Friday, January 15, 2010

They'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun

The T-Bird was placed to provide modesty for Miss Katie Perry,
a quality lacking in her music and life.
Pastor Tim's eyes were not PhotoShopped.
They were bugged out in the original photo he posted.

Sing This With A Digital Keyboard

Verse 1:
Well, they got their donor’s fund
And they cruised through the Schwaermer camps, now
Seems they forgot all about the Confessions
Like they told their DP, now.
And with the rock songs blastin' goes
Cruisin' just as fast as they can, now

Chorus 1:
And they’ll have fun, fun, fun
'Til their donor takes their funding away
(Fun, fun, fun, til their donor takes their funding away)

Verse 2:

Well, the guys can't stand them
'Cause they walk, look, and drive like some Babtists,
(You walk like a Babtist, you talk like a Babtist)
They make the Drive Oh-Nine look like
The Roman chariot race, now.
(You look like a Babtist, you sound like an Babtist)
A lot of guys try to catch them
But they lead 'em on a wild goose chase, now
(You drive like a Babtist, you worship like Babtists)

And they’ll have fun, fun, fun
'Til their donor takes their funding away
(Fun, fun, fun, til their donor takes their funding away)

Instrumental break (organ/guitar solo):

Verse 3:
Well, you knew all along
That your SP was gettin' wise to you, now
(You shouldn't-a lied, now, you shouldn't-a lied)
And since he took your set of keys
We been thinkin' that your fun is all through now,
(You shouldn't-a lied, now, you shouldn't-a lied)
But you can come along with Jeske
'Cause you got a lot of things to do now,
(You shouldn't-a lied, now, you shouldn't-a lied)

Chorus 2 [2X]:
And you’ll have fun, fun, fun
Jerry Kieschnick wants their funding his way.
(Fun, fun, fun, Jerry Kieschnick wants their funding his way.)


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "They'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun":

GJ, for a square dude, you seem to have this rock and roll thing down. One of those things that makes you go hhmmmmm......


GJ - I know a little about pop, rock, and folk music. The difference is - I know the other side fairly well, but the Shrinkers are ignorant of classical music, Lutheran hymnody, and the Confessions. Their feeble attempts to justify themselves via the adiaphora argument prove they have neither read nor comprehended the Book of Concord.

The CORE has floated on a tidal wave of loot, but will collapse when the funding runs out. The situation cried out for a troubadour, and I had a few minutes free.

Glende and Ski confuse satire with satyr, so I try to help them with the basics. I realize they have suffered from a third-rate education in Lutheran doctrine, so I try to be compassionate.

Facebook Funny

From Facebook:

Aaron refuses to take off his Superman sweatshirt before going out in public, even though it's full of holes. He said, "Those are the places the bullets bounced off."

I looked up her husband's name. It's Aaron!

But I think she means her son.

I hope so.

Last Post on the Gay Martin Luther College Video, Part Two

How Easily the Bible Is Overturned by a Vote

WLC speaker  -
Roman Catholic Archbishop Weakland used
church money to hush up his boyfriend.
Is anything too low for WLC?

By Rachel Zoll
Associated Press
Saturday, August 13, 2005 

ORLANDO, Aug. 12 -- A national meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rejected a proposal Friday that would have allowed gays in committed relationships to serve as clergy under certain conditions.

The measure would have affirmed the church ban on ordaining sexually active gay men and lesbians, but it would have allowed bishops and church districts, or synods, to seek an exception for a particular candidate -- if that person was in a long-term relationship and met other restrictions.


GJ - Any vote can be overturned, as this article (just posted by dissenters) proves.

In time, any liberal--like ELCA Bishop Kenneth Sauer--can be turned into a grouchy, old, legalistic fuddy-duddy, because apostates accelerate the decline. The older liberals, who enabled the disaster, are left behind. They object and the new leaders laugh at them.

Thus WELS trained many pastors to be Pentecostals and Babtists, but booted them when their students took Mequon doctrinal training to its logical conclusion. The synod Church Growth stars, the shining examples, became official Enthusiasts instead of covert Enthusiasts. Some just kept sliding and became obnoxious atheists.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Last Post on the Gay Martin Luther College Video, Part One

Average college video producers.

When I left the Lutheran Church in America, in 1987, before the merger took place, the Lavender Mafia was already controlling the agenda. I wrote a chapter about it in Out of the Depths of ELCA, published in Christian News.

I was shocked that no one faced the outcome of an agenda driven by Marxism, abortion on demand, and homosexual activism. The LCA's last act was to spend its final $120,000 on a "study" of the homosexual issue.

ELCA added abortion to its health care plan. Not much happened over that issue. Babies count for little today.

ELCA decided that it was really subordinate to the Episcopal Church. Congregations began leaving over that issue.

Things really heated up after the August, 2009 ELCA convention, which was the logical outcome of 22 years of lobbying. Diversity quotas and black-balling of conservatives made it impossible to stop the ELCA Fire Island Express. Many will probably call it the last straw among many such travesties. The majority will stay, apparently.

WELS and ELS congregations have noticed ELCA members coming over, some of them joining. Doubtless Missouri has seen a similar movement.

Martin Luther College (WELS) and Wisconsin Luther College (WELS) have defended and supported their gay video, a copy of the homosexual "Party in the Fire Island Pines." Not only that, a large Facebook fansite has been established to make sure everyone can watch the video forever. The comments, posted for everyone to see, are instructive. The members of the fanpage are mostly WELS and include some of the students who produced the video - innocently and ignorantly - we are supposed to believe.

The robotic WELS response will be that I should not tell the truth about what they are doing. The ELCA members are savvy enough and scarred enough to check things out for themselves. WELS/ELS can hardly claim to be an alternative to ELCA when their College of Ministry giggles over an alternative lifestyle?

Will a humorous depiction of abortion be next?

There are probably enough ELCA Pietists to be attracted to a few WELS/ELS Shrinker experiments. Most are probably going to be looking for confessional Lutheran churches with traditional Means of Grace worship rather than entertainment, popcorn, and Soul Cafes.

I saw a few of goofing-around services in the LCA before I left, but there was nothing like widespread ChurchGrowthism in 1987. By now everyone has had too much of it.

ELCA members and pastors are probably illiterate about the Book of Concord, but so are many WELS/ELS pastors. They cannot be instructed if the teachers are untaught themselves.

The WELS college students cannot grasp what a ghastly impression they are making on anyone who might want to join their synod or attend their college. They are the ones promoting their slavish copy of the Fire Island Pines video.

No one reads this blog, as one person recently claimed. Google Analytics says - 20,000 pages were read in the last 30 days, many of them linked from ELCA. But what is that compared to the circulation of FIC and the readership of the ELS Newsletter - The Pope Speaks?

I can say without fear of contradiction that the ELS doctrinal board will act on this matter...eventually.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Last Post on the Gay Martin Luther College Video, ...":

Well, I'm hoping that by last you mean you're never going to talk about this topic again. If so, welcome to the WELS.


GJ - You missed the "Part One" in the headline, proving you are indeed WELS. More importantly, you missed the point of the post altogether, proving you are from MLC.

More Encouragement from the Under-Educated

Favorite toast at MLC? - Bottoms up!

mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

Jacko, I don't really get why you post. No one listens to you, and no matter what the WELS did you would never come back. You're not helping yourself and you're not helping the synod. It's like you're an angsty teen who has too many emotions and this is your only outlet. You're not going to change anything and no one really appreciates you trying except for your handful of ichabodians.


GJ - Readers - above is a good example of a Changer full of himself, posting daily about why no one pays attention to Ichabod.

Does MLC have a purpose?

Parochial schools are closing faster than banks. The pre-seminary training can be provided at two other schools.

MLC is the only Lutheran college with gay video fansite on Facebook. Let me know if you find another. Obviously someone has a lot of time on his hands.


C.C.Baxter has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

The reason I brought it up was to reinforce that it isn't Greg Jackson that is bringing this subject up again and again, but the opposite: the kids who created the group are the ones bringing it up again. And the result is a lack of respect for the office of the "lil fairy" teachers-to-be.

P.S. I hope you're having as much fun as I am, Ty and Kyle. ;)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MLC's Video Alive on Facebook

Fans of the Video

Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!!!


Elizabeth Jarvais

Elizabeth Jarvais Hey guys, I am wels and went to a wels school, I, along with every other wels member I know who has seen this video really enjoys it, and does not think that it is a bad reflection on our synod. Keep up the great suff (sic) and positive attitudes guys! You brought a smile and a laugh to so many people! I'd hug you if I could!


Nathan Klug
The MLC people in this group don't realize how bad this makes the WELS look that you are in this group.

The students who made this video made a gay copy of a video made by openly gay people. And it couldn't have come at a worse time as President Schroeder is attacking ELCA for its decision to use openly gay pastors.

I am an MLC student (fake name), we go to the WELS college of ministry for Christ. Its unbelievable that people from MLC are trying to refute Mikail's attempts to make us realize how wrong we are here. I am ashamed for every single MLC student in this fan page.... See More... See More

The video was taken down as a healing effort by the WELS to get over this video, which is a black eye to all the WELS. (Believe me, MANY people outside the WELS are attacking the synod because of this video). Even most of the people who have made this video have repented and are ready to move on. So should you.

Wall - Fan Count

we love the MLC version of Party in the USA and we were most devistated (sic)  when they removed it from youtube. but thanks to a fan we now have our very own copy that we can watch any time :)

 835 fans - many of them WELS high school students, prep students, and MLC students.

Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!!! thanks to one of our AMAZING fans we have a copy of PARTY IN THE MLC!!!!! enjoy,

65 people like this.

Michelle Faerber
Makes me smile everytime I watch it!! Just LOVE it :)
Sun at 12:35am · Report

Elissa Capeling
lol. i love you. so much.

Melissa Schumann
Oh man, it never gets old!

Corbin Buechler Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!!!: am i the only one that kept a copy of it off youtube?

Kala Diede
Lmao That is so weird watching the student teacher for my class (mr. krause) dance around like a lil fairy.... hahaha but that was hilarious!!

Ally Blumhoefer
haha i know right? he was my student teacher too.



So be careful, little hands, what you post,
So be careful, little hands, what you post.
Google searches everywhere
And the video's still there.
So be careful, MLC, what you post.


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "MLC's Video Alive on Facebook":

Wow, you really don't let this die. And then you go and search for it. Don't you have a job or something? I mean, there has to be something better you could be doing with your time rather than searching the internet for what people are saying about an old video.


GJ - Poor Mr. Leyrer is the victim of a sub-standard education. Originally, a lay leader of WELS sent me the information because he was so disgusted with it. The MLC/WLC response was to post dozens of smart-aleck remarks, like you know, they needed a hobby or something. I mean, do they teach English at those school? Seriously. I find them totally amazing.

Another blog found the video posted in Portugal.

A reader found the video posted on Facebook, where MLC's gay video has 500 more fans (mostly WELS) than The CORE's fanpage. The CORE's marketing department probably has some new ideas for Ski's celebrity poses: Tom Cruise, Prince, Adam Lambert, John Travolta, and John Waters.

WELS has been preaching culture-evangelism for years, thanks to Valleskey, Kelm, Olson, and Huebner. Now they have the results - "By their fruits ye shall know them."


Becky Ruehling Portner

Becky Ruehling Portner love it!!!!!!!

44 minutes ago · Report
Elissa Capeling

Elissa Capeling never gets old!

Mon at 5:14pm · Report
Catherine Jurgens


January 8 at 9:53pm · · Report
Jordan Bode

Jordan Bode 586!!!!!!!

January 8 at 9:47pm · Report
Caitlin Krueger

Caitlin Krueger haha that is epic

January 7 at 7:47pm · Report
Lynne Mitchell Landreville

Lynne Mitchell Landreville do a winter version

January 7 at 1:22pm · Report
Cheryl Lynn Grady

Cheryl Lynn Grady Our daughter shared this with us on her first trip home -- and we were VERY dismayed to hear it had been removed. Her Dad and brothers and I all enjoyed this very much. We thought the guys put so much work into this -- what a shame to remove it! Our youngest son said "I think they did a GREAT job! I wanted to see it again!"

January 5 at 4:35pm · · Report
Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!!!
Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!!!
no need to worry! one of our fans posted a copy of it on facebook so you can watch it any time :)
January 5 at 5:24pm · Report
Alyssa Radisewitz

Alyssa Radisewitz Please! There are so many people I still haven't shared this with!

January 5 at 11:24am · Report
Corbin Buechler

Corbin Buechler i posted a link to the original video

January 4 at 8:52pm · · Report
Jordan Bode

Jordan Bode 205!!!!!!!!! yeah!!! keep going! send to all your friends!!!!!!

January 2 at 6:01pm · · Report

WELS Church Lady Is Now a Target

"We have no intention of yielding aught of the eternal, immutable truth of God for the sake of temporal peace, tranquility, and unity (which, moreover, is not in our power to do). Nor would such peace and unity, since it is devised against the truth and for its suppression, have any permanency. Still less are we inclined to adorn and conceal a corruption of the pure doctrine and manifest, condemned errors. But we entertain heartfelt pleasure and love for, and are on our part sincerely inclined and anxious to advance, that unity according to our utmost power, by which His glory remains to God uninjured, nothing of the divine truth of the Holy Gospel is surrendered, no room is given to the least error, poor sinners are brought to true, genuine repentance, raised up by faith, confirmed in new obedience, and thus justified and eternally saved alone through the sole merit of Christ." (Closing of Formula of Concord, Trigl. p. 1095) Francis Pieper, The Difference Between Orthodox And Heterodox Churches, and Supplement, Coos Bay, Oregon: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1981, p. 65. Tappert, p. 632. Heiser, p. 294. FC SD XI, #94-96. [From PS's copy, as 11111111 knows.]

I like the comments of the WELS Church Lady. She has established an identity, unlike the cowards of Church and Change. Her posts are witty and gentle, but they have enraged the Chicaneries nevertheless. They think their problems will go away if the Confessionals disappear. The Book of Concord says otherwise. Harmony cannot be created by suppressing the truth.

Here are some smart aleck comments, proving how logical, sensible, and loving the graduates of the Sausage Factory are:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church Lady Texts Scott":

Wels church lady you need to get a life and get off this blog. Maybe you should donate your time to helping people in Haitti instead of mocking people on this blog.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church Lady Texts Scott":

YES!! PLEASE SLANDER HIS NAME AND GOSSIP SOME MORE!!! The Bible isn't at ALL clear about giving false testimony and gossiping… oh wait.
You ARE a WELS church lady... looking for the latest juicy tidbit… disgusting. Get back to the kitchen!

Illustration from The Shepherd Under Christ, by Armin Schuetze

ELCA College Sold Due To Financial Crisis

Stan Olson, on the far right (for once) -
graduated from Waldorf College,
in his salad days.


January 13, 2010

Waldorf College Sold, No Longer Affiliated with ELCA

[Click for larger image] Waldorf College is located in Forest City, Iowa.   
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Waldorf College, Forest City, Iowa, was sold Jan. 8 to Mayes Education, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Columbia Southern University (CSU).  With its new for-profit status, Waldorf is no longer affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  Based in Orange Beach, Ala., CSU is a for-profit institution and one of the nation's first online universities.

     The sale was prompted by a financial crisis at Waldorf.  In April the Waldorf Lutheran College Association -- the college's governing body -- approved a series of resolutions that moved the school
closer to a possible sale to CSU.

Church Lady Texts Scott

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Taking Martin Luther College Seriously, When They ...":

Yes! Please tell the Doug Englebrecht story. Two exclamation marks!! Now it's sure to be an interesting story. Come back when you have the time.

In Christ,
from WELs church lady

Now We Know Why "All Dogs Go To Heaven"

The LCMS in Her Own Words – Comfort Dog Installed as Staff Member in Northern Illinois Parish, by Pr. Rossow

In addition to my editor’s blog, when I have time, I make an entry in the “The LCMS in Her Own Words” column. The Northern Illinois District recently publicized the following:
Dedication Service at St. John Algonquin for LCC Comfort Dog Butter 
Butter DedicationSunday, January 10th, LCC Comfort Dog Butter was dedicated as a staff member at St. John Lutheran Church, Algonquin by Pastor William Stroup. Pete Imlah also spoke. St. John will continue to use Butter as a Bridge into the community to share the Compassion and Care of Jesus Christ. Butter has served for the last six months as an LCC K-9 Parish Comfort Dog with St. John, visiting shut-ins, hospitals, school kids, community and youth group events. Butter has been certified to work at Good Shepherd Hospital and is close to certification at Sherman Hospital.
We have poked fun at the comfort dogs before. As we said in the past, we are not opposed to animals bringing comfort to people. What we question is using church resources (time and money) for such things and more importantly, associating canine comfort with “the compassion and care of Christ.” This is simply further evidence that the institutional church is drifting away from its Augsburg VII life in word and sacrament. Comfort dogs are not the work of the church. They are the work of any other non-profit but are not the work of the church.
By the way, there were no details released on the installation liturgy. One wonders if it may have gone as follows:
P: Do you accept the canonical books of the Old and New Testament to be the inspired and inerrant word of God?
B: (”Butter”) “Woof.”
P: Do you accept the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, The Apology to the Augsburg Confession and the other confessions in the Book of Concord to be the true exposition of the word of God?
B: “Woof.”
And so forth and so on…

Fun with Funding - Pure Speculation

Pastor Chris Christianson left his call at St. Peter, Freedom, after only seven months, not enough time to unpack the Lenski.

Pastor Ski is running out of funds for his Popcorn Cathedral of Rock. Pastor Tim is his buddy all the way back to football days at Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

Could they have created an atmosphere making Pastor Christianson eager to take another call? That left St. Peter with a vacancy, allowing them to call Ski when his Tweets, tweeters, and sub-woofers at the cinema are all gone.

According to a published blog, there were no problems acknowledged at St. Peter. That is what Pastor Tim and the council said. DP Doug sat in the back and chatted with Ski.

St. Peter called a pastor:

Shevey, Rev Wayne A       - St Peter - Appleton WI             - 12/14/2009 -
         Associate Pastor

Just wondering: Is this a neat arrangement, where no one will take the call, except Ski, who will soon be out of funds?


This was posted on Light from Light:

St. Peter church in Appleton/Freedom, WI has scheduled a meeting for December 14, 2009 to discuss calling a new pastor. However, our congregation still has not been informed as to why Pastor Christenson left after only seven months.

On December 1, 2009, I met with Pastor Christenson for over two hours. According to Pastor Christenson, not one member of our church council approached him to inquire as to why he was leaving. Pastor Christenson had approached our church president, Mr. Denny, to discuss the problems with our ministry and practices here at St. Peter. However, according to Pastor Christenson, President Denny acted as though he did not care.

Pastor Christenson had a divine call, and he took that call seriously. So should we. He had to ask for another call as a result of extremely serious problems with the ministry and practice here at St. Peter. Pastor Christenson should not be blamed for leaving, he needed to leave for his own spiritual health and the spiritual safety of his family.

However, Pastor Christenson does have a duty to speak and to tell the truth and the whole truth no matter the cost. Here are some suggested questions for our church council to ask Pastor Christenson:

1. Why did you leave St. Peter after only seven months?
2. What did your wife do after first hearing Pastor Glende preach on Maundy Thursday?
3. How do you evaluate the preaching of justification at St. Peter?

According to Pastor Christenson, his definition of contemporary worship is not the same as Pastor Skorzewski’s and Pastor Glende’s definition of contemporary worship. Pastor Christenson is a believer in contemporary forms of worship, and would often play the guitar. However, he also believes that it is important to have good practices, and to preach Christ crucified and the true Law and Gospel.

The preaching of Christ crucified through the true Law and Gospel has been sorely lacking here at St. Peter.


Call Meeting, Light from Light

At St. Peter’s December 14, 2009 call meeting, our Church Council President announced that the council had amended Pastor Glende’s job description to read “lead pastor,” and that we would be calling an “associate pastor.”

I moved to table the call because I believed that our congregation did not have enough information to ratify Pastor Glende as lead pastor, and call an associate. I believed that the council needed to better communicate with Pastor Christenson to better understand why he left after only seven months. Also, without going into any specifics, I cited a long letter that I had sent to the council and my pastors back at the beginning of November which raised important issues. I did not mention any of the specifics of my letter because I believed that that would be beyond the bounds of a call meeting.

Another layman asked whether there were additional actions or steps that needed to be taken before we issued a new call, and Pastor Glende replied, “If we had to do things, if there was anything that needed to take place before we could call again, then District President Engelbrecht wouldn’t allow us to issue a call.” District President Engelbrecht did provide our congregation with a call list of five candidates that he believed were suitable to be an associate pastor.

The argument against the motion was that neither Pastor Glende, nor our church council, nor District President Engelbrecht believed that any additional steps needed to be taken. District President Engelbrecht did attend and participate in our call meeting. When he was not speaking, he sat in the back, and chatted with Pastor Skorzewski.

The motion to table the call failed. However, it did receive a smattering of timid “ayes.” After the meeting, another layman estimated that the motion to table received about a third of the votes present. (I thought it probably received less than that, but there was no official count). St. Peter congregation did call Pastor Wayne Shevey to be our associate pastor with a unanimous vote. This is a divine call, and it is our prayer that God will bless St. Peter through this call.

On Thursday, December 17, 2009, I met with Pastor Glende, and he provided me with the church council’s official response to my letter. The council’s response was a letter that summarily and unanimously rejected every one of the concerns I had raised as being either false or without merit.

May the Lord be with his Church, his Bride, his Chosen People “to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20). “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.” (Revelation 22:21).


On the extreme Left: Ski, Glende.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fun with Funding - Pure Speculation":

I doubt if Ski wants to be the 2nd "associate" pastor at St. Peter. There are still two traditional services that are not his 'style".

There were other mission fields in WI that were scouted for a CORE-like mission. Appleton happened to come through at the right time.


GJ - I am sure there is another $500,000 lying around for a new experiment. Actually, I am thinking that Mark Jeske wishes he had that money back.

Pastor Tim could have built a Soul Cafe with that money, too.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fun with Funding - Pure Speculation":

Hmmm...Mark Jeske paid the $500K? Could you please explain?


GJ - This was a Church and Change operation from the beginning. Jeske has had three staffers (Ski included) on the Chicanery board. Ski and Katie were at St. Marcus when this miraculous gift came up. The issue was where to spend it.

It is thought that Jeske was anxious to replace Ski with someone else. Hence, Ski left with a funded call to anywhere - a bit unusual, eh?

Ron Ash (Church and Change board chairman) was involved from the beginning. Ski was tagged recently for Jeske's fake synodical youth rally, advertised to look synod-wide but just another Jeske project.

Time of Grace began with $750,000 from Chicanery fat cats. It seems reasonable that the original gift came from this circle of givers.

If the money came from St. Peter, Freedom, the original focus would not have been looking for various places to spend the loot.

I am not on the Chicanery Christmas card lists, so my conclusions are based upon what has been published already.

The donation developed much earlier. Everyone has lost tons of money through Hope and Change, so I think Jeske regrets spending so much money on getting Ski gone.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fun with Funding - Pure Speculation":

Glende and Ski are just kids. Engelbrecht, a poor excuse for a DP, is leading the puppet show. There was a pastor on this blog, who stated that his letters to Engelbrecht received no reply. The said pastor is a conservative pastor, not a shrinker, yet Engelbrecht has plenty a time to meet the "replies"(and everything pertaining) of Ski and Glende.

By his own actions, Engelbrecht is neither conservative nor confessional. This is a disgrace to the office of district president. More situations like those of Pastor Christenson's will be repeated in the future. Mark my word! SP Schroeder is very aware of all the mis-guided leadership and apostasy. Look what he did to Kelm.

Look, I find it horrible that I have to talk about a WELS DP in such a manner. Laymen and pastors have echoed the same cries. Not to sound like a broken record, but did I mention that Ski, Glende, and pals go to outside fellowship conferences?(OH! sorry, you heard that already) One more thing, Willow Creek, look into it!

In Christ,
from WELS church lady

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets

Ten months of funding left?



This person has protected their (sic) tweets.


Michael Schottey has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets":

Future WELS Pastor...

Since there's a good chance I know you, I'll pose you this question. For what reason would a pastor post with porn stars or follow (ie read) adult themed material on Twitter?

If you are (or were) at MLC...could you picture one of your language professors posing with scantily clad women AND THEN posting the pictures proudly online or in their office?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets":

Let's just say that for whatever reason, Ski wants a picture with the poptart. Then let's just say he didn't intend to pose in such an intimate position with her. Putting the best construction on it, maybe she grabbed him and threw him into this position just as the photo was about to be taken. The $64,000 question remains - WHY? Why then, would he proudly post this and other similar pictures for his wife, children, friends, colleagues, superiors, congregation, and the public as a whole to view? Why open himself up to the scrutiny of what any clear-thinking person would surely view as offensive photos? Why give every person who views these photos the perception that he just doesn't care what people think about him or the photos? It's apparent Ski is used to doing what he wants, when he wants, and the rest of the world can just get over it. In reality, at the very least, he certainly owes his family an apology. The proper response should be a confession of sin, a plea for forgiveness, and possibly an apology on his Facebook page for his poor judgment. An improper reaction would be a cover-up and a change in privacy policy so that his so-called friends are the only ones who can continue to view this very odd behavior on behalf of a WELS pastor. If these people were truly his 'friends', they be telling him the exact same thing I just said. He is an embarrassment for every member of the WELS.

Taking Martin Luther College Seriously, When They Do Not Take Martin Luther Seriously

Another reason - This photo of MLC students appears on many gay sites,
advertising their porn.
Just Google "Party in MLC" to find out.
The video is still being played.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Collegian Computer and Internet Quiz":

I understand why you're upset with people who bash MLC. You likely are taking it personally.
Thoughtful people habitually mock MLC because a large percentage of the school's graduates seem to be missing an important aspect of what it means to "educated". It's hard to define this aspect, but I think I have a way for you to visualize it: Draw three circles, each overlapping the other. (This is called a Venn diagram)
  1. Label one circle "incapable of critical analysis".
  2. Label another "unexposed to literature, thought, music, art and science not specifically WELS in genesis".
  3. Label the 3rd circle: "Being shaped for vocations with 100% job security".

Now, put on your imagination cap and try to imagine the common ground between those three things. How to describe "those who plan on surviving in a totally false thought-economy?"

It's not hard to guess why intelligent laymen, professionals in a myriad of differing vocations, find it difficult to take MLC grads seriously.

It occurs to me that MLC grads (more than anyone)should be up in arms about Ski and the other Church-Shrinkers spending all the money. MLC grads won't have any kind of security if the Shrinkers take over. Junkets get higher priority than Lutheran Schools. WELS teachers who can't find jobs in the WELS usually end up working at the 7-11 in Red Field SD (if you get my drift).

They make Paul Calvin Kelm their keynoter,
videotape Martin Luther's statue fighting with the Sprinter statue,
and no one takes them seriously?

Explaining the Unbearable Lightness of The CORE Lutheran Church

This photo of WELS Pastor Tim Glende,
with Katy Perry ("Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It")
was proudly displayed on his main Facebook page
for weeks.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Funding for The CORE":

At first, St. Peter Freedom and the CORE operated as two separate entities. Now, suddenly, the BORE is "the downtown campus of St. Peter." Why is that?

After speaking with several members at St. Peter, it seems they can see the reason why. The BORE is one giant money vacuum, currently being attended by 150 (not 200, Glende, anonymous Appleton pastor). Of those 150, 135 are already financially supporting their home WELS congregation.

Ski has 10 months of funding left. There is clearly no way his sandbox will be able to support itself under the current conditions after that big, initial wad of loot runs out.

So, the obvious plan is for "the downtown campus of St. Peter" to be incorporated into St. Peter's budget after the BORE's original stash runs out.

The question is, will the members of St. Peter really be dumb enough to support an obvious failure like the BORE, which was only designed to steal WELS members and isn't even doing very well in that department? Or will they say "enough is enough" when the original misguided gift runs out -- and let the "downtown campus" of their church close?

By the way, how far gone is WELS in Appleton when you have a pastor like this leaving these kinds of comments? It really shows the true nature of the Pseudo-Baptists in the Fox Vally.


GJ - Columbus, Ohio paved the way, with Floyd Luther Stolzenburg (at the non-WELS church Glende attended) lying about his divorce and being kicked out of the LCMS ministerium - for cause. Stolzenburg, needless to say, was a CG guru that WELS fawned over, but no one ever explained why.

Glende and Ski should explain their relationship to the fake Ichabod blog.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " This photo of WELS Pastor Tim Glende, with Katy...":

Unlikely St. Peter would support it. Thats why they needed a donor in the first place. Plus, they are looking to expand in several years as well to solve over-crowding problems.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Buske Turns Down Call To WELS Wisconsin Lutheran College

Rev. Andy Stanley (Babtist) and WELS Pastor Buske at Drive 08.

------------------------ C A L L S - D E C L I N E D -----------------------
Buske, Rev James G - WLC - Milwaukee WI - 01/08/2010
Second Campus Pastor

Collegian Computer and Internet Quiz

Colleges should certify their students before allowing them to use computers and the Internet. Below is a sample quiz, with the answers, to make it easier to pass.

1. Once a video is uploaded to YouTube, anyone can copy it and save it. True or False?
True - the software for copying is provided on YouTube.

2. There are many video hosting sites. True or False?
True - There are many hosting sites. YouTube and Vimeo are two of them. Anyone can access them.

3. If an image is used on the Net, Google will index it for searches. True or False?
True - Google will label the image and make it available to everyone.

4. Links last forever on the Internet. True or False?
True - The more a link is copied on Internet pages, the more Google will move it to the top of the search.

5. I can control where links to my photos, videos, and web pages are posted. True, False, or Dude?
Dude? - What are you thinking? Stuff is copied in a second and no one controls the Internet.

5. A blog can be hidden by omitting the link. True or False?
False - The blog is still published on the Net. Google may find it or may still have the information. Anyone with the original link can find it.

6. Material can be removed from the Internet by erasing it. True, False, or Not Exactly?
Not exactly - There are services that provide copies of earlier material published to the Internet.

7. Facebook pages are private. True or False?
False - They are webpages used by many different companies. How do you think ads appear based on your unique information?

8. Facebook photos are private. True, False, or Gotta Be Kidding?
Gotta Be Kidding - Facebook photos are available to all friends, or to friends of friends, or to everyone. Even if they are restricted to friends, that can be a large and leaky list.

9. Using Google is stalking. True, False, or Take Your Meds?
Take Your Meds - Everyone uses search engines to find out published information. That includes photos and messages that will end chances for that choice job. The words "publish" and "public" are closely related. MySpace is even more open than Facebook.

J. P. Meyer's Disciples Turn Easily to Babtist Decision Theology

UOJ led this Stormtrooper into the flamboyant side of the Force.

I wrote before that J. P. Meyer's Ministers of Christ leads someone effortlessly into Decision Theology, because Meyer's own language is thoroughly unLutheran and anti-Scriptural in places. He does not make some points about Corinthians, especially about adulterating the Gospel. But note what happens with his precious UOJ:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More on Justification Book":

In the Feedback section of FIC, A Lutheran Voice, someone spoke of "decision theology" concerning the series on the Holy Spirit.(referring to the NOV. edition) I will quote the feedback that was put in the January 2010 edition:

"I'm compelled to respond to the most recent article in Pastor Degner's series on the Holy Spirit. "Earlier in life I was involved in a variety of "evangelical/fundamental" churches. "Decision theology" was big in their presentation of the gospel. I can recall many Sunday school sessions in which I strived very hard to convince my student to "accept Jesus in to their hearts"-i.e., to accept God's offer of forgiveness and eternal life in Christ. How often I used variations of Pastor Degners's analogy of the rich man trying to give each person in town a million dallars[Nov.]. "Just accept it!" I pleaded. But then God arranged circumstances that brought me into ELS/WELS churches. What a great epiphany occurred when I fully realized and understood that we are totally incapable of accepting salvation; that it is wholly the work of the Holy Spirit as he effectd our new birth by way of his gift of faith in Christ Jesus!"

Here is the response by "one" of the editors:

"Your point about decisions to accept God's gift is well taken. With Luther we confess that we cannot come to Jesus or believe in him by our own power. That is the work of the Holy Spirit by the power of the gospel. Yet Paul invited the jailer simply to "believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." The gospel does come with an invitation that we cannot accept but by the work of the Holy Spirit.-ed."

If GJ and Brett remember, that is taken from the same article that I quoted a few months ago. So we were not the only folks who noticed these things (a few words from that article/universal justification....forgiven and not forgiven)

In Christ,
from WELS church lady