Monday, June 11, 2012

Typical Appleton Post - UOJ Plagiarists Who Defend UOJ Plagiarists

I cannot find a citation when it is in 14 point Arial.
I graduated from Mequon,

Anonymous said...


Did you see Jackson explode?

It is ok for Jackson to post texts on his blog without citing their source, where he got them, what translation they are, etc. It's ok for Jackson to copy and paste huge chunks of materials from other blog sites with no credit to them.

But not anybody else.

Oh, silly Greggy.

Funny, funny stuff.

June 11, 2012 3:46 PM

The citation is cleverly hidden on the bottom line of the graphic, above. I often link the Luther/BOC material directly with a URL. That is not necessary now, since they are all linked on the blog, from the same, easy-to-find table of contents.

I will link that here, because Fox Valley WELS guys can find their Groeschel but not their Book of Concordia (sic).

Schmauk - Tell It Not in Gath

"Shall we permit this to be done! in the name of Christian unity! and by a latitudinarianism that is our own heritage, which rises ever anew from the embers of the past to find such veiled support and strength in the citadel of Zion that Confessionalism is told to whisper low in Jerusalem lest she be heard on the streets of Gath." Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: 1911, p. 941.                                                        

Schmauk - On Demi-Semi Close Communion

"Is the Lord's Supper the place to display my toleration, my Christian sympathy, or my fellowship with another Christian, when that is the very point in which most of all we differ; and in which the difference means for me everything--means for me, the reception of the Savior's atonement? Is this the point to be selected for the display of Christian union, when in fact it is the very point in which Christian union does not exist?" Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: 1911, p. 905f.                                                       

Theodore Schmauk - Modern Radical Spirit

"The modern radical spirit which would sweep away the Formula of Concord as a Confession of the Church, will not, in the end, be curbed, until it has swept away the Augsburg Confession, and the ancient Confessions of the Church--yea, not until it has crossed the borders of Scripture itself, and swept out of the Word whatsoever is not in accord with its own critical mode of thinking. The far-sighted rationalist theologian and Dresden court preacher, Ammon, grasped the logic of a mere spirit of progress, when he said: 'Experience teaches us that those who reject a Creed, will speedily reject the Scriptures themselves.'" Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: General Council Publication Board, 1911, p. 685. 

Schmauk - The Real Question

"The real question is not what do you subscribe, but what do you believe and publicly teach, and what are you transmitting to those who come after? If it is the complete Lutheran faith and practice, the name and number of the standards is less important. If it is not, the burden of proof rests upon you to show that your more incomplete standard does not indicate an incomplete Lutheran faith." Theodore E. Schmauk and C. Theodore Benze, The Confessional Principle and the Confessions, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church, Philadelphia: 1911, p. 890.       


Dresden Lutherans

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect have proven Schmauk right.

Justin Laymen has left a new comment on your post "Three UOJs or Just One?They Have the Same Mother, ...":

Here is a pertinant quote from pastor rydeckis paper from the intrepids lutheran conference:

"If we want to be Dresden Lutherans, then we will teach justification by faith alone as the chief article of the Christian faith. The justification of the poor sinner before God is presented explicitly and quite exhaustively in the Lutheran Confessions (and by other 16th Century Lutheran theologians) as including four key components, without any of which the poor sinner is not, in any sense, justified before God: 1) the grace of God, 2) the merit of Christ, 3) the means of grace, and 4) faith in Christ. The Confessions do not speak of a sense in which all sinners have already been justified before God whether they believe in Christ or not, nor do I believe the Scriptures to teach such a thing, yet such is commonly heralded among Lutherans today as the “central teaching of the Bible.” I contend that our Dresden forefathers did not miss anything or take anything for granted in this chief article of the Christian faith. Forgiveness of sins, life and salvation were, indeed, won for all people by Christ on the cross, through His merit alone. But no one is forgiven, justified, made alive or saved apart from the means of grace and apart from faith in Christ, which is graciously worked by the Holy Spirit. Dresden Lutherans would never think of qualifying Luther’s battle cry, “Faith alone justifies!”, with “Yes, but, only in a subjective sense, since we know that all people are already justified without faith!”"

The Difference Between Confession and Anti-Confession

The two graphics provide quite a contrast. The first one, from the Formula of Concord, expresses the truth of the Scriptures.

The second one is arrogant and deceitful. Wayne Mueller was the First VP of WELS who claimed in print that there was no Church Growth in WELS.

Another Rave Review from the Cesspool of WELS - Appleton

From Tim Glende's Anger Management Blog:
"He puts a chunk of text on his blog and never says where he got it, for instance, his Book of Concordia (sic) quotes."


GJ - Book of Concordia sounds like the genius writer has no knowledge of the Confessions. It reminds me of the Jewish actor George C. Scott explaining the doctrine of the "Dutch Reformation Church," outlining TULIP.

Jesus with Mary and Martha,
by Norma Boeckler

Big chunks of text - too much for a Mequon graduate to read.
No citation?

WELS Church Lady Will Release Link for Paul Wendland Paper

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Three UOJs or Just One?They Have the Same Mother, ...":

Hi Berean, I get your drift. "Berean", fitting name for a fellow who is not afraid to ask questions at the seminary. I hope all seminary students are, or will, be reading Pastor Paul Rydecki's Hunnius translation. In the mean time, Pastor GJ's books can be downloaded.

On a side note, I tried to share Pres. Wendland's paper from the SCD conference, but it was unable to share. I will have to provide Pastor GJ with the link...but Pasotr "ain't" gonna like the paper (objectively and universally speeking), so forgive me if I have been taking  my time!

In Christ,

He's Back! - Wisconsin Lutheran College Call

06/04/12             WISCONSIN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD              8:27 am

                     P A S T O R   C A L L   R E P O R T
                       05/15/2012  through  06/04/2012

-----------------  N O   D E C I S I O N S   R E P O R T E D  ----------------

Becker, Mr Bruce H WLC - Milwaukee WI 05/24/2012
         Director of the Center of Christian Leadership

In other ecumenical news:

Dr. Erik Ankerberg named to Thrivent Fellows Program

Date posted: May 7, 2012
MILWAUKEE - Dr. Erik P. Ankerberg, Ph.D., recently was named to the Thrivent Fellows Program, a rigorous 12-month executive development fellowship for the purpose of growing the leadership capacity of the colleges and universities of the Lutheran Church. Dr. Ankerberg serves as an associate professor of English at Wisconsin Lutheran College.
Sponsored by the Lutheran Educational Conference of North America, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, the Concordia University System of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and the Congregational and Synodical Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Fellows Program is designed to identify, encourage, develop, and equip high-capacity senior leaders for leadership roles in Lutheran colleges and universities.

Three UOJs or Just One?
They Have the Same Mother, Halle University,
And the Same Father - Enthusiasm

The June 11, 2012 issue of Christian News seems to have three UOJs in it:

  1. The Kokomo Statements, which were almost verbatim from J. P. Meyer (three out of four statements). 
  2. The Marquart version, canonized by Jay Webber as the norma normans
  3. Sig Becker's version, which was somewhat criticized by Marquart and Tom Hardt, who still advocated UOJ.
However, the three versions (and all other flavors of UOJ) have the same foundation - world absolution. Everyone is forgiven, everyone is saved. When they called it General Justification, the message was the same, because (unlike English) the German for General Justification means "every single one justified."

E. Preuss, before he became a Roman Catholic theologian, taught that everyone single person on earth was born forgiven. Lutherans still quote that marvelous essay.

Objective Justification and Universal Objective Justification are the same. Some explanations have grown more extreme, but they are the logical applications of the principle.

UOJ existed before Halle Pietism, in Samuel Huber, a "former" Calvinist on the Wittenberg faculty. However, Huber's version was soundly repudiated by P. Leyser and Hunnius.

Bishop Stephan brought his sex cult over the ocean and established it in St. Louis and Perryville. Stephan's cell group ministry united the Pietistic clergy around him. Walther never had a Lutheran education. He had a four-year degree in rationalism and spiritual guidance in abusive Pietistic cell groups.

Justification by faith has never been eliminated from the Synodical Conference, but UOJ clearly dominates and persecutes the Gospel. 

Many people whine about the decline of the SynConference starting in 1932. That was when UOJ began to dominate through the 1932 Brief Statement.

Today people ignore the institutionalized influence of Karl Barth (the Swiss adulterer), Fuller Seminary, and Romanism while cheerfully promoting UOJ, the start of it all.


A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Chemnitz on Justification by Faith":

I'm a seminary student. I had been warned when I voiced concerns about UOJ and how the text of Scripture speaks not to make faith into a sine qua non for justification. To add to the confusion, we had recently studied the Majoristic Controversy in Bente's Historical Introductions, in which faith is a sine qua non for salvation. is sine qua non for salvation, but dare not be a sine qua non for justification...

A. Berean wants to be beaten like a rented mule.

Is the Gospel Being Taught?

Many pastors trained by the Synodical Conference seminaries have joined the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox, or various sects honored by Fuller Seminary.

Babtist leaders appeal to Lutherans because they often teach some form of the Gospel. UOJ is not the Gopsel - it is anti-Gospel. Each segment of the Synodical Conference spends its energy on saying things against each other - such as, "They are wrong on church and ministry," or "They do not have any doctrinal discipline."

It is clear that they have doctrinal discipline. The Ice Curtain descends on anyone who dissents from their one dogma - Holy Mother Synod is infallible.

The Gospel is justification by faith, but that message infuriates the ELCA side and the Synodical Conference side, since both segments oppose and attack faith in Christ. They have different ways of spreading the same gangrene as pure doctrine, but it has the same origin (Halle University) and the same outcome.

I remember Norm Berg mocking WELS evangelism as "We are against the Lodge, we are against Scouts, we are against ....Now join our congregation." That is a good satire of Pietism, but the solution was no better, and probably worse. "I just wanted to stop by your house and say you are already forgiven. Yes, you were saved 2000 years ago."

UOJ worship is a nightmare - the Means of Grace show people they are already forgiven and saved. They might as well join an organization that is honest about turning the Sacraments into ordinances. And they do.

Nevertheless, some pastors have taken the name Lutheran seriously and studied Luther. They actually imagine their synods are confessional, so they study the Book of Concord. Gausewitz' catechism was produced for the entire Synodical Conference and has no hints of UOJ in it. Therefore, that training left many who still believed in the Gospel.

Pope Paul the Unlearned Plagiarist -
A Copy and Paste Job from the Roman Catholics.
Verbatim steal. No Citation.
Update - He Later Added "Source" at the End - Not Good Enough. Spell It Out at the Beginning.

This comes from McCain's Facebook  friends.

Paul McCain is a plagiarist. His blog is not honest. Sometimes he gives a citation before his copy and paste job. Usually he gives very little credit (hard to find) or none. In this case, there is no credit given at the time I am reading it. That could change, but McCain the CPH "editor" seems disinclined to repent. Plagiarism is against the law, and it is a heinous sin in publishing.

McCain likes to call me a "fake Lutheran" on the anonymous blog of Tim Glende, another plagiarist. They are both hysterical proponents of UOJ. Thus -

Paul McCain said...
"Fake scholar"
"Fake pastor"
"Fake professor"

But, I'd add to your list:

June 2, 2012 1:45 PM

I suggest reading this post on plagiarism from Rich Techlin. It shows how the attorney from Tim Glende's WELS church (St. Peter Cares, Freedom, Wisconsin) met with Glende and WELS officials about the pastors plagiarizing Groeschel. WELS District President Doug Engelbrecht solemnly declared that plagiarism was fine when the source gave permission. Techlin correctly responded that selling homework to a dishonest student (or giving it away) does not make the crime of plagiarism go away. It is still fraud to claim another's words as one's own. Groeschel gives permission to his disciples to copy all of his sermons and graphics and videos. I tested that by joining (free) and received the same permission. However, I have found nothing worth quoting, let alone stealing.

Much of Luther is in the public domain, but it still remains a responsibility of the person copying to show the source and the original words.

McCain is in the bosom of SP Harrison, and Glende is in the bosom of Engelbrecht. Both are indicators of how sick their synods are, how poor the leadership is.

Today's Crime of Plagiarism - From Paul McCain.

This graphic is found in many places on the Net.
The prayer is found on the Aardvark Alley blog. Original to AA or do they share the same source?

Barnabas (originally Joseph), styled an Apostle in Holy Scripture, and, like St. Paul, ranked by the Church with the Twelve, though not one of them; b. of Jewish parents in the Island of Cyprus about the beginning of the Christian Era. A Levite, he naturally spent much time in Jerusalem, probably even before the Crucifixion of Our Lord, and appears also to have settled there (where his relatives, the family of Mark the Evangelist, likewise had their homes — Acts 12:12) and to have owned land in its vicinity (4:36-37). - Catholic Encyclopedia

Barnabas (originally Joseph), styled an Apostle in Holy Scripture, and, like St. Paul, ranked by the Church with the Twelve, though not one of them; b. of Jewish parents in the Island of Cyprus about the beginning of the Christian Era. A Levite, he naturally spent much time in Jerusalem, probably even before the Crucifixion of Our Lord, and appears also to have settled there (where his relatives, the family of Mark the Evangelist, likewise had their homes — Acts 12:12) and to have owned land in its vicinity (4:36-37). A rather late tradition recorded by Clement of Alexandria (Stromata II.20) and Eusebius (Church History II.1) says that he was one of the seventy Disciples; but Acts (4:36-37).


GJ - Above is the easy to read copy from Catholic Encyclopedia. I copied it into WordPad to remove all the HTML code. Below is a copy and paste that includes all the links, a dead giveaway to the source, because the links are Catholic Encyclopedia sources.

Original code, with the annoying white background removed manually:

Barnabas (originally Joseph), styled an Apostle in Holy Scripture, and, like St. Paul, ranked by theChurch with the Twelve, though not one of them; b. of Jewish parents in the Island of Cyprus about the beginning of the Christian Era. A Levite, he naturally spent much time in Jerusalem, probably even before the Crucifixion of Our Lord, and appears also to have settled there (where his relatives, thefamily of Mark the Evangelist, likewise had their homes — Acts 12:12) and to have owned land in its vicinity (4:36-37). A rather late tradition recorded by Clement of Alexandria (Stromata II.20) and Eusebius (Church History II.1) says that he was one of the seventy Disciples; but Acts (4:36-37). 

The problems with a straight copy and paste are obvious. They shriek "Plagiarism!" at the reader. The font is different (coded verdana in this case) and the links are obvious. Hover over the links with the mouse and you will see that the links are "new advent," which is the Roman Catholic site for the Catholic Encyclopedia and many other goodies.

Many blogs have default fonts, so the change from one font to another would be striking. I even had a student copy so quickly that she left the entire blob as a text-box, which is how it appeared in her paper, where she gave no credit to the author or mark the section as a quotation. Like most plagiarists, she was apoplectic at getting caught.

The graphic of Barnabas can be found all over the Net. Notice that there is no attribution for the portrait. The way to find a source is to open Google Images and drag the picture (mouse, left click) into the Images toolbar. That will show other places where the same or a similar image can be found.


More plagiarism from McCain:


None dare call it plagiarism:


"Source" means a Roman Catholic website:


LaughQuest hypocrisy about McCain's plagiarism:




Venerable Bede:


McCain's copying  a typo:


WELS endorsement of plagiarism:


WELS Bethany in Appleton caught plagiarizing Swindoll: