Saturday, March 7, 2015

Procrastinators Can Still Catch Up with the Jackson Rose Gardens.
Let the Creator Do His Work

Last year we had a late start when QVC or HSN offered eight bare-root roses for $64, with free shipping. Nevertheless, we had a great start with new roses producing many different blooms that everyone enjoyed, with no aphids and only a little black spot. KnockOut roses were added, and they bloomed without ceasing, although the reds were stronger and better than the whites and pinks.

We used a simple method for healthy, productive roses:

  • The holes were dug into the lawn and the roses planted without all the bother of soaking them 24 hours,  or adding fertilizer to the hole (bad idea).
  • Each plant was well watered in the hole and kept watered while getting established.
  • Afterwards our helper and I covered the lawn with newspapers and then with wood mulch - Jackson Mulch.
  • Uncle Jim's Earthworms (red wigglers) were added to the rose garden, where they quickly dug themselves in.
  • Soaker hoses were placed to keep the roses watered.
  • No fertilizer or pesticides were used. 
  • I pruned the roses throughout the summer, giving the roses away at school and in the neighborhood, placing them on the altar. Some went through our neighbor to the home of a dying patient in hospice care - and that meant so much to everyone in the family.
Long ago I reckoned that mulch was not really different from compost, much easier to  build on the spot than to haul. I learned last year that new discoveries with soil fungi showed that the real action involved the microbes trapping, swapping, and moving nutrition to benefit themselves and the roots.

The roots say to the fungi, in effect, "You want my carbons? I need some nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus - and make it snappy."

Fungi need carbon to grow, so they obey the plant roots and supply what they need. Fungi also live in each plant to protect and help the plant.

People have fussed, dug, sprayed, and cussed - but the best remedy for roses and all plants is to lay down the organics and let the microbes do their work. 

Gardeners should leave the soil undisturbed and untrampled. Mulched garden space feeds the microbes below and the insect eaters above. Birds and spiders love mulch. Cats like the rose garden because it is also a bird haven. 

When the garden warmed up before the recent cold and snow, the first sign of spring was a spiders thread glimmering in the sunlight, trailing down from the top of a rose cane. Why would I spray him down with insecticide or rob him of food that will multiply his family members?
Chicago Peace will be part of the Peace collection -
Peace, Pink Peace, and Chicago Peace.

Pietism and Rationalism: The Axis of Evil.
Each One Is the Imagined Cure of the Other


Spener introduced Pietism to the Lutheran Church, by attaching his agenda, Pious Wishes, 1675, to the orthodox Lutheran volume by Arndt. Instead of writing an introduction, he posted a detour sign, based on his infatuation with Roman Catholicism and Calvinism, cell groups, and doctrinal indifference.

Some hallmarks of Pietism are:
  1. heart religion instead of a head religion. Pietists often mention that false distinction.
  2. Lay-led conventicles or cell groups, to develop piety through prayer and Bible study.
  3. Unionism - cooperation between Lutherans and the Reformed. Spener was the first union theologian (Heick, II, p. 23).
  4. An emphasis on good works and foreign missions. "Deeds, not creeds" is a popular motto.
  5. Denial of the Real Presence and baptismal regeneration, consequences of working with the Reformed. (Heick, II, p. 24)
  6. A better, higher, or deeper form of Christianity rather than the Sunday worshiping church. This often made the cell group the real church, the gathered church.

Theological education had become dry, rationalistic, and non-Biblical, so surveys of the Bible and Biblical courses were an instant hit. Spener had enormous energy and networking skills, so his agenda became a movement.

The movement was established at Halle University, 1694 which was founded to teach Pietism. In one generation Halle became the center of rationalism in Europe. A doubting Schleiermacher studied at Halle and later taught at Halle. He was the  pivotal modern theologian, teaching faith without belief, as my witty Notre Dame friend observed. The faith-words are used. The author plays with the terms, but there is no faith in God, no trust in Christ as the Savior, only a holy awe for the philosophical edifice built up in thick, almost incomprehensible volumes.

Doctrinal indifference and unionism go together well, as Reu noted in his lectures on the topic, so Halle University was both, Pietistic missions launched from Halle and other institutions expected Lutheran-Reformed union parishes and often required an adult conversion story for membership in the Lutheran Church.

Similarly, Pietistic groups are always allergic to the Book of Concord and Lutheran Orthodoxy.

Knappe was already the last of the old Pietists when he taught and gave his lectures, which became a standard volume in America, after their translation by the Calvinist Woods.

The illiterate leaders of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS fail to acknowledge that their precious Objective Justification and Subjective Justification definitions come from this Calvinist Woods - that the Knappe lectures were a standard volume in all mainline libraries for 90 years.

Knappe might have been the last of the Pietists at Halle, but he was thoroughly modern. He denied that the Trinity was Biblical - standard fare for modern theology, aping the rationalistic Schleiermacher.

The Walther group was university-trained in the rationalism growing fout of the bankruptcy of Pietism, and the son (rationalism) loathed the father (Pietism).

Therefore, their cure for the arid philosophy of academic rationalism was the cell group of Pietism. They attached themselves to Kuhn, a severe Pietist, engaged in a Halle style Bible study cell group, and later followed Martin Stephan, a Pietist with a Pietistic congregation whose land was donated by the Moravian Pietist Zinzendorf.

Walther's Pietistic pedigree is perfect. Just as Zinzendorf's son created a scandal with his boy's town, so Stephan manufactured a new one with his girl groupies. And "nobody knew." Stephan contracted syphilis and "nobody knew." He walked to Pietistic meetings with young women, in the middle of the night, even though his church was already designated a Pietistic meeting place. And yet - "nobody knew."

Stephan took his clergy and laity to America when he was placed under house arrest for sexual and financial scandals, leaving his syphilitic wife and children behind, yet "nobody knew."

Stephan told his female followers that he controlled their souls and their bodies.
But "nobody knew."

Pope Walther Gives Bishop Stephan the Left Foot of Fellowship
Landing in New Orleans, the Stephan sex cult moved on to St. Louis, where naked slaves were auctioned in the city streets. Locals were measuring the rope when the Stephanites ignored a great land offering and bought Mormon land in Perryville, far away from prying eyes.

Zion on the Mississippi recorded that St. Louis residents were highly suspicious of the bishop without his wife and his female companions, including Walther's young niece. But I want to assure all of you SynCon addicts - "nobody knew."

The young ladies began having syphilitic symptoms, a disease so ugly and nasty that the readers must do their own research. People knew about the disease. That is why Stephan went to spas in Europe, with his mistress, to get relief from his rashes, a basic symptom of that venereal disease.

Stephan definitely picked up an STD in Europe, and gave it to his children, through his wife, and yet "nobody knew." They definitely knew - this Pietistic circle  - when the young women began sobbing and the parents started thinking about murder.

Walther, who signed the letter making Stephan a bishop for life, organized an excursion from St. Louis to Perryville, to threaten, rob, and kidnap at gunpoint the bishop. Their cover story was suddenly discovering that - gasp - Stephan was an adulterer! "Nobody knew" until two ladies, or was it just one, confessed to Walther's pal - after a red-hot Law sermon. And the mistress left to be with Stephan in Illinois - but "nobody knew" - even though she was with him often in Dresden, on the ship with him, and at his St. Louis abode.

That trial balloon should have flown as far as the Hochmuth story, but it is still being told as part of the Walther mythology, with the Great Walther riding in on a white riverboat to rescue the innocent damsels of Perryville from the newly discovered adulterous bishop.

Let us now pause and offer a mass in thanksgiving that Walther did not leave Europe on the ship that sank without a trace. God spared him to spare the Perryville sect and lead America to Lutheran Orthodoxy. Amen? Amen!

Look who is driving the bus -
Mark Jeske, ELCA's biggest donor, thanks to
being on the Thrivent Board of Directors.

The Axis of Evil
The Missouri Sect was a mixed bag from the beginning. They slowly abandoned their cell groups and engaged in great projects, like the German Luther set, a magnificent project done in high quality volumes.

The LCMS likes to brag that they brought Confessional Lutheranism to America, based on Stephan's insistence on the Confessions in his early career. But Confessional Lutherans do not sponsor cell groups and teach the Halle Pietism of the whole world being "declared righteous." The Henkelites published the first English Book of Concord, not the LCMS, and they had a powerful influence on the LCA (or Muhlenberg) tradition.

Likewise, the Synodical Conference was a mixture of good and bad, with the bad coming from the Stephan-Walther fusion of Pietism and Lutheran doctrine. Walther had to have his disciple follow him at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, so he rigged the election of  F. Pieper.

Walther disciples at the WELS seminary in Wauwatosa left an indelible bad impression with their prolix weirdness and puffed up self-esteem.

But in contrast, Gausewitz (WELS) managed to write a catechism without any Halle UOJ and lead the Synodical Conference as president.

Nevertheless, out of a rotten base, Pietisistic rationalism, the struggle to remain Lutheran will fail unless the rationalism and Pietism are identified, refuted, and repudiated.

Instead, Pietism and rationalism have asserted themselves in the ELCA, WELS, LCMS, ELS and CLC (sic).

All the established Lutheran groups have abandoned the Scriptures and the Book of Concord to ape Fuller Seminary or the Roman Catholic Church, two forms of entertainment evangelism.

The rationale given for cola and popcorn happy clappy services is - "Everyone is doing it. We have to do the same to survive." But such excuses only prove that these clergy-wolves and their vulpine leaders are unbelievers.

Whoever apes the Calvinist translator of Knappe
is a Calvinist - not a Lutheran.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Why Not Pay Kids To Memorize Scripture?
WELS Sinks To New Levels of Decadence

Kids - you are on your way to becoming Tetzels -
Planned Giving Counselors.
But it gets easier - forget the Word of God.
Sell forgiveness for big bucks and earn a commission.
Endorsed by Marvin Schwan.
"I think it is a great idea. More churches should do this -
a good start. Pre-evangelism."

After they have recited a Bible passage to you, they will get to put a "Fruit of Spirit" sticker on their handout. Once they have all nine passages memorized, they can turn it in to Ms. Barb for a $5 gift card! Thanks in advance for taking the time to help your kids Grow in God's Word!

Program handouts will be ready this Sunday! 

Hello? Are You Talking about WELS?
Give Me a Minute for a Horse Laugh

"That was a good one, eh Nelly?
They don't even answer certified letters!"

  • When an active member of the church is pushed out of the synod, the entire voting assembly of the congregation should be informed, consulted and given time to consider. 
  • If an appeals is sought, the appeals board should be able to consult with the entire voting assembly of the former congregation. 
  • The former member should also be allowed to present character references on their behalf. This would provide for the greatest number of opinions and support for either side.
The help desk at WELS headquarters is staffed 24/7.
A recorded message says, "Write a letter."
That is the first step in excommunication in WELS.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Reverse Engineer the Bird Feeding and the So-Called Pests Go Away.
Perfect Show Shoveling

Two weeks ago, grandson Alex and I stuffed four pounds of suet into various mesh bags. We had some leftovers, so we scattered those lumps around the yard.

The next day, starlings swooped into the yard to play tug-of-war with suet lumps and hang from the bags while feeding. More than 30 starlings were in the yard, day after day, rising to nearby trees to wait for additional food, such as sunflower seeds and the Big Cob of corn.

They played and washed in the bird baths, and other species came for the fun.

People grasp this with no trouble, so they should easily see how well this works with so-called pests when the scenario is changed.

Let's imagine a swarm of destructive insects has arrived, or eggs have hatched and hungry larvae are eating the crops. What we see as pests are food for:

  • birds, 
  • toads, 
  • parasitoid wasps, 
  • and spiders. 
Nothing can keep them from eating the fresh supply unless we kill the supply or poison everything with sprays and detergents.We want all those pest-eaters present, welcome, and happy in our yard, because they patrol night and day, as contrasted to the panicking gardener who runs to Lowe's, buys a box of XXX, and sprays down the plants.  

Individual statistics for each species beggar our imaginations. Each individual creature is good for thousands of creatures eaten in one season. So the real answer to garden invaders is to welcome them for the beneficial creatures they feed.

Yakety Yak

Keep all the papers - they're not trash
And that will save you so much cash.
If you don't mulch that garden floor
You ain't gonna pick no crops no more.
Yakety yak
(Don't talk back)
Just finish building compost piles
Let's see organics and some smiles.
Get all that good stuff from the curbs
Or you wont' grow so many herbs.
Yakety yak
(Don't talk back)
Just pick up the birdseed and the fat
And make a spider welcome mat.
And when you finish doin' that
Pull up a chair and have a chat.
Yakety yak
(Don't talk back)
Don't you give me no weary looks
This blogger's hip, he knows what cooks.
Just build some creature-friendly nooks
And buy those Sharon Lovejoy books.
Yakety yak
(Don't talk back)

Perfect Snow Shoveling
Our snow and sleet storm from yesterday ended this morning with sunshine, blue skies, and a girl pulling her baby sister on a sled.

Our helper came over to help shovel the three driveways - ours, the Gardeners, and the Wrights. We were working on the Wrights when another neighbor came by with his shovel. We discussed how difficult it was for the husband and wife to shovel, and we finished their driveway and cars in a few minutes.

Our helper then borrowed a shovel to do his neighbor's, who lost a leg to infection.

Virtue Online - An Overview of the News - Good and Bad

It is impossible to reconcile such decisions with the commandments of Scripture and traditional Christian morality. The Orthodox Church has condemned the aforementioned innovations as apostasy from the norms of the apostolic faith and church order as fixed by the Gospel and Church Tradition. --- Patriarchate Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk

Our mission is to introduce people to life in the Kingdom, to the range of God's effective will--where what God wants done is done. We introduce people to such a biblical understanding of discipleship: that it is literally living our lives as Jesus would if he were in our shoes, our context. --- Dallas Willard

"As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises." --- David Wilkerson

God is watching. Forget about the judgment of history. For those of you who are religious people, you have to think about the judgment of God. And don't worry about asking God to bless what you are doing. Look for what God is doing and get involved in that, because that has already been blessed. --- Bono

The mark of true preaching. Persecution or opposition is a mark of every true Christian preacher ... The Old Testament prophets found it so, men like Amos, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. So did the New Testament apostles. And down the centuries of the Christian church, until and including today, Christian preachers who refuse to distort or dilute the gospel of grace have had to suffer for their faithfulness. The good news of Christ crucified is still a 'scandal' (Greek, *skandalon", stumbling-block), grievously offensive to the pride of men. --- John R.W. Stott
If, in the enlightened perspectives of tolerance, equality and sexual anti-discrimination, Parliament (UK) sees fit to 'pardon' those who were once found guilty of gross indecency, why, in the enlightened perspectives of theological ecumenism, spiritual sophistication and religious anti-discrimination, will they not pardon those who were once convicted and executed for heresy? Not enough votes in it? ---- Archbishop Cranmer blog

Dear Brothers and Sisters
March 6, 2015

After a bitter, seven-year legal dispute, state District Judge John Chupp ruled Monday that Episcopalians, led by Bishop Jack Iker who broke away from the national Episcopal Church, are entitled to an estimated $100 million in property in the 24-county Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth.

Fort Worth-area Episcopalians, who remained loyal to the national Episcopal Church and reorganized the diocese under Bishop Rayford High, have the right to appeal the decision.

"We are grateful for the ruling in our favor. It is clear that both church laws and Texas laws have been rightly applied in this dispute," Iker proclaimed.

The schism occurred in 2008 when Iker and a majority of the 56 churches in the diocese broke away from the national church over issues including ordaining of gays and lesbians. Now Iker's group is a part of the Anglican Church in North America.

Chupp's order reversed his 2011 ruling declaring that the property belonged to the national Episcopal Church for use by the Fort Worth group that chose to remain affiliated with the New York-based denomination.
Chupp's earlier decision was based on what are called "deferential" principles, meaning that state law should defer to the rules of hierarchical religious institutions. An Episcopal Church law, called the "Dennis Canon," states that church property belongs to denomination, not local dioceses.

The Texas Supreme Court overturned that decision and ordered Chupp to rehear the case on "neutral principles" that govern nonreligious organizations. That favored Iker's group, which several years ago passed several local diocesan ordinances declaring that the Fort Worth diocese, not the national church, owned the property in the diocese.

Suzanne Gill, a spokeswoman for Iker's group, announced an appeal of the decision is expected. "This will likely go to the 2nd Court of Appeals in Fort Worth ... and possibly to the Supreme Court again."

Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
has destroyed, murdered, and scattered the flock.
Remember that Selective Outrage is
a component of Selective Diversity.
She is a one-hit wonder and will retire from office.

The outrage continues at Sewanee: the University of the South -- from gay marriages to porn movie showings to the latest piece of outrage. Officials at Sewanee excitedly unveiled a massive golden clitoris statue in the main library at the Episcopal Church-affiliated liberal arts school in Tennessee. It will be there for two weeks. Following the unveiling, there was a reception.

The sculpture is part of a project called "CLITERACY" by feminist artist Sophia Wallace. She has presented her work in exhibitions throughout the U.S. and abroad, at the Kunsthalle Wien Museum, Art Basel Miami, Scope NY, Taschen Gallery, Aperture Gallery, and more. Her work has been reviewed in the New Yorker, Salon, and Hyperallergic, among others, and has been recognized with awards such as the Critic's Pick Award at the Griffin Museum. Not a single Christian university or theological college in the U.S. has embraced this sexualized "art". Only the Episcopal Church's one university.

The Cliteracy "Art" outraged Alumni and Friends. VOL sent an Open letter calling upon Dean McCardell to remove this monstrosity and apologize to parents.

According to an official announcement, CLITERACY will disrupt not only the silence of its setting, but also the overall cultural silence surrounding female bodies in a phallocentric society.

A few days later, the following was reported in the Sewanee Purple campus newspaper. Laci Green comes to Sewanee advertising "The Best Sex Ever."

"My hope is that you will be given some tools, ideas, and information in order to have whatever you would consider the best sex," Green started. The lecture followed a simple outline, addressing anatomy, health, and consent. Noticeable 'ewwwwws' were heard when Green presented a photo of a vulva. "What is that? A vagina? It's actually a vulva -- which is the technical term for the outside."

A large portion of the section that followed was dedicated not only to eliminating "ew" as a reaction to a healthy vulva, but also to debunking myths about vulvas and sex, including the myth that longer labias are a result of a woman having more sex. "Sometimes I'll hear 'Um she just had a lot of sex. She's just a slut.' Honey, no. The myth that you get longer labia from more sex is just a myth," Green announced. She also destroyed the idea that if a vagina is more open and wet, the woman is more sexually active. To the contrary, if a woman's vagina is not wet and open, it is likely that she is not aroused.

"Trying to find a good picture of an average, front-facing, unerect penis was nearly impossible," Green explained when the talk turned to the male anatomy. "The average size of a penis is 5.5 inches. Most teenagers will assume the average size is 7-8 inches, usually thanks to porn." She then went on to explain how societal pressure to measure masculinity based on penis size is completely unfounded. "Not only is it something you shouldn't have to worry about, but size also has very little to do with pleasure. It's all about how you use it."

Other topics Green discussed included masturbation and STIs. On the subject of STIs, Green said "STDs are normal, preventable, and often curable. But STDs are especially shamed because they are usually gotten from sex." The most common STIs on college campuses are Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Genital Warts, and Herpes. The best way to avoid getting an STI is to use protection every time. She said STDs were NORMAL!!

As the talk concluded, Green reminded the audience that respect and enjoying oneself are the foundations of the "best sex ever." Afterwards, a large portion of the audience lined up to take photos with Green and/or the large blue dildo. In order to make safe, healthy sex as easy as possible for everyone on campus, free condoms are always available at the Wellness Center, while free condoms, lube, and dental dams are always available at the Women's Center.

By sponsoring the STD preventing dental dams, Sewanee is admitting the kinds of sex it encourages are unsafe.
No mention is made of what the Bible has to say about sex before marriage. Apparently, that was of no concern to Green. Fornication is now normal. Not a word of rebuttal from Dean McCardell has been heard either.

Sewanee University Chapel -
truth on the scaffold,
error on the throne.

We call upon Dean John McCardell, Chaplain Thomas MacFie, Diversity Change Agents Benjamin and Hamilton, Bishop Alexander, Jon Meacham, and All Regents by Name to either apologize for this dangerous sickness and promise it will never happen again, or come out and admit that "Civility and Respect" demands of them that they affirmatively and actively support vile sex addictions for teens and lesbian pornography for all.

The question must be asked: What is Sewanee doing to curb the growing spread of teen STDs and AIDs on Campus? Would they allow this at their own successful businesses?

We call upon them to remove this so-called piece of art from the premises of this Episcopal University, apologize to alumni and parents and vow it will never happen again.
Write to Dean John McCardell here:

Chapel design and Photoshop by Norma Boeckler.

A Church that is no longer able to say "it is written" has placed itself in great spiritual danger, but that is where the Anglican Communion is headed, according to Kenya Archbishop Eliud Wabukala and GAFCON chairman in his Lenten letter.

Citing a review of Living Reconciliation, by CofE theologian Dr. Martin Davie, a book written to promote the "Continuing Indaba" project, Wabukala said the book is not faithful to the Bible's teaching that reconciliation has evangelism at its heart. What the writers are really concerned about is institutional unity; they simply assume that the deeply divisive promotion of same sex relationships by such Churches as the Episcopal Church of the United States is not a barrier to full and continued fellowship.

According to Dr. Davie, "The New Testament's emphasis is not on people learning to live with what divides them, but learning to live out what unites them." The New Testament teaches that reconciliation with one another flows from reconciliation with God through repentance and faith in the gospel message. It does not make sense to call for reconciliation in the Church while, at the same time, accepting behavior the Bible says excludes people from the Kingdom of God unless they repent.

He concludes that the path recommended by the authors of Living Reconciliation is "effectively a blank check for the acceptance of any and every possible form of deviation from New Testament Christianity."


Four Episcopal laypersons have written a letter to the Deputies of the 2015 Episcopal Church General Convention asking for an accounting of the $20 million spent on litigation in 94 civil lawsuits. Their letter reads:
We were among the 5,000 signatories of an unanswered petition requesting an accounting and transparency from the Church in spending more than $20 million dollars of church funds for litigation in 94 civil lawsuits. Five dioceses and hundreds of parishes wished to depart the Episcopal Church with their property but the Presiding Bishop and her chancellor abruptly ended peaceful negotiations for departure and filed civil lawsuits to seize those properties. Over forty of the lawsuits involved actions against parishioners who voluntarily served as vestry members or other leadership positions. In several cases, the Presiding Bishop was seeking the personal assets of these parishioners for monetary punitive damages causing undue and unjust personal financial hardship and mental suffering to them. In the past two decades, an estimated 1.5 million Episcopalians transferred to another Anglican Church, left for another denomination, or left the Christian faith altogether and more than 500 Episcopal Churches have closed.
Further, more than 700 former clergy and 12 Bishops were defrocked or suspended from their ordained ministry when they sought transfer to another Anglican Church. By misuse of the canons, and without a hearing or trial, the Presiding Bishop extinguished the right of those clergy to exercise the gifts and spiritual authority conferred in ordination at the Anglican Church body where they have transferred. Countless lives were shattered and relationships destroyed by these actions, for these good men and women did not take their solemn vows of ordination lightly, and they were unjustly defrocked for it.

Two Dioceses, the Diocese of Pittsburgh and the Diocese of South Carolina, saw the harshness of the Presiding Bishop's action against her Brothers and Sisters in Christ and lessened the Abandonment charge to "restrict [the] exercise of ministry" only within TEC.

We seek an end to these unprecedented unjust acts by an appropriate resolve and executed by this 2015 General Convention committing the Episcopal Church to make full restitution for these actions, with the 94 lawsuits withdrawn from secular courts and all associated court costs paid for by the Episcopal Church. We call for the Convention to support those Dioceses and parishes wishing to depart from the Episcopal Church, to go with your blessing, recognizing that departing are members in good standing and the convention supports their quest to transfer and/or become recognized members of the Anglican Communion if they so desire.

To our 700 Clergy Brothers and Sisters, realizing the church can never make amends for what the Church has done, we call for the Episcopal Church to begin a process of healing and conciliation for all concerned at the diocesan level and the church begin with all rights and privileges of ordination totally restored.

Finally, to all members of the church, we call for the Episcopal Church to communicate an apology for misleading your members, for lack of transparency in your leadership roles and hold yourselves accountable for all these actions, with the assurance this will never happen again.

Bradley Hutt, former Senior Warden, Christ Episcopal Church, Clinton, MD.
Bill Boniface, former Senior Warden, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Croom, MD.
Nancy Virts, former Senior Warden, All Faith Episcopal Church, Charlotte Hall, MD.
Bob McCarthy, former Senior Warden, St. Georges Episcopal Church, Valley Lee, MD.

Brent Bozell, III

Conservative activist and media critic L.Brent Bozell, in an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) over the weekend in National Harbor, Maryland, predicted that "an effort [will be made] within three years" to bring criminal charges against a priest or a pastor for "talking about traditional marriage."
The founder and president of both the conservative Media Research Center and Cybercast News Service warned in a 20 minute speech from the main stage at CPAC on Friday that "the radical left" is trying to "destroy the last vestiges of freedom in America," evidenced by, among a list of other things, the belief that "there's only one morally acceptable position on gay rights."

Asked to elaborate on his thoughts, Bozell said that in the "radical left" world view, "there are the oppressors and the victims, and the oppressors are Christians, and the victims are the ones they are oppressing for not abiding to the dictates of the state.

"I think it's very dangerous," he continued. "I'm not going to be at all surprised to see an effort made within three years, an effort made somewhere against a priest or a pastor for talking about traditional marriage and for calling homosexuality a sin. I will not be at all surprised if there are criminal charges brought against one of them."
Bozell also condemned laws barring discrimination against LGBT people in public accommodations, such as bakers or florists, saying the state "should have no say" in the matter.


The University of the South's School of Theology has launched a new seminary program, EQB Fellowship, to address seminarians' debt. The university's motto, Ecce Quam Bonum ("How good it is"), is shortened from "How good it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity" (Ps. 133).

EQB Fellowship program will create a new model of sustainable living and learning in a residential community for 12 seminarians. Students will receive full scholarships, including living expenses, which will allow them to graduate debt-free and provide a rich environment for leadership formation. Students will live in EQB House on the University of the South's campus.

Four students will be admitted to the program each year, beginning in the 2015-16 academic year, with a maximum of 12 overall. These 12 students will be selected for their commitment to change-the-world ventures for the Church of the 21st century.

The real question is: What they will learn while there and what impact will it have on a dying denomination that is rapidly aging and whose congregations are now under 70? If the recent blast by pipsqueak Sewanee theologian Paul A. Holloway against a giant like N.T. Wright is any indication, this EQB program might not be worth much, if anything.


Knox was not one to dabble in public relations.

Cardinal Raymond Burke, a senior American churchman in Rome who has been one of the most outspoken critics of Pope Francis' push for reform, is roiling the waters yet again, this time arguing that the Catholic Church has become too "feminized."

Burke, who was recently demoted from the Vatican's highest court to a ceremonial philanthropic post, also pointed to the introduction of altar girls as why fewer men are joining the priesthood.
"Young boys don't want to do things with girls. It's just natural. I think that this has contributed to a loss of priestly vocations."

Perhaps Cardinal Burke should take a long hard look at the Episcopal Church, the most feminized, sodomist church in modern history and only getting worse, as to what he and his church can look forward to. Masculinity is almost a swear word in TEC these days.

The two-headed calf -
Rome or Fuller Seminary?

The big news this summer at General Convention will be the Marriage Task Force, which calls for revision of the marriage canon into gender-neutral language.

The proposed change would allow clergy to solemnize same-sex unions. The A050 Task Force on the Study of Marriage is recommending that the 2015 meeting of General Convention authorize Episcopal Church clergy to officiate at same-sex marriages.

The task force proposes the change in its just-released Blue Book report by way of a resolution (numbered A036) that would revise Canon I.18 titled "Of the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony" (page 58 of The Episcopal Church's canons).

The revision removes, among many edits, the language of I.18.2(b) that requires couples to "understand that Holy Matrimony is a physical and spiritual union of a man and a woman." Removing that and other gender-specific language from the canon, the report says, in satisfying the mandate in the group's enabling resolution that it "address the pastoral need for priests to officiate at a civil marriage of a same-sex couple in states that authorize such."

Section 3 of Canon 18 would be rewritten to, in part, remove the requirement that the couple sign a declaration stating they "solemnly declare that we hold marriage to be a lifelong union of husband and wife as it is set forth in the Book of Common Prayer."

The revision would recast the requirement in the canon's first section that clergy conform to both "the laws of the state" and "the laws of this Church" about marriage. The rewritten portion of that section would require that clergy conform to "the laws of the State governing the creation of the civil status of marriage, and also to these canons concerning the solemnization of marriage."

It is fair to say that this will pass with little fuss except from a handful of orthodox bishops and deputies. It's a forgone conclusion really. It will be heralded as a great step forward for gays in the church and America. Nobody really cares what Archbishop Justin Welby thinks or how this will impact the Global South. TEC doesn't care. Of course, the Episcopal Church will carry on about "shared conversations" and "generous orthodoxy" -- the latter not even Rowan Williams could get his head around. There will be the endless talk of Indaba and living into our differences and so on. TEC is determined to walk apart and so has GAFCON. This act will just be another point of departure.


Malcolm Muggeridge was a serial groper who "caused much hurt to those close to him," his niece admitted in an article that appeared in the Daily Telegraph. The former deputy editor of the Daily Telegraph was "anything but a saint in his first sixty years," says Sally Muggeridge, but his conversion to Christianity was "genuinely life changing."

In a letter to the Telegraph, she said the transformation saw him adopt a more austere lifestyle and give up meat, sex, smoking, and drinking.

His niece, who is the international president of the Malcolm Muggeridge Society, says he was reportedly nicknamed "The Pouncer" within the BBC and was also described as "a man fully deserving of the acronym NSIT -- not safe in taxis".

She said the society had "never sought to paint Muggeridge other than a man with very great gifts but also some serious flaws. The latter caused much hurt to those close to him, particularly his wife, my aunt Kitty."
It was therefore "all the more remarkable, perhaps, that Muggeridge was able to effect such a life-changing transition in his sixties to born-again Christian, adopting a much more spartan lifestyle: not only giving up sex, smoking and drinking but also becoming a vegetarian."

I knew Malcolm and Kitty Muggeridge in the late 60s when I met him at an Anglican Retreat Center near Robertsbridge in Sussex. It was at the time of the Czech invasion by the Soviets and a group of young Czech Christians had fled the country to start new lives in England. When we met there was an instant connection. He later invited me to his home where I met Kitty, his wife. They took me - a young man without family who had left his home country of New Zealand to study abroad - under their wing. Over the following two years, I was repeatedly invited to their country home away from the temptations of London. They cared for me as their son during that time. All their children had long since grown and gone. I did a television show with Malcolm, Why Christianity with people like A.J. Ayers fulminating against Christianity. We bonded further.

After his conversion, of course, Muggs, as he was affectionately known, was totally faithful to his wife Kitty (but they previously had what might be described as an open marriage for many years.) She had a child by another man and Muggs himself was certainly promiscuous in his unregenerate years. Their lives were changed through their encounter with Christ. They touched neither wine nor meat, and did not smoke. Both chose to live celibately, faithfully reading the Book of Common Prayer each day.

This scurrilous attempt to blacken Muggeridge because of recent revelations of celebrity Brits like Jimmy Saville and Stuart Hall, both sexual perverts and pedophiles, is outrageous both to the Muggeridge legacy as a Christian who was once described by the Rev. John Stott as a "prophet" and to the contribution he made to the Christian cause at a time when England was fast heading towards modernity and paganism. His critics forget that St. Mugg was a groper when he was one of them, and stopped when he was one of us! He was, then and now, a light in the darkness. I loved them both and treasure their memory.


There were two notable deaths in The Episcopal Church this week and both wrought havoc in their own way on the church. The first was the author of Are you Running with Me Jesus Malcolm Boyd, activist-writer priest who died at 91 in Los Angeles. He was ordained one of the first openly gay priests whose partner was with him when he died. His books made him moderately famous as did his sexuality at the time.

The other death was the former Bishop of Long Island Orris Walker, one of the truly great disasters of our time, right up there with Charles Bennison.

In 2009 I wrote that the Long Island Episcopal Bishop faced Presentment Charges if he did not step down.
Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, made a phone call to Walker, and in a no holds barred conversation she told the bishop, a man who has been in and out of rehab for years with serious drinking problems, that he was out, finished as bishop, and that any attempt by him to hold on for three more years following the election of a new bishop would invite canonical charges.

Specifically, she informed Walker that he had better bow out gracefully and fade away, or the House of Bishops would formally look into the voluminous charges against him, not the least of which were his numerous cases of failure to comply with the canonical visitation to parishes.

Walker took the conversation to heart and reluctantly agreed.

For years, Walker and his diocese have been plagued with sexual scandals chronicled in Penthouse magazine, Standing-Committee mandated forensic audits for misuse of his diocesan credit card, constant financial failures, and numerous closed parishes. The list is endless. Any and all critiques of his ministry were struck down with the bloody shirt of racist allegations. Neither man will be missed, both contributed to the ongoing destruction of The Episcopal Church.


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Here Is the Real Issue in One Graphic, WELSians

Glende and Ski went to Michigan Lutheran Seminary together.
Glende vicared for Mark Jeske. Ski was on the Jeske staff with Bishop Katie.
Ski was on the board of Church and Change -
And Ron Ash (St. Peter, Freedom) was chairman of the C and C Board.
Bruce Becker moved from heading Perish Services in WELS
to working for the Mark Jeske Mob, you know, like overnight.

From 2007 - Pope John the Malefactor and the ELS Meltdown

Pope John the Malefactor was born John Moldstad, Jr. When the Evangelical Lutheran Synod threatened to slip away from the consecrated and consecrating hands of WELS, the insiders voted out the First VP, who would have replaced Pope George the Malleable. Moldstad was voted in. Kincaid Smith boasted about this accomplishment, which made its way into Christian News. Moldstad's previous boast was becoming a Bethany Seminary professor without graduating from college.

Pope John has been kicking men and congregations out of the ELS, albeit with great sadness expressed. Observers doubt the melancholy nature of the act since John does this so often and with such alacrity. In each case the congregation could have stayed while issues were worked out. His Grace, Bishop John Shep, kicked out of Thoughts of Faith and the Ukraine, told me a few years ago, "John is a walk-the-plank type of guy. Just wait."

The most famous case involves River Heights, Minnesota, where Rolf Preus (son of Robert Preus) was the pastor. Rolf criticized the ELS attempts under Orvick to adopt the Wisconsin Synod's false doctrine about the ministry. When Pope John the Malefactor replaced Orvick, he went to the River Heights congregation and issued an ultimatum. The congregation must leave the ELS, suspend Preus, or fire him. Threatened as they were, the congregation suspended Preus. Moldstad maneuvered until Preus was fired after that. The Antichrist in Rome has that kind of power, but no congregation should hand their power to call over to an official.

Several other pastors were forced out by Moldstad, according to ELS Bad Boy:

  1. Immanuel, Audubon, Minnesota. Pastor forced out.
  2. Cottage Grove, Wisconsin. Pastor forced out.
  3. Fertile, Minnesota - congregation left the ELS. Served by Rolf Preus.
  4. Crookston, Minnestoa - congregation left the ELS. Served by Rolf Preus.
  5. Faith in Litchfield left the ELS with its pastor.
  6. Brockdorf was suspended, then left the ELS with his congregation.
  7. Lanier was suspended. He left the ELS with his congregation.
  8. Lawson Jr. was suspended. He left the ELS with his congregation.
  9. Williamsburg, Iowa, was kicked out with its pastor, for opposing Moldstad.
  10. Pastor Lehenbauer resigned from the ELS roster because of his opposition to false doctrine in the ELS.

Add to this list a few closings for various reasons. The ELS is tiny, so the ejection of so many pastors and congregations must be alarming to the survivors. Another pastor is in the Moldstad crosshairs, so that would probably mean another congregation. ELS Bad Boy says that Moldstad would look like a chicken and smell like a roof if he showed up at some congregations.

One reader asked, "When will they vote Moldstad out?"

Another one wondered, "Why didn't Moldstad make any noise when Roman Archbishop Weakland was an honored speaker at Wisconsin Lutheran College?" Answer - Professional courtesy.

The good news is that the congregations freed from the embrace of WELS/ELS/Fuller will have a chance to proclaim the Gospel through the Means of Grace.

The Techlin Case - No One Addressed the Real Issue

But the congregation itself gave no scriptural or doctrinal basis, either--the Board of Appeals could not "incorporate by reference" (to use a lawyerly term) what did not exist in the first place.

The entirety of the reasoning for the congregation (and therefore the Board of Appeals, since they have no other ground to stand on--the DP's letter also makes it clear that this is the supposed "doctrinal basis"), went like this:

1) Techlin questioned Glende's unusual practices, especially those which seemed to come from heterodox sources and reflect those sources in their doctrinal content
2) Glende is WELS
3) Therefore, Techlin must be questioning WELS teachings

Nevermind that Techlin's entire concern revolved not around "WELS teachings", but specifically actions that Glende took which do not appear to be in line with WELS or any other Lutheran theology. Nevermind that Glende's circuit pastor at the time agreed with Techlin (and still does). THIS is the doctrinal crux of the question and it was never addressed by the congregation, the Board of Appeals, or the DP. No one.


Here are the links to documents from the Anything Goes District.



A Clarion Call For Faithfulness To The Word
For Faithfulness To The Tenor Of The Gospel
A Presentation And Discussion Of Various Concerns
That Have Been Raised Recently In Our Midst

What is it that has prompted this clarion call to faithfulness, over and above the encouragement that is continually given to all pastors in our synod to “watch your life and doctrine closely.”8 Over the past couple of years a number of issues and concerns have been brought before the District Presidium by various individuals, involving doctrine, practice, and approaches to ministry. Some of them were cleared up immediately, some were the result of misunderstandings and miscommunication and
were resolved through extensive discussion, some fall under the category of legitimate differences of opinion on approaches to ministry, and some called for continued evangelical warnings to the brethren to help them avoid straying from the Word, the Lutheran Confessions, and the tenor of the gospel. It must be stated that at no point in time did the District Presidium find false doctrine being espoused or promoted by anyone. However, through extensive discussion of these matters it became clear that it would be to the benefit of all the brothers in the District to join the discussion, to be the beneficiaries of the fruit of the discussions the District Presidium has already had on these matters, and to receive guidance, direction, and evangelical warning in regard to them, so that we all may continue to be faithful to the Word and faithful to the tenor of
the gospel.
Pastor D.J. Engelbrecht
NWD Pastoral Conference
October 25-26, 2011

From Me (Tony Kubek Jr.) Excerpt from A Clarion Call For Faithfulness…page 2. The document is 18 pages long. If the entire doc is desired, perhaps it can be obtained through a NWD pastor or its presidium. The sentence in the above excerpt that begins with the words (It must be stated...) clarify the misgivings some have. The presentation by the former NWD DP to the district's pastors reflects, precisely, the concerns Mr. Frederick "Rick" Techlin, expressed to his former pastors and congregation. Several pastors and I, who stand with Rick, met with the NWD Presidium, area circuit pastors and WELS President, Pastor Mark Schroeder to discuss the issues highlighted in the paper. The "warnings" and "admonishments" in the presentation validate Rick's concerns.

The Anonymous "Sad and Frustrated" Gives Away His Hostility and Dishonesty

Sure, Anonymous.
Matthew 18 and the Eighth Commandment.
Have you applied the same to your worm's-eye view of WELS Documented?

I was not even thinking of the Techlin case specifically. I was thinking of the dozens of topics already brought up on this forum. As I asked in my first post, can you document any real positive result this blog has had? 

[GJ - I think this is the same person who sent hostile comments laced with sanctimonious Biblical quotations that only underlined his absurd point of view. Since this character does not want to reveal his name, I will assume it is the same Pietistic synod-minder.

Anonymous anonymously demands a single "positive result" of the WELS Documented Blog. I have seen many already. For anyone interested, the editors have gathered, verbatim, a lot of content from around the synod. Does anyone else do this? No. And they link everything besides.

They also list and link a variety of blogs, which is always handy.

Stalin is dead, so there is no reason to resurrect him. Tis not a sin to discuss issues in a free country. Poor Anonymous thinks discussion is a sin, so he disagrees with the Apostle Paul and all the Apostles, who discussed issues in their own time.

I thought Anonymous, who quotes Scripture so selectively and deceitfully, was aware of this.

1 Corinthians 11:18  For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.
19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

Acts 15 And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.
When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.

No less an icon than CFW Walther, B.A., wrote The Sheep Judge Their Shepherds. Has Anonymous never read this sermon? I think not. He is too busy tithing mint and cumin, Matthew 23:23.]

You can try to moderate all you want, but a half-truth or lie spoken in a nice way will still get past you. And you, like many others, have no way of determining the truth.

[GJ - Who appointed this bloke to judge on his own, anonymously, stealthily? Was he ordained to flog the blogs?]

You also missed my point about the hypothetical member leaving because of a loss of confidence in the pastor. That was hypothetical. I was asking how you can rest knowing that this blog may do the same thing in regard to how people view their synod.

[GJ - The sheep should judge the shepherds - and the synods as well. Walther was quite generous in his criticism of everyone and every synod. But Anonymous knows better.]

Your example of the benefits of speaking personally to the pastor also proves my point. The people discussing various "injustices" and bad decisions and improper behavior here on this blog are doing anything but talking to the very people who offended them. The format makes it easy to avoid doing what it right.

[GJ - I will cite Anonymous as my reason to avoid sitting down with him, holding his hand, and telling him his sins. Did he do that or did toss stink bombs?

Perhaps, enchanted by his shrine to Holy Mother Sect, he has not heard how often people have used all the proper channels, written letters, met with others - yea even the Synod President, as Walther would say - without any good effect. Ask the Intrepids. Ask Rick Techlin. Ask me. No, Anonymous would never ask me about Stolzenburg's unholy alliance with Webber, his ability to be colloquized without even being a member of WELS, his defenestration from the LCMS, the lawsuit against him. Nor would Anonymous ask how many talked and wrote to WELS leaders about Fuller dogmas forced upon them, the deaf ears, the blind eyes, the Left Foot of Fellowship extended in love.]

Maybe an answer to your last question can be found in Scripture: Proverbs 26:20 "For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases." I'm afraid blogs like this are what provides the wood.

[GJ - No, pious scorn-master. Self-righteous prigs like you provide endless fodder for ceaseless and useless disputes, because the synod-minders are experts in avoiding the real issues.]

Or this: 1 Timothy 5:13 "Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house [or blog to blog], and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not.

[GJ - That is the role of synod-minders, making sure nothing worthwhile is tolerated for a moment.]

Or this: Proverbs 6:16-19 "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers."

[GJ - There you go again, Pharisee of the Pharisees. Did you confront the Holy Mother WELS about Tabor murdering his wife via his mistress, Al Just murdering his, WELS lying and covering up both, even defending Just at his farce of a trial? Did you speak to the Schwan people about his abandonment of his wife and her subsequent death? Do you sit down with Mark Schroeder and speak to him about Joel Hochmuth's felonies?]

Or this: Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

In the end, you don't get it. You are doing damage. You are hurting people. Yes, you are hurting, not helping, your synod, flawed as it is.

[GJ - So true of you, Anonymous. You have not posted anything worthwhile in your screeds, which are like bird droppings on a windshield, annoying and messy. When the next child is abused, the next seminarian molested by his fellow students, the next girl or woman used by the WELS pastors who consider them their own, you will be there, wagging your crooked finger at the victim, blaming the assaulted, exonerating the criminal, and praising Holy Mother Sect.]

Sad and frustrated

[GJ - I will happily provide additional commentary, facts, and examples, whether Anonymous comes out of the closet or continues to hide among the nighties.]

Waiting for it in the next comment.