Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ants on the Roses - Quelling the Rage

Ants on the roses mean aphids leaving a sugar trail for them.
But ladybugs love aphids.

Ants adore aphids, who draw the sugar from plants and leave a trail of the treat. But ants do not merely harvest the syrup. They milk the aphids and even herd them, protecting their eggs for the next season.

When ants appear on roses, they are enjoying their fellowship with aphids.

The chemical salesmen have a variety of poisons to try on aphids, which live on the underside of the leaves. Better yet, use a systemic that will kill any arthropod on the rose (spiders and insects alike).

I bent down close to the white rose with ants on it. I saw a tiny fly buzzing around it. Lacewing? I am not sure. But I know lacewing larvae (aphid lions) are ferocious predators of aphids.

Lacewings are good news for gardeners.

The solution is not to poison all the living creatures, which will never work. When the food for predators is gone and the host plant kills the pest-eaters with systemic toxins, there is no reason for the beneficial creatures to stay. But the pests will come back and bring seven demons with them.

Syrphid flies are incapable of stinging or biting and are a welcome sight in the garden. One study found them to be significantly better at locating aphids on collard greens than both ladybugs and green lacewings, though they will not fly on windy, rainy, or cold days. Since adult syrphid flies are completely dependent on pollen and nectar for survival, having plenty of flowering plants around is a must. Several studies have revealed that the number of syrphid fly species present in a field is significantly impacted by the diversity and abundance of flowers located nearby.

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 836-840). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

The answer is to benefit the beneficials, from birds and toads, to ladybugs, lacewings, and ichneumon wasps. The pests we hate are food for the creatures we love, so let the good guys move in and feast on the bugs which are feasting on our plants and flowers.

Immature green lacewings look like tiny brown alligators with a large pair of curved jaws for puncturing prey. Some species are known to cover their bodies with debris for camouflage. Larvae pupate attached to plant material or structures while encased in a round silken cocoon; many species overwinter as pupae. Adult green lacewings of many species feed on pollen, nectar, and honeydew, though adults in the genus Chrysopa are predaceous.

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 1216-1219). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Lacewing youngsters - "aphid lions" - are  great bug eaters.
They love sunflowers, coreopsis, dill,
Queen Ann's Lace, and my favorite herb -
Anethum graveolens dill FAMILY Apiaceae (carrot) • annual • native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia Minor • blooms midsummer through fall • 1–2 feet (0.3–0.6 m) high, 1 foot (0.3 m) wide The sole species in the genus Anethum, dill is a ubiquitous plant in gardens across North America. 

The delicate, finely dissected leaves are a delightful blue-green, and the diminutive yellow flowers are organized into umbels that can reach 6 or more inches (15 or more cm) across and open from the outside in. Along with other members of its family, dill plays host to the larvae of black swallowtail butterflies, and its blossoms are animated with insects of all sorts, including tachinid flies, syrphid flies, lacewings, parasitic wasps of all shapes and sizes, ladybugs,

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 1836-1848). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

The flower clusters of dill (Anethum graveolens) are highly attractive to smaller natural enemies as they can readily access the nectar.

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 1850-1851). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Jessica Walliser argues convincingly that a varied flowered border will provide the food and shelter for the beneficial insects. The easy to grow plants are ideal for the beneficial insects.

We sowed sunflower seeds early in the season, never realizing that an autumnal chill would return time after time with each rainfall. We are in another cycle of cold rain now. The sunflowers planted early are well established and climbing up through the mulch, absorbing the nitrogen-rich rain.

Grow enough raspberries for the birds and the house.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Scandals - Look at the Enablers - The Cover-Up Artists

The key to understanding the Duggar crisis
is their loyalty to the abusive Gothard cult,
two brothers who molested and controlled children.

The Duggar family lives in the next town over from Springdale, Tontitown.

I often complained to my wife that they were selling a fake intimacy on TV in a carefully scripted show.

I often hear the same message that Luther described as "turning Jesus into Moses and Moses into the Savior." Evangelicals are quick to say that obeying the Law is the only way to earn God's blessings.
I have to caution theology students that good works come from the good tree, from faith - they are the fruit of the Gospel Promises.

Requiring works as proof of justification is typical of Pietism, as Hoenecke observed.

The sad result of rancid Pietism is the need to appear as a works-saint, someone who has kept the Law with perfection - "never had a drink in my life, never lit a cigarette, never prayed for - or with - a Missouri Synod member."

The "cannot kiss until married" rule is now a laughing-stock and fuel for the Left's mockery of the Christian Faith.

I blame Jim Bob, the father of all those kids, for the crisis they now face. He was not honest  with others, such as describing a temporary exile of his son as "going through counseling." He was not honest with TLC, who built the mega-house for the series. Josh had to resign from his job at the Family Research Council, undermining the work they were trying to do. Many are paying for the cover-ups. The daughters are humiliated once again as their names are dragged out in public instead of their marriages being honored.

The pattern is exactly what I saw in the LCA, WELS, ELS, LCMS, and CLC (sic). The synod pets are allowed to do whatever they want, including long-term sexual abuse of their children and their members. On the other hand, anyone dissenting from their corrupt practices is pilloried. Questioning the immorality of the synod leadership is blasphemy.

What demonic urges caused Wisconsin Lutheran College
to invite the worst of the Roman Catholic bishops, Weakland,
to lecture the public and defenseless student body?

Ben Wink Reflects on the Martin Luther College (WELS) Graduation and Calls

Hello sir!

I hope you are doing well.  I have enjoyed the creation gardening blog posts and wish I had the patience and time to do something to our greenery other than mowing it.  I've attached something regarding things I've noticed regarding the MLC Call list for 2015 grads.  Feel free to publish it if you'd like as I have no problem having my name attached.  Once again a flood of temporary calls and the school can go "Look at how many graduates we placed!  Yay!"  What a load of baloney.  Why some still insist on going to that school is beyond me.  Be a well-rounded and employed layman instead.  It is far more rewarding in the long eternal run.

Take care and as always In Christ,

Ben Wink

Straight out of the MLC Commencement Service bulletin, here is the breakdown of graduates in the May 2015 class:

Bachelor of Arts                                                                                                          25

Seminary Certifications                                                                                              5         

Bachelor of Science: Early Childhood Education                                                      18

Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education                                                             34
Bachelor of Science: Secondary Education                                                              6

Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education/Early Childhood Education                 5

Bachelor of Science: Elementary and Secondary Education                                   18

Bachelor of Science: Educational Studies                                                                 10

Bachelor of Science: Staff Ministry                                                                           2

Bachelor of Science: Staff Ministry/Educational Studies                                          1

Completing Certification Program: Teaching Online                                                 1

Masters of Science In Education                                                                               10

This is the total of 135 names that were mentioned in the program.  As I am going to compare the numbers from the program to the call list, I will immediately take out the 30 graduates going the seminary because they will not be on the call list.  Also I will remove the 10 Masters graduates and the 1 teaching online program certification because chances are they have calls already and were pursuing further education.  (However, this leaves a bigger question: Why did they choose MLC for such further education when there are so many programs in the country that are better?  Many of these programs are a better bang for your buck as well.)  There were also 9 graduates that elected to do international service instead, so their names will be dropped as well.  Finally according to the MLC website, the Educational Studies graduates are “not eligible for a license or an assignment into the public ministry”.  This takes 10 others off the list.

Before going any further, I just want to elaborate on the Educational Studies degree.  Here is the description verbatim from the MLC website: “To meet individual needs and to ensure dedication to a plan of lifelong ministry service, a formal application process is required.  Students can apply for this degree plan any time after completing the EFE I experience.  The application includes the reason for entering the major, a plan for completion, a statement of goals that includes lifelong service to the church, and a focused area of study.  The application is reviewed by the Vice President for Academics, the Education Dean, and the student’s advisor.  Students may appeal to modify the plan.  Appeals are heard by the same committee.  Students graduating with a major in educational studies are not eligible for a license or an assignment into the public ministry.
I think I am more confused after reading that previous paragraph than I was before reading it.  So this degree is for someone that has absolutely no plans to teach because they cannot get a license or an assignment into the public ministry?  I never thought there would be a degree that would be more of a cul-de-sac than getting a sheepskin in staff ministry, but then this comes bouncing along.  Why would the school offer such a degree path if the goal of MLC is to provide training for future called workers in the church and in the school?  Is this a consolation prize for the student that just couldn’t get through student teaching or is such a screw-up that the college has to give them something other than their money back?  What would possess a student to go for this degree?  Just leave and go to a better college for education.  What is the ultimate point of a ministerial college offering a degree for someone that won’t be allowed into public ministry?  Furthermore how could one of those graduates who received this degree this year decalre that they want to be considered for international service?  Is public ministry suddenly only valid when it occurs in the United States? 

This leaves 75 graduates that are presumably available for full time divine calls into the teaching ministry.  Granted I am looking only at the two lists with the names provided on them and not beyond.  I don’t know if some graduates deferred because they are following their boyfriends/fiancés/husbands to the seminary or for other reasons that were closeted during their time as a student there.  But let’s just take a raw look at the call list.

There were 86 calls that I counted on the list that was provided from MLC.  Now that is 86 calls for 75 graduates, which shows one the kind of math skills that Martin Luther College provides.  Surely every 2015 graduate then received a full time call, correct?  Actually, no.  Of the 86 calls, 10 of them were prior graduates whose calls were made permanent.  This then drops the list of available calls from 86 to 76.   So that would mean 76 calls for the 75 graduates.  Ah, but 13 of those remaining 76 calls were for graduates from 2014 and even 2013 that were reassigned for a 2nd or even a 3rd year as a tutor or dormitory supervisor.  So that means that there were 63 calls left for the remaining 75 graduates.  But even then, those 63 aren’t all full time calls and careers in ministry.

            Let’s look at it another way.  Out of the 86 calls listed, 39 of them were one-year calls.  This means that just under half of them were temporary divine calls.  Of the 39 one-year calls, 3 were for principal training, 1 was for being a MLC admissions counselor, 9 were for tutors, and 15 were for dormitory supervisors with token classes attached.  (I don’t know how that temporary admissions counselor can convince a high schooler that MLC is a great career path.  The synod couldn’t even find a permanent call for him.  How exactly will they find one for the high school graduates looking for employment after college?)

            39 one-year calls?  That means that there are going to be 39 prior graduates that need actual full-time positions in ministry in 2016.  Doesn’t this cut into the possibilities for the available calls for next year’s graduating class?  Perhaps they could refresh some of these tutors for a 4th year.

            Again the idea that there is a tremendous shortage of called workers is a fallacy.  There is a tremendous shortage of tuition dollars however.  Therefore, there is a “need” for called workers.  Look at the blatant tuition grab that the aforementioned Educational Studies bachelor degree is.  Apparently there is such an overflow of students coming that instead of finding them all permanent full time calls when they graduate, they can just give some of them a degree, a handshake, no license, no call and say “Thanks for the check!”  How could they announce the names and have them walk across the stage and keep a straight face?

This is how to get a call, kids.
Steal a gay video, add your own screen grabs, and post to YouTube.
100% calls for this bunch of degenerates.

Michigan Lutheran Seminary - WELS - cheerleaders.
How many will be trans-Jennered at graduation?

The CLC (sic) Thanks God They Are Not Like the Other Church Growth False-Teaching, Thrivent Selling Sects.
But They Are Worse

The Scribe and the Pharisee, by Dore.

Pastors Paul Nol ng, Bruce Naumann, and I met with the WELS/ELS representives on April
17th on the ILC campus. The discussions again focused on what Scripture teaches regarding the terminati on of fellowship, and in par cular, the terminati on of fellowship with false-teaching church bodies. 

I thank the Lord for the opportunity. I believe the talks were fruitful
and I am hopeful that at our next mee ting in Mankato at the end of August final wording of a
joint document on this issue can be agreed upon. The prayer of all is that the Spirit would
bring about God-pleasing fellowship based on full agreement on the doctrines of Scripture. I
am encouraged by the meeti ngs we have had. Of course, much lies ahead. If there is
agreement on the doctrine of termina tion of fellowship, a number of other matters of doctrine
and practi ce, such as the proper Scriptural view and approach toward fraternal faith-based
groups like Thrivent need to be thoroughly discussed and agreed upon by all the bodies in
their Conven tions before fellowship could be restored. I and the other committee members
welcome your comments. However, as I have men tioned before, please refrain from using
Clergytalk to express your thoughts.

Like the CLC (sic), WELS has no problem with convicted pastors.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

First Mr. Lincoln Rose Bud - Fragrant Enough for the Entire Room

This is very close to the one near my desk.

Be sure to enunciate when you say, "Look at that bud!" Mr. Lincoln bloomed right away, so I cut off the first one and put it in a bud vase.

The fragrance radiates around the room, and the bud is slowly opening.

I often cut a group of flowers near the top of rose, where the buds have their sepals open (all five bud coverings). If the sepals are open, the bud will open up slowly. The look is deceiving. A small bud can produce an enormous rose. A good group of three of more roses/buds will open up over a long period of time.

Pumpkins Planted - Another Inch of Rain.
Corn Disappeared Faster Than Hillary's Email

Yesterday was especially enjoyable. Morning is a better time to start gardening here. The backyard is in the shade and the air is cool.

I managed to lose most of my pumpkin seeds, but I had a half-package left, more than enough to start. The Three Sisters Garden, lacking any corn, became the Pumpkin Patch by default. The corn did not show up in two weeks, either because of cold soil, squirrels, crows, or all four together. Pumpkins are always fun to grow and give away. I should have some gourds, too.

I planted some pumpkins in the compost, which now has regular watering from the soaker hoses, coming from both directions.

I pour rainwater on each new plant or seed, giving it a boost of water, settling the soil, and giving the soil a supply of useful nitrogen. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer in water would be to burn or kill the plant, seed, and microbes.

I told Mrs. I about all the roses leafing out and blooming now. "I visited the laggard roses each day and pruned the canes a bit and poured rainwater on them."

"You make pastoral visits? No wonder all the roses are growing."

"Yes, it only takes a little extra care."

Sweet potato  vine starts were selling at the Walmart - almost for free - so I planted a bunch of them, in the brightest sun for most of them. They love sun and warmth - like tomatoes, corn, and sunflowers. Sweet potatoes are a Morning Glory relative, so they vine along the ground or perhaps up a fence - waiting to see that. I am new to this plant - except for eating the results.

I visited all the new vines with rainwater. One trumpet vine has started to grow. The Passion Flower vine (maypop) is struggling against insects.

I looked at the chewed leaves and said to myself, "Get out the heavy artillery." I cracked flower pots for nearby toad houses and also put a couple of whole pots, upside-down, near the plants. A pot with the hole on top will attract insects, which means a spider will move inside for the shelter and food.

The Creating Word planned all this, so we can enjoy the benefits of the Creator's wisdom, without paying for man's marketing.

A toad will eat 10,000 bugs in one summer. For that reason I also have flat pans around for their hydration. Birds will sip from them and toads sit in them - not at the same time, of course. The clay pans are under the soaker hose, easily filled and cleaned.

Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds love Honeysuckle Vines.

The prize is Honeysuckle Vine, already climbing the dead tree and flowering. I am looking forward to its "rampant growth."

Cow Vetch is also climbing and flowering on the back fence. My neighbor seems to want a screen too, so he has planted a tree in just the right spot. In time his dogs may stop barking, "There he is! Come to kill us all!" Chihuahuas.

Our helper mowed the backyard before the latest rainstorm. We could use another mowing, but days of rain are ahead. He was happy to learn that the back section will be designated The Wild Area. I marked it off with logs. Grass and weeds will grow longer there, and use bushes/vines/sunflowers for a screen friendly to birds, bees, buttreflies, and hummingbirds.

Re-Elect Mark Gurgel, WELS Synod President
And Joel Voss, Designated Packer Fan

If you liked the first Gurgel, vote for the high school principal
who extended the influence of Gurgel's methods.

I remember the Israelites groaning under the burden of Carl Mischke, now gone to his reward, which may not be pretty or peaceful. They would elect Gurgel, and he would stop the closing of Northwestern College and end the era of Mischkean darkness. He was the "conservatives" dream candidate.

Had they forgotten that Gurgel as a District President mismanaged the MilCraft estate gift  so badly that WELS lost the widow's lawsuit. The judge agreed that WELS was robbing widows, a subtle irony, and awarded her $1 million. WELS responded among its brain-washed clergy, saying, "We have to be more careful about the gifts we accept in the future."

WELS leaders do have a sense of humor. They are always joking with their underlings.

Knowing they did not get the joke the first time, Gurgel won the election and promptly reversed his position on amalgamating NWC and Dr. Martin Luther College. Soon a "conservative" was telling me, "We are praying for Mischke to come back." Gurgel pushed the merger of the colleges, but they have answers for their fading teacher population - gubmint supported schools and diaper changing academies.

The same source told me Gurgel was forced to leave the presidency, that is, given an offer to retire or go to prison. The dream candidate was a nightmare who managed to take the wealth of Marvin Schwan, largely pushed in the direction of WELS, and bankrupt the abusive sect. Some would call that just desserts for the leaders who absolved Marvin of adultery in exchange for the largest indulgence in history.

Note the announcement from Joel Hochmuth, who is now in the Big House for file-swapping little boy porn and violating his excessively easy sentence  (work release) -

This is still Hochmuth's LinkedIn profile, as of today.
Shouldn't WELS convicts have their own website,
like  LockedIn?
DP Ed Werner and others could use networking among their own kind.

May 14, 2007

Dear called workers,

President Gurgel has announced he will decline nomination for reelection at the synod convention this summer. He mailed a letter to all of you late last week explaining his thoughts. If you have not yet received it, it should be arriving shortly. 


Joel Hochmuth
Director of Communications

One never knows the whole story. WELS is adept at damage control and its clergy are eager to communicate the worst excuses for capital crimes. The bigger the scandal, the harder the clergy laugh about it.

About $8 million was spent out of designated funds, apparently taken from the chapel for their dying college, the one to have been strengthened by amalgamation. The treasurer, who drove Gurgel to work every day, was fired for telling them they could not do that, and blamed for what they did.

That seems to have been the last straw, but no one really knows. I only publish gossip and slander, so find your own stories to believe. I believe all of them 50% - and half of them 100%.

These circus clowns get whatever they want,
and some think WELS is strict?
Abuse of women does not fall under the rubric of doctrinal discipline.

Enter the New Gurgel
The "conservatives" engaged in a plan to have Mark Schroeder's election locked down before the convention started. One plan was to remove all the leaders, but - as expected - they backed out of that in favor of having a new, dream candidate.

Leaking to this blog is quite selective. No one told me, but that is OK. They got what they deserved. All synods seem to like someone with almost no parish experience and no grasp of Lutheran doctrine. Moldstadt, Harrison, Schroeder, and Liz Eaton are alike in their love for Universal Objective Justification and their principled opposition to anyone opposing them.

The tiddlywink pastor behind this couches and coffee church (a failure)
is a prominent speaker in WELS.

Some noteworthy bellyflops of the Schroeder reign, so far -

  • WELS spent $250,000 on software to watch the money and lost at least $300,000 afterwards to one clergy embezzler. 
  • Church and Change continued its merry way, the leadership circle of C and C almost the same as WELS synodical leadership. Ski learned that being on the board was a get-out-of-jail free card.
  • Mark Schroeder encouraged his pals to start something to counter-balance the Jeske Mob, but went after the Intrepid Lutherans once they showed a tendency to like Lutheran doctrine rather than UOJ Enthusiasm. Thus the Intrepids were the only objects of his wrath.
  • Jeske cohorts stole Historic St. John Lutheran Church, 8th and Vliet, in Milwaukee, including its endowment and the personal belongings of the pastor - all done with a deluxe law firm. Now it is in the hands of an ELCA pastor, formerly WELS. The abusive sect has not admitted anything.
  • Pretending to oppose Church Growth and its Church and Change leadership, Schroeder put booster rockets on it and gave them everything they wanted.
    WELS Illumine's church logo -
    speaks volumes.

The Biggest Prize of All

The New NIV is locked down.
The Church of Rome has nothing on WELS.

Supposedly, Schroeder hated the New NIV and opposed it. Just before the last convention, he was afraid his opposition would cause him to lose his cushy job with the princely salary.

Not to worry.

Schroeder caved in completely. No one expressed opposition to the New NIV. The convention, which they believe is the Holy Spirit in action, approved all translations so the New NIV fell under that blessing.

The final act of this farce is the new WELS  hymnal being based on the New NIV, so they will manage to make a horrible hymnal - Christian Worship - even worse in the latest redaction.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Betcha Didn't See That Coming from the WELS Even Worse Hymnal Project

They never mention any version of the KJV - never.

We have also asked the SC to serve as the hymnal project’s translation committee. In that regard, the Scripture Committee drafted a translation rubric that was approved at the first meeting of the XC in September of 2013. Their rubric followed the eclectic choice method which was approved at the 2013 synod convention. The primary working translation of the project is NIV2011, with NIV1984 serving as the backup choice where there are weaknesses or deficiencies that require changes. Since the time that resolution was approved, it has been established that NIV1984 won’t be available as a backup choice, so the committee will be bringing an updated recommendation for a backup translation.

WELS Hymnal Director's Report

Associate Pastor at St. John's Lutheran Church, Midland, Michigan - LCMS - On Grindr - Just Like MLC's Zak Stowe

Martin Luther College graduate Zach Stowe referred to his photos on Grindr,
but "no one knew."

Antigay Michigan Pastor Outed by Grindr Messages

makalaGrindr Journalism may be the only worthwhile social media journalism, solely for its ability to out anti-gay public figures who still think it’s a good idea to troll for same-sex action using the popular app. The latest comes from Queerty, which outed a vociferously anti-gay pastor with his own chat logs from Grindr.
Matthew Makela, formerly an associate pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church and School in Midland Michigan, has an online history with numerous Facebook postings and op-eds railing against homosexuality. “I love people who have same sex attraction, and so does God. The proof is in the sacrifice He made for all of us who sin,” he once wrote in an online comment. “We don’t tell a person born with tendencies to abuse alcohol to keep on giving in to his innate desires because he can’t help it. We try to help him in his struggle.”
So basically, not a fan of homosexuality. Or was he?
A tipster sent Queerty a cache of screenshots from Grindr, showing his chats with a very Grindr-fluent Makela. In them, the pastor sends photos of himself in bed, as well as his desire to “mess around with a bicurious guy” and his preferred bedroom activities. He also mentioned that he had a girlfriend and two children (he has a wife and five children, none of whom were aware of his activities).
The images eventually forced Makela to resign, and he told Queerty that the images were indeed authentic, but declined to comment further. Meanwhile, the church took down its Facebook page andtold its congregants to not read the story, because that’s the quickest way of making a dude not gay.
As for Grindr journalism — we’re starting to think it’s a very real thing of the future: Here’s an example of a North Dakota legislator who voted against a gay rights bill but was outed using Grindr. And here’s a Puerto Rican senator who resigned after his photos emerged on Grindr.
[Image via screenshot/Grindr]

Ordination, 2010,
Midland, Michigan

Makela's Facebook page came down as I was looking it over.
Apparently he is married with four young children.
This is very sad for them.

Pastor Makela Resigns Call

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Dear members of St. John’s,

It is my grief to inform you that Pastor Makela announced his resignation as a pastor of St. John’s through a letter that was read in worship on Sunday, May 17.  Pastor has acknowledged that there was sin and repentance, and I have testified that there is indeed forgiveness through the same Lord who forgives all our sins.  Nevertheless, it is an end of our time together in ministry, and we ask for your continued prayers and support for the Makela family.

To make matters worse, though, the details of sin that have been kept confidential are being posted online by those who seek to do harm to the Makela family and to St. John’s.  This is taking an already difficult situation and making it even more painful.

I write this to you to warn you that you may be confronted with the details of the sin, and to remind you that sin is never pretty.  The facebook pages associated with St. John’s have been taken down in an attempt to remove the opportunity for malicious posters to have access to St. John’s members, but the internet and age of communication being what it is, I have no way of guaranteeing that you will not come across this information in some way.

A few thoughts on how to proceed:
-Don’t panic.  This changes nothing.  Matt is still forgiven and he is still loved, and we will do what we can to stand by him and the family as they face this spiteful attack of shame.  God is bigger than this and will see us through.

-Don’t respond.  Those who are trying to shake up the congregation are doing so, at least in part, to generate traffic to their website.  If you click on a website to see, or respond to what is being said--even in a positive way--you are only rewarding those who are trying to shame the Makelas.

-Please know that the leadership of St. John’s will be forthright with any information the members need to have.  However, we do not intend to use the internet as the primary means of communication at this point.

-Be patient and trust God.  This too shall pass.

In the meantime consider the advice of scripture:  “Be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.”

See you in Church,

-Pastor Kempin
- See more at:

WELS Illumine Church - Pastor Goes to Exponential (DP Patterson's fave) -
Your Offering Money Bought Expensive Equipment
So They Could Host a High School Prom!

This equipment cost over $10,000, I believe.
The video is donkey-awful.


 Pastor Kent Reeder is at the Exponential Conference this week - April 27-30 - and will be regularly posting notes and thoughts based on the sessions and speakers in the conference. Please note that while many of the speakers at the conference are not confessional Lutherans and will, therefore, have some errant theology, the principles discussed are scriptural and godly. [GJ - What about the ding-bats who attend?] Pastor Kent will filter anything that isn't valuable out of these posts - you can enjoy the beneficial parts! [GJ - Oh! Oh! Oh! Church Growth Ecstasy!]
presented by Ryan Kwon
Why build systems?
1. Hell is bad, the gospel is good. You have to love people A LOT if you are going to invest the time and effort into building these systems. Your heart has to be breaking to motivate you to be as efficient as possible in your efforts.
2. Every system gets outdated. What got you through the first year won't get you through the next, and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The people, the city, the congregation, and you will change on a regular basis. Your systems have to change with them. 
Remember, the question we ask about how to be effective in our congregations will stay the same until Christ returns, but the answers will change.
3. Every church grows. The question is whether your church is growing toward health or toward disfunction [ Sic - dis is a spelling error, dysfunction]. Think systems first, let them create your church, and become proactive in your growth. If your church is driving your systems to change, you will be a reactive church. If your systems are driving your church to change, you will be a proactive church. 
[GJ - Somebody translate this booschwah into something about the Means of Grace.]
Truths about Systems
1. Systems are the engine behind mission and vision. 
2. Systems make vision into reality. 
3. Visions inspire, but systems modify behavior. (Neither is stronger than the other.)
4. It's a system problem, not a people problem. Stop blaming your people. Start blaming and fixing your systems. 
If you think to yourself, "I don't have a system in place for this." You're wrong. You do - it is just terrible. 

[GJ - The liturgy, the Lutheran hymns, shudder - the Lutheran name, the Confessions, the Means of Grace, the efficacy of the Word. You have to dump all that, according to James Tiefel's wonder-boy.]
The Building Blocks of a System
1. Expectations - Have a clear goal for this system. You must build a clear expectation for this system.
2. Rewards - What is rewarded will be repeated. You must build a reward in for the good things. 
3. Consequences - If the vision doesn't happen, you must have consequences. 
4. Communication - How and how often you will communicate within this system.
5. Behavior - This is where the rubber meets the road. This is what a system creates and affects. 

[GJ - Management speak. Oh, I just love that. Leaders have to...lead. You must have S.M.A.R.T. goals. You must have a mission/vision statement because all the corporations do. You must have enthusiasm, no, passion. Yes, a passion for everything you do because passion makes things happen.]
People need regular reinforcement in systems. (Fortunately for Illumine, we can reinforce the systems at the beginning of each trimester because we have this pre-existing system.)
Principles that Shape Various Systems
1. Staff Systems: Spin fewer but larger plates. Anticipate change-ups and adjustments as a result of leaders growing and fitting new spaces. Get the right people at the right places. 

[GJ - Spin a few big plates - like offering plates? WELS did that with Marvin Schwan.]
2. Sunday Systems: Know your guest experience. Systems should be flock focused, not sheep focused. (Think about people, not just a person.) 
3. Discipleship Systems: Know what a disciple is. Know how they are formed. Know how to identify/measure them. 
- Pastor Kent Reeder

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

GJ - Take a long look at their pagan logo: lightbulb, flame, and a screw.


Illumine Cycle.png
Illumine is a new church. We started in May of 2013 and officially launched public worship services here in Rock Hill on April 13th, 2014. We exist so that Christ may shine brilliantly on us, in us, and through us. To that end, we focus on worship (Christ shining on us), education (Christ shining in us), and community service (Christ shining through us.) On a given day, you might see us volunteering, gathering in a home or conference room for a class, preparing for worship, or praying together for each other and York County. 
Illumine welcomes everyone. Everyone needs a chance to refresh - that's our Sunday morning. Everyone deserves a chance to grow and be more than they were before - that's our education goal. Everyone benefits when we serve those around us - that's why we aren't working unless we're reaching out to the community. We'd like your input in this process. We'd like your help with this process. We'd like you engaged in this process. Get in touch anytime: &(803) 810-9398, or come by and visit us at our ministry center - 1262 Riverchase Blvd., Rock Hill, SC. 


What should I wear to worship?
Honestly, this question is much less important than we tend to realize. Wear whatever makes you and those around you comfortable. If you want to dress up for church, by all means, go for it. If you believe it's judgmental and unfair when we force people to dress up for worship, wear something else. 
The bigger issue is this: if you have issues with the way people are dressing at Illumine, come find Pastor Kent Reeder. We'll talk about it, because there's probably something that needs to be addressed. What exactly that is will get figured out when we talk - and at the end of the day, isn't that why we come to church, anyway?

GJ - If you still have issues, we will beat you like a rented mule. Ask Ichabod.