One way to promote false doctrine is to treat another doctrine as evil, beyond the beyond - or, to pretend that no such thing exists. That is quite dishonest and an obvious contradiction.
Baptists, Babtists, and Pentecostals treat infant baptism - even the mention of that term - as beyond the beyond. (I picked up the expression from Angel's Ashes. The alcoholic father used up all the money in that poor, Irish household and even spent the money sent for his newborn baby. The family considered that "beyond the beyond.")
Once I began a discussion of infant baptism in a mixed audience. A woman got up in a fury and left the room, glaring at me. The verbalized accusation declares that infant baptism and infant faith are "Roman heresies," which settles the matter. Leaving the room in a huff or silencing a discussion (in a Lutheran cell group!) is enough to bypass any discussion based on the Scriptures. As I told one woman, who later agreed, cell groups are not Lutheran and likely to be anti-Lutheran, especially when led by nominal Lutherans.
I have found a hostile reaction to Justification by Faith - festooned with all kinds of insults - typical of the LCMS, WELS, ELS, and CLC (sic).
"It is satanic that people like Gregory Jackson and Paul Rydecki have used misleading and complicating rational arguments, incorrect biblical interpretation, and misleading historical evidence to make this such a difficult issue to grasp today. They attack and obscure Scripture, rather than clarify it, though. (This is why they hate and refuse to deal directly with 2 Cor. 5:19, since it is so clear and helpful on this issue.) In the same way, the 1979 Kokomo theses were uncarefully drawn up to make light of and mock objective justification, not to defend it or help bring about a right understanding." p. 6, 11-04-2019 CN.
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Mull this stupidity for a few moments. The same discussion group raves against Justification by Faith and let Paul McCain post propaganda plagiarized from Rome. |
However, the vast dishonesty of the college and seminary professors, the pinhead clergy and gullible laity is staggering. They pretend there is no other doctrine except Justification Before Faith - "God has declared the entire world forgiven, righteous, yea even saved." Hell is full of guilt-free saints.
This eternal verity has been falsely attributed to the Bible, Romans 4, Luther, Gerhard, Calov, etc. The Church has always taught OJ, they bleat, just as Holy Mother Rome has always taught the Immaculate Conception of Mary and Her Assumption into Heaven.
Both are "the truth" because of the infallibility of Walther and the Pope.
If the OJists were honest, they would say - "We used to teach Justification by Faith in the LCMS and WELS, even though Walther and his disciples taught OJ, but both synods changed to align with Walther, Pieper, ELCA, and Calvin."
But they cannot even admit to Justification by Faith as the Chief Article of Christianity. Like Bivens and Zarling, they try to make people think OJ is the Chief Article.
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The Right Reverend Bishop Heiser did not know Objective Justification existed when he declared fellowship with Lawson's group and Rolf's group. Roll the film. |