Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lil Mike at The CORE

"This is just a little video i (sic) put together showqin (sic) me recording sum (sic) tracks in my bedroom" [GJ - After spelling lessons from Ski? The absence of a period is in the original.]

Lil Mike in MySpace


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lil Mike at The CORE":

A preppie pretending to be urban,
in a movie theater pretending to be a church,
in front of Babtists pretending to be Lutherans.

+Diet O. Worms

Thank God McCain Set the Pope Straight and Witnessed about Missouri's Rock-Ribbed Orthodoxy!

"The Holy Spirit will not let the Holy Father err." Wait, I thought that saying applied exclusively to the WELS District Popes.

Through clenched teeth: "Move the web cam a little to the left. I can tell from the mirror that is just about right. A little more. Is my hair OK? Good. Now press the mouse button."

LCMS leaders attend ecumenical meeting with pope
"Christ, Our Hope for Unity" was the theme for an April 18 prayer service led by Pope Benedict XVI at St. Joseph Parish, a German Roman Catholic congregation in the Yorkville section of Manhattan, N.Y., with some 350 ecumenical guests in attendance.

Among the 30 Lutherans invited to attend this "ecumenical meeting" with the pope, as it was referred to in the invitation, were Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick and Dr. Samuel H. Nafzger, one of the LCMS participants in the U.S. Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue and executive director of the Synod's Commission on Theology and Church Relations. Also attending were local LCMS pastors and officials in New York City.

Representatives from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) included Dr. Lowell G. Almen, Lutheran co-chair of the U.S. Lutheran–Roman Catholic Dialogue, and Dr. Donald McCoid, director of the church body's Ecumenical Office.

The service was led liturgically by Benedict XVI, who delivered the "Address." All worship assignments were carried out exclusively by Roman Catholics. After the benediction, greetings were exchanged with the pope by 15 of the ecumenical guests -- 11 were chosen from among national leadership participants, and four were from New York, including Dr. David Benke, president of the LCMS Atlantic District. In his response to Benke's greeting, the pope specifically requested, "Please greet all in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for me."

Nafzger said the Synod's local and national leaders appreciated being invited to the ecumenical event.

"Especially meaningful," he added, "was the inclusion in the worship program of the following quotation from the pope's 2005 address at the World Youth Day: 'Among Christians, fraternity is not just a vague sentiment ... it is grounded in the supernatural reality of the one Baptism which makes us all members of the one Body of Christ.'"

Posted April 25, 2008


GJ - As we know from McCain's blog, Father Neuhaus pulled the right strings and got Missouri in touch with a real pope. To this day, according to Paul, the Antichrist just shakes his head about the obstinate Lutheran orthodoxy of the LCMS.

We all join the pope, in shaking our heads.

At least McCain-Barry disciplined Benke, putting him on ice forever and a day.

Mrs. Ichabod just interrupted my reverie.

"They did nothing to Benke. Read the part about Benke in there."

I see. Benke participated.


WELS and the Little Sect are a lot tougher. They make the Church of Rome leaders come to them - such as teaching at Wisconsin Lutheran College, marching in a religious procession at Bethany Lutheran Seminary, etc.


follow @tomplay for more updates on the platform. @pastorski and @kstrandlund are still in ATL through Wednesday
1:54 PM May 5th from web

Friday, May 8, 2009

What Are We Learning About Babtist Drive Conferences and WELS?

Thanks to Bishop Katie's Tweet, we know that four unnamed WELS pastors joined Ski, Glenda, Buske and her at Drive 09. Sfunny how those four names never came up in the Tweets. A staff member at Northpoint/Buckhead--Carlos Whittaker--was and is a constant on their Tweets, but those mysterious four WELS pastors are not even mentioned in the chatter.

The Drive Conferencess are primarily worship/entertainment events. At 09 they had a communionn service. At 08 Ski said he worshiped with the Babtists and loved it. In fact, it was more of "we worshiped with them." -
"The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal. We began with awesome worship."

Like the fabled Don Patterson pilgrimage to Exponential last year (with a bevy of WELS workers) this trip looked carefully organized, down to their cover stories. Tim Glende was going to a "pastor conference" without any details in the church bulletin about where it was or what denomination led the confab.

Some think the Anything Goes Northern Wisconsin District is loose, but Patterson-Glaeske are no different in the Southern Central Babtist District (aka The Safari Subsidy District).

Exactly how long can WELS preserve the illusion that it is a Lutheran church body?

Pente-Babtist Input, Pente-Babtist Output

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Wisdom of Drive 09: Orchestrated Spontaneous Danci...":

This is nothing new really. WELS let 3 missionaries go in the Tiawan field back in about 1992 because they became Petecostal/Charismatic. And how did that start you ask? By flirting around with them in the first place and not clearly maintaining a distance and avoiding them.

Does anyone remember the place in the Bible where God told Lot and his family to flee from Sodom and Gomorrah? Don't even look back they were told, but guess what, it was too aluring for Lot's wife. Just one look, is all it took.

Keep sneaking a peek straying friends and get swept away with all of the rest who are falling to seducing spirits.



GJ - The Sausage Factory faculty was asked about tongue-speaking when this was developing. Wobbly to a man, they responded that tongue-speaking was OK. I was told never to mention Taiwan - that was a forbidden subject - in the ELS too.

Four Horsemen and a Bean-Counter

Benny has left a new comment on your post "Wisdom of Drive 09: Orchestrated Spontaneous Danci...":

Wanted: bean counter at St. Marcus

Donor Records Coordinator
Posted by: St. Marcus
Date Posted: 04/21/09
Deadline to Apply: May 8, 2009
Job Description:

The position first and foremost serves as a member of development and finance teams for the overall purpose of cultivation, solicitation and recognition of St. Marcus’ various constituencies. The role of this position is to provide information, support, and services to advance the fundraising and community support building mission of the organization.

The position administers the St. Marcus constituent database, to maintain detailed records, and to process donations and gift acknowledgments in a timely manner. Supports COO, Financial Services Manager and Director of Development by generating constituent reports to support all department operations/fundraising programs and reconciliation with finance department.

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Peterson Finally Indicted

Peterson (left) and Cowardly Lion

Indicted in third wife's death.

Wisdom of Drive 09: Orchestrated Spontaneous Dancing, "Balling" During Communion

Gay Activist Andy Stanley and Ski,
who was recently given lavish funds from WELS, 2012.
RT @loswhit
: Yup. That was pretty much one of the dopest times
of communion I've had. Wow. Powerful. #drive09 // for real y'all... Dope

His blog:
4. I went to the Drive’09 Conference this week. It was aaaaamazing! I loved connecting with friends. It was solidly biblical, off-the-chain creative, and intensely practical. I loved communion on night one, the Breakskate group, and a breakout session with Dian, Andy’s assistant. It was just more confirmation that I am on the team that I need to be on at Access.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Spontaneous Dance at DRIVE '09

Before one of the sessions at Drive there were people in the audience that were strategically sitting and spontaneously starting dancing. This is how they taught the dance to the staff and volunteers involved. It was awesome.
Before one of the sessions at Drive there were people in the audience that were strategically sitting and spontaneously starting dancing. This is how they taught the dance to the staff and volunteers involved. It was awesome.

Snapshots of Drive 09
Just experienced Drive Conference '09, Day 1. And, yes, experienced is the right verb. Wow. Excellence at every level. Typography (modern, sans serif, all caps), color scheme (aqua, black, white)(even taffy and mints in the lobby were matched), smooth admin, teaching (it's Andy Stanley. And even he was more honest and vulnerable than usual), media (informative, hilarious, and looked good), music, and really, experiential worship (I was balling (sic) during communion as they led you through the Last Supper, crucifixion, and resurrection with a full orchestra). It reminded me of why I am doing what I do.

I will include my random notes from Andy's first talk. But some takeaways for me included the fact that despite the fact that I am in charge of media at a small is just a tool. I need to be strengthening my spiritual man if I am going to be able to feed and lead others. I love, love, love media stuff so much that sometimes I think I focus too much on technique (learning the next effect in photoshop or motion or whatever) and don't continue to nourish my soul so I have things to say. My wife wisely pointed out tonight that perhaps this is due to the fact that the technique is tangible. If I create a cool graphic, I can immediately see it. Ministry, building something spiritual, is much more slippery and often takes years to see fruit bud above ground. It brought to mind and inspired me to re-read Eugene Peterson's Under the Unpredictable Plant...which is what half of Andy's message was tonite....uncertainty.

Anyways, enough drivel. Here are the notes. :)

no one knows what to do. not even the president. he’s just a person.
i will always be uncertain. i’m certain of it. (made us repeat 3x)
a leader is sometimes the only person who has an idea
i don’t have all the answers, but i’m going to pray hard and lead hard.

all the stories that happen in the Scriptures deal with uncertainty
Jesus’ death was very uncertain
God, what are you doing?!
I’m redeeming the world. Be quiet.

You don’t grow spiritually when things are going incredibly
When do you learn? During your greatest challenge and God showed up
We should THRIVE on uncertainty
This is where God does His greatest work

we can afford to be uncertain. we can’t be unclear.
what has God called us to do?
clarity around vision is key

andy (now the leader of a large church) struggled to get things going at first. when they were meeting in a high school gym, a couple said to andy: “this is a great thing here. when you get things going, we’ll come back.”
we don’t need you when we get things going. we need you now...he told them...and admitted bitterness still to this day if he doesn't watch it
andy felt God say to him....would you have done this if the noncomittals didn’t come? would you still WANT to do this? yes.
what do you want to do? what are we doing? what has God called to do locally?
in spite of the uncertainty, this is what God has called us to do
tell your people...this is what we are doing

inside “steve jobs mind

steve jobs: we create computers that are simple to operate

clarity will allow you to stay focused

plans change. vision remains the same.
plan is how. vision is what.
plans change ALL the time.

since the plan isn’t working out, it doesn’t mean the vision is bad
it’s very dangerous to attach God’s name to your PLAN

you can get more done in times of uncertainty
this is the time to rethink stuff b/c people are flexible b/c of the economy
leverage uncertainty for the vision
clarity. flexibility.
clarity. flexibility.
clarity. flexibility.

lead confidently but don’t fake it.

express confidently
i don’t know right now. but we’re gonna figure it out.
i don’t know for sure. but this is the direction i believe God is pointing us

seek counsel
leadership is not about making decisions on your own. it’s about owning decisions once they are made.

you’ve got to pray like crazy
pray for clarity. pray for vision.

north point’s vision: create a church for unchurched people

when you lead in the face of uncertainty, you need grace

Lord, would you take us back to that time and place when we were just starting out and everything was uncertain? When we had no resources, no people, just a call.

WELS bought a twice-failed bar in downtown Appleton for Ski and Glende.
The latest version of the bar was The Pulse.
So now it is The CORE.

Anthem Church
Our aim in attending this conference is to introduce you to the North Point model, which will give our team a point of reference for future ministry at Anthem. We hope that by the end of the conference, you will walk away with an “Ah-ha” moment of how you can implement what you learn at Drive here at Anthem. Drive is the opportunity for “buy-in” of the vision of both North Point and Anthem. Hopefully this conference will inspire individuals to enlarge their vision of personal commitment and strategic service. This conference is going to be an incredible experience and a great learning opportunity for Anthem!

AnthemChurch The group is heading back from #drive09. It was an incredible conference this year!
12:21 PM May 6th from Tweetie We are here at #drive09 ready for session one.
4:23 PM May 4th from Tweetie What a great conclusion 2 "Text" yesterday! Also a crew is about 2 take off 4 @driveconference. So excited! Updates 2 come. #driveconference
3:55 AM May 4th from Tweetie A fun surprise at #anthemchurch today! Thanks @jgmoyer.
6:50 AM May 3rd from Tweetie It's going to be an awesome day at @anthemchurch. @stephencope & @jgmoyers are leading us in worship and it's the final part of "Text".
2:02 AM May 3rd from Tweetie An awesome new video about Anthem and NP partners on the facebook page.
7:05 PM Apr 30th from web Has enjoyed the "text" reading schedule this week. Psalm 53 today.
6:59 PM Apr 30th from Tweetie RT The countdown to @Driveconference has officially begun. (via @BuckheadChurch)
3:48 AM Apr 29th from Tweetie R U involved?
8:45 PM Apr 27th from web An awesome set at a partner church. RT Run thru @athenschurch (via @mKOS)
7:52 AM Apr 26th from Tweetie The upstreet hallway this morning at #anthhemchurch. Yes that is a car!
7:48 AM Apr 26th from Tweetie The production team at #anthemchurch rocks. Here is their view this morning.
7:46 AM Apr 26th from Tweetie Watching live worship at Buckhead Church. Check it out. Global Night of Worship. http://blog.buckheadchurch....
4:54 PM Apr 23rd from web RT @blainehogan Blue Like Jazz the movie needs your help.
8:27 AM Apr 23rd from Tweetie RT @Jlferrini: loves SUNDAY's! Worship@Anthem was AMAZING!So happy 2have shared that wTrae & Cami!My text from God is call'n. Got 2read it!
7:34 PM Apr 19th from Tweetie Check out this Anthem Update -
12:28 PM Apr 17th from MailChimp Are U a fan of Anthem Church on facebook? Check out the new & improved fan page.
5:27 AM Apr 16th from web RT: Please join us live in person or on the web for the Global Night of Worship. April 23, 7 pm. #Buckheadchurch (via @BuckheadChurch)
8:32 PM Apr 13th from Tweetie If God was on twitter, would you read his tweets? "text" a new series starting this Sunday at #anthemchurch

James Laing's Blog
Got back yesterday from the Drive Conference at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, GA. Had a great time or learning, worship and FUN!

Andy Stanley taught in the three main sessions. A few takeaways:
1. "Uncertainty is permanent and is why we need leaders. Leaders can afford to be uncertain but not unclear."
2. "It's very dangerous to attach God's name to your plans because they always change whereas vision does not."
3. "Leadership is not about making decisions on your own, it's about owning decisions you make."
4. "To be a great leader, you must be a great listener because you are probbably not the smartest person in your organization. You are just the leader."
5. "Leaders are attracted to environments where their ideas and opinions are heard. Leaders who refuse to listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing important to say."
6. "In a seniority structure, title and position, rather than insight or creativity, determine who sits at the decision-making table. Eventually, a seniority structure leaves the seniors in charge."
7. "Fairness ended in the garden of Eden. When you shoot for fairness you become unjust. Shoot for what is right."
8. "Vision: A mental picture of what could be, fueled by the passion of what should be."
9. "If doing Church is hard, it's because it is. But it's worth it."

I have worked in churches where the senior leaders always sat at the decision making table. Even though these leaders had a passion for young families they didn't have a clue about how to create environments for young families. What they created was an environment that repelled young families. The results of a fair, seniority seniority structure. This could have been overcome if they invited those with insight into young families to sit at the decision table.

How have you seen the seniority structure played out in your organization?

[GJ - Recently read - Simple Church by Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger]

Small Group Pastors
Your Leadership Matters!
05.07.09Andy Stanley: Thoughts on LeadershipPosted in Andy Stanley, Catalyst, Drive Conference, Small Group Leaders, Small Group Ministry, leadership, pastors tagged Andy Stanley, leadership, Small Group Leaders, Small group pastors at 4:00 pm by centralcouples

Andy Stanley has been one of those leaders that has made a HUGE impact upon my life! Recently at the CatWest and Drive ‘09 Conference, Andy made some statements about leadership that I thought I would pass along. Great stuff and thought provoking…as always!

“Is this an easy, obvious, strategic step toward community?”
This is the question asked when North Point determines whether or not to add something new to their ministry! Great filter for simple church!
“As leaders, we gravitate to voices we want to hear.”
How are you being intentional in allowing other voices to speak into your leadership?
“You have got to create a mechanism to listen to the right people.”
What mechanism do you use to ensure that you are listening to the RIGHT people?
“What and who you listen to will determine what you do.”
Who are the top three people that you listen too? Why do you listen to them?
“The more sense of input that people have, the less the push back.”
Love this one…Ownership…Ownership…Ownership! Do your leaders feel as if they have ownership in the ministry?
“Leaders are attracted to environments where ideas and opinions are heard.”
How are you intentionally allowing your leaders to give input?
“If you want great leaders, you need to create systems for listening to great leaders.”
Ask some of your veteran leaders how they know that you value their input.
“Leaders want more than assignments. They want input into the decision-making process.”
Are you in a ministry that wants YOUR input or are you just doing assignments? Are your leaders empowered to do the work of the ministry?
“Leaders want to influence their own destinies.”
Love it! They also want to feel that they matter in things of eternity! How do you continually show them that their leadership matters?
“Leaders who refuse to listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing important to say.”
Oh, so true!
“Eventually a seniority structure leaves the seniors in charge.”
Do you feel valued in your ministry and do your leaders feel valued as a leader?
“Your structure has to change or your structure will impede information flow.”
I always try to ask, “Do my leaders know what is going on and do they own it?” If it is a surprise or they get caught off guard all the time, then the flow of information has a kink in it and needs to be adjusted!
“I don’t want anyone to live with the frustration that I used to live with in the lower levels of the organization.”
Good stuff! Put yourself in the leader’s shoes.
“You want the best thinkers and the most strategic people at the table with you.”
Who are your best thinkers and most strategic people? Are they at the table with you? If not, why? Are you secure in your ability to lead?
“You need to listen deep in your organization. That doesn’t mean you have to meet with everyone in the organization.”
Andy said he meets with 150 volunteers occasionally to get input. Listen to the people who are in the trenches and on the frontlines. They have a very different perspective than that at Headquarters.
“Resist the urge to lead every meeting you attend.”
Share your leadership! Sit and listen sometimes. It will let you know how you are leading and if vision is sticking.
“The people we don’t want to hear from are the people we often need to hear from most.”
Who do you not want to hear from? Schedule a One on One with them and see what they are thinking! Huge insights!
Again, these are some random thoughts from what Andy said at Drive ’09 and some of what he shared at Catalyst West Coast. Let me know what you are thinking and how you have structured systems to allow for great leadership! I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks again Andy!

Mark Batterson
Our Pastor of Discipleship, Heather Zempel, just sent me a link to the videos from the Drive Conference hosted by Northpoint in Atlanta. I was totally bummed that I didn't get to go this year, but they have made the videos of the sessions available online. Here's a link.

This is totally aside, but do any other pastors out there wish Andy Stanley was their friend :) There you have it. I just came out and said it :) Man, I love the way that guy leads and preaches.

By the way, I'm definitely going to drive next year! I'll probably fly there. But I'm definitely going drive. Get it? I'm not going to drive to drive. I'm going to fly to drive.

Drive could do a fun take on the Abbott and Costello Who's On First schtick. Or not.

Online Drive for Drive Addicts
I have been to DRIVE two different times at Northpoint Community Church in Alpharetta, GA. That conference has been a huge turning point each time in my own life and ministry. I have learned a ton of things about church leadership from Andy Stanley and the Northpoint folks over the years.

They have just recently announced a new conference for people who can’t make it to the DRIVE conference in GA. DRIVE-IN is a series of online web events on several days this spring starting this Wednesday, January 21st at 9 a.m. EST. Click HERE for more details.

It can be a really cool thing for our church to get all on the same page about how to create a church for people who don’t like church–in our culture! Jump in, log on, and drive-in.

Groove Is King
DRIVE Conference at North Point Community Church

THe Drive conference hosted by North Point Community Church is an amazing conference. I play at it every year, and always walk away recharged. Andy Stanley and the other speakers always leave you with something to chew on.

Here is the link to it: Look for me. I'll be playing drums!

Why Ape the Babtists?

Baroque sacred architecture
The Frauenkirche is regarded as the symbol of protestant church construction. The evangelical concept of faith and church service has been translated here into architectural form. The Frauenkirche is a remarkable example of sacred baroque architecture both due to its overall outer appearance as well as to its interior arrangement with the centrally located pulpit, baptismal font, altar and organ. When the bells again ring out, signalling that the church is open to visitors, free access is available to both the nave and the lower church everyone.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Watch the Lutherans Let the Pope Usurp the Reformation Festival of 2017

"That's nothing. Church and Change is going back to the Schwaermer."

Reformation Jubilee in 2017 Must Have Clear Ecumenical Dimension

Hanover Bishop Kässmann: Bible Is Reformation Focal Point

AUGSBURG/GENEVA, 27 March 2009 (LWI) - The bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover Dr. Margot Kässmann has issued a strong plea to "give the jubilee of the Reformation a clear ecumenical dimension."

On 26 March in one of the main presentations at the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) consultation "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today," the bishop insisted that, despite their disagreements and their specific identities, the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches have more things in common than things that separate them.

"In a secular society, a common witness of Christians is of eminent importance," Kässmann told consultation participants. The closer the church is in its presentations to the public, the theologian asserted, the better it is listened to as a church.

With regard to the 2017 Reformation jubilee, Kässmann feels it is extremely important that the event is used as an opportunity for critical reflection. "I am convinced [that] the churches of the Reformation in Germany, as well as Lutheran churches worldwide, are strong enough not to blind out the dark sides of their great founder," Kässmann explained.

"The Bible is the focal point of reference for the Reformation," the theologian insisted. For this reason, she hoped that during preparations for the Reformation jubilee fresh orientation from the Bible will be sought out. She also hoped that Christians, in Europe especially, will once again find a common language. (254 words)

More than 120 theologians from across the globe are taking part in the consultation "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today" in Augsburg, Germany, from 25 to 31 March under the auspices of the LWF Department for Theology and Studies, in collaboration with the Institute of Protestant Theology of the University of Augsburg.

More information on the consultation is available at

Fundies In Their Undies

About 30 years ago, I needed to buy basic church supplies in a small town, so I went to the nearest Bible book and gift store. They always had prominently displayed such recent Evangelical best-sellers as Fascinating Woman (if that was the title). One book caught on, perhaps by that name.

We called the genre - Fundies In Their Undies.

They bowdlerized such current classics as Everything You Wanted To Know about Sex But Were Afraid To Ask, which would have been deemed NSFW - Not Safe For WELS.

Fireproof is simply a new version of the old genre, and another neat way to get the congregation into Babtist theology.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fundies In Their Undies":

Am I missing something? How does this book grow my faith? Does fireproofing my marriage prepare me for the next life?


GJ - The Book of Concord will fireproof your soul for the next life.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fundies In Their Undies":

"The Book of Concord will fireproof your soul for the next life."

You do mean Scripture, of course. It's nice to see you placing man's writing over God's.


GJ - I wrote it that way to elicit another dollop of sanctimony. Nothing in my statement put the Book of Concord above the Scriptures. Anyone who appreciates the Confessions can grasp that. The Pietists jump at every opportunity to scorn anything that might get in the way of their ecumenical Enthusiasm.


Kenneth Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "Fundies In Their Undies":

I saw that awful "Fireproof" movie in an LCMS church I later left. "Fireproof" shows the concept of female headship in the home that is a cornerstone of American Evangelicalism. A Christian husband's sole duty is to follow all the orders and instructions of his wife at all times. If he violates this precept he is a manifest and impenetent sinner headed to hell.

Will WELS-LCMS-ELS Denounce This?
And Keep Working with ELCA?


Lutheran Seminarians Support Task Force Recommendation

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- In an open letter to the 65 synod bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Lutheran seminarians expressed their support for a recommendation that would allow Lutherans in committed same-gender relationships to be included on professional church rosters.

On Feb. 19 the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality released a report and recommendation for a process to consider changes to ministry policies that could make it possible for Lutherans who are in "publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gendered relationships" to serve as ELCA associates in ministry, deaconesses, diaconal ministers and ordained ministers. The task force also released that day a proposed social statement for the church -- "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust."

The 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly -- the highest legislative authority of the 4.7 million-member church -- will consider both documents Aug. 17-23 in Minneapolis.

To date more than 160 members of the ELCA studying at Lutheran and non-Lutheran seminaries have signed on to "An Open Letter from Lutheran Seminarians to the Bishops of the ELCA." Four members of the ELCA attending Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, wrote the letter.

"We applaud the ELCA's commitment to the dialogue on sexuality and its affirmation of sexuality as a gift and trust from God," the letter stated. "After careful consideration of the issue at hand and its influence on the life of the church, we stand in solidarity, affirming the recommendation for structured flexibility within the rostering requirements of the ELCA."

In the letter seminarians asked synod bishops to "represent our voice faithfully in your involvement in the deliberation process leading" to the churchwide assembly. "Joining with you as people invested in the life, health and ministry of the ELCA, we appeal to your commitment to the gospel and the mission of the church."

In preparation for ministry, "we both see and experience the harm of the current policy and its denial of the gifts present in the whole Body of Christ. Because of the current policy, gay and lesbian persons ignore calls to ministry, candidates feel compelled to lie about their sexuality, mentors are forced out of the church, and candidates leave the ELCA for more inclusive denominations. The tragedy of these events is weakening the integrity of the church," the letter stated.

The Lutheran seminarians said it is in the "best interest" of the ELCA to affirm the recommendation of the task force at the assembly. "The life of the church depends upon the full recognition and inclusion of ministerial gifts engendered by the Spirit." - - -

"An Open Letter from Lutheran Seminarians to the Bishops of the ELCA" is available at on the Internet.


ELCA Seminarians:

While we acknowledge and respect the bound consciences of those who disagree, we have faith and hope that resting in God we can respond with love to the contemporary challenges facing the church and society. We therefore stand firm in our belief that it is in the best interest of the ELCA’s ministry to affirm the recommendations of the Task Force at the 2009 Churchwide Assembly.

Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are

Pastor Tim Glende, from the church website

From the church bulletin, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Freedom, Wisconsin:


Pastor Tim will be gone from Monday – Wednesday, May 4-6th. If an emergency arises, please contact Pastor Christenson @ 733-7225 or his cell 585-6998.

Absent is any mention of Drive 09. An innocent reader would think the "pastor conference" was Wisconsin Synod.

From the Twittering of Glende, Ski, Buske and Katy, we know that all four were in Atlanta at the Drive 09 Babtist conference with Andy Stanley, that they are such buds with the Babtist staff that the four invited Carlos Whittaker out to lunch even before they got there.

We also know from Katie that a total of seven WELS pastors (see below) were there in Atlanta, including four WELS pastors never mentioned in the Tweets of the A-town Musketeers-plus-Buske. Ichabod readers, I warned you more WELS workers were there. The blabbering Tweets came from the cubs, who know they are protected by the stealthy senior wolves of Church and Change.

The recently retired pastor of St. Peter in Freedom, Ron Ash, has been chairman of Church and Change, the folks who ran the synod into the ground before Gurgel beat a hasty exit to a secure and undisclosed location.

Tim Glende grew up at St. Paul, German Village (Columbus, Ohio), where Floyd Luther Stolzenburg introduced the loathsome Church Growth Movement. Pastors Mike Nitz and Robert Schumann both promoted CG at St. Paul. Needless to say, the congregation shrank from the work of the Church Shrinkers. Schumann is openly allergic to religion these days, like many CG burn-outs.

As Wayne Mueller claimed in FIC The Northwestern Lutheran, the Church Growth Movement never existed in WELS. But no one was allowed to question the Church Growth Movement in WELS, especially in Columbus. VP Kuske worked closely with Stolzenburg and promoted Floyd for a church job after Floyd and Roger Zehms wore out their welcome as leaders of the "first Church Growth agency in WELS." Of course, The Love Shack was first Church Growth agency of WELS, with predictable results.

Dishonesty breeds even more dishonesty, stealth, sneaking around, dissembling. I do not blame the young cubbies of Church and Change as much as the senior wolves who have abused them with bad training in the WELS school system, horrible examples at so-called evangelism days at MLC, and easy money from synod subsidies, grants, and Thrivent bail-outs.

Katie Tweeted: "Grateful for the last 3 days I spent with 7 kingdom minded WELS pastors. Love their hearts for lost ppl." But Ski spoke to the alleged evangelism conference for the Anything Goes District (Northern Wisconsin) this year and last. The delight of Katie seems to contrast the Babtist WELS pastors, "who have hearts for lost people," with the traditional WELS pastors who implicitly rely on the efficacious Gospel in the Means of Grace.

Where does the Church and Change leadership reside? St. Marcus, Milwaukee, promoted on the website. Four Church and Change board members have been associated with St. Marcus, plus Katy, who volunteered there for six years.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

Finally someone is pointing out the duplicity that is done in the name of God. Man devises and promotes such dishonesty -- not God.

Why should these people be deemed trustworthy when it comes to your soul?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

We have not heard much from the Wolf Pack today.


GJ - I think they are waking up or sobering up. See below.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

The Ichabod zombies are hilarious. Brett the scorned layperson, Worms from A-town, Kreuter the former St. Marcus member, and Jackson the zombie leader have all had their hands slapped by the man and now are seeking revenge. GJ wants so bad to connect the Church and Change dots that he dreams up stuff and the zombies fall for it. I don't think GJ could connect the dots if his life depended on it.


GJ - Dreaming up must mean quoting their websites and Tweets.


JR has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

My father didn't give me enough attention. I wasn't breast-fed. My pastor doesn't return my calls. I was passed over for a promotion at work. My ex-girlfriend is getting married. Obama is stealing my tax dollars.

OK, there. Now will you actually answer the allegations instead of resorting to petty attacks that do nothing to reinforce your position? Or is this what amounts to "strategery" among the C&C crowd these days?

I'll ask as simply as I know how:

1) Is there any question that Ski and others were at this Drive conference?
2) How is the attendance of WELS pastors at a pastoral conference attended and organized by others with whom we clearly are not in fellowship okay?
3) If you agree that going to the Drive conference was okay, why was it hidden from the congregation under the guise of a "pastoral conference" that would give the members the impression that it was a WELS event?


JR has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

I'm confused then. You seem to be advocating two viewpoints in conflict. Pastor Glende said he was at a "pastoral conference," yet the conference was "not about fellowship." Either Pastor Glende is lying to us or you are lying to yourself.

"I am not going to change your opinion and you will not change mine." There's another classic C&C talking point at work-- it's all adiaphora, isn't it? That's classic Parlow.

I'd be interested in hearing what Ski and the others learned at this Drive conference that was so markedly different from the last Drive conference that justifies the expense incurred in light of these tough economic times. Couldn't that money have been better spent giving it to World Missions or some other synod need?


JR has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

You said, "I know that it [attending Drive '09] is not about fellowship." (emphasis mine)

I'm curious to know how you "know" this. Are you one of the attendees? Were you at the conference?

Obviously, I was not at the conference. But when I hear the phrase "pastoral conference," I can't help but think of fellowship.

You have a different perspective. If this conference wasn't about fellowship, what was it about?


GJ - Judging from Ski's gushing remarks about Drive 08, and Tweets from various participants, this was definitely a worship conference where all the participants joined in ecumenical worship. Ski said he worshiped with the Babtists last year, and I believe him. Why would 2009 be different?

WELS Drive 09 Veterans Reflect Upon Their Experiences with the Babtists

Baby Bee, Mascot of Church and Change

Bishop Katie Tweets

Finally headed home to a-town. Grateful for the last 3 days I spent with 7 kingdom minded WELS pastors. Love their hearts for lost ppl.
28 minutes ago from Tweetie RT @loswhit DRIVE HANGOVER. // I feel ya on that. All worth it though.
about 4 hours ago from Tweetie Hangin in the airport just waitin to leave the ATL
about 4 hours ago from Tweetie RT @glende78 Driving to airport with Ski @ the wheel is an adventure. you've been warned! // driving anywhere w/ @pastorski is an adventure
about 5 hours ago from Tweetie Trying not to make a mess
about 10 hours ago from Tweetie "A word to the wise ain’t necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice."- Bill Cosby (via @tommytrc)
about 12 hours ago from Tweetie "Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog."- Mark Twain (via @tommytrc)
about 12 hours ago from Tweetie RT @micahfoster "Sometimes I'm like P-Diddy." - @loswhit #drive09 //. Dude. Whatssaid in the room stays in the room. LOL (via @loswhit)
about 15 hours ago from Tweetie Last day of #drive09. So much to process. Definitely being pushed and challenged by what seem like such simple ideas.
about 18 hours ago from Tweetie Conference done for the day. Brain way overloaded. #drive09
5:13 PM May 5th from Tweetie @Tomplay looks awesome Tom! sorry I haven't gotten any pics yet. i'll try to take one tonight.
1:29 PM May 5th from TweetDeck in reply to TomplayUp and ready for day two of #drive09. First up: connecting adults into small groups.
5:29 AM May 5th from Tweetie What a night. Still trying to process @andystanley 's talk at Drive. Headed to bed and hoping I get to stay there till morning.
10:25 PM May 4th from Tweetie @Jschmidt56 one day closer to a break. Hang in there!
10:22 PM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to Jschmidt56Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. (via @tommytrc)
8:44 PM May 4th from Tweetie Hangin in the ATL with some great people. Yes they're out there. So awesome to be a part of the awesome things God is doing right now.
8:04 PM May 4th from Tweetie @toddfields one word: phenomenal! God is great!
8:03 PM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to toddfieldsJust talked with @loswhit. He's as real in person as he is on the web. That's good stuff. Love authentic people!
6:58 PM May 4th from Tweetie "it is well with my soul"!!
6:57 PM May 4th from Tweetie @tonymorganlive breakout one starts 8:30
4:07 PM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to tonymorganlive
Dinner at the Golden Corral. Got to have a salad. Probably the healthiest food I'll get for 3 days. I'm a happy girl now.
3:33 PM May 4th from Tweetie Walk in 2 register. tell the guy we r from The CORE. He (clay) says I've been praying 4 u. pulls a card from his pocket with r name on it.
2:16 PM May 4th from Tweetie Ready to take on the next three days after a nap and clean clothes. Does wonders!
1:41 PM May 4th from Tweetie @loswhit I'm there #drive09
10:10 AM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to loswhit

Ski Tweets
@Tomplay Looing (sic) gr8 Tom. Thanks again 4 being there. Can't wait 2 c it 2morrow.
about 16 hours ago from twitterrific in reply to Tomplay@Tomplay looks Awesome! Can't wait to get back to see it.
3:21 PM May 5th from twitterrific in reply to Tomplay@Tomplay wow! Looking gr8 Tom. Thanks 4 everything u r doing.
12:04 PM May 5th from twitterrific in reply to Tomplay@loswhit I'm here in the ATL 4 Drive 09
1:01 PM May 4th from twitterrific in reply to loswhit

Tim Glende Tweets

Driving to airport with Ski @ the wheel is an adventure. you've been warned!
about 7 hours ago from txt God is so good! Can't wait for tomorrow.
7:07 PM May 5th from txt Remember if you had all the answers, you would always know what to do!
9:08 AM May 5th from web The 5 Seasons is a great place to debrief at the end of a great day in Atlanta.
7:12 PM May 4th from txt Just had chili slaw dogs for lunch. If you are ever in Atlanta make sure you hit the Varsity.
8:53 AM May 4th from txt is waiting for the plane to unload. never knew 5 feet made so much of a difference!
6:23 AM May 4th from mobile web Hanging out @ Buske's in Milwaukee.

Drive Conference Tweets

DriveConference: Day Two is over. Sad to see that our time together will end tomorrow. But wait. There's always Drive 2010 @ special rate $199. #drive09

WELS Church and Changers
Warn Book of Concord Fans

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Victory of the Penguins

Victory of the Lamb - Church and Changers:

Sunday was our very first Bible Quest at Showtime Cinema. We lerned (sic) how penguins teach us to care for other. Philippians 2:4 “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Victory of the Lamb
Victory's first Worship at Showtime was a big hit. Come back again this next Sunday for worship at 9:30am but make sure you come early for Fellowship by 8:45am or whenever you can.Sun 7:57pmVictory of the Lamb

(Tim) I just want to thank everyone who helped out today. It was great to see it all come together. I walked into the Theater at 7:30 and had my nose involved in setup inside and walked out at 9:00am to see the lobby transformed. I saw phenominal (sic) work on setting up the electronics. everybody pitched in and it was great...I only wish we could have had the same crew working on my lawn this fine day.

Bible Quest

Please Read This:
Veterans of Drive 08 and 09, Willow Creekers, and Fullerites

Martin Chemnitz, editor of the Book of Concord,
primary author of the Formula of Concord,
student of Luther and Melanchthon

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Doug Englebrecht - It's 10 PMDo You Know Where You...":

Two years ago I joined the local WELS church after having been Baptist most of my life. I do believe what I was taught in confirmation classes and could see where my old church had gone astray. I am sad to watch as my new church is drifting slowly but surely to look and act exactly like my old church. What is the alternative? I am at a loss.


St. Paul, Muskego (WELS) has the logo for Fireproof Your Marriage on its front page. The graphic boasts that the movie came from the same folks who produced Facing the Giants. For those who missed Facing the Giants, the plot revolves around a football coach at a Christian academy who has a losing team, a disastrous car, a childless marriage, and a bummed-out look on his face all the time. He yields himself to God (the only sacrament among the Reformed) and:

  1. His wife gets pregnant.
  2. His team starts winning.
  3. Grateful parents buy him a brand-new truck.
  4. The entire campus of the school breaks into little prayer groups.
  5. He smiles.

Needless to say, Peter Pan-denominational is a Church and Change activist, using The Simple Church, which is--naturally--Babtist.

Why the Shrinkers Cannot Win, If the Word Is Applied

The Shrinkers of Church and Change get their power from the gullibility of members and pastors, but also from their proven history as liars, bullies, and slanderers.

One pastor said that he is like many others, afraid to lose his position by speaking out. Why is that? Read a few nasty-grams from the Shrinkers. They never disclose their names, but they are busy on the legendary WELS grapevine spreading stories about anyone who dares to question them while covering up for their pals.

Some may imagine that Ski, Glende, Buske, and Katy are the only WELS workers coming back from Drive 09, the Babtist conference in Atlanta. Since Parlow went to the last one, we can assume plenty of the Chicanery leaders were there as well. They identify with the Babtists. They read Babtist books (when they read), listen to Babtist tapes and podcasts, and buy Babtist programs.

The Shrinkers are Pietists, not the Biblical Lutherans they pretend to be. They cannot abide being examined by someone who knows comparative dogmatics. (Nota bene: they cannot spell comparative on their own website. They cannot do what they cannot spell.)

If a Doctrinal Pussycat cannot expose the doctrinal errors of the Shrinkers, he could leave the ministry because he is not "apt to teach," a requirement for pastoral ministry.

I have yet to see a single refutation from a Shrinker sent to this blog. The Church and Chicanery comments boil down to:

  1. You are wrong (no reasons given).
  2. You use lies and half-truths (no examples given).
  3. You are a bad person.
  4. Obscenities.
  5. You are angry and bitter. But, I hear WELS pastors read Ichabod every day and laugh their heads off.
  6. Bad spelling, bad grammar, bad sentence structure.
  7. Starbucks uses real whipped cream, so you are wrong.
  8. Britain's Got Talent is 100% honest, so you are wrong again.

Question of the Year, From Anonymous

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Cover Story versus The Facts":

Who is Brett Meyer? And what qualifies him more than anyone else to judge what the Bible has to say about justification and women participating in the worship service? It's not enough to say "I'm right and you're wrong." Show us your credentials, Brett.


GJ - This is funnier than Anonymous saying, "You are a gutless coward." All the nasty, vindictive, and obscene comments come from Anonymous. I am sure there are a few of them with that pen name. What qualifies them? I post the comments to show what Church and Change has done for WELS.

I also get long, Scripture-filled statements on my need to repent, signed Anonymous.

When I quote the false teachers verbatim, Anonymous tells me this is a violation of the Eighth Commandment and Matthew 18. However, Anonymous knows exactly what is going on in my mind, reading my evil thoughts, and denouncing me for those imagined thoughts, feelings, and motivations.


More toxic waste from--you guessed it--Anonymous:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

My guess is, GJ, that those who don't sign their name have known you in the past. They know what kind of person you are, they know how twisted your reasoning can be, and they know how you have ruined reputations first in Christian News and now on your blog. Can you blame them for not signing their name? Everyone who has known you realizes exactly what you would do to their reputation. Don't act so naive.


GJ - Several things drive these people wild:

  1. They do not like being found out or quoted, and quotations are my speciality.
  2. They hate citations from Luther, Chemnitz, Chytraeus, and the Book of Concord.
  3. They loathe the laity who have figured them out. For instance, marketing specialists know that the Shrinkers are just dabbling in marketing.
  4. They believe, but their hides bristle (Epistle of James).


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

(DEEP RESONATING VOICE)Who is Anonymous? Who beckons me forth to show my credentials?

Dear Anonymous, you ask, "what qualifies (Brett)... to judge what the Bible has to say about Justification and women (reading the liturgy) in the worship service?"

First, I'm not judging Scripture but the false doctrine of wolves who, wrapped in the freshly shorn wool of young souls, teach and practice against the Word of God. It is Pastor Schewe and his ilk that say God's Word, Christ, is unclear and grey. The very source of all Christian doctrine and the very Word of God, which is the supreme Judge and Foundation of Christian faith, has been declared muddy and uncertain by these false teachers.

Second, 1 John 4:1 says, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Beloved refers to everyone who by grace, through faith, trusts alone in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. This is my confession and as such am included in 'Beloved' and intend to test the spirits whether they are of God. I will also speak openly, using my name, because I am confident that I confess the Words of Scripture and Christian doctrine as declared to all men in the Bible and correctly explained in the unaltered Lutheran Confessions. If I know that I speak and confess Christ's doctrines how can I not boldly do so using my real name and reject the shame that comes from fearing what the world may do to me because of my confession.

Third, I'm not the first to make these confessions of Christian faith concerning women teaching the congregation in the Divine Service. Martin Luther states in “Lectures on 1 Timothy” (Luther’s Works, Vol. 28) 1 Tim. 2:11. “Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I believe that Paul is still speaking about public matters. I also want it to refer to the public ministry, which occurs in the public assembly of the church. There a woman must be completely quiet, because she should remain a hearer and not become a teacher. She is not to be the spokesman among the people. She should refrain from teaching, from praying (ie: leading in prayer) in public. She has the command to speak at home. This passage makes a woman subject. It takes from her all public office and authority.” The Confessions condemn UOJ as enthusiasm and the quotes supporting this are endless and can be found on Ichabod.

Fourth, although Walther taught the miserable doctrine of UOJ he did provide a faithful sermon on this very subject. Walther, "Oh my friends, if you had recognized some time ago, that the office of judge belongs by right to you, you would not have fallen into such great and so many errors. Your preachers went the way of error, and in false trust in man you followed them without first examining them. How sad the results have been! Therefore, know and guard your rights; examine everything and keep what is good. This, however, leads me to the second point of our meditation. It is this: If the judgment over the shepherds belongs to the sheep, they have to know the true doctrine and be certain of it."

Now this is just to Anonymous - you need to read this sermon.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer


Ayn Rand has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

And tell the "original" Anonymous poster to stop stealing the opening lines of my novels.


Stan Eukrich has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

I'm glad people are seizing on this useless ad hominem stuff.

Credentials? How about "literacy" for a start? I'll cook for a large party and someone will ask me, "How do you know how to cook so well?" Usually I just say, "I can read." Mr. Meyer can also read--you know, that thing we're encouraged to do with the Scriptures? It's really as simple as that.

I wish I had grown up reading the Confessions...I was WELS-educated from first to twelfth grade and I don't think I could've spelled "Concord" if you spotted me "C-n-c-r-d."

Incidentally, Acts 17 does not tell us the Bereans presented credentials to St. Paul, though this may be an argument from silence...


KJV Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 12 Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few. 13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred up the people.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

Keep writing GJ and Brett. Everyone is able to read your vile bile and get a good sense of the sickness that permeates you both. When you have some time, paste a picture of Brett and yourself onto the southern ends of the north-bound horses. That's where they belong. You both are horse hinies and play the role equally well! Brett is not even a pretend pastor like you, Greg? He is pretty impressive! Maybe you should award him an Ichabod Jr. badge of honor!

Now, I've got to go. I'm going to make sure my wife gets the singing out her system at home, so she does not utter a sound at worship this week - you understand, that sillence thing! Shhhhhhh! Or, maybe humming is allowed since no one would confuse it with teaching? I'm going to see what Luther and Walther wrote about it. Maybe it is ok, so long as no guitar is involved? What about kazoos, are they liturgically neutral? I'm soooooooo confused!


I. J. Reilly has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

I'm a bit of a newbie to this site, but I've noticed that most of the people who post do so anonymously, no matter which "side" they happen to be on. Are those on G.J.'s "side" who post anonymously doing so because they are afraid of "the other side," or are they doing so because they are afraid they'll eventually post something that will draw the ire of Gregory the Great, the Pope of Bethany? I suspect that it may be the latter.

I can't do what ten people tell me to do, so I guess I'll remain the same.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Question of the Year, From Anonymous":

I have an idea. If you would openly allow all posts to your blog be seen, without censorship or first needing approval, I am sure more people would openly post NON-anonymously.

Try it.


GJ - You betcha. I should let obscene material through, cussing, foul words. I am sure people would start putting their real names on those messages. They are not random messages either. They are clearly partisan, from the Church and Changers.

Also, I get messages designed merely to promote a blog or website. There is already enough spam out there.

I have an idea - start your own blog and follow your rules. Soon the potheads, dweebs, stoners, and crackheads will beat a path to your URL.

One Crusty Hold Out Against Ordaining Women Disagrees with Church and Change, WELS

A Latvian Bars Ordaining Women
Published: Wednesday, August 3, 1994

The oldest working pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia is 93. The youngest, ordained this year, is 18. The Archbishop of Latvia says the shortage of pastors in his country is so extreme that he has to take anyone he can get.

Except women.

In defiance of his predecessor in Latvia and almost all the larger Lutheran churches around the world, Archbishop Janis Vanags refuses to ordain women.

"It is true we need pastors very much," the Archbishop said, "but it is better to do without them than to do something against the will of God."

The rock-hard views of the 35-year-old Archbishop, who was elected six months ago, have bitterly divided Latvia's largest denomination. Deeper Than Usual Rift

Many other Protestant denominations are divided over the ordination of women. The Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church, one of the largest in America, still refuses. But the rift seems deeper here, where the Lutheran Church is so closely identified with Latvian nationalism.

Mostly, the battle reflects a trend throughout the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Even after the collapse of Communism, faiths forged in persecution remain far more conservative than those nurtured in the West.

The issue of ordination of women is not just an internal dispute in Latvia. The issue has also alienated the Latvian-based church from branches in Europe and the Americas that were established by Latvians who fled the Communists in 1940.

This is particularly true of the American branch, a church that grew large and prosperous in exile. Talk of reuniting the Latvian church and its exile branch has stopped, and instead, some Western church leaders are quietly planning to cut back on money sent to Riga. Dispute in Estonia

The same dispute simmers in neighboring Estonia, where only 4 of the country's 100 pastors are women. But there, the Archbishop does not openly oppose ordination. In Lithuania, too, women can be ordained.

"I know of no other place where the ordination of women was started, and then stopped," said Archbishop Elmar Ernst Rozitis, who from Germany heads the Latvian Lutheran Church abroad. "At this time I see no real possibility of a resolution."

Sarmite Fisere, who became a pastor in 1989, the day the Synod in Latvia voted to ordain women, is particularly frustrated.

"It makes no sense," said Ms. Fisere, one of nine women who were ordained before Archbishop Vanags took office. He has not interfered with their work.

Latvia, with 2 million inhabitants, has about 300,000 Lutherans and only 89 ministers and 39 lay preachers to guide them. Ms. Fisere, for instance, is the only Lutheran minister in the village of Ogre (population 28,000). "The need is so deep, and the people have accepted us women completely," she said. Infecting Young Pastors

She said Archbishop Vanags's views were infecting many young pastors, who, she said, were increasingly conservative.

She said, "In my opinion, Vanags is too young and inexperienced."

Ms. Fisere and the Archbishop were seminarians together at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Latvia in the mid-1980's, in the early days of perestroika, when the authorities gingerly began relaxing the strictures against religious activity but still punished those who pursued the new freedom too eagerly.

The Archbishop, who was a chemist, said he lost his job and apartment when he began working as a lay preacher. Ms. Fisere said she was accused of anti-Soviet agitation in the seminary and was almost kicked out. They both took part in the nonviolent revolution that led to Baltic independence in 1991. At Odds With West

The Archbishop is also at odds with his male counterparts in the Western branch of the Latvian church, who have been working alongside women pastors since 1970.

"We in the exile church have put quite a bit of pressure on the Archbishop over this," said Vilis Varsbergs, a Chicago-based church leader who in August will become dean of the theological department of the University of Latvia, which is where the Lutheran seminary is situated. "But it has been resented."

Archbishop Vanags's position on the ordination of women was known before he was elected by the Latvian Synod of Bishops, and most Western church leaders favored the candidacy of Archbishop Rozitis. But most Latvians, including even liberal church leaders, preferred a lifelong resident of Latvia. Many Women in Seminary

More than a third of the students in the Lutheran seminary in Riga are women, and no one is quite certain what will happen when the first women come up as candidates for ordination.

Some could stay in academia, teaching theology. Archbishop Rozitis said he would ordain Latvian women if they came to Germany with the intention of working outside Latvia, but he said he was not ready to defy Archbishop Vanags's authority and ordain women to return and work as pastors in Latvia.

"That would start off a very tense time between our churches," he said. "It is hard to do something, and just as hard to do nothing."

Archbishop Rozitis said there was another, more drastic step.

The World Lutheran Federation, the Lutheran umbrella group in Geneva, could vote to suspend the Latvian Church, in an echo of steps taken in 1984 against two white South African churches that refused to reject their nation's apartheid system. Federation 'Not Our Pope'

But even that prospect did not seem to shake Archbishop Vanags. "I hope they will not go that far," he said calmly. "But they cannot tell us what to do. The president of the World Lutheran Federation is not our pope."

Seated beneath a portrait of Martin Luther in his office in the church consistory, an elegantly renovated building that was used as a Soviet Army barracks during the Soviet occupation, the Archbishop explained his stance.

"It's not that I don't think women are just as capable as men -- they often get better marks than men in the theological faculty," he said. "But we have to follow what the Bible tells us, we can't impose our ideas of human rights or equal rights."

The Archbishop declined to cite specific passages in the Bible that prohibit the ordination of women. "If I cite a specific passage, others would react and say it can be interpreted differently. It would not be serious." Mr. Varsbergs argued that whatever biblical strictures could be found against women as members of the clergy were the word of men -- not God. "Prohibitions against women reflected the cultural situation in Greece at that time," he said. To the conservative argument that Jesus did not have female apostles, Mr. Varsbergs replied, "If you apply that standard, then gentiles shouldn't be ordained, either."

Calling the dispute "the most divisive issue in the history of our church," Archbishop Vanags called on the other side to give in. "If I were a woman and my wish to become a pastor was dividing the church," he said, "then I would give up this demand."

Photo: The Lutheran Archbishop of Latvia, Janis Vargas, has reversed his predecessor's stand and refuses to ordain women as pastors, dividing his denomination. Recently the Archbishop said although the church needed pastors, "it was better to do without them than to do something against the will of God." (Chuck Nacke for The New York Times) Map of shows the location of Riga, Latvia.

Correction: August 9, 1994, Tuesday An article last Wednesday about the refusal of the Lutheran Archbishop of Latvia to ordain women misstated the name of the church's world body. It is the Lutheran World Federation. A picture caption with the article misstated the Archbishop's name. It is Janis Vanags, not Vargas.

ELCA Seizing Church Property

Admit it - you read Ichabod for the funny pictures posted.

Pew — this stinks! Congregation is homeless in church fight
By Mike McLaughlin
The Brooklyn Paper

The Brooklyn Paper / Kate Emerson
The congregation at Bethlehem Lutheran Church at 490 Pacific St. in Boerum Hill is now homeless, thanks to a bizarre dispute.

Mother of God! A splintering fight for control of a Lutheran church in Boerum Hill has left the dwindling congregation homeless.

Members of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church and the Metropolitan New York Synod, which oversees local congregations, have been tussling for control of the Pacific Street church for several years, but last week, the fight became public when some congregants rallied outside of the Lutheran organization’s Manhattan headquarters, claiming that the synod had seized their place of worship.

“They’ve been shut out of their own church without any recourse,” fumed the Rev. Norman David, a visiting, and renegade, pastor from Massachusetts who organized last Tuesday’s protest to regain control of the 1874 church. “The Synod thinks they can lord it over you and seize your property.”

The fight is complicated because not only is it being waged in civil court, but the two sides are contesting each other by the arcane rules of this branch of the Lutheran Church. Some of Bethlehem’s most-vocal critics want to dissolve their connection with the Synod — and need two votes by a two-thirds majority to do so.

One secession vote has already happened and a second is scheduled for May, David said.

The Synod claims that the whole congregation does not want to secede, but merely that some rogue members do. The Synod also does not recognize the outcome of the first alleged vote, nor the appeals from David and Muriel Tillinghast, the president of the Boerum Hill church’s congregation. (If her name is familiar, it’s because she was Ralph Nader’s running mate in the 1996 presidential race.)

The feud goes back to 2003, David said, when members of the congregation felt the Synod had become hellbent on shutting the church and appointed a pastor allied with the Synod leadership.

Lawsuits and countersuits followed. Events boiled quietly over in early January when the Synod changed the locks on the church, driving the small congregation to hold its services at Zion German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Heights.

The Synod claims the building is in disrepair and is too hazardous for the congregation, and that members of the congregation have not allowed the Synod to make improvements. However, the only complaint on file with the city’s Buildings Department says that a stone parapet, which tumbled to the sidewalk and a public parking lot in 2007, has been resolved.

David and Tillinghast said the Synod wanted to shut down Bethlehem Lutheran Church to sell the property for a handsome profit, but they’ve fought back to keep their flock intact.

“They pay their own way and hold their own services,” David said, talking about the $160,000 budget the congregation ran on in 2008.

But Tillinghast herself wants to raze the 136-year-old church and redevelop the site.

“What I’d like to do is to have a new edifice, one that is 21st century. We’re dealing with a 19th-century church that didn’t have a maintenance program. We keep it going and it’s not so bad,” said Tillinghast. “We’d like to support entrepreneurial development in our neighborhood with artists and small offices. We want the church to be a hub.”

And she and her plans, known as the so-called “Vision,” have not had the full support of congregation, which is down to about two dozen voting members last year.

No one from the Metropolitan New York Synod would consent to be quoted for this article.

Perhaps a higher power will have to intervene.

Updated 05:46 pm, April, 30 2009: Story was updated to include more context about Muriel Tillighast.