Friday, June 21, 2019

Defeat the New NIV - Post from 2001. How Did That Work Out?
Favorite, Official Version of WELS - OK with Missouri - Cuz OJ Taught in False Translation of Romans 3. Plastic Text? How 'Bout Invented?

This is the sticky post, so you can find the material about the feminazi, Adam-as-a-myth NIV translation that the WELS Changers are lusting to adopt.

The billionaire Murdoch owns Zondervan, so WELS will be lining his pockets while destroying sound doctrine.

If you have a good post to contribute, send it as a comment. I will feature it and link it here afterwards. You may contribute an opposing position on this, as long as you argue your case well. 

WELS Adds To Its Sins 

Jim Becker Has a Suggestion 

WELS the Cutting Edge of Dumbing Down 

Ray Klatt on Translations 

WELS Church Lady on NNIV in Texas 

AC V on Grabbing St. Paul by the Shoulders and Teaching Him Justification without Faith 

Zorro on Pushing the NNIV Through...Fast

California Seconds Ray Klatt: The Main Issue - The Bible 

Southern Babtists Utterly Reject the NNIV 

Luther's Bible is the uncle of the KJV. 

Wikipedia Knows More than Mequon.

WELS editor Braun Unglued Over NNIV Objections.

The practicing lesbian on the NIV committee.

South Central District, WELS, against deciding in 2011.

The Process for Getting Rid of the KJV and Installing the NIV.

Even Paul McCain is against the NNIV. Shock!

Criminal Charges against Murdoch 

More about Bad Fathers and Bad Sons, Like Murdoch and Son 

The United Church of Christ and Feminazi Language 

WELS, McCain, and Otten Backing the Wrong Bible 

The Spirit of New Biblism - While Ignoring the 400th Anniversary of Luther's English Bible 

To Be Used at the WELS Convention - Lovin' It 

Tyndale enrolled at Wittenberg to study under Luther and Melanchthon. 

WELS Convention discussion against the NNIV. 

The Process 

No More Saints - Zero! - in the New NIV 

Saints Aint

Joe Krohn on Romans 3:21 ff.  

SP Schroeder's First Draft

Founder of Dynamic Equivalency NNIV - Dead

Two Methods To Defeat the NNIV

Read about Dean Burgon, Who Defended the KJV

Eight of the Worst Errors in the NNIV

ESV Editor, J. I. Packer, is a Calvinist.

The Evangelical Lutheran Synod is AGAINST the NNIV.