Friday, October 22, 2010

Outrageous Depends on Perspective

"VP Huebner, I saw this cool thing on the Net. Why not call our gourmet coffee shop The Soul Cafe?"

I enjoy looking around the Net, observing the vast gulf between the posture of blogs and the substance.

Most of the blogs copy and congratulate one another, linking one another. They link the safe URLs, nothing outrageous. They stay safe and avoid the real issues, but they are confessional in their own minds and boring.

They prove to me that nothing will change for the better, only for the worse. Too many people complain softly and quietly about conditions but let outrageous doctrine be taught day after day.

What is the last straw? When inept DMB Chairman Fred Adrian began talking, I got up and left the room. DP John Seifert liked his work so much that Ready Freddy got another call.

Copying Groeschel is outrageous on several levels. First is the dishonesty and fraud involved. Second is the stupidity of copying a pathetic circus-clown. The only outrage expressed is blogging against it. Doug the Unready was outraged by Ichabod, nothing else, because "a lot of pastors copy sermons."

Thirty years ago, no one was outraged that their confessional Lutheran leaders were being trained at Fuller Seminary and bragging about it, Willow Creek and sending more pastors to be trained there free. But when I quoted them, 20+ years ago, from their own syphilitic publications, they were outraged. Everyone was outraged. The cowardly leaders of today encouraged me anonymously to continue, as long as they were not involved.

They fed me documents and said nothing.

They told me where to find more evidence and never backed up what I published. Never. Not even with an anonymous letter in their favorite tabloid. Not once. Afraid the WELS KGB would trace the DNA on the postage stamp on the letter that was never sent?

CP John Seifert encouraged me to put DP Robert Mueller on trial, but flipped to Mueller's side when convenient and ran for DP as a conservative replacement!

The WELS leaders say, inspired by the Holy Spirit, "Send a letter." I sent three registered letters to two WELS pastors and Synod President Mark Schroeder. All three signed for the letters. Not one of them answered by mail, email, or phone.

In ten years the Lutherans will look around at the ruins and ask how things got so outrageously bad. They do not care to look at themselves as the cause. Doubtless they will find a scapegoat to blame.

What Sasse Says: Synergism and Catholicism

Hermann Sasse, Adelaide, c. 1975

What Sasse Says: Synergism and Catholicism


Synergism and Catholicism

"If we ask how it is possible that the 'tradition' of the sacrifice of the mass could arise, and gain such an authority that up to the Reformation practically no theologian and no Christian, except a few Waldensians, had any doubts about it, our answer can only be this: The whole idea is another expression of that synergism which entered the church so early, and which became the most characteristic feature of Catholicism, Eastern and Western. Just as the sola gratia and sola fide of the New Testament were abandoned in favour of the theory that in the process of salvation God and man, divine grace and human freedom must cooperate; just as Mary'sfiat(Luke 1:38) was regarded as the necessary human answer to God's redeeming will, so the mass became a sacrifice in which Christ the High Priest and the human priest work together."

From This Is My Body, Luther's Contention for the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar (Augsburg Publishing House 1959; publication rights assigned to Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide 1975; qoutation taken from the Revised Australian Edition 1977, page 17.)

As I write this, Mary MacKillop, Australia's first Roman Catholic 'saint', is being canonised in Rome. It seems to me that if Sasse were writing today, he would be pointing to the continued practice of canonising saints as evidence for Rome's continued adherence to synergism. For Rome the saints, through their exhibition of "heroic virtue", have perfected grace and merited final justification, and thus gained immediate entry into heaven upon death.


GJ - I used the eevul Blog This to create the link and fill in the content. Is this the best one? Another post is coming up.

Nepotism on Call Day in WELS

Ski and Glende are already moving out of the multi-million dollar Popcorn Cathedral and into a refurbished WELS building, where another Emergent Church is worshiping. Not to worry - they have a back-up plan - portable, frugal, and appealing to those who drive rural highways.

Here is the new place for the SORE, sometimes called The Second Temple.

An escapee from the WELS mind-control cult has written some observations about Call Day at The Sausage Factory:

"Anyhow, I wanted to write to you with a blog post/essay request. I'd
love to read your views on Call Day at WLS. While I know that God is in
charge, and his will will be done regardless, what I see in Call Day at
Sem seems to almost make a mockery out of the Holy Spirit's guidance of
the event. I've heard some liken the event to the NFL draft, with DPs
trading and bargaining for one man over another. I've not been witness
to that, only secondhand info. What gets me though is that every year
going back to my Junior year at Sem, I can predict with about 80%
accuracy which Sem grads will be getting calls to the college and prep
schools as Tutors. I've been out of the system for over X years, so I
do not know any of these men from Adam, but just by looking at last
names, I can tell who is going to get those calls. On a side note, I
think they are cakewalk calls, a chance to live expense free for 2
years, sock away cash and/or pay off debt, and have very little real
responsibility. That being the case, those calls go almost exclusively
to those who have "strong synod connections." Have you noticed the same?

Would love to see you write on this, or at least a response to your
thoughts on the matter."


GJ - Nepotism is rampant in WELS, the Little Sect, and the CLC (sic). The calls are supposed to be Top Secret, but I knew one famous name who knew exactly where he was going. I heard similar stories about the Swedish Augustana Synod, almost verbatim - the wheeling and dealing, with a service of reconciliation afterward.

In WELS, being related is the main path to advancement. Another make or break factor is graduation from NW Prep. A common conversational opener is, "My father was..." or "My grandfather was..." Someone noted that so many are related that when a pastor is not related to anyone, the conversation stops.

A DP's son or professor's son may be a terrible call to begin with, to show how humble they are. The second call is 18 steps above the first one.

Calls are also used to bribe people into conforming with CG, and it works well, as three of my former friends can attest, once they emerge from their rabbit warren.

In the CLC (sic), the issue is "how are we related" and "in how many new ways are we related." They have whittled their collective IQ down to about 37 from in-breeding. Soon the race will be sterile or merged with another sect.

The Little Sect on the Prairie is run by three families and "not one has a theologian in them."

All this comes from people paying more attention to their bellies than to the Word of God. In all disputes, it seems, blood is thicker than doctrine.

De-Rez Blog This

bored has left a new comment on your post "Shunning versus Doctrinal Discernment":

Hey Der Dr. Jackson

Color-me-non-early-adopter but I think that the "Blog this" addition to Ichabod is a little distracting.

I would LOVE it if those "Blog this" posts showed up in a right-hand banner, but as they are, inserted into the body of the blog, they are too much.

I don't know what it costs to own a website, but I'll contribute the first $50 bucks. You've outgrown the blog format. I'm sure there is someone with web design skills in your readership who'd set it up pro bono.

just sayin'...


GJ - I had to play with it first. I like the button because I can get the essentials into my blog and fill in the box more easily. Some people have impossible-to-kelm blogs, so Blog This works well.

I teach web design, Bored, and I appreciate the ease of using Blogger. It can be distributed many different ways. I knew from various people that they were using email and printing to get materials to others, including Uncle Roy.

Feel free to copy what you want into a new blog or website. I will link it.

Some may think I am a cad for eliminating Norma Boeckler's art at the top of the page. I am working out a better way to use it in the template. My idea is to create a masthead in Photoshop. User-friendly things have rigid design limitations.

Shunning versus Doctrinal Discernment

Martin Luther College will make a fine prison, with a hilltop view of New Ulm, various upgrades, and refinements.
WELS bought Prairie, a failed Catholic school,
in an emergency session,
poured millions into it,
including a last-minute music building.
The prisoners at Martin Luther Correctional will appreciate
an $8 million chapel.

Lutheran Pietists got their rules on shunning from the Mennonites, who invented them and really tore up families with their notions.

Some of the Syn Conference Lutherans think they are more orthodox because they shun more actively. Here is an insight. Right now the ELCA leaders are shunning anyone who disagrees with their homosexual ordination ideas. On ALPB, ELCA pastors are saying the dissenters deserve being treated like dirt because "they do not agree with ELCA."

Does that remind you of your synod? Recall on the Intrepid (sic) Lutherans site when Marcus Montey (Brenner by marriage) said, "I am surprised that people are confused about the clear teachings of our synod." Notice what trumps the Bible and the Book of Concord? Whatever Holy Mother Synod teaches is the norma normans.

The Intrepids (sic) immediately did a 180 and had Jay Webber do their dance around the grave errors of UOJ. That is like having an LPN perform heart surgery.

When David Valleskey gave his odious essay on the joys of Church Growth, at an Ohio Conference meeting, the Ohio Conference pastors began shunning me in the next few hours. I was quite familiar with Mennonite shunning, since I studied with them in seminary, preached at one of their churches, and counseled with their families about depression caused by their culture of conformity.

That shunning is what gives away WELS and the ELS as mind-control cults. The pastors and laity think there is no salvation outside their cult. They fear the shunning of relatives. This sickness is used to divide husband against wife, parents against children.

We are talking about UOJville, where the Ten Commandments do not exist. Clergy adultery? Never happened - unless it was a dissenter. Clergy murder - never proven. Proven murder - no, he said he was innocent. Millions of dollars disappear - silence. Millions spent to promote false doctrine - no reply. Asking questions - that is slander.

Nothing good will happen until people see the mind-control cult actions for what they are. The silence and secrecy promote the corruption. That is also why WELS/ELS pastors are almost hopeless in discussing doctrine. The intellectual tools are left in the drawer to rust and the only rules are pray, pay, and obey.

Doctrinal Discernment Distinction
Doctrinal discernment is commanded by the Word of God and those obsolete, boring confessions of faith we call the Book of Concord.

The Bereans are the example, in Acts, comparing the Scriptures with the teaching of the Apostles.

When a layman does this today, synod officials send comments to me, ad hominem about the individual. What the leaders should appreciate is depreciated instead. That should tell people all they need to know about their leaders.

Paul said that doctrinal division must happen, to reveal the true doctrine.

KJV 1 Corinthians 11:18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. 19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

The Scriptures denounce doctrinal error in the strongest possible terms, but the synods denounce non-conformity. And they enforce it. Those feeble looking, gosh friendly, get along-go along DPs will bite through 12 penny nails and tear up trees in their wrath, when someone asks them important questions. See for yourself the next time you are kissing Pope John's ring or kneeling at His feet.

People are encouraged to vote "for the right person" and support "our guy" in his error. The apostates adore this approach, because they know there are no survivors from the last 35 years of doctrinal genocide. There are faithful pastors, but they have kept their heads down or have found themselves moved to Buffalo Chip Flats. The ambitious have neutered themselves for the sake of Holy Mother Synod (not the Kingdom) and can be managed.

Instead of fearing the synod, pastors and laity should be fearing the Word of God, which does last forever, unlike synods and schools. Melanchthon Synod anyone? Olive Branch Synod?

The Large Catechism, Preface
10] Besides, it is an exceedingly effectual help against the devil, the world, and the flesh and all evil thoughts to be occupied with the Word of God, and to speak of it, and meditate upon it, so that the First Psalm declares those blessed who meditate upon the Law of God day and night. Undoubtedly, you will not start a stronger incense or other fumigation against the devil than by being engaged upon God's commandments and words, and speaking, singing, or thinking of them. For this is indeed the true holy water and holy sign from which he flees, and by which he may be driven away.

12] And what need is there of many words? If I were to recount all the profit and fruit which God's Word produces, whence would I get enough paper and time? The devil is called the master of a thousand arts. But what shall we call God's Word, which drives away and brings to naught this master of a thousand arts with all his arts and power? It must indeed be the master of more than a hundred thousand arts. 13] And shall we frivolously despise such power, profit, strength, and fruit-we, especially, who claim to be pastors and preachers? If so, we should not only have nothing given us to eat, but be driven out, being baited with dogs, and pelted with dung, because we not only need all this every day as we need our daily bread, but must also daily use it against the daily and unabated attacks and lurking of the devil, the master of a thousand arts.


GJ - How is Pietistic shunning different from what the Bible says? First of all, it is so hypocritical. WELS shunned pastors out of the ministry for questioning Church Growth while promoting an adulterous, divorced pastor who did not even know what Lutheran doctrine was. He was also supported by those same WELS leaders to serve in the ministry again, even though he was unqualified. Add to that the additional efforts to get him into the WELS ministerium and to make him a quasi-ELS pastor - thanks to John Shep, Roger Kovaciny, and Jay Webber.

The WELS/ELS formula is "Shun sound doctrine, embrace false doctrine." That is the mark of apostasy. When I pointed that out many years ago, Oscar Naumann's son walked out of the room. (He is on the praesidium of the shrinking Michigan District, WELS.)

The ELS Little Seminary on the Prairie marched in a religious procession with a Roman Catholic theologian, but treated B. W. Teigen like dirt for teaching the Biblical doctrine of the Real Presence, consecration by the Word.

"Conservative" Lutheran shunning is based on political expediency. They do not mark and avoid false teachers. They do not find a pastor's adultery and having his own child aborted abhorrent. Look at how they work with ELCA while clucking their forked tongues!

Larry Olson's career has been based on his drive-by DMin from Fuller Seminary, and now they want to inflict him on India. Their previous seminary president studied at Fuller and gushed about it to everyone but me, but they dare talk about fellowship principles?