Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lenski on Matthew 7:15ff

Lenski is not as thrilling as Ski and Glende's fave - Groeschel.
Lenski doesn't scream and make his veins bulge.

22) This is evident when Jesus now particularizes with regard to the false prophets. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in thy name and in thy name throw out devils and in thy name perform many works of power? Taking the false prophets by themselves, we see how they and all their followers kept saying, “Lord, Lord!” during their life here on earth (v. 21). They made the Lord most prominent not merely by what they said but equally also by all that they did. Jesus says that they will continue this and say, “Lord, Lord!” even “in that day,” which needs no further specification since all know that the final day of judgment is referred to. They will then remind the Lord that they prophesied “in thy name,” the adjective σῷ being more emphatic than the pronoun. Three times they will repeat this significant phrase. Here, too, (6:9) ὄνομα means “revelation,” that by which the Lord is known and makes himself known to us. On prophesying see v. 15. The sheep’s clothing of all false prophets is this use of the name and revelation of the Lord. Whether they are sincere or not, all their prophesying and their other works are connected with the name and Word of the Lord. All their false doctrines are set forth as being the Lord’s true doctrines. In all they say and do they will claim to represent him and his Word far more genuinely than the true prophets and disciples of Christ.

Nor do they lack works of all kinds, they even point to great miracles, 24:24, but compare 2 Thess. 2:9–12: “lying wonders.” Many are willing to grant that false prophets are able to drive out devils from persons actually possessed, quoting Mark 9:38–40, and Luke 9:49, etc., where, however, Jesus’ own word shuts out this conclusion. “He that is not against us is for us.” As these are false or lying prophets, however much they use the Lord’s name and revelation, their miracles are lying wonders. The term δύναμις is used with reference to “a work of power,” here including all works that seem to require supernatural power. In 24:24 these are described as being so astonishing that they would deceive, if it were possible, the very elect. But already Deut. 13:1–3 furnishes us the proper safeguard: not the apparent miracle but the Word decides who is a true prophet. When Jesus points to his works in John 10:36, etc., he does so only as these corroborate his word.

23) And then will I confess to them (ihnen unvmwunden erklaeren, B.-P.), Not at any time did I acknowledge you. Be withdrawing from me, you that work the lawlessness. “Confess,” ὁμολογεῖν, is here a frank and full statement. The consternation it will produce is left to the imagination. Ὅτι is recitativum although some regard it as meaning “because,” yet ἀποχωρεῖτε is certainly direct discourse, and it is difficult to assume that we here have a mixture of indirect and direct discourse. The verb γινώσκειν is here used in an intensive sense, noscere cum affectu et effectu, “to know as one’s own,” hence “to acknowledge.” The Lord knew all about these false prophets and their doings but he never knew that they bore any relation to him. Now that they would enter his kingdom of glory he orders them away from himself, whose name and Word they have so long abused. The nominative of the participle is used as a vocative: “you that work the lawlessness.” This command and this address are evidently appropriated from Ps. 6:8. The abstract ἀνομία matches its opposite δικαιοσύνη (5:6, 21); the latter harmonizes with the divine norm of right (δίκη), the former clashes with it. The present participle ἐργαζόμενοι indicates constant character: “they who always work,” etc. In the public judgment at the last day works are decisive as being the open evidence of the inner relation of the heart. The greatest and most fatal work of lawlessness is to pervert the Lord’s Word in the Lord’s own name and to foist this perversion upon others. That is why the Antichrist is called ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῆς ἀνομίας, “the man of lawlessness,” 2 Thess. 2:3. The result of this central perversion is that all works radiating from this center are likewise perverted. The ἀνομία does not imply that the law is set aside; it is anomistic and antinomistic to follow the law outwardly without the true spirit of faith and love, 1 Cor. 13:1–3.

In verses 21–23 Jesus does an astonishing thing: he speaks of himself as the Judge and Lord before whom even the false prophets and their followers must appear at the last day. So spoke neither Moses nor any of the prophets including the Baptist. From his lips will come the fateful words of v. 23, which are announced in this sermon in advance. In the expression “my Father” Jesus proclaims his divine Sonship. These final words of the third part of the sermon cast their glorious light over every word that precedes. Read as the utterances of God’s Son and our Judge at the last day, every sentence grows clearer, every command more impressive. No wonder the effect was that which Matthew records in v. 28, 29.

Lenski, R. C. H.: The Interpretation of St. Matthew's Gospel. Minneapolis, MN. : Augsburg Publishing House, 1961, S. 306

bruce-church said...

Church growth advice: bad coffee at church may signal deep spiritual problems. Is that reading tea leaves, or what?!

Why is church coffee so often bad?

Not all church coffee is bad, but the issue that poor church coffee raises is deeper and more troubling. It is that much of what we do as churches can often be described as substandard, second best, mediocre or weak.

Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod

WELS Pastor Tim Glende posed with the Black-eyed Peas,
who appear rather uncomfortable.

I have established that the fake Ichabod blogger and the Anonymouse Shrinker blogger (same person) are from Appleton. I provoked the Appleton bunch and watched Feedjit. The moment Anonymouse posted, the Appleton light was glowing. It also revealed a Mac OS, which is somewhat rare among all computer users, but is used by The CORE Appleton bunch.

I get great intell from all over, eh?

After I revealed that, Anonymouse stopped posting comments. Appleton is a steady reader of this blog, and I am sure that includes more than a few people. Narcissists love reading about themselves.

Reactions are fun to watch. When a WELS member identified Glende as Cecil, always getting Beany (Ski) out of trouble, the Anonymouse Shrinker blog was erased completely, without warning. Getting too close?

Now that I am ruminating about Glende and the Columbus adulterous CG pastor connection, the fake Ichabod is silent. I looked over all his previous posts, which were a consistent testimony to the ignorance of Mequon graduates. There are some good WELS pastors, but that has to be in spite of their education and not because of it.

Here is the utter juiciness of the whole situation - whether the blog comes from Glende, a group around Glende, or another Appleton pal:

1. I never attended a session by false teacher when I was in WELS, except for two occasions - gathering intell on Schumann (Glende's non-WELS home congregation) at a CG conference; observing but not worshiping with Hybels at Willow Creek. But the Appleton bunch is active in attending non-Lutheran worship and "outreach" events, always being taught by false teachers.
2. The only ecumenical meetings I attended were the Columbus WELS pastors' meetings. I was the only Lutheran there. The Columbus pastors refused to hold circuit meetings until they were finally forced to do so. But Glende is currently attending non-Lutheran events and deceiving his own congregation about it - Driscoll, Andy Stanley, etc.
3. The fake blogger condemns me for actually knowing the content of famous Lutheran authors, but Glende preaches Groeschel each week and works with Ski to do the same.
4. What is the word the fake blogger likes to use? Hypocrisy! That would be the Glende bunch blogging against me quoting Lutherans while they plagiarize Groeschel and copy the New Age bunch.
5. The fake blogger condemned me for copying pictures, even though I customize photos (or get them from my helpers, customized). But the fake blogger copies my Photoshops without permission. What is the word I am thinking of? Oh yes - hypocrisy. WELS is full of such sanctimony but it seems purest in Appleton and at its prime when emerging from St. Peter, Freedom.
6. The fake blogger is always outraged about my humor, but his humor consists of posing a cat (my face) on a toilet and having people he names eating from that toilet. I hate to mention this disgusting display, but it says a lot about the mental state of the author, whoever he may be.
7. The fake blogger is full of condemnation, but what do we make of a pastor who attacks someone for losing two daughters to a mysterious disorder? This behavior comes from the "outreach" capital of the Wisconsin Synod. No wonder WELS is shrinking from the Shrinkers.
8. Last of all, the fake Ichabod pretends to be God's attack dog for orthodoxy, but his favorite themes are Church Growth and UOJ.

If Glende is so upset that I attended acadenic centers like Yale and Notre Dame, why is so protective of David Valleskey, who attended Fuller Seminary as a WELS pastor and lied about it? Does the Fox Valley circuit know what Lutheran doctrine is, what unionism is?

This is my favorite part. The fake Ichabod is known for his hissy-fits about Yale and Notre Dame, but Glende says he can do anything he wants in his parish because of "eight years of higher education."

And so little to show for it!

So why is it so bad to have the same years of accredited education (college plus seminary) plus a master's degree at Yale University (where Uncle John Brug studied) and seven years at Notre Dame, not to mention another master's in adult education and 20 hours in journalism. Glende's little college no longer exists, thanks to the Shrinkers he admires so much.

Moreover, I am not ashamed of my posts. I do not have to hide. Nor do I feel a compulsion to copy others. Instead, they copy me.


ELCA Pastor Craig Nehring

Weekly sermons has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

I'm sorry, but is this all you do during the day-post comments and then seek who is opposing you (and of course, brag about your education). Perhaps if you need to find something to do, you could actually be called to a church and serve as a pastor?


GJ - Unlike others who blog or spend their time posting on other blogs, I do have an education, not to mention decades of pastoral experience.

Craig and Tim, you blog with an MDiv and a few years of experience.

I mention education because the WELS pastors have this routine about how superior their education is. That venture into higher education apparently excludes grammar, spelling, and Lutheran doctrine.

Craig, confidentially - it is significant that the Number Two in ELCA, Stan Olson, who graduated from Luther, was a fellow student with me in the doctoral seminar at Yale University, where I earned an STM. By the way, his official ELCA bio still says he grew up on a "diary farm," so I figure ELCA is a bit slow on spelling, too.

My normal readership is 1,000 page reads a day, so some think it is worthwhile to stop and browse a while.

I welcome gratuitous comments, especially from ELCA pastors.


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

In response to Weekly sermons:

Pastor Jackson was called to Bethany and serves as pastor. You want to talk about weekly sermons? Scroll down a couple of posts and you will find Pastor GJ's sermon printed for all to see. The services are recorded on vimeo stream (spelling?) and Bible classes can also be viewed. He has plenty to do and sees to the medical needs of his wife. At this very moment, Pastor GJ is trying to complete a book for publication. Are any of us this multi-tasked? He recently down-sized his library, and offered theIchabod readers some of the best books by Lutheran teachers. If this isn't enough, did I mention the countless phone calls and personal emails from GJ's Synodical Lutheran pastor and laymen friends?(95% which are WELS!!)

The people who oppose Glende are WELS pastors and laity who alerted Pastor Jackson. Tim Glende should count himself lucky! Pastor GJ is being very gracious and has NOT posted some very real disturbances. Intrepid Lutherans would not be in existance if it were not for the efforts of Ichabod. When our Creeds and Lutheran Confessions are gone, we will be just like the ELCA (or worse!) Yes, it is all in the name of Christian Freedom. The apostasy defines this as having no rules. Check out the Sectarian Worship series on Intrepid Lutherans, where an on-going discussion is being held.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


peeved ( has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

Pr. Jackson, once you pointed out the shortcomings in their canonized David Valleskey, you were in trouble. Idolatry is at the heart of it.


wildcard ( has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

I will go further and state that they idolize themselves and their own opinions – no matter how ridiculous their opinions may be.


GJ - You are right. If they had a real DP--instead of Doug the Unready--the problems would be addressed. Deputy Doug thinks I am the problem. Is that rich? He blamed me and this little blog in his letter - when he failed to show up for the meeting.

Maybe he should be called Dougout Doug.

Captn Huffnpuff is pretty accurate too.

The Holy Spirit district re-elected him. Another DP, Free, said Doug was "worthless."

More Good News from the ELCA Lutheran

Swartling spoke candidly to the assembly. Our capacity to do ministry interdependently has been diminished by congregations leaving and withholding mission support. Eighty percent of financial resources come from mission support. The economy and some responses to the decisions of the 2009 Churchwide Assembly on issues of sexuality have been significant factors. 2009 income is the lowest in the 22-year history of the ELCA. We are now working with about 50 percent of the 1988 budget. If cuts continue in 2010, everything in the ELCA will be affected.


Lutherhill Ministries is an ELCA Summer Camp and Year Round Retreat Center. In April, 2010, Lutherhill hosted a gay youth retreat in cooperation with Spiritual Pride Project. They describe the retreat this way -

"We are offering a weekend camp retreat as a safe, accepting and loving community where GLBTQIA (Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Question Intersex and Allied) youth can discuss how their sexuality and sprituality are beautiful gifts from God. We will accompany each other on the faith journey as we celebrate and struggle with our faith, family, friends, school, relationships, and everything in between. This is still camp after all, so we will enjoy God's creation and have a blast sharing our creative talents, playing games,and challenging each other. All People of all belief backgrounds are welcome!" (see here)

Lutherhill Ministries is a ministry of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. It is located
in LaGrange, TX. (see here)

You maybe able to keep false teaching out of your church, for a little while, but the ELCA is promoting their social policies, view of scripture and heresy everywhere and to everyone, including to our youth.

The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

By Norma Boecker

The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Time

The Hymn # 39 Praise to the Lord 3:1
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Gospel
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #260 O Lord Look Down 3:41

Figs from Figs

The Communion Hymn # 307 Draw Nigh 3:72
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 309 O Jesus Blessed Lord 3:70

KJV Romans 8:12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. 13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
KJV Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Eighth Sunday After Trinity
Lord God, heavenly Father, we most heartily thank Thee that Thou hast caused us to come to the knowledge of Thy word. We pray Thee: graciously keep us steadfast in this knowledge unto death, that we may obtain eternal life; send us now and ever pious pastors, who faithfully preach Thy word, without offense or false doctrine, and grant them long life. Defend us from all false teachings, and frustrate Thou the counsels of all such as pervert Thy word, who come to us in sheep's clothing, but are inwardly ravening wolves, that Thy true Church may evermore be established among us, and be defended and preserved from such false teachers, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Figs from Figs

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

This lesson condemns all false doctrine and those false teachers who destroy the flock with it. But it also encourages people to trust the Word of God and those who teach the Word in its purity and truth.

7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Spener, the leader of Pietism, was the first union theologian. He borrowed from the Reformed leader Labadie, who borrowed his cell group idea from the Roman Catholics. Spener had a tremendous negative impact on all Lutherans by making it seem sinful to question false doctrine. Love and cooperation were more important that sound doctrine. False doctrine, cooperation, and unionism go together.

In contrast, the Reformation started because Luther clearly identified and condemned false doctrine. He was not the first Medieval leader to teach the Gospel. He was almost unique in saying, “If this is the Gospel, then the pope is wrong.” Hus was burned at the stake for similar statements, which may explain why such teaching did not become popular.

So all the Pietists had to do was change the attitude of the people and the rot began. Now it is a terrible sin to upset people with the truth, especially by saying, “That is false doctrine.”

7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

We are often told that Jesus is all love and compassion, so these passages are avoided and not taught. He is love and compassion, so that is why He warned all believers to beware.

False doctrine bewitches people because the warning signs are exactly the opposite of what we expect. Jesus warned, “They arrive in the appearance and manner of sheep.”

What do we find today, across denominational lines? The church leaders are ovine, feminine, soft, spineless, brainless, confused, and plagued by memory loss. They seem gentle and friendly, doubtless the reason why they were voted into office, due to their popularity and unthreatening personality.

One bishop’s office did not like a Photoshop which arrived in an email by accident. I took the smiling, angelic face of the bishop and showed how Satanic he was, with horns and a tail, preaching the Eighth Commandment as the only one to obey (not that he did). I had nothing to do with the email itself, but I heard about the response.

The female presiding bishop of the Episcopalians is using their offering money to sue them and take away their property. I am no lawyer, but the law seems pretty clear that she had no authority to do this. The congregations own the property, but they must spend millions of their own money to defend themselves against lawsuits by their former leader, who has oceans of money to use against them. Nevertheless, they fight on.

The head of ELCA, Mark Hanson, looks like everyone’s wirey old uncle, the kind of guy who deliberately loses at checkers when playing with children. Nevertheless, he is absolutely ruthless in his rule, so that no one dares oppose him for long. The ELCA members are running for all the exists (true to Matthew 7 and John 10) but he continues – and is admired by all the apostate church leaders. The Missouri Synod is happy to work with him, overwhelming happy to continue cooperation.

“but inwardly are ravening wolves.” We should be afraid of the influence of them precisely because their substance is the opposite of their appearance. They are eager to bite, tear, devour, and scatter the flock.

It is well known that criminals repeat the same actions until they are caught. When someone is caught masking a crime, staging an incident, the police will look back and discover successful attempts in the past – fooled everyone, even if a few had doubts about what happened.

Church leaders do the same thing. They rise to power playing the harmless and gentle sheep. When challenged, they use their influence to destroy opponents while protecting fellow criminals. The greater the scandal, the more useful corrupt clergy are to these wolves. This has a multiplying effect, as faithful clergy are kicked out, pushed out, and silenced, while corrupt clergy are elevated, promoted, defended, and protected.

Nothing is more obvious that the vast number of cover-ups in all denominations, when clergy have abused their office. The Roman Catholics are not alone, by any means. Nor are the “conservative” synods innocent. In fact, the more “conservative” a Lutheran group pretends to be, the greater the lies and the scandal. Clergy die of AIDS in all denominations, including the “conservative” Lutheran ones. Cover-up a murder and destroy evidence? No problem. Everyone forgets. Life goes on. Who are you to question what was done?

Anyone can tell when apostasy rules a denomination. When the Ten Commandments are tossed out in favor of protecting Holy Mother Synod, the group is apostate and in a state of total decay.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Almost every plant will grow flowers, which turn into fruit. The fruit matures into seed. Even lawn grass flowers, although the flowers are so tiny no one notices.
Some think of “fruits” as apples and oranges, but fruits here are the production of all plants. Rose fruits are called hips, etc.

The distinction in this lesson is between good fruit and harmful fruit. In my gardening years I have learned that many weeds are not easily identified until they fruit. Every plant has a weed that looks like it. What looks pleasing and good at first can turn out to be one more pest to get rid of. I even grew a plot of nutgrass that I thought to be sweet corn. Doubtless the birds pulled up the corn after I planted it. Crows are good at that. The nutgrass looked like corn for a long time. Finally I had to put my back into it and yank out each plant, which was around six feet tall.

In New Ulm, I took out thistles that were 8 feet tall. They were very productive. I came inside covered with thistle. I found no grapes and no figs in that patch.

Grapes are never going to grow on thorns and figs will never grow on thistles. This is pretty funny for gardeners. No one would argue otherwise. However, in spiritual affairs, people argue for figs from thistles all the time.

The Missouri Synod will work with ELCA (overwhelming vote at the 2010 LCMS convention) even though:
1. ELCA pays for abortions with its health plan.
2. ELCA ordains homosexuals, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and sex-changed pastors.
3. ELCA has apologized to those kept off the clergy roster for Scriptural reasons.
4. ELCA advocates Marxist political views.
5. ELCA attacks every doctrine of the Bible.
6. ELCA is in fellowship with every Leftist denomination and the Church of Rome.
7. ELCA despises conservative Christians.

On the conservative Lutheran side, I have lost track of how many anti-Lutheran leaders WELS, Missouri, and the ELS have studied with, worshiped with, and bought books from. The seminaries love every doctrine except Luther’s – a true sign of unionism at its rock bottom. Pastors are promoted based on their animosity toward the doctrine taught in the Book of Concord.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit

This one clause is especially important, because people no longer trust its truthfulness and value. That is because, contrary to popular feelings, good fruit is not a popularity contest, a personality quiz, an attitude of being inoffensive.

Good fruit begins with teaching justification by faith as proclaimed in the Scriptures, Luther, and the Book of Concord. That itself can be easily measured. Some argue that their superior (sic) education allows them to understand the intricacies of Universal Objective Justification, but that itself is contrary to the Word. Anyone who can hear or read the Word can achieve a proper understanding of justification by faith. If anything, seminary trains people not to think, not to question, not to seek the plain and simple teaching of the Word.

The fruit of justification by faith is forgiveness of sin, first of all, and the fruits of the Spirit, secondly. Why are the denominations so corrupt and families so torn? Man-made law and manufactured Gospel. When man abandons the Word of God, God ultimately turns over or betrays man into being on his own.

KJV Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

The fruit of a good tree is not necessarily numbers, not the way we measure them. God works in His own way. We are not His counselors. During the Reformation, hordes became Lutheran and fell away when trouble arose. Did that make Luther wrong?

Many follow Mormonism today, even though the religion is a conglomeration of fantasies, including filling distant planets with spirit babies. Does that mean they are doing God’s will?

Rome calls itself the biggest and oldest church and clearly overwhelms the others in numbers. Should we all become Catholic and enjoy the triumphalism. I know a number of clergy who have done that.

Instead, we must trust the Word and accept the results of the Word which follow. The cross will always accompany the Word, so we should not and cannot reject the Word which brings the cross. If so, we have rejected the Gospel itself, because Jesus truly bore the cross. What we receive is only a hint of His suffering, torture, and rejection.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I recently mentioned to a pastor friend that God punishes far better than we can imagine.

One funny Jewish curse is, “May you marry a pious woman and lose your faith.” That happened to one Shrinker who was especially active in Columbus, Ohio. The whole idea of God torments him now, so he rants against God and refuses to go to church. The normal person does not care either way, but the apostate minister has all that training, all those memories, and they burn the heart instead of warming it. So it is with everyone who gets away with adulterating the Word of God.

True, some people will break into an electrical station and endure the consequences of getting near power lines. There is far more power in God’s Word and it will have its effect, sooner or later. Satan does his share too, by blinding someone throughout life and taking away the blinders in time for a long, tortured death. That is when the rich man wants to exchange places with poor Lazareth, or at least warn his apostate brothers.

John Bunyan’s immediate reward for being faithful was a long prison sentence, release, and another prison sentence. However, his production in prison was the fruit of the Gospel. Using Luther as his guide, along with the Scriptures, he crafted the Pilgrim’s Progress, which still inspires people today, giving vivid word pictures to the doctrines of the Bible. His favorite book, besides the Bible? Luther’s Commentary on Galatians.

The false teacher will be cut down, like the evil tree. We had junk trees and bushes in our yard in Phoenix. They were cut down. We replaced them with good trees and bushes. God is the faithful gardener who does the same. John 15.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

There are so many who claim to be doing God’s work. Those who claim the most are also the same ones who tell so many lies. I have always wondered how someone does God’s will by deceiving others. That is a confusion of the corporate, business model with the Biblical. In fact, many corporations have found that a basic lack of integrity is costly in the long run. The latest news on British Petroleum shows that they violated about 15 different safety procedures in the name of getting money faster from their oil well. Now the company faces insolvency from the claims of those cost-saving short-cuts.

The same is true of the visible church today. They are as wise as doves and as innocent as serpents. People are running away from them, yet they continue the same deceptive policies, in the name of having more money and keeping everyone happy.

No message to me is more common than, “You have no right to discuss our doctrine. You are hurting my feelings. You are wounding my heart. You are hurting our church body.”

Outreach (with false doctrine) is good, they say. Acting the fool and entertaining people is God-pleasing, they say, because it is the thing to do. Studying under the anti-Lutherans is good, because they have so many deep, deep insights. Our seminary president said it is like the Israelites “spoiling the Egyptians.” He cannot be wrong because the Holy Spirit put him in that position.

A seminary professor, LCMS, even said, “I don’t know why God is blessing the Mormons.” That statement alone should remove someone from the ordained list, but alas it is just an anecdote.

Works done without faith in God are sinful. These works paraded in front of our eyes are simply glittering sins.

Anything done in faith glorifies God. A friend and I laughed about that when he wiped the green mucus from his toddler’s nose. He said, “Excuse me.” I said, “Not at all. He is glorifying God.” The friend knew Luther’s saying that a baptized baby glorifies God, even when he is crying and soiling his diapers, because everything done in faith glorifies God.

KJV Romans 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The bragging of the verses before this show that the speakers are not godly. They are not giving God credit but telling God what they have done for Him. God understands our hearts better than we do ourselves. He dismisses those people with a few words.

This is a powerful lesson of warning and hope, but it is ignored today. Few want to hear about the efficacy of the Word today. They want to be praised instead for what they do. They want to glorify themselves and no one can stop them.

Nevertheless, we have Christ’s teaching and example. The good seed will produce more than we can imagine, because the work of God’s Word belongs to Him alone.

Figs by Norma Boeckler