Saturday, July 10, 2021

9,000,032 Views - 19,141 Posts - 19,216 Comments - Founded 2007

Mrs. Ichabod and I waited for the numbers to roll over last night, but it took a few more hours to reach 9 million. Why don't the others put a counter on their sites? 

I have some humorous remarks, but the best ones come from the opponents - see below. They are highly motivating for more blogging and books, as some might have guessed.

Controversies tend to call for books, and I learn a lot from writing each book. I appreciate the help I get from Christina, Norma A. Boeckler, Virginia Roberts, Terry Howell, and Janie Sullivan. I am working on the second edition of The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God.

 Book reviews and comments provide more visibility for books. Thank you, Warren!
Now, everybody - put away your NIVs, ESVs, and New KJVs.


February 3, 2020
17,875 posts

Mrs. Ichabod and I had a watch party this morning, waiting for the Google counter to roll over to 7 million.

Pageviews today

Pageviews yesterday

Pageviews last month

Pageviews  all time history

Posts - All time total - 17,210

Favorite responses from readers - "When you finally die, everyone will be so happy."

"You are a coward."
Signed Anonymous

"Just because I am anonymous does not mean I am a coward."
Signed Anonymous

"You cause trouble everywhere you go."
Sainted District President Robert Mueller

"No one reads Ichabod."
Various ELS and WELS pastors

"You have no credibility!"
ELS Pastor Kincaid Smith

"All your future emails with go into my spam folder!"
Larry Otto Olson, WELS pastor and DMin, Fuller Seminary

"Most of the views are from news articles."

"Sure, you published Luther's Sermons, no wonder there are a lot of views."

"I ignore the content and enjoy the graphics."

"I enjoy the content and then look at the graphics."

 Six Million Post

Five million views - November, 2016.

Four million views in 2015.

Three million views in 2014.

Two million views in 2013.

Posts with More Than 5,000 Views

The Holy Spirit Teaches Better Than Man - 122,000+ views

Dr. Lito Cruz Suggested Using PayPal - Over 88,000 views

Rev. Anonymouse Hates These Luther Sayings - Over 22,000 views

List of Hyles Related Clergy Sex Abuse Cases - over 17,600 views

WELS Discussions on Facebook - Over 17,000 views

WELS Discussions on Facebook II - Above 13,000 views

48 Detroit Parishes May Close - Over 13,000 views

Book of Concord Selections, Luther Resources - over 12,000 views

Famous Lutherans - over 10,600 views

The Pileated Woodpecker Sighted Again - almost 10,000 views

Craig Groeschel Facts Page - over 8,700 views

LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal - Tuition and Loans Support Prof Salaries - over 7,600 views

Lutheran Seminary Fraud - 7,000 views

Chesterton's Donkey Poem - 7,000 views

Navigation Page - Luther's Sermons, Lenker, 8 Volumes - Over 6,700 views

Luther's Sermons - Quinquagesima, 1 Corinthian 13 - 6,700 views

Otten Accuses Harrison of Sexual Harassment Settlement - Over 6600 views

UOJ Study Would Threaten the Rat Temple - 6,000 views

Top Ten Crimes in WELS - 5,000 views

Project Gutenberg - Apology, Love and Fulfilling the Law - 5,000 views

Randy, when he was a bit younger...

How Did the Biblical Professors Publish So Much?



I was going to describe how one famous Harvard Biblical professor only wrote one book, but I found out that he had a few other titles as well. He gave a lecture at Yale Divinity, showing he was dead set against what the Apostle Paul wrote. 

A reader mentioned Theodore Letis (on the Majority Text - KJV), a name I remembered from earlier studies of the KJV. I looked up his books on Alibris. One was $15. The other, being sold on Amazon, was used as well - $541.00, plus $12 shipping! I chose the $15 one. 

In looking up A. T. Robertson, I found he published 35 books in his career. he considered his greatest accomplishment teaching New Testament Greek to Southern Baptist seminarians, numbering 5,000 in all. 

Most people think of Lenski for his New Testament commentaries as his life work, which were an accomplishment. But he wrote other books. The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry has more Lenski titles, all online free, plus many of them as affordable print books on Amazon. He was a parish pastor and district president - so he was well experienced and well worn.

The quality of books is the main issue, not the quantity.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Free Online Book from Lenski's Favorite Greek Scholar

"Archibald Thomas Robertson was born at Cherbury near Chatham, Virginia. He was educated at Wake Forest (N. C.) College (M. A., 1885) and at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), Louisville, Kentucky (Th. M., 1888), where he was thereafter instructor and professor of New Testament interpretation, and remained in that post until one day in 1934, when he dismissed his class early and went home and died of a stroke.

Robertson's books are still consulted today, particularly his Word Pictures in the New Testament and his landmark volume A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in Light of Historical Research. In all, he published 45 books, several of which are still in print today. Robertson helped found the Baptist World Alliance in 1900. He was an important Southern Baptist and a well-respected scholar in his day. Robertson sought to equip his students with the proper tools for good preaching." Wikipedia

“The present volume of essays is designed for those who love the Greek New Testament… The drift back towards Greek is definite, particularly among ministers. In the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, for instance, three hundred young ministers were enrolled during the past session in the various classes in the Greek New Testament, besides those who had carried such work in previous sessions. This is nearly three-fourths of the total number of students, and shows conclusively that Greek is not dead in this institution.

“On May 1, 1923, I completed thirty-five years of service as a teacher of the Greek New Testament… it is a comfort to me beyond words to know that all over the world there are former students of mine, some five thousand in all, who are teaching the truth as it is in Jesus. And I may be allowed a word of felicitation in this my Festjahr to all ministers and teachers of the Greek New Testament everywhere, who revel in the riches of Christ in the greatest treasure of all the books of earth, the Greek New Testament.” — A. T. Robertson

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.

Book Contents

About The Lutheran Library



1 The Minister’s Use Of His Greek Testament: Some Knowledge Of Greek Possible To All

The Language Of The Common Man

The Real New Testament

Translation Not Enough

The Preacher A Bible Specialist

Originality In Preaching

Enrichment Of One’s Own Mind

Grammar As A Means Of Grace

The Tools And The Man

Learning To Use The Greek

New Helps For The Student

The Charm Of The Greek

2 Notes On A Specimen Papyrus Of The First Century A.D.

3 The Use Of Ὑπέρ In Business Documents In The Papyri

4 Pictures In Prepositions

5 The Greek Article And The Deity Of Christ

6 The New Testament Use Of μή With Hesitant Questions In The Indicative Mode

7 Grammar And Preaching: Paul Vs. Peter And John

Not Pleading A Lost Cause

The Minister A Specialist

The Shop And The Sermon

The Preacher A Linguist

Exactness In Exegesis

The Preacher A Psychologist

A Closed Greek Testament

8 Sermons In Greek Tenses

9 John Brown Of Haddington Or Learning Greek Without A Teacher

10 The Grammar Of The Apocalypse Of John

11 The Romance Of Erasmus’ Greek New Testament

12 Broadus As Scholar And Preacher

Copyright Notice

Order a Printed Copy


GJ - Those people who read Lenski will recall how often the professor cites Robertson for grammatical tips in the Greek New Testament. Those who want to check out the book for free can obtain it at this link -

The Minister and His Greek New Testament - free online.

The print version of The Minister and His Greek NT is here on Amazon.

 Approved by Lenski!

We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend

"We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend"
by Unknown
Translated by Matthias Loy, 1828-1915

1. We thank Thee, Jesus, dearest Friend,
That Thou didst into heaven ascend.
O blessed Savior, bid us live
And strength to soul and body give.

2. Ascended to His throne on high,
Hid from our sight, yet always nigh;
He rules and reigns at God's right hand
And has all power at His command.

3. The man who trusts in Him is blest
And finds in Him eternal rest;
This world's allurements we despise
And fix on Christ alone our eyes.

4. We therefore heartily rejoice
And sing His praise with cheerful voice;
He captive led captivity,
From bitter death He set us free.

5. Through Him we heirs of heaven are made;
O Brother, Christ, extend Thine aid
That we may firmly trust in Thee
And through Thee live eternally.

Hymn #223
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ephesians 4:8
Author: Unknown, 1607, cento.
Translated by: Matthias Loy, 1880, alt.
Titled: "Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ"
Tune: "Erschienen ist"
Composer: Nikolaus Herman, 1560

Hymn - The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us

"The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us"
by Johann Walther
Translated by Matthias Loy, 1828-1915

1. The Bridegroom soon will call us:
Come, all ye wedding-guests!
May not His voice appal us
While slumber binds our breasts!
May all our lamps be burning
And oil be found in store
That we, with Him returning,
May open find the door!

2. There shall we see delighted
Our dear Redeemer's face,
Who leads our souls benighted
To glory by His grace.
The patriarchs shall meet us,
The prophets' holy band,
Apostles, martyrs, greet us
In that celestial land.

3. They will not blush to own us
As brothers, sisters dear;
Love ever will be shown us
When we with them appear.
We all shall come before Him
Who for us man became,
As Lord and God adore Him,
And ever bless His name.

4. Our Father, rich in blessing,
Will give us crowns of gold
And, to His bosom pressing,
Impart a bliss untold,
Will welcome with embraces
Of never-ending love,
And deck us with His graces
In blissful realms above.

5. In yonder home shall never
Be silent music's voice;
With hearts and lips forever
We shall in God rejoice.
The angels shall adore Him,
All saints shall sing His praise
And bring with joy before Him
Their sweetest heavenly lays.

6. In mansions fair and spacious
Will God the feast prepare
And, ever kind and gracious,
Bid us its riches share.
There bliss that knows no measure
From springs of love shall flow,
And never-changing pleasure
His bounty will bestow.

7. Thus God shall from all evil
Forever make us free,
From sin and from the devil,
From all adversity,
From sickness, pain, and sadness,
From troubles, cares, and fears,
And grant us heavenly gladness
And wipe away our tears.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #67 from The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Matthew 25: 6
Author: Johann Walther, 1552, cento
Translated by: Matthias Loy, 1880
Titled: "Der Braeut'gam wird bald rufen"
Tune: "Ach Gott vom Himmelreiche"
1st Published in: "Musae Sioniae," VII, 1609

Hymn - Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy - #298

"Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy"
by Johann J. Rambach, 1693-1735
Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1829-1878

1. Baptized into Thy name most holy,
O Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
I claim a place, though weak and lowly,
Among Thy seed, Thy chosen host.
Buried with Christ and dead to sin,
Thy Spirit now shall live within.

2. My loving Father, Thou dost take me
To be henceforth Thy child and heir;
My faithful Savior, Thou dost make me
The fruit of all Thy sorrows share;
Thou, Holy Ghost, wilt comfort me
When darkest clouds around I see.

3. And I have vowed to love and fear Thee
And to obey Thee, Lord, alone;
Because the Holy Ghost did move me,
I dared to pledge myself Thine own,
Renouncing sin to keep the faith
And war with evil unto death.

4. My faithful God, Thou failest never,
Thy covenant surely will abide;
Oh, cast me not away forever
Should I transgress it on my side!
Though I have oft my soul defiled,
Do Thou forgive, restore, Thy child.

5. Yea, all I am and love most dearly
I offer now, O Lord, to Thee,
Oh, let me make my vows sincerely
And help me Thine own child to be!
Let naught within me, naught I own,
Serve any will but Thine alone.

6. And never let my purpose falter,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
But keep me faithful to Thine altar
Till Thou shalt call me from my post,
So unto Thee I live and die
And praise Thee evermore on high.

Hymn #298
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Matthew 28:19
Author: Johann J. Rambach, 1734, ab.
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1863, alt.
Titled: "Ich bin getauft auf deinen Namen"
Composer: Kornelius Dretzel, 1731
Tune: "O dass ich tausend"


At the Bird Feeders


 Cardinals make sure I know they are hungry.

The bird books say - the male Cardinal is shy and lets the female test the feeder first. When I go out the kitchen door, the birds begin singing - or rather calling - in their loudest voices. Leaving food on the barrels, step stool, and window sills (the last for baby squirrels), I go inside and look out the window. But not before activating the chimes.

At the window I look for the first visitors. Often it is the male Cardinal, and there he was today, picking up his peanut or corn and flying back to safety.

The baby squirrels are the most fun. They are being taught to leave mom alone and go out on their own. "Eat at Jacksons - they always have food," the mother squirrels says. So I see big-eyed baby squirrels enjoying breakfast on the window sills. They are just like human babies in having eyes full of wonder, looking inside, wondering how so much good food can appear on the sill.

There is no fear. They look at my face inches away and go on with their feeding. A peanut looks pretty good in the squirrel's paws.

I move the toddler pools around and keep them filled with a few inches of water. Birds hop in and out. If I can position a pool to be shallow and deep, groups of starlings will go in together and have a riot splashing.

Birds fear deep water, so I keep one part of the pool dry, if possible. Now that I have seen our possum at night, I wonder how often she gets a drink of water too.

Given enough time, birds and squirrels can train almost any adult human to be on time, generous with food, and willing to add extra treats. God gave them that talent.

 Those are bird feeders, Walnut, not squirrel feeders. And you are resting on their perch.

Human reason can not submit to the providences of God


Human reason can not submit to the providences of God, the ways in which He leads His saints and elect. For the most part God’s leadings seem strange, incomprehensible, unreasonable and altogether at variance with the object in view, yet ending in perfect blessedness, glory and triumph. 

Only look to Golgotha. God slays Him who is to make all alive. He allows Christ, by whom all should be saved and received into sonship, to be condemned, cursed and rejected. In order to gather the sheep, He allows the Shepherd to be torn asunder by the wolves. At Christ’s death God permits darkness to fall upon the whole earth in order that there might arise a Light for all men. In this way He leads all who are dear to Him. From, the Original on Golgotha all copies are taken. Mark that and look diligently at the way in which God’s Son, the Well-beloved of the Father, walks; for this way you also must walk, within and without, if you allow the Lord to lead you, not leading yourself. 

Your heart will often feel bruised, wounded, forsaken, yea, dead: you will believe that you are completely lost and already in hell. But if your heart even then does not depart from the Lord; if you still trust in Him and stretch your arms out toward Him, then He will inspire you with new life, enlighten and gladden you, and, as it were, transport you into heaven. He puts a new song in your mouth. Do not, however, become self-sufficient; do not become secure! The sun will once more go down; the sky will once more be clouded; but it will clear off again. Do not be frightened because of this change. 

Thus God deals with us here on earth. Only cling to Christ in faith. Through everything, through light and darkness, through life and death, through heaven and hell, He leads you securely to the goal.

From the section, “Monday After the Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity.” John Goszner’s Treasury

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Basic Characteristics of Failing Lutheran Synods - Loud Echoes from ELCA

The top two leaders of ELCA. Listen up!

How the LCMS-ELS-WELS smacked their lips! - at the thought of ELCA members cascading off the sinking ship like ants leaving the logs on a bonfire. That was 1987.

But all the LCMS-ELS-WELS did was copy the follies of ELCA:

LCMS published a new hymnal.

WELS published a new hymnal.

The ELS published a new hymnal. - 

Remember when all three had the same hymnal? And it still beats them hands down.

 ELCA pastor and lecturer, Bolz-Weber.

LCMS pursued Fuller Seminary degrees and boasted.

WELS pursued Fuller Seminary degrees and boasted.

The ELS did more of the same, but quietly.

LCMS worked with ELCA and their Brunhildas.

WELS worked with ELCA and their Brunhildas.

The ELS quietly did the same.

LCMS used the wretched NIV and bragged about using the ESV!

WELS stuck with the horrible NIV and its even worse successor - the New NIV!

The ELS feigned conservatism with some use of the New KJV.

LCMS abandoned the liturgy, creeds, and the KJV.

WELS abandoned the liturgy, creeds, and the KJV.

The ELS marched quietly in step with Big Brother.


Retired and tired.

Could that be why the Synodical Conference, 21st Century, has failed as miserably as ELCA?

Would that explain WELS adding 25 contemptible Calvinist hymns to their pricey new hymnal?

Does this mean the ELS will collapse even faster?

Who Has Benefited from Ecumenism and Institutional Mergers?
Answer - The Apostates, Who Now Have the Money and Properties

The print copy and Kindle version of Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure can be found here.

Unionism is the term used by Lutherans who claim their forefathers came over to avoid the forced Prussian Union of Calvinist and Lutheran Churches. The idea was to keep the Lutherans silent about the Calvinists' rejection of:
  1. The Spirit and Word at work together;
  2. The efficacy of the Word;
  3. The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.
  4. Holy Baptism, like the Eucharist is the Visible Word with divine effect.
Bishop Martin Stephan claimed persecution under those rules. Like his episcopal title, that was something he dreamed up on his own, to facilitate intimacy with young women who came down with his horrid disease - syphilis. 

Stephan and the Walther circle of pastors were all Pietists, so their separatism had more to do with being apart from the sinful world than being together with Calvinists. Pietists downplayed doctrinal differences. Stephan was under house arrest when he ordered his followers to leave, so his courtroom losses were were issues of misused funds and young women. His followers covered that up until Walther organized a riot in Perryville, Missouri, at a convenient time, stealing Stephan's gold, property, clothes, and books.  

The Prussian Union was a merger that severely damaged the cause of Lutheran doctrine in Europe, but Americans soon forget. By the time of World War I, all the Lutherans wanted to work together for war relief. Various Lutheran bodies began helping a war-ravaged Europe by sending food, clothing, and needed goods overseas. The leaders said, "But don't let me catch you praying together." (I made that up.)

The Great Depression caused Lutherans to think the Depression was their fault rather than the power bestowed on the Federal Reserve private banking act. Liberal Lutherans and mainline denominations favored or at least tolerated Rauschbusch and the Social Gospel Movement. The Social Gospel leaders promoted Socialism, and all true Socialists are Marxists in three-piece suits.

World relief and the Social Gospel paved the path to mergers of all denominations. Each one set a course for rationalistic views of the Bible (Jesus was only a man, and there were no miracles were basic dogmas.) The more they merged denominations, schools, and seminaries, the more the institutions began failing and begging for more mergers.

Now the apostate leaders of LCMS-WELS-ELS-ELCA-CLC have all the money, endowments, and property - but they loathe Biblical, Lutheran doctrine. They despise the King James Bible because they make money being vassals of the Calvinist, rationalistic, and pope-loving NIV and ESV Bibles. They emphasize the Roman Catholic Apocrypha, and ELDONA routinely bangs the drum for these non-canonical books. They should work on their violations of the Eighth Commandment and the Adiaphora article in the Formula of Concord before they lecture their tiny audience on the Apocrypha. (Note an "apocryphal story" is a common label for a claim without verification.)

But wait! Below is an honest view of the Apocrypha.

Westcott and Hort, who loathed the Majority Text of the King James and Luther Bibles, forced the minority Sinaiticus (Aleph) and Vaticanus (B) on the Revision committee, keeping that a secret until the moment the stillborn Revision was issued in 1881. Sneaky, dishonest, crafty, self-serving? Those men are the idols of text scholars todays.

"I loathe the Majority Text!" (the New Testament Greek text of Erasmus, Luther, and the KJV)

 Heiser appointed himself bishop, just as Randy DeJaynes did.
Bibles used? Anything goes.


Mitres, copes, and incense are a major expense for ELDONA.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A Message for NIV and ESV Fans.
The Problem Could Be As Simple as This

I have been reading books by David W. Daniels, who simplifies the long and complicated history of the Bible this way - Catholic Bible versus the real Bible. I will condense it.

The first instance is the promotion of Jerome's Vulgate as the first Latin Bible. That is not true. The first Latin Bible is called the Old Latin - and they differ. 

As you may know, Lutherans have been promoting the Church Fathers for a long time. The LCA/ELCA began marking the saints days, and Paul McCain posted "his" bios of various early fathers, which matched The Catholic Encyclopedia verbatim (except the source). Cascione's LutherQuest happily linked those posts without checking the source.

The LCMS has a big contingent of Rome wannabees among the pastors and professors. One can see that in the ELS (Webber) and ELDONA (all their priests, deacons, and incense salesmen).

One reason the LCMS seminaries turn out Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priests is their gushing about everything high church, the fancy clothing, and the saints/patriarchs. The first and only court pastor at the Purple Palace was Missouri pastor obsessed with Mary.

The Vatican's treatment of the Bible has not been kind or honest. Rome has always promoted the Apocrypha, and Rome-pleasing Protestants try to make those uninspiring books crucial for study. ELDONA has its own professor of the Apocrypha.

Erasmus did his Church dirty by using the Majority or Byzantine text. Thus the Reformation was founded on the original Greek New Testament. The rabbis did not play games with the Hebrew Old Testament.

The Vatican had to have its own Bible and Apocrypha and finally countered with the Douai-Rheims version. The most basic division between Catholics and Protestants has been the papal Bible versus the genuine text.


Tischendorf began the Protestant adoption of the Catholic Bible with his phony discovery of Sinaiticus. The various versions of that story reek of deception and self-promotion. For instance, Tischendorf found this magic codex being 1) burnt to warm the monastery library, or 2) dumped in the trash. Leather does not burn well  and monk librarians do not throw away unique books. Call this Codex Sinaiticus or Aleph or use the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet (which is Alelph). 

Tischendorf also "found" Vaticanus, which is designated B. How clever - the "most important ones" are Aleph and B. I feel a vision coming on - a vision where all the "errors" of the Majority Text are fixed by Aleph and Vaticanus.

That is what happened, starting with failed the Revision of the KJV in 1881. Westcott and Hort secretly imposed their Greek New Testament text - based on Aleph and B - on the translators/editors. The Revision was a failure and the phony Greek text rejected by most scholars at the time. But the next generation of text scholars embraced the hubris of Westcott-Hort and made that Catholic version the Standard Text. Note that Hort favored a Mary religion over a Jesus religion and loathed the Majority Text. Westcott-Hort rejected the 5,000 Majority Text examples over five forgotten ones.

I can vouch for the theory that heresy is more often found when false teachers erase than when they add. The common plea is that Westcott-Hort, both unbelievers, had good reason to erase so many passages from the Greek text. 

I have had that experience in the LCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-ELDONUT-CLC (sic). All of them reject my publications based on Biblical Lutheran doctrine. 

  1. WELS-ELS sold Liberalism, Its Cause and Cure in three editions but hastened to remove it from their list. (Ask Valleskey, who never went to Fuller Seminary, about that.) 
  2. WELS accepted and then rejected Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant for publication. Those who wanted it published distributed it via NPH, which probably made heads roll. 
  3. As an independent, I published Thy Strong Word, which LutherQuest (sic) ridiculed and Logia refused to advertise (using my money). 
  4. ELDONUTs sold copies of Thy Strong Word but later were so hateful at a conference that free copies of my books were ordered to be taken out of sight. 
  5. The so-called free and open Emmaus Conferences banned my materials which were brought there for free.
  6. The Church of the Lutheran Confession (pause for laughter about the ironic title) went nuts over anything I did, even though I published a series of articles in their little magazine. Both Tiefels (James and Paul), David Menton, Steve Kurtzahn, and various other opponents of the Lutheran Reformation did their best to silence my writings and motivate me to do more.
  7. Herman Otten banned everything I wrote, after selling plenty of my books, and blocked anything good written about my works, no matter who wrote it. 
  8. Cub editor of Christian News, Philip Hale gets free review copies of my books, but he does not even acknowledge they exist. 
  9. I could go back to the LCA, when they published a cover story on Luther that I wrote. My mother provided a cover photo for another issue. Soon, nobody LCA wanted to hear from me. They were off to Lala land. 
I wrote that personal history of erasing, shunning, and silencing so people can see the impact of that attitude in dealing with the Greek New Testament. Here is your exercise.
Look up Acts 8:36-7 in the KJV. 

KJV Acts 8:36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?

37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Clearly, verse 37 answers the question. But we know from Catholicism and false teachers that faith in Jesus Christ is not really important. Their dogma is, but faith in the Savior is not.

Using (owned by NIV), look at the versions that do not include verse 37 or dump it into a footnote, which means - we do not believe this belongs.

Results - 

ESV -  NO RESULTS FOUND - verse 8:37.

And Philip said, “If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
[Philip said to him, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he replied, “I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”]
And Philip said, If you believe with all your heart [if you have a conviction, full of joyful trust, that Jesus is the Messiah and accept Him as the Author of your salvation in the kingdom of God, giving Him your obedience, then] you may. And he replied, I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
As they were going along the road, they came to a place where there was some water. The official said, “Look! Here is some water. Why can’t I be baptized?”
No results.
And Philip said: If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. And he answering, said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
No results.
| Philip answered, “If you believe with all your heart, you can.” The officer said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”|
And Philip said unto him, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. Then he answered, and said, I believe that that Jesus Christ is that Son of God.
No results.
[ And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart you may.” And he replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”]
[Philip answered, “If you believe with all your heart, you can.” The officer said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”]
And Philip said, If thou dost believe with all thine heart, thou may. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
“You can,” Philip answered, “if you believe with all your heart.” And the eunuch replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
As they continued down the road, they came to a stream of water. The eunuch said, “Here’s water. Why can’t I be baptized?” He ordered the chariot to stop. They both went down to the water, and Philip baptized him on the spot. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of God suddenly took Philip off, and that was the last the eunuch saw of him. But he didn’t mind. He had what he’d come for and went on down the road as happy as he could be.
Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” He answered, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
[And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”]
And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” The eunuch said in reply, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”]
[ Philip answered, “If you believe with all your heart, you can.” The officer said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”]
As they traveled along the road, they came to some water. The official said, “Look! Here is water! What can stop me from being baptized?”

No results.
No results.
Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
(*Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” The man said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”)
Philip said to him, If you believe with all your heart, you may be. He answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
[And Philippos said, “If you have emunah b’chol levavcha, it is mutar. And he answered, saying, Ani ma’amin ki Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Ben HaElohim hu.]
Philip replied, “If you believe with all your heart, I’ll baptize you.” The man answered, “I believe that Jesus is the Anointed One, the Son of God.”
And Philip said to him, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” Then he answered, and said, “I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
No results.
Philip: [ If you believe in your heart that Jesus the Anointed is God’s Son, then nothing can stop you. The Ethiopian said that he believed.]
No results.
Philip answered, `If you believe with all your heart, you may be baptised.' The man said, `I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.'
And Philip said, If thou believest of all thine heart, it is leaveful. And he answered, and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
[And Philip said, `If thou dost believe out of all the heart, it is lawful;' and he answering said, `I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God;']