Saturday, June 13, 2009

Book of Concord Lessons

If you don't know who this is, you need to study the Book of Concord.

The Book of Concord lessons are now posted on this link, which is duplicated on the left side - video list.

Quotations, The First Sunday after Trinity

The First Sunday after Trinity

"But Christ was given for this purpose, namely, that for His sake there might be bestowed on us the remission of sins, and the Holy Ghost to bring forth in us new and eternal life, and eternal righteousness [to manifest Christ in our hearts, as it is written John 16:15: He shall take of the things of Mine, and show them unto you. Likewise, He works also other gifts, love, thanksgiving, charity, patience, etc.]. Wherefore the Law cannot be truly kept unless the Holy Ghost is received through faith...Then we learn to know how flesh, in security and indifference, does not fear God, and is not fully certain that we are regarded by God, but imagines that men are born and die by chance. Then we experience that we do not believe that God forgives and hears us. But when, on hearing the Gospel and the remission of sins, we are consoled by faith, we receive the Holy Ghost, so that now we are able to think aright.
Augsburg Confession, Article III, #11, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 159.

"Therefore, do not speak to me of love or friendship when anything is to be detracted from the Word or the faith; for we are told that not love but the Word brings eternal life, God's grace, and all heavenly treasures."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, III, p. 1411f. Ephesians 6:10‑17.

"In matters concerning faith we must be invincible, unbending, and very stubborn; indeed, if possible, harder than adamant. But in matters concerning love we should be softer and more pliant than any reed and leaf and should gladly accommodate ourselves to everything."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, I, p. 412f. Galatians 2:8.

"Doctrine is our only light. It alone enlightens and directs us and shows us the way to heaven. If it is shaken in one quarter (in une parte), it will necessarily be shaken in its entirety (in totum). Where that happens, love cannot help us at all."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., Concordia Publishing House, 1959, I, p. 414. Galatians 5:10.

"The Christian doctrine of Purgatory was not finally worked out until the sixteenth century by the Council of Trent. Rejected by Protestants, it was an exclusively Catholic doctrine. After Trent, Bellarmine and Suarez, who were responsible for Purgatory, put forth several Biblical references in support of the newly approved doctrine." [references: 2 Macc. 12:41-46; Mt. 12:31-32; Lk. 16:19-26; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; the Corinthians passage played a crucial role in the development of Purgatory, p. 43]
Jacques Le Goff, The Birth of Purgatory, trans. Arthur Goldhammar, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, p. 41f.

"All believers are like poor Lazarus; and every believer is a true Lazarus , for he is of the same faith, mind and will, as Lazarus. And whoever will not be a Lazarus, will surely have his portion with the rich glutton in the flames of hell. For we all must like Lazarus trust in God, surrender ourselves to Him to work in us according to His own good pleasure, and be ready to serve all men."
Sermons of Martin Luther, IV, p. 24.

Troubling Signs at The CORE

  • Flopsweat drains installed to prevent flooding and mildew.

  • Another Craig Groeschel series.

  • Who taught homiletics at The Sausage Factory? Prof. Xerox?

  • Soon - Baggage, which may or not be a copy of Groeschel's Baggage series.
  • Youth in Asia

    "I just think this sermon hit our mission on the head."

    I meant - euthanasia.

    No Comment - The Church Growth Movement in Russia

    Here is the link

    Support the project
    The Ukrainian Bible Translation Project is wholly funded by donations from individuals and church congregations. Please help us bring God’s Word to Ukraine! Your donations are used to cover the cost of books and materials used during the translation process, and for basic living expenses for members of the translation team, some of whom do not have any other source of income.

    Please contact us if you have questions about donating. Please let us know if you would like to be included on our list of donors.

    Give online
    One of the easiest ways to donate is using your credit card through PayPal. No PayPal account is required to donate, and any amount is greatly appreciated.

    Give by mail
    Send your donations to:

    Roger Kovaciny
    c/o Grace Bartel
    4718 Regent St 94-A
    Madison, WI 53705

    Tax deductible donations
    Donations via PayPal or to the above address are not tax-deductible at this time. To make a tax-deductible gift, please mail your check to:

    Emmanuel Lutheran Church
    1500 S Third Street
    Columbus, OH 43207

    Please enclose a note telling what it’s for, and also please notify us about the donation.

    Donor List
    This is a partial list of recent donors to the Ukrainian Bible Translation Project. A gift of any size makes a real difference in the lives of the members of translation team.

    Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio
    Pastor Floyd Stolzenburg, Columbus, Ohio
    Dr. Floyd Stolzenburg, Columbus, Ohio
    Mr. Jim Hildebrand of Columbus, Ohio
    St. John’s Lutheran Church, Kendall Wisconsin (Pastor Fred Fedke)
    St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Ontario Wisconsin (Pastor Fedke)
    Pastor Paul Heiderich, Tomah, Wisconsin


    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Comment - The Church Growth Movement in Russia":

    Another Ukrainian Bible Translation Project is not needed. What is going on here?


    "The church has not wavered from its theology: The Bible is the inerrant word of God, and everything in it is to be taken literally. Stolzenburg's theology is uncompromising. 'What is written in the Bible stands.'" [Exception - The Sixth Commandment]
    Sylvia Brooks, South Side Lutheran Church Goes Its Own Way, Columbus Dispatch, August, 9, 1998 p. 2C.

    "I would also convey to you that I will continue to commune lodge members as long as I feel assured that they know and believe that their salvation is by faith."

    "Please feel free to contact Pastors Kuske or Schumann or come and hear for yourself."

    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg Letter to Emmanuel, 9-20-91, Lutheran Parish Resources letterhead "Serving the congregations of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod"

    "In the midst of all the positive, exciting things Pastor Kovaciny had to say about the mission work being done in the Ukraine, he constantly mentioned the most pressing problem, a lack of space...As he spoke to us about the many needs, he mentioned the possibility of building achurch of the approximate square footage of our sanctuary (though not nearly as elaborate) for $50,000...Pastor Kovaciny, obviously excited about the possibility, has agreed that the new church would be named Emmanuel Lutheran and would have a picture of the 'mother church' prominently displayed in the new building."
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, "From the Mission Committee, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Kremnetz, Ukraine, Emmanuel Lutheran Church #899, August, 1999 1500 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 43207-1000

    "EMMANUEL SAVES BIBLE SCHOOL! A SPECIAL MESSAGE was just received from Pastor Kovaciny to let us know that Emmanuel's Mission offerings have rescued their Bible School this summer!...[Pastor Kovaciny] writes to tell us about it. 'As we looked forward to an even more successful program this coming summer, we were told by our sponsoring organization that our Bible School budget had been cut by $8,000. It seems that some people in charge believe that we have been too successful and they need to put their funds toward programs in other areas which are lagging behind.' (Pastor Kovaciny)"
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio June 1998

    "From the Mission Committee...Good News from the Ukraine Reproduced at the bottom of this page is the masthead from the Ukrainian Lutheran, which has now been published by our mission in Ukraine for two years and grows in circulation with each issue."
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio November 1996

    "We supplied funds for our missionaries in the Ukraine, and the Gideons." Sherry Huffman, Sunday School Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio February 1999 "...the Ukraine project of Thoughts of Faith (Pastor Kovaciny)" Use of mission funds.
    Charlotte Proctor, treasurer Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio November, 1995

    "All designated funds for Thoughts of Faith are spent on the program for which they are designated by the donor. Funds not designated by the donor are used to pay for administrative expenses. Thoughts of Faith would like to thank our congregation for our support towards this important work in spreading the gospel throughout the world."
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio November, 1995

    "Pastor Kovaciny, in an effort to respond to our request, set a copy of the third quarter treasurer's report of the Ukrainian congregation, signed by the treasurer and written in his own hand. We thought you might enjoy seeing it! You should be aware that our budget offering goes to pay for Pastor Kovaciny's salary and expenses through 'Thoughts of Faith,' the radio ministry which has been bringing the Gospel to the Ukraine for many years...."
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio January, 1995

    "Since the salary of Pastor Kovaciny and their basic expenses are paid through the 'Thoughts of Faith' ministry, we will continue to include the overall work in our regular budget."
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Cornerstone, Emmanuel Lutheran Church Columbus, Ohio October, 1994

    "Consultant, Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 1985-1991, as a consultant for this program, I worked with the training of pastors and lay people for effective ministry in leadership skills, Sunday School organization and teaching, youth ministry, outreach, stewardship and care ministry. I continue to work with supervision of some of these programs. Senior Pastor, Salem Lutheran Church and School, Florissant, Missouri, 1976-1985. (nothing said about being removed from the ministry) Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church and School, St. Charles, Missouri, 1968-1976. Floyd Luther Stolzenburg 2904 Maryland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43209-1157 614-235-5200.

    "Pastor Kovaciny, obviously excited about the possibilities, has agreed that the new church would be named Emmanuel Lutheran and would have a picture of the 'mother church' prominently displayed in the new building."
    Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio #899 for August, 1999 1500 South Third Street Columbus, Ohio 43207. $50,000 to be raised.

    "A major part of LPR involvement currently centers around assistance with Beautiful Savior's establishment of a new experimental mission on the west side. Named 'Pilgrim Community Church' by the committee from Grove City, the new congregation will maintain solid Lutheran doctrine without an up front emphasis on the Lutheran name. All materials identify sponsorship by Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church." [note: in very, very small print] On the same page, artwork for the area Reformation service at St. Paul's: "STANDING WHERE LUTHER STOOD"

    LPR UPDATE October, 1989.

    "Initial services will be less formal than our traditional worship services. LPR Director Roger Zehms has been requested by Beautiful Savior to serve as pastor of the new mission with Floyd Stolzenburg serving as evangelist and music consultant. Please include this new approach project in your prayers."
    LPR UPDATE October, 1989.

    "Mr. Floyd Stolzenburg will serve under Rev Zehms providing such services as are appropriate for a person who is not 'CRM.' As a layperson Mr. Stolzenburg can under appropriate supervision do anything that a layman in your congregation can. -- We also reject any inference that Pastor Zehms will not be able to stand up to pressure from Mr. Stolzenburg, or from the donor who provides the funds for LPR. -- We also question the procedure in which the reason for Mr. Stolzenburg's resignation has been broadcast, even though the issues had been addressed by LPR." [Not true. People were told Floyd had a Scriptural divorce, that the divorce was the fault of his first wife.]
    Pastor Paul Kuske Letter to the Ohio Conference Pilgrim Community Church, sponsored from Grove City by Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Fall Conference, Gibsonia, 1989

    "Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc. (LPR) is dedicated to the concepts of the Church Growth movement only insofar as they agree with the Scriptures and as taught by the WELS--that is, Church Growth with Lutheran theology rather than Evangelical, and without the typical Church Growth emphasis on quantitative measurement of growth. Kent R. Hunter's definition of 'Church Growth' justifies the use of this term in describing LPR: 'Church Growth: That science which investigates the nature, function and health of Christian churches as they relate specifically to the effective implementation of God's commission to make disciples of all peoples (Matt. 28:19). Church Growth is simultaneously a theological conviction and an applied science,....' Foundations for Church Growth, p. 187.
    David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.

    Happy To Post a Correction

    I have written about the Wisconsin Synod participating in religious activities with ELCA, through Thrivent funded events.

    That policy changed with the new administration. I am pleased to issue a retraction. The past is not always normative. WELS is no longer doing that, so the synod will reap many benefits long-term.

    The Snowbird leadership conference (Mischke) and the Joy Radio Show (Mischke) were two examples hard to deny, but they were denied. ELCA published a Snowbird photo of Mischke posing with the LCMS president and the ELCA Archbiship. ELCA also put out a news release about Joy being the first joint ministry of ELCA-WELS-LCMS.

    Snowbird is where the three church bodies organized the Cross-Cultural Ministry project, also funded by insurance money. The WELS booklet for that wild hair project was so bad that synod leaders confiscated it.

    The AAL Church Membership Initiative (1993) was a little tougher to track down, but I found the notebooks at the Mary Lou College library. That effort involved all three groups in a massive study about membership losses and how to prevent them. WELS executive Wayne Borgwardt worked with Rev. Mary Ann Moeler-Gunderson (ELCA, of course) and Rev. Lyle Mueller (LCMS). At one point ELCA's Martin Marty addressed them all in Orlando, Florida - site of Exponential - The Art of Movements, by the way. The BMers (Becoming Missional) are lining up like sacrificial lambs--or wolves--for that convention.

    I recapitulated those painfully bad mistakes to show that WELS is finally going in a new direction. To continue that way, the membership needs to repudiate error and support sound doctrine.


    Anonymous has left another gratuitious comment on your post "Happy To Post a Correction":

    Wow, will miracles never cease? Jackson offers a correction? Too bad you're several years late.

    What about the hundreds of other half-truths and outright lies you've printed on this site?


    Or name them all - for our amusement and edification.


    Anonymous has left a comment on your post "Happy To Post a Correction":

    The Shrinkers are very unhappy also with Ichabod. Ichabod has uncovered them and their supporters. Ichabod has shown me and certainly many others for whom and what they are. Good job Mr. I.

    Psssst---you know now a lot of WELS folks will feed you more info for Ichabod and that will make the wolves howl like hell.


    GJ - I like it when the Shrinkers lie. They are easy to refute. They are not howling about mistakes - but about their intended victims learning the truth.

    Did I quote them in error? Are the links not working? They should stop bragging so much.

    Soul Wow: Satire Becomes Reality - An Actual Roman Catholic Ad

    April 02, 2009

    Forget that ShamWow guy, Father Vic, from SoulWow shows what we really need to do to get clean from the inside out. Visit and get that almost baptized feeling! Do it Today! This offer ...
    Forget that ShamWow guy, Father Vic, from SoulWow shows what we really need to do to get clean from the inside out. Visit and get that almost baptized feeling! Do it Today!

    This offer is extended! Contact your local Roman Catholic Church today for times.

    Go to Do it Today!

    Agency: Forza Migliozzi, llc.


    GJ - My PhotoShopped satire is here.