Saturday, December 19, 2009

More Party in the MLS

Ever vigilant, the State of Wisconsin Doctrinal Pussycats (WELS) protect their domain from any incursion of confessional Lutheran doctrine. Well done, thou good and faithful servants of Beelzebub.

Do you remember how the saints of Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Lutheran College pounded me about the first WELS gay video - Party in the MLC?

Apostates of a feather do flock together.

I have no use for the pop music of today, most of it less tuneful than a cat being skinned alive. I am ignorant about the celebrities, unless they have been arrested recently.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the guiding lights of The CORE posing with Katy Perry. I did not know who the young woman was until I found the notation on Ski's page. His security is not very good.

Since Tim Glende locked down his photos and still featured the same young woman on his main page, I decided to do a little more research.

I learned that Katy Perry grew up in a strict Christian home where she was not allowed to listen to pop music. She had a good voice and sang in church, so she tried to make her mark as a Gospel singer. That did not work out, so she became famous for "Ur So Gay" in 2007 and "I Kissed a Girl" in 2008.

"It was that feeling that Katy Perry rode to massive success last year. Her monumental hit ‘I Kissed a Girl’ was without a doubt the song of summer 2008. Released in early may, the single carried through and made the singer a massive star."

The entertainment world loves to watch someone move from a strict Christian household to the joys of wanton diversity. I will let the colleges and seminaries ponder whether they have anything different to offer. They can read the lyrics of both songs by Googling them. They can listen to Miss Perry while oogling her on YouTube.

Party in the MLS -
Sharing from the Ski Wall of Fame Hall of Shame

Junior-Senior Banquet, 1990, at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.
The tags are:
In this photo: Ski James Skorzewski (photos), Tim Glende, Renee Westphal Kober, Chad Salo, john zubke, Stephen Parker (photos), Nathan VanNorwick

Ski and Katy Perry
who became famous with "Ur So Gay."
Nicole Lepke
I see you haven't lost your ability to finagle your way in! Awesome pics Pastor Ski! :)
Marcus Jacobs
My front office is really jealous.
Brooke Krueger
ha! I will have to show my dad this - he has a crush on Katy
Holly Thomas Glende
Hey, why did Tim let her borrow my outfit?

Ski and Keshia Cole

Ski and Fergie

Brianna Rhodes
Katie is going to be so jealous!
Marcus Jacobs
So jealous my friend, just sooooo jealous.


Ski and Paramore
Ali Van Heuklon
i'm so jealous. so insanely jealous. paramore's amazing :]
Erin Keese
Malcolm Brown
heh coach ski. what do you do now? and where you get that marvel shirt?

Ski and MariQueen - West Indian Girl
She broke with WIG when she married into Nine Inch Nails.
Mrs. Nails posed for Playboy, an informant (probably CLC) wrote.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "From WELS - The CORE - Mixed Message on Reaching t...":

I can see why Ski would have a bunch of picks of attractive women on his Facebook page. Let's face it. The man is sexy AND a good theologian.


GJ - You are pranking us, right?


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLS - Sharing from the Ski Wall of Fa...":

Right, because and who is making the qualifications for an idiot here? You are. Do you have any grounds to do so? No.

It's like this:

If you are a white person and you post a picture of you with a black person than you are an idiot. (Please note this is only for arguments sake, I'm not racist)

Right. Why am I an idiot? Oh, because you made up an arbitrary rule because for whatever reason you get to say what goes.

Logical fallacy? I think so. Has pastor Ski posted any sinful pictures? No. Has he violated anything biblical? No.

So maybe they're not the most morally upstanding people but if you were to take a picture with you're friend who is just as bad would Jacko get up in arms about it? I bet not.

Both of you have simply no ground to stand on.

And Jacko I think it's just plain creepy that you're Facebook stalking Ski.

And you're wrong about the Ad Hominem thing too. You can strike off the bat using ad hominem to discredit someone before they (sic) can make an argument; what Jacko is doing. [GJ - To capitalize or not to captialize, there's the rub. Why not do both and let the reader decide?]


GJ - Does the Wisconsin Synod have anyone who understands web publishing? The site was a disaster and still is. The server seems to have devoured the November issue of Forward in Chicanery.

Mr. Leyrer, a product of the system, shows an abysmal ignorance of Facebook, a series of web pages. I thought the younger generation was hip on computers. Perhaps they teach oogling rather than Googling.

Reading web pages for information is called research. Facebook pages are available when people open them for a) friends, b) friends of friends, or c) everyone with an account. Facebook users are saying, with their photos, "This is what matters to me." Visitors to that den of popcorn and rock, The CORE, tell me that Ski carries on about all the celebrity photos he has posted in his office. Apparently, they are clothed poses.

I find Leyrer adopting the same Antinomian attitude which prevailed in Columbus, Ohio. It was a sin to consider clergy adultery and divorce wrong. Posing with a tart on Facebook is virtuous, edgy, and doing everything-short-of-sin to reach entertainers who extol homosexuality.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLS - Sharing from the Ski Wall of Fa...":

Pranking you? No way! Ski's a complete double threat - a fine looking man AND a theologian of profound depth. No wonder the ladies like him! It's like someone has spliced together the DNA of Martin Chemnitz and Brad Pitt.


No, seriously.


GJ - I agree: Martin Chemnitz' abs and Brad Pitt's theological acumen.

Martin Chemnitz


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLS - Sharing from the Ski Wall of Fa...":

Oh cute Jacko! You called me a product of the system. That is so endearing. Wait a minute... didn't you go to MLC AND the WLS? I think we have a winner! You sir, are just as much a "product" as I am.

Yeah, using the web to find information is research. Using the web to find pictures of people you want to slander is called being creepy.

Even if you consider Ski's pictures to be a sin it's a good thing you contacted him in a loving manner to take them down first before posting them to your blog and getting everyone else involved, isn't that right Jacko?



GJ - I went to accredited schools. I learned a lot about computers and the English language. Wisconsin teaches its disciples to be Antinomian deceivers, full of themselves, WELS without water, clouds without rain, tossed by every wind of doctrine.

There is an interesting root to the verb "publish." It is "public." If someone witnessed Ski waving around a girlie magazine and bragging about the topless girl from a confirmation class, he would need to go to Ski in private. However, when someone has made public his false doctrine (mindlessly channeling Groeschel) and his pride in posing with pop-tarts, Ski can be admonished in public.

I do not need to admonish - just show the evidence. The way things disappear after showing up on Ichabod is legendary. What are they ashamed of?

The Eighth Commandment Stormtroopers (day-shift UOJ Stormtroopers) never go to me privately. No, they want to publish their blubbering nonsense on a blog read around the world. That is especially true for people who only have three or four readers, all with the same last name.

"Oh, isn't our boy smart. What did he mean to say, dear? Should we leave him in Europe a few more years until he learns English? Good, I want to use his room for sewing and LWR packages. Why does it still smell like burnt rope? I hope that goes away soon."


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLS - Sharing from the Ski Wall of Fa...":

Wow, bravo Jacko, hit the nail on the head with that one.

The thing is though, that Facebook pictures aren't a public thing. Publishing would imply that they were meant for EVERYONE to see. Lot's (sic) of people don't have Facebook and what you have done is taken the pictures off Facebook and maliciously uploaded them onto your blog. Smells like copyright infringement to me.

"Just showing the evidence" isn't any better. If I find my neighbor sleeping with a woman other than his wife and then publish a picture of it I'm just "showing the evidence" right? Yeah, you're doing the same thing.

I'm still trying to find the false doctrine of pictures with celebrities too.

And I'm not in Europe anymore. Back in the U.S.A. it was just paining me to be so far away from you Jacko.


GJ - I am surprised extradition worked so fast.

Pastor Tim closed down his photo albums. Until then they were web pages "open to everyone." Please read the instructions. Nevertheless, he left his bug-eyed pose with Katy Perry on his main page. When did you sign on as his attorney? I hope you do not charge anything, because your legal advice in on par with your grammar. Violation of a copyright would include selling a protected photo for financial gain. Those photos are marked.

That old heresiarch, Stadler, tried to copyright his false doctrine, as if no one could copy it and discuss his protected words. No one tried to make money from it, although there is a lot of money in false doctrine. Just ask Perish Services.

"Maliciously"? Now you are judging motivation and thoughts, a strange and wonderful ability. Apparently your Divine Nature is not limited by your Human Nature.

If you can find a woman to explain it to you, ask what it implies when a married guy has to pose with a number of young women of scarce talent, momentary celebrity, and limited clothing. Add to that the position of pastor. There are passages about loose women in Proverbs and qualifications for a minister in the pastoral epistles. They will shed some light on your questions.

Ski and Glende want to change WELS in Fox Valley. They have done that.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Party in the MLS - Sharing from the Ski Wall of Fa...":

Poor MJ Leyrer,

I had a hard time following his um and so because and who kind of writing. Clarity my friend.

I showed the pictures of Glende and Ski to my wife. I too have occasion to take photos with celebs. I asked her if I posted a picture of a young tart, like the pics our astute and well adjusted pastors show on their Facebook pages, if she would be offended. Yes was the answer. I asked if she thought it prudent. No was the answer. Oh, nice comment by Glende's wife by the way. Encourage and stand by your man Holly. Never mind any sort of rebuke.

I asked a young lady who is reformed and a Marine Chaplin what she thought. She thought it odd, but also figured, "Well if someone feels that the pastor is someone they can relate to, then it's o.k. It may bring someone closer to Christ." Source considered.

I asked a man in his 30's who is ELCA and son of an ELCA minister what he thought. He felt that since many congregations are growing old and shrinking in numbers - this is the reason why your are seeing the trend to gravitate toward "vapid pop-style worship" tendencies that lack any depth. He noted that he disagrees with this and notes the same of his theologically liberal father.

So gone is any objective means to measure any sort of propriety in actions and display of integrity. Gone is the Bible. Our pastors should be above reproach and not moving toward the edge and appear as though they are snugging up to a saucy tart. Gone are the days of being bound by an accountability that is higher than that of your average Joe in your congregation. Now it is anything at anytime for any reason and damned be anyone to challenge "Tyrant" in the photo.

I like how are young collegians are trying to justify these self absorbed reverends with claiming that they are not sinning. Read some Lutheran theology for once kids. All we do is sin. Nothing we do is without the stain and stench of sin to paraphrase Luther. They seem to be throwing this intentionally in the faces of the week willed circuit and district presidents, who see them "Follow the letter of the law, but not the spirit of it." I think they are just waiting to get some real and justified response from the COP. It almost seems as though they are saying, "Bring it on baby." Face it, they have their minions and would likely be able to self support if anything was done. Then being free of any sort of leadership, they could do anything they pleased then. I think this scares the life out of many leaders in WELS who have allowed this to go so far.

Wikipedia Empowered Global Warming Huckster

Wikipedia stoked the fires of global warming, by fraud and deceit.

December 19, 1776

"Number 1 of this series is of particular historical interest, for it was written during Washington's retreat across the Delaware and by his order was read to his dispirited and suffering soldiers. The opening sentence was adopted as the watchword of the movement to Trenton:"

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.

Read This Without Guffawing - I Dare You

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Denominations as Hot-Air Balloons":

Speaking of hot air balloons and church growth...


Lift High the Cross (LHTC) provides joyful encouragement and dynamic tools to strengthen and revitalize congregations and schools in their outreach and growth efforts. We provide outreach and invitational evangelism training and dynamic Christ-centered opportunities to boldly proclaim the saving message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Lift High the Cross Ministry consists of the spectacular Lift High the Cross hot air balloon which is eight stories tall, displaying two 40-foot Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod cross logos, and also the impressive JESUS, The Hot Air Balloon which stands 110 feet tall. Lift High the Cross Ministry also offers JESUS, the cold air balloon which stands at 30 feet tall. When these balloons are combined with the power of the Gospel message, supportive prayer and a joyful stirring of the Spirit of the Lord, the saving message of Christ can boldly be proclaimed whenever and wherever the balloons are seen!

We provide a friendly, festive, non-threatenting (sic) setting for congregations and schools to bring new people into Christ’s family. Specialized outreach and balloon team training is provided.

We also offers one and two day workshops to provide insights, train and equip congregations to do outreach evangelism within their communities.

Lift High the Cross Ministry strives to provide opportunities for powerful and effective evangelism and to strengthen congregational outreach and growth efforts. We seek to spread the saving message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and desire to boldly give God glory and further His kingdom!

Bury My Knee at Wounded-Heart

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Ichaslang Lexicon":

"Before that, it was Dr. Martin Luther College, nicknamed Dumb Man's Last Chance, for those men who decided teaching parochial school was easier than all that Greek and Hebrew."

I really hope this is some sort of joke, Pastor Jackson. Why do you have no love in your heart? You are one of the most bitter, angry people I have ever seen. I really, really feel sorry for you. All of those degrees have done you zero good. Luther is just a man. And the Book of Concord is not the Bible. Please, keep the hurtful and sinful comments to yourself, and start offering practical advice to the people that you disagree with. 


GJ - I wonder if this is from a regular reader, the wounded heart lady from St. Marcus Of No Denomination. She called me a Pharisee and promised to pray for me. As a former Pharisee herself, she knew about my hardened condition. She signed her name to that one, but I deleted it, to avoid any guilt by association accusations from St.-Marcus-by-the-Hood.

Dumb Man's Last Chance is a joke from WELS, passed on from someone whose brother is a WELS pastor. The gentleman who told me the joke is one of the funniest people I have ever met.

Someone reading this blog and checking out Ichaslang will not be soothed by my jeremiads. But thanks for drawing attention to one of the most popular features.

The Chicaneries do not read very much, and they often read with no comprehension. I just posted practical solutions for all Lutherans this morning - hours ago. Someone immediately wrote that it was better than the $15,000 boilerplate sold by WELS as a Perish Services consultation. I suggest reading Modest Proposal for Lutherans.

Dr. Vogel - Luther's Professor

Luther commented that we should pay attention to Professor Vogel (German for bird), who starts each day without any food and no idea where it will come from. Yet the bird begins with Matins, singing praise and thanks to his Creator.

I promised one reader that I would write about Creation, gardening, and birds again.

Northwest Arkansas is a wonderful place to live. The winters are mild and short, a good combination. That means I can plant hardy bulbs again. I may try tender bulbs as well. Roses are definitely on the list for spring.

Our yard has a limited expanse of grass in the front, a woods next to the driveway, and a wooded ravine behind our house. When Sassy takes me for a walk, I start by yelling, "Let's kill a squirrel!" She races around the yard, never getting close to any creature, but always willing to try.

Our living room has large picture windows looking out over the ravine and the deck. Mrs. Ichabod laughed that I wanted suet for Christmas. I used to get bags of it for almost nothing in Midland. Now I have to order it from Dunhill.

I am hanging suet bags in the front bushes and from the rafters outside the picture windows. Birds really need the energy from fat during the winter, and insect-eating birds are especially attracted to suet.

Duncraft is one place to order supplies.

I may put up a corn feeder on one tree. The silhouette is there on one tree from the previous renter. I am wary about attracting raccoons and other critters to the deck. They may already sneak in at night for dog food and water. If I add corn to the deck menu, they may come inside for dessert.

I am putting a shallow dish with water on a concrete block for a birdbath. Like humans, birds enjoy baths all winter. In Midland I had a birdbath warmer, a source of constant amusement for friends. I often used a gallon of water of day, because flocks of birds stopped by for a bath, lining up two by two in some cases, for their turn. They would jump in, splash around, and get pushed out by the next in line.

I looked at birdbath warmers ($70 or so) and solar birdbaths ($20), then decided freezing is not really an issue. I have had the dog watering tank partially freeze a couple of times, toward morning. "Make do or do without" is my motto now.

In winter, birds want fresh water and baths most of all. Having a bath where they can be observed is great fun.

They also like various kinds of cover and shelter. They live and feed in three different levels (ground, bushes, trees). They often feed at one level and live at another. Our yard is the perfect combination, since an open grassy area is ideal, as long as bushes and tress are near. Previously I grew sunflowers, and I will again. The giant Russian sunflowers are good for perching and produce an astonishing amount of seed.

We have bluebirds in the area, so I may do more for them. (Buy mealy worms? Possible.) I already saw one in the ravine. We have plenty of owls, too.

Two things are essential for a good garden. One is compost. The other is a good earthworm population. I can buy a few red wigglers and let their lusty habits do the rest. They will spread out across the yard, as long as the soil is reasonably wet and hospitable. One author attributed our country's staggering fertility to the earthworms brought over by European settlers (potted plants, hooves of farm animals). That was the earliest example of illegal aliens doing the work that Americans wouldn't do.

Working with God's Creation is far simpler and cheaper than buying a lot of stuff for gardening. The first step is attracting the bird population.

Introducing the Stealthy Joe Krohn

Joe Krohn, Dom Perignon Patterson buddy, aka?
Joe Krohn's  Facebook album.

I finished two online classes, 20 students each, so I had a little time to enjoy the lax security of Facebook. They changed the settings overnight and that meant many features were suddenly open to anyone with an account. I found Joe Krohn on Facebook and MySpace. The Facebook site shows Dom Perignon Patterson and the CG gang as friends. The MySpace account is just for music. Never the twain shall meet.

Joe bragged on the Church and Change listserve that he was giving me a hard time, but he tried to claim on this blog that he was not Church and Change. His previous church was Jeff Gunn's failing CrossWalk entertainment center. He started a Rock and Roll Church blog, anonymously, but closed it down. He was a fan of the fake Ichabod blog, but that also closed down. All files were erased from both blogs. He seems to be well established as a musician, but Doebler's ungrateful parish canned him as Rockmeister.

Joe has appointed himself the official UOJ theologian, as well as the defender of all things Chicanery. Below are some selections from his deep, spiritual insights.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Say It Ain't So, Joe - Krohn Rock Group Dumped at ...":

The hatred and slander on this site makes me sick. There is no excuse for this, especially coming from Christian men and women.

Joe Krohn has left another Enthusiastic comment on your post "Try To Keep Up with The Finkelsteinery":


You are are a legend in your own mind.

There's only one thing worse than a snooty theologian and that's a snooty music buff. Your put down of anything that you don't like means:

a. You compensate for your insecurities by dissing 'bad' music and hopefully make yourself feel better. How's that workin' for ya?

b. You are obviously a non-musician. Go and tell Joe Satriani that anybody can do what he does. Stick to what you know, bad theology. Go here for good theology:

c. You are a frustrated musician who realizes you just can't hack it. I have heard you sing. I don't think you could carry a tune in a bucket. :)


Joseph Schmidt answered the howls of Joe Krohn here.


Anonymous said...
I wonder how the anti-C&C folks view Paul's ministry because if they apply their rules to Paul, he would be considered outside of our fellowship. I think I remember reading somewhere that St. Paul's favorite munchie was popcorn...I couldn't resist. :)

JK [Joe Krohn, Kudu Don Patterson's friend and ally]

January 29, 2009 11:37 AM


Anonymous said...
I'm still not convinced by any of the confessional crusaders that anything is being done wrong in 'comtemporary' settings. We are all free to worship as we wish as long as it is Biblical. So worship as you wish according to your own preferences. Make sure you are not taking offense when none was given. Contemporary is no more a mandate than what traditional is. It is different and not meant to take the place of. It is merely an addition to.


February 2, 2009 10:26 PM



If you want an explanation about what is on CTR's website, I encourage you to contact the church directly through the website. I doubt Pastor Matt Doebler would ever see your request on this blog as there are more constructive things to be doing in the body. I for one will be taking my own advice. I will leave you with this question.

You seem to know specifically about what heaven is not. Tell me, what specifically is heaven like? That should be pretty easy for you, right? Make sure you include scripture references.

Its (sic) been real and its (sic) been fun. But it hasn't been real fun.

All y'alls will be in my prayers.



Joe Krohn is also a UOJ follower. All the Church Shrinkers in WELS love Universal Objective Justification, an opinion which is taken, word for word, from a Pietistic dogmatics book (19th century). There will be some red faces in the old Synodical Conference in a year or so.

I found Joe promoting his blog on Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
I can't help but feel that your opening remarks are at the very least legalistic and at the worst judgemental. To say that high church liturgical is the only way to do corporate worship flies in the face of The Augsburg Confession and more importantly the Bible. I would be glad to discuss in detail point by point. My blog or yours?



By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them (Rock and Roll Member JK)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change, Members of the Bored":

"A faithful Lutheran pastor in the tiniest Lutheran congregation is more productive than all the Stetzers put together. The faithful pastors sows the Seed of the Word with abandon. He does not bully God into giving him visible results to brag about in his next book. He is busy enough with studying the Word and the Confessions so that he has no time to tell every other denomination about the art--or is it the scam?--of Becoming Missional."........

...or he cruises the internet all day long and publishes a blog full of propaganda filled with the viciousness and venom of a Pharisee hissing like the vipers Jesus so aptly named them.



Look at the thief on the cross with Jesus. He never partook of the means of grace and yet he went to heaven that day. It was Grace by faith alone that saved the thief that day which was given to him by God through Christ's death. Christ died for ALL!!!



Now, please answer the question.


A simple yes or no will suffice if that is possible.



GJ - Please study your Book of Concord, Joe Krohn, Rock and Roll theologian. Afterwards, read the blog sections on UOJ. No one is justified apart from faith. Atonement, reconciliation, propitiation, redemption (two different Greek words) - all express the truth that Christ died for the sins of the world.



Modest Proposal for Lutherans

Future LCMS Synod President Harrison tried to make a rather stiff C.F.W. Walther look cool.

I have a much bigger audience now, apparently from posting gay videos and those photos of sultry young female entertainers. To take advantage of the surge in readership, here are some modest proposals for Lutherans:
  1. Each congregation will define its work in three categories only: liturgical worship, education, and visitation. Social activities will be allowed, but only as matters of supreme unimportance and indifference (as doctrinal issues were before the change).
  2. Liturgical worship will allow for absolutely no experiments aping the Pentecostal and Babtist Immersing Churches, because a confessional crisis does not allow the least compromise--even in matters of indifference--with false teachers.
  3. No discussions about "what we can get away with" will be allowed because the issue will shift from how many bongo drums drumming and fat cousins singing to the Book of Concord being violated. Book of Concord violations will be treated as questioning the Church Growth leaders used to be, subject to extending the Left Foot of Fellowship.
  4. Educational efforts will cease using modern, relevant, and edgy methods and focus on such irrelevant and antique notions as: Latin and Greek in the school, classical subjects (math, geography, history), a reliable Bible (KJV family of translations), the Book of Concord (no ELCA editions), and thoroughly dead authors and composers.
  5. Visitation will be the normal daily routine of the pastoral staff, with the senior pastor leading by example. Meetings will be called off with the explanation, "Sorry, I have visitations to do. A home-going pastor makes a church-going membership, you know." Shut-ins will be visited often, and hospital patients will always be visited at once.
  6. Sermons will be written out in advance and posted on the congregation's website or blog.
  7. The congregational library will include a fabulous selection of Luther, Chemnitz, Gerhard, Chytraeus, the Book of Concord, Loy, Reu, Jacobs, Krauth, and Schmauk material, with extra copies of Luther and the Book of Concord. Real cool, useful Church Growth books will be used as kindling under the next CG consultant sent to the parish.
  8. Lutheran hymns will be taught to the children and adults, their use dominating all worship services.
  9. District and synodical positions will be avoided and shunned as energetically as parish calls once were. Pastors will say, "My heart is really in the synodical office building, but I felt compelled to accept this call." Listeners will think, "He can't stand the synodical headquarters, but he will never admit it."

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Modest Proposal for Lutherans": I wish this stuff was in our Parish Planning plan. For $15,000, this is simpler and easier than their book of 100 pages! GJ- Parish Assistance Consultant - nice sound to it! PW


GJ - Paul Kelm, izzat you?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Modest Proposal for Lutherans":

More Amish, head in the sand, denial of the realities of living in the modern world. Oh yes, to ignore the realities of where Christians are in their daily lives and in their thirst to explore different methods of expression would escape you. You really do have nothing relevant to offer anyone, other than your continued anger at not having lived in the 19th century.

ELCA Puts a Happy Face on the Fallen Cross Story

December 17, 2009
Minneapolis ELCA Congregation Raises Spire Cross

[Click for larger image] Workers remounted Central Lutheran Church's cross to the building's spire Dec. 13.  Joe Bjordal photo  

MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) -- A chapter in the life of Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis -- lived out largely in the public eye and one that has provided the opportunity to tell the story of Central's urban mission far and wide -- came to a successful conclusion this week.
Braving arctic-cold weather, members of the congregation gathered outdoors Dec. 13 and sang "Lift High the Cross" as Central's historic spire cross -- damaged in a rare downtown tornado last summer -- was raised by a 200-foot crane and permanently remounted on the church's spire.

The tornado touched down near Central Aug. 19 as the Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) was meeting at the Minneapolis Convention Center across the street.  Two outdoor, tented hospitality areas, set up to serve assembly voting members and guests, were destroyed. The storm snapped the center supporting mast of the spire, leaving the 14-foot tall, 900-pound cross dangling upside down. It was safely removed the following day.

Avowed Lesbian Elected Suffragen (Assistant) Bishop in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES: Episcopal Diocese Elects Lesbian as Bishop Suffragan
Archbishop of Canterbury rips decision, urges repudiation of vote

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

In a cliff hanging election that took seven ballots, the Diocese of Los Angeles elected an avowed lesbian to be the next Suffragan Bishop of the ultra-liberal diocese, setting off an ecclesiastical fire storm around the Anglican Communion that we have not seen since Gene Robinson, a non-celibate homosexual, was elected Bishop of New Hampshire.

The Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool, 55, who now serves as a canon to the Diocese of Maryland bishops, will be the second elected outed homosexual bishop in The Episcopal Church, an act that is being seen as further isolating and clarifying the theological differences between The Episcopal Church and the vast majority of Anglicans worldwide who are orthodox in faith and morals.

Almost immediately, the Archbishop of Canterbury issued a statement saying that the election of Mary Glasspool raises very serious questions, not just for the Episcopal Church and its place in the Anglican Communion, but for the Communion as a whole.

He urged that the election not be confirmed saying it should be rejected by diocesan bishops and diocesan standing committees, and citing "very important implications" if it did.

"The bishops of the Communion have collectively acknowledged that a period of gracious restraint in respect of actions which are contrary to the mind of the Communion is necessary if our bonds of mutual affection are to hold."

Katharine Jefferts Schori, The Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop, told VOL that she never comments on episcopal elections and that it is keeping with her is in keeping with her established practice. There is speculation that the phone lines are running hot between Lambeth Palace and New York.

When he was confronted with a replica situation in 2003, then Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold told The Anglican Church's Archbishops that he would not lay hands on a homosexual bishop. He proceeded to do so three weeks later arguing that how a diocese voted was not in his control and he could not step back from his responsibilities as Presiding Bishop. It is expected that Jefferts Schori will argue much the same thing. In Lebanon, PA, recently she denied, when questioned, that there had been any moratorium on non-celibate bishops elected to high offices in the church.

Friday, December 18, 2009

From WELS - The CORE - Mixed Message on Reaching the Lost

Click to enlarge.

Ski photo album, Facebook. Doing everything--short of sin--to reach the lost.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "From WELS - The CORE - Mixed Message on Reaching t...":

I can see why Ski would have a bunch of picks of attractive women on his Facebook page. Let's face it. The man is sexy AND a good theologian.


Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Public Places

Ski posted this photo of MariQueen in his Facebook photo albums.
It is still there if you follow the link.

Glende still features this photo with Katy Perry, age 25, on the
home page of his Facebook account.
She is famous for Ur So Gay and I Kissed a Girl.
The Glende-Ski supervisors should look up the videos and lyrics to these masterpieces, especially
since much is made of her growing up Christian and singing Gospel.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

Where do those pictures of Pastors Ski and Glende come from?

I believe Mariqueen Maandig is married to Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. So it's not like she's hitting on him. Still, Google her and you find plenty of pictures of her in various states of undress, and even naked. I can't say that having her pose for a picture with him would be wrong. But why would he want such a picture? Moreover, if he meets a celebrity and she agrees to pose, why would it be one that feigns intimacy? And perhaps most perplexing, why would he then make it public? It shows a lack of judgment so profound that that, in itself, would seem to disqualify him from ministry. It's disrespectful to Mrs. Ski. And it raises the question of what a pastor does to strive to be "beyond reproach." [GJ - 2 Corinthians 6:3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed]


GJ - I mentioned before that many of these WELS people are techno-dolts. Pastor Tim has now locked down his photo albums and other information, but he still features the photo (above) on his main page. Ski has not privatized his photos (as of this writing). The photo above is found among his photo albums.

I am always finding these Changers bragging about themselves on the Net, for everyone to see, and subsequently erasing the evidence or hiding it when people get linked to it.

Dom Perignon Patterson is listed as a Facebook friend among all the Changers I found. The same names keep cropping up. Patterson and Jeske are on all those lists. Jeske's information is open, but good luck with Patterson. You will get a copy of Obama's birth certificate before you see anything about Don. I guess the safari and fishing photos were painful experiences for him when published elsewhere. I was told he had another free vicar this year, but the vicar is not even listed on the church website. Nor is SP-in-Exile Gurgle, who was hired for pay by skimming the salaries of the staff.

Long ago, my grade school teacher admonished us not to go around writing on walls or in textbooks. She said, "Fools' names and fools' faces are often found in public places."

Ski's reputation in A-town is for posting all his celeb photos in his office and bragging about them. He even does that with people who come in for spiritual counseling.

Ski and Glende represent the Peter Pan segment in WELS, the pastors who never want to grow up. They often come from the athletes, the same ones who would not get the position as Second Water Boy in a big school. At a tiny school they can be varsity. There are mature, Lutheran pastors in WELS.

Someone wrote that SP Schroder has to act, but I ask, "Where are the Fox Valley pastors?" Some belong to the same Reformed cult as Ski and Glende, but there must be some Lutherans there, some grown-ups. And where are the Fox Valley laity?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Your take on Dom Patterson is right on. He is a Changer to the Core but has recently tried to hide his affiliation as he is being exposed. Patterson's Reason for Hope is a replica of Mark Jeske's Time of Grace. Dom is also under the tutelage and direction of Gurgle.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

I opened Ski's Facebook profile from your link. Did you notice that under his "Interested in" the only thing he has listed is "Women." Did someone hack his site and post that? I can't imagine a pastor posting something like that. If it's his, I would think his ministry is done.

People keep harping that it's Pres. Schroeder's job to discipline Ski. It isn't. It's his circuit pastor's job first. Who is his circuit pastor?


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

"...who was hired for pay by skimming the salaries of the staff."

This remark is so far off the mark, I just needed to call attention to it. It shows what a buffoon you are.

"Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your take on Dom Patterson is right on. He is a Changer to the Core but has recently tried to hide his affiliation as he is being exposed. Patterson's Reason for Hope is a replica of Mark Jeske's Time of Grace. Dom is also under the tutelage and direction of Gurgle.

December 18, 2009 5:04 PM"

Only someone who gets their info from this sheistblog (sic! - no such word) would say something like this.


GJ - My informant says that staff salaries were reduced to pay for Gurgle's invented position. Patterson wanted two positions funded and "only" got his free vicar.

I am not sure what German word LutherRocks was attempting. Ichabodians, do you accept official denials to come from someone who knows not that he knows not German?

Don Patterson on his friends list? Ya think?


Best Comment of the Month!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Please! What is going on here? Isn't it o.k. to post a picture with your wife and her arm lovingly wrapped around your belly? There is nothing wrong with you showing your wife, family, kids, or neice, who loves you and shows it. I would have a little talk with my daughter if she dressed so provacatively though and my wife for that matter. But other than that, I think it's o.k.

Perhaps this could also just be a very loving congregation. "Greet each other with a heavenly kiss." Doesn't the Bible say that?


GJ - There are pictures of Ski with his wife, on Facebook, but they do not steam up the camera lens. Those photos have been shut down, along with the babe shot. Here is a boat picture of the family. And there are others, too.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Is he going to post more pictures with hookers? Why is he spending time with these x-rated females? What about setting a good role model? This female is not even a celebrity and is married to a man who doesn't even believe in God. He writes hateful songs about God.

[GJ - The rest is deleted, for obvious reasons. We don't need links to porn stars.]


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

The author of this blog consistently refutes the fact that he is breaking the 8th Commandment. Regarding his claim that staff salaries were "skimmed" to pay for Gurgle's salary at Holy Word, that is a blatant lie. Their is no credence to that whatsoever. GJ's informant broke the 8th commandment when he shared this lie with Mr. (not pastor) Jackson. GJ broke the 8th commandment when he posted that lie. To you Mr. Jackson...your informant is not as in touch with things as he or you would like to think


GJ - Would anonymous and unfounded accusations qualify as slander? I think so. Send me the before and after budgets at Holy Word, Austin, and I will publish a retraction if the audited figures prove the claim posted above. Just to be sure, include your name, address, birthday, last four of your SS, and your mother's maiden name. I can't be too careful in dealing with Chicaneries.

I am also interested in the disappearing Vicar at Holy Word. Is there one or not? Why is he not on the websty if he is? And where is Gurgle? Is he afraid of a process server? Just wonderin'.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Mr. Jackson, why would anybody send you a copy of their church budget? What an idiotic request. It seems that request was just your way of trying to deflect the fact that you are publishing lies. As a man of God, which you claim to be, when another man of God, which I am by grace, lets you know that you printed a lie, I would hope that you would take that seriously and consider retracting it. Our Lord takes breaking the 8th commandment seriously, which you have done. If you still demand proof, ask your informant for proof since it seems they think they know what is going on, which they clearly don't. But I 'm sure you made sure their information was correct before you dragged a church's Gospel ministry through the dirt once again. Make a trip to Austin and visit one of their Bible classes and church services. Sit down with one of the lay leaders in the church. You will realize quickly their knowledge of the bible is substantial. To your chagrin they will not be able to quote the Lutheran confessions, however, they do have a thorough knowledge of the Bible and a genuine love for their Lord and Savior. May the Lord bless your Christmas celebration and hopefully you will find some time to share in the JOY of the Christ-child, instead of dwelling in your bitter state. Hopefully the plank in your eye will be removed sometime with the Lord's help. By His grace, I am working on my plank on a daily basis.


GJ - Oh-oh: another wounded heart comment. And this came from Mumford, Texas, not far from Round Rock and Austin.

Why does Patterson hide so much? He makes blogging interesting.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent

You are probably wondering why The CORE is featuring Christmas at the Movies.

Perhaps it is because Joe Case is featuring Christmas at the Movies. Joe Case wrote: "Part one of our series, “Christmas at the Movies”. This time we feature a message inspired by the new Christmas classic, “Elf”. Joe Case video tapes people being immersed in a glass tank. He bills his church as a Dangerous Church and has a sermon posted on The Real F Word.

For some reason, The CORE also featured "Elf." I did not get to watch "Elf." The star of that film is known for featuring gross and disgusting bits as comedy.

Why didn't The CORE feature Nightmare Before Christmas
I skipped that classic too, but I am sure it is edgy.

I heard the Appleton clergy were getting uneasy about The CORE. Doubtless in another decade they will say, "About that movie series..." Katie will be DP by then, so she will smack them down hard.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

It absolutely sickens me that nobody at the WELS headquarters seems to be doing anything about the shenanigans going on in Appleton. Don't they know and don't care OR do they know and don't care? Which is it? This is why I cannot in good conscience support my local WELS church knowing that some of my offerings could be going to support this type of nonsense. As soon as I see anybody at the Love Shack speaking out against and doing something to stop this kind of thing, I'll keep my money for other more worthy causes. It is so sad and sickening at the same time. CORE --- GET OUT OF MY SYNOD AND TAKE SKI WITH YOU!!!

Ski posed with MariQueen, an entertainer.
She is obviously thrilled to be with The CORE's flounder founder.

Pastor Tim Glende is featuring this photo
on his Facebook home page.
Appleton is a happenin' place.


GJ - The CORE is now being advertised as the "downtown campus of St. Peter, Freedom." At first, St. Peter was holding the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock at arm's length. Now they seem to be the same congregation. They are calling a new pastor, without resolving the questions about the previous pastor leaving after only seven months.


DK has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

Ski's first week in Milwaukee, when I was at Ski's house as his guest (my wife and I had been invited over for dinner)
I was subjected to Sponge Bob/Square pants on TV as we attempted to chat.

I'm thinking, this guy supposedly is a pastor with an MDIV...and we're watching sponge bob. (smackin my brain like duhhhhh...shakin my head like whoaaa)

Then his wife called down stairs to tell us that dinner was ready.(He yelled up to her that we were going to finish the Sponge Bob episode. (Twenty minutes later we went to eat.) I was pretty uncomfortable by this point because in my culture, Dinner and community, especially when guests are over, take priority over even the most riveting TV. (And Sponge Bob is not even an intelligent cartoon like Loony Tunes...) I was sooo out of my element. What the heck is going on here??


[GJ - There is more, but I chose to omit it. There is something about the football culture in WELS that defies common sense.]


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

What's with WELS pastors posing with scantily clad Hollywood vixens?

They're partying like Rome with Leonard Sweet in a wooden horse.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

You are all overreacting. These pastors get divine inspiration while posing with beautiful, young women.


Michael Schottey has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

Hey Brett, thanks for the lovely vote of confidence...especially since you haven't been there.

Are there "crazies" at MLC that loved those dolts at Evangelism day? Sure, just like the rest of the synod.

But, I promise you, there are more on the other side of the aisle who complain about Evangelism Day and aren't making any movies on the side.

Judging an entire campus by some spurious connection like Evangelism Day speakers or by a video made by 1% of the student body is pretty far fetched.


GJ - We can judge a self-described orthodox Lutheran group by the way false teachers are elevated, promoted, defended, and protected. After all, Paul Calvin Kelm's false doctrine has been widely known for a long time, yet he was still the elderly keynote speaker for Evangelism Day at the only WELS synodical college. And he did the same for Mission Day at the Sausage Factory.

Mike, I respect your posts, but people do judge a campus when the collegians get together to defend Party in the MLC by attacking anyone offended by it. WLC got involved on, on behalf of the video.

I did not realize until I saw an interview on video -
Sigfried and Roy are both German! I could tell by their accents.
They're what?

Vespers Tonight at 7 PM Central

Advent, December 17, 2009

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Mid-Week Advent, Thursday, 7 PM Central

The Hymn # 558 All Praise to Thee 4.44
The Order of Vespers p. 41
The Psalmody Psalm 100 p. 144
The First Lection 1 Timothy 3:16
The Second Lection Luke 1:46ff
The Sermon Hymn #251 We All Believe 4.87

Giving God Thanks
The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer p. 44
The Collect for Peace p. 45
The Benediction p. 45
The Hymn # 70 Hosanna 4.55

KJV 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was
manifest in the flesh,
justified in the Spirit,
seen of angels,
preached unto the Gentiles,
believed on in the world,
received up into glory.

KJV Luke 1:46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. 48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. 49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. 50 And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. 51 He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. 53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. 54 He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; 55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever. 56 And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned to her own house.

The Confession of Faith

KJV 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was
1. manifest in the flesh,
2. justified in the Spirit,
3. seen of angels,
4. preached unto the Gentiles,
5. believed on in the world,
6. received up into glory.

I listed this one verse according to its parallel verb forms. This is poetic in its form and could be either one of the earliest creeds or hymns, or both. Many hymns are creeds and Luther turned a creed into a hymn (We All Believe in One True God).

It is good to look at a verse in its context.

The verse before says this:

KJV 1 Timothy 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

Verse 15 has a personal touch, and I read verse 16 as reminding them of their confession of faith.

Verse 16 closes the chapter, meaning the later editors felt a new theme was starting. Paul did not write in chapters and verses.

The new chapter begins thus:

KJV 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 6 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. 7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

So sound doctrine (1 Timothy 3:16) is followed by contrasting false doctrine.

As a creed, confession of faith, or hymn, 1 Timothy 3:16 is a gem. So much is said in a few words.

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
Mystery is the clear indication that this is doctrine revealed by the Holy Spirit. Paul was taught directly by Christ and hinted at the great privileges given to him, accompanied by the cross. Doubtless they strengthened him during his many trials.

“God was” – We can speak of God and Christ, either one, because the fullness of the godhead dwelt in Him. Because of the Three-ness of One God, we emphasize a Person at certain times, two Persons at various times (often the Father-Son relationship), and the Holy Trinity at other times. This enrages the rationalists, who cannot accept what the Holy Spirit reveals as a mystery. They fling themselves at the doctrine of the Trinity to prove what they have already assumed, that this cannot be.

One Jehovah’s Witness said of Jesus praying to the Father, “How can God pray to God. I cannot understand that.” I said, “My dog can’t understand it either.” He said goodbye by saying the founder of Jonestown (Disciples of Christ) was a Lutheran. Needless to say, he left angry.

Jesus is God. That is our confession. In one phrase the doctrine of God in the flesh (the Incarnation) is taught – Manifest (seen) in the flesh.

“manifest in the flesh” – Both God and man. This informs the Virgin Birth (true man and true God) and His suffering on the cross for our sins (true man and true God). The Virgin Birth is a unique miracle, unlike anything else in history. Early heretics had trouble with Jesus being born of a woman, and heretics across time have either attacked His humanity or divinity. Modernists hate His divinity while earlier false teachers questioned the humanity of Christ. As Chemnitz showed so clearly, the Scriptures and confessors of the past have taught both as the union of both natures in the One Person of Christ. We see that throughout the Scriptures, often with one Nature emphasized over another (being thirsty – human, walking on water – divine).

“justified in the Spirit”

This is the phrase, I am sure, used by the Pietists to associate the resurrection of Christ with the world being “declared not guilty.” But this phrase applies to Christ, and we can see why. Jesus died as a traitor to Rome, a criminal. All men die because they are sinners and mortal. Confessing the truth of Christ includes His innocent, perfect, obedient life. Therefore, in raising Jesus from the dead, God the Father declared His righteous work (my Righteous Servant – Isaiah). He rose because of His innocence. And because He rose from death, we believe in our own eternal life because He won forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life for us.

“seen of angels” – appeared to angels

This emphasizes His glorious resurrection. In other places the human witnesses are listed, and the early Church knew them. The entire foundation of Christianity was based upon those who witnessed the risen Christ and heard Him teach the Word in His exalted state.

To this day, even some of the worst critics of Christianity admit to the reality of the resurrection – not that we need their witness. But it is interesting to see them squirm around this greatly-witnessed fact. Nevertheless, the sign of a true wolf in sheep’s clothing is one who dances around the issue and says it is “not important” or “not based on an empty grave, but the faith and hope of His disciples.”

preached unto the Gentiles (or nations, or pagans)

The imperial journalists were men who proclaimed news, such as “the emperor is arriving in a month.” Even in modern times, there were town criers who were enlisted to take the news to everyone. The word for these proclamations is the one we use for “preaching.” The proclamation of the Gospel of Christ to all people was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.

“believed on in the world,”

The power of the Word is proven in people believing. Fraud will last a few years, but the truth endures. How exciting it must have been to realize the Redeemer of the world had been among people that the early Christians knew personally. And they realized very quickly that this Gospel was spreading across the Roman Empire, hastened by persecution, and enabled by the greatest highway system of all time. (Do you think any given mile of highway today will be used in 2,000 years? 200 years? Roman roads are still being used today.)

“received up into glory”

The apostles were also eye-witnesses of the Ascension of Christ.

I Am Not Making This Up! -
The CORE's Christmas Service Show Will Be: Charlie Brown's Christmas

Christmas Eve Worship -
Christmas at the Movies:
Charlie Brown's Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 5:30pm – 6:30pm. The CORE Calendar

I. J. Reilly has left a new comment on your post "I Am Not Making This Up! - The CORE's Christmas Se...":

Insurance Agent Jackson,

What is actually going on is that the Core is having a sermon series entitled "Christmas at the Movies." Ski uses the movies as a jumping off point to talk about what is really important about the celebration of Christmas. They show the movie in question (Elf, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, and The Charlie Brown Christmas) at 3:00 and then have a worship service at 5:00. In the service, he will show a clip of the movie and then go into Scripture.

Hey, here's an idea: Why don't you come up to Appleton and see what his service is like before you make comments as if you know the whole story already. It might make for a posting that is actually informed. Then again, I don't think I could expect that kind of honesty out of you when half-truth and inuendo seem to be your weapons of choice.

Merry Christmas Greggy Brown!


GJ - I am too busy as a tent-maker to sit down with Entertainment Specialist Ski and explain Lutheran worship to him.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "I Am Not Making This Up! - The CORE's Christmas Se...":

Everything in the name of outreach and evangelism. After all, isn't one soul transfer worth it? [GJ - There, I fixed it.]

Website Updates - Updated

Fellers, Adam Mueller, Larry Oh!, Jeff Gunn

Registration for last month's conference is still open. "If I could turn back time..."

Church from Scratch cannot be found on the server. Maybe the server gave up after everyone looked at the lonely, solitary page with the sad little map on it. "Under construction" for the last month! Send them a grant. Web design is so expensive. $200,000? They need more than that.

The Church From Old Scratch is back, with a Christmas schedule. They use an image I could kelm, so I posted it for everyone's edification.
Do they thank me for the free publicity? Never.