would not be charged until after the graduate student had graduated.
US debt deal means paying for college - especially graduate school - will get tougher
Subsidized loans. Starting next July, graduate and professional students will no longer be eligible for subsidized federal loans.

Graduate students can take out up to $107,500 in federal loans, of which $42,500 can be subsidized. They’ll still be able to borrow the same amount, but no subsidized loans will be available. The additional cost could push up total debt at graduation by an average of about 16 percent.

But the debt-ceiling ordeal raised the question of whether the government will keep its 6.8 percent rate.

Meanwhile, the rates on private loans would no doubt rise if the country’s credit rating took a hit.

Tax breaks. They could be scaled back. Nearly 10 million taxpayers deducted student loan interest in 2009, according to H&R Block. Taxpayers can also claim a credit of up to $2,500 through next year. After that, they’ll be able to claim a credit of up to $1,800 for the first two years of college.
Will the 10-year student loan forgiveness program for ministers and NPO workers
be axed before people cash in on it?:

Lutheran Seminary Fraud:
Students Are Bankrupting Themselves To Provide an Easy Living for the Profs."No Call for You" Threat Stifles Dissent

Seminaries Ranked by Cost now in Drop Box:

LCMS Seminary Tuition Costs CN 2008 Article

All ATS Seminaries Ranked by Cost (PDF):

All ATS Seminaries Ranked by Cost (Excel):

All ATS Seminaries Ranked by Cost (jpeg of chart):

All Lutheran Accredited Seminaries Ranked by Cost (jpeg of chart):

All Lutheran Accredited Seminaries Ranked by Cost (PDF):

All Lutheran Accredited Seminaries Ranked by Cost (Excel):

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Martin Chemnitz Press Books Sent to Various People

I had the pleasure of sending books to various people this week. One wanted Luther versus the UOJ Pietists for a pastoral friend, details left vague on purpose. He will get multiple copies.

A Roman Catholic wanted to know more about Bethany and Erin, so she is getting two copies of Angel Joy, for herself and her family.

A Protestant was interested in the upcoming children's book, so I sent copies for her to look over and comment upon.

Someone from another country wrote today: "Some nine years ago you kindly sent me several books which have proved to be most useful; THY STRONG WORD - CATHOLIC, PROTESTANT, LUTHERAN –JESUS PRICELESS TREASURE. Since then I have been a regular follower of your blog."

I had a thought about the children's book or other books. If someone wants to have multiple copies in the future for the lowest cost, I can easily make arrangements. In fact, Lulu has special offers from time to time. The costs drop at various levels, starting at five copies, 10, 20, 50, etc. They also have additional discounts on top of the quantity discount.

So, if someone wanted plenty of one book, which is what we did at Emmaus, a little planning can lower the cost by quite a lot. Another option, I believe, is to have various titles in one order.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Martin Chemnitz Press Books Sent to Various People...":

Garrison Keillor talks Lutheran with Concordia students
Submitted by Editor on June 17, 2011


XAVIER has left a new comment on your post "Martin Chemnitz Press Books Sent to Various People...":

Yes, pastor Jackson, thank you for your books. I keep them at hand and they have helped me to understand the precious doctrine of the efficacy of the WORD.