Monday, October 15, 2012

Celebrity Sighting on the Net - Sent by a Reader

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Celebrity Sighting on the Net - Sent by a Reader":

Perry looks like a vamp.


Katy Perry took her own photo and published it.

I Am Joachim Westphal - Smoking Out the Crypto-Calvinists

Joachim Westphal of Hamburg, student of Luther and Melanchthon,
drew Calvin out of his hiding place by deliberately antagonizing the
Augsburg-Confession-signing phony.

History of the Christian Church
Calvin, after some hesitation, prepared a "Second Defence," now openly directed "contra Westphali calumnias," and published it, with a preface to the Churches of Germany, in January, 1556. Westphal replied in two writings, one against Calvin and one against à Lasco, and sent letters to the leading cities of North Germany, urging them to unite in an orthodox Lutheran Confession against the Zürich Consensus. He received twenty-five responses, and issued them at Magdeburg, 1557. He also reprinted Melanchthon’s former opinions on the real presence (Hamburg, 1557). To meet these different assaults Calvin issued his "Last Admonition to Westphal" (1557). Westphal continued the controversy, but Calvin kept silent and handed him over to Beza.


I realized many years ago that Calvin snookered Lutherans for a time, signing the Augsburg Confession and pretending to be a Lutheran. He did his best to appear Lutheran. Many words can be used ambiguously by a Humpty Dumpty like Kilcrease or a lawyer like Calvin. 

The UOJ Enthusiasts pretend to be Lutheran and even claim to be the real Lutherans. How much do they read and cite Lutheran? Hardly at all. A study of their references will show that they start with Walther and Pieper, then take a peck at Luther - if they find a convenient phrase.

When Westphal deliberately irritated Calvin, he got the Swiss reformer to admit the vast differences between his opinion and Lutheran doctrine.

Meanwhile, the crypto or secret Calvinists were so successful that they got the Elector to reward them and to persecute the faithful Lutheran pastors. Imagine the irony of DP Jon Buchholz, rewarder of Jeff Gunn, suspender of Paul Rydecki, ordering me - yes ordering me to read about the crypto-Calvinists in Bente: 8/27/2008

Go back again and read Bente’s history of the crypto-Calvinist controversy, and you’ll see similar challenges that were very difficult to confront in that day. In fact, had not the cryptos slipped up and tipped their hand as to their real agenda, I sometimes wonder whether the gnesio-Lutherans would have prevailed as they did. (I’m talking here specifically about enthusiast pastors who are difficult to discipline in congregations, not published authors who have flagrantly revealed their doctrine and haven’t been disciplined. That’s a different, albeit related, problem)

Buchholz - 10/5/2008 - four years ago. Look at his progress in reining in the Shrinkers!

I’m in the process of developing a number of propositional statements that militate against the whole contemporary style. I’m proceeding rather slowly, because I’m dealing with smart, personable, articulate people on the other side, and I want to have things formulated very carefully, and I’m also afraid that, given the hermeneutical environment we’re in, my fellow pastors may be slow or reluctant to draw the same conclusions unless the case is very carefully constructed. We’ll see what happens.

My overriding concern is for the souls at stake. I’m concerned not only about those that are being led astray by the emotional, subjective, irreverent, inferior-quality worship, but for the larger population of Christians who need to be gently instructed in the truth. Many of our pastors and people, thankfully, have a deep-rooted antipathy and contempt for the carnival stuff, but they’re ill-equipped to articulate a response to it, and so it gets shrugged off as adiaphora. Ultimately, if we’re going to be faithful to confessional Lutheranism, there will probably be a huge split over this. (The alternative is that errant preachers see the folly of their ways and come around, but I’m not optimistic that will happen; perhaps I myself need to trust the efficacy of the word more in that respect.) I just hope that the division, if and when it comes, will be over matters of doctrine and practice, not the result of personal conflict and a mishandled approach.

This, by the way, is one of the reasons that I initially wanted to get to know you a little better when I contacted you a couple of months ago. I am well aware of your history battling the CGM in Lutheranism, and I wanted your insights into these present challenges. I appreciate your willingness to let me tap your thinking from time to time.

As I mentioned to Mark Schroeder yesterday, I find myself on the front lines of something that I never thought I had signed up for. Such is the charge the Lord places before us!

End of Buchholz quotation.

Given his ludicrous published writing, Buchholz has never been a Lutheran. His behavior as a DP is even worse than his predecessor, who was asked to step down as DP.

So I am content to have the UOJ Hive buzzing about and calling me all kinds of names. They have gone through their list several times already, so I am immune to their itty-bitty stings. When people complain that I antagonize the opponents of sound doctrine, I only laugh. Look at them pouring out of the hive and publishing their contradictory, pseudo-philosophical Enthusiastic diatribes.

They rest from their repetitions to praise one another. My father used to say, "There is no love like that of one drunk for another." But I would add, "Or like one UOJ Stormtrooper for another." Because they know nothing about the history of doctrine, they see no fault in their own arguments. They fall all over each other to be more expressive, more combative about UOJ.

I am Joachim Westphal.

Jack Kilcrease teaches part-time at a Roman Catholic convent school,
part-time at a portable ELCA seminary.
QED - he is a "Confessional" Lutheran!

Reactions to DP Jon Buchholz Suspending Pastor Rydecki - Christian News

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Paul Rydecki and WELS DP Jon Buchholz,Featu...":

"Steadfast Universalists" never gives up:

Note Pastor Kirchner's kind post (number eight). This is the same pastor who told me I was mean and nasty for questioning the LCMS being in fellowship with the ELCK, an LWF member. How dare I question CTSFW giving an honorary doctorate to Bishop Obare for getting fired from his leadership position with LWF for "taking a stand," yet whose ELCK remains an LWF member to this day. I apparently don't care about feeding the poor.

It's also interesting how 8/18 gurus can make educated pronouncements about disciplinary issues in another church body, yet do nothing about false doctrine and practice in their own.


A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "If You Have Not Been Named, You Are Not Trying Har...":

"Let’s be real and open here this morning. Depending on the vote this next Wednesday, this is either my last sermon from this pulpit, or it’s the last sermon I’ll preach to you as a congregation of the WELS."
- Rev. Paul Rydecki (Posted 10-14-12)


Let's hope that Emmanuel realizes what a rare, Confessional Pastor they have and vote to stay with the Word of our God and the scriptural confession of the Book of Concord!


GJ - The Steadfast Universalist post is a hoot, all the UOJ truisms put together in a vaporous cloud without rain, accompanied by the gibbering, cackling, and buzzing of the troops.

Nevertheless, one LCMS minister says he does not know of a single UOJ pastor. He finds Halle's dogma as foreign as animal sacrifice.


David Becker

David Becker has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Paul Rydecki and WELS DP Jon Buchholz,Featu...":

Hi Pastor Jackson, you're right that at this time Pastor Rydecki is still pastor of his church in New Mexico. I e-mailed him to inform him of the upcoming CN article and he responded: "One correction: '…is the pastor of a WELS church in Las Cruces.' I don’t know when this is going to presses, so the information may not be correct as of that time. I am still the pastor of my WELS congregation, until the voters meet this Wednesday, Oct. 17. At that time they will decide whether to disaffiliate from the WELS. If they do, then I will be the pastor of a non-WELS congregation. If they don’t, then I’ll resign from this WELS congregation." The general thrust of the article that Rydecki is in trouble with WELS is certainly correct, though. I will update CN when I find out what happens on Wednesday.


narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Reactions to DP Jon Buchholz Suspending Pastor Ryd...":

A post from Pr. Scheer from the above cited link: "In regards to the situation for Pr. Rydecki, he will not be writing more for Steadfast Lutherans. It was a mutual decision. Some of the information about his situation is still coming out. Because of these facts, his situation should best be discussed elsewhere."

I wondered how long Pr. Rydecki would last for failing to properly venerate Walther.

By the way, since Walther was assumed, was he also immaculately conceived?


The Photoshop devils added McCain and Got Milk?
to the painting he posted in veneration of St. Bernard.

GJ - Steadfast is obvious a closed union shop for UOJ and the consecrated reign of Matt Harrison. It is just too amusing to call it a discussion site. The irony remains - UOJ has become a minority position again among the LCMS clergy.

UOJ paved the way for Missouri's unionism.

UOJ justified Missouri's embrace of the Church Shrinkage Movement.

UOJ - especially the Steadfast flavor - is ideal preparation for joining the Church of Rome. Even better, they can be Roman as long as they like - with CPH leading the way. They even have their own court chaplain, Weedon, installed at the Purple Palace.

Father Neuhaus says, "Leave Paul McCain alone.
He was my pal and cheerleader."


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Reactions to DP Jon Buchholz Suspending Pastor Ryd...":

Dr. Greg,

Please tell Pr. Rydecki that I am praying for him.


Pastor Paul Rydecki and WELS DP Jon Buchholz,
Featured on the Front Page,
Christian News, October 15, 2012

Reverend Paul Rydecki is still listed as the pastor of his congregation,
contrary to the Christian News article by David Becker.

Click here for the Schwabach Articles on Justification by Faith

The Intrepid Lutherans would be the best ones to contact about this, apart from Pastor Rydecki himself. I remember Doug Lindee defending justification by faith against Jay Webber, who defends the Halle exegesis of Rambach (as Marquart does).

I leave those URLs out in the open, because Mequon graduates cannot find them and subsequently accuse me (behind my back). I would not mind if they apologized behind my back, too.

Christian News has print, online, and hybrid subscriptions:

I am going to list links related to various topics. My left column is rather full, so I will just have a sticky post on the left for these. Be warned in advance - I am embedding these links, so use the mouse to click on them.

Links about Justification by Faith 
and Justification without Faith (UOJ)

Luther's Galatians endorsed by reader

Luther's Galatians on Gnesio Lutherans

Roman Catholic adjunct Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty

Calov, quoted by Robert Preus, repudiated the UOJ position of WELS

Kilcrease, the McCain tutor, equivocates.

Buchholz is anti-Luther

Pastor Bickel on Tossing Rydecki Under the Bus

Church and Changer Jeff Gunn and His Mequon Class of Shrinkers

Paul McCain and Jon Buchholz - Bedfellows of Apostasy

Abraham Is the Common Theme in Justification - Justification by Faith

Pastor Rydecki's Account of His Suspension - October 9th

Intrepid Account October 6th- Pastor Rydecki Suspended

LutherQuest (sic) Opposes Justification by Faith

Warming Up the Tar and Feathers on LutherQuest (sic)

Pastor Bickel Answers Jon Buchholz

Kokomo Statements - WELS UOJ - JP Meyer

Jack Kilcrease Showing Signs of Stress

Dr. Lito Cruz and Brett Meyer Dispatch the UOJ Stormtroopers on Extra Nos

Latest Links

DinoLutheran Asks Impertinent Questions

Clarification from David Becker

Three Comments from Sola Fide

Otten Celebrates Rydecki's Removal: Two Front-Page Stories

Mixed Messages from LutherQuest (sic)

Departing from the Confessions - Berean

Loyalist-Conservatives and Holy Mother Synod

Jack Cascione Dusts Off Iron Maiden

Wauwatosa Influence in WELS

Mighty in the Scriptures - Luther Sermon Passage

False Claims by WELS

UOJ Is Pavlov's House

Reu on Unionism 

Hunnius repudiated an early form of UOJ,
backed by P. Leyser, an editor of the Book of Concord,
a biographer of Chemnitz, and an early expert on justification.

Mary Thompson -- Won't Back Down.

Mary Thompson -- Won't Back Down:


By Mary Thompson
October 15, 2012

This reviewer almost decided against writing a review of this movie after having been one of only two people in the regular theater when it was shown. It may die a slow death all on its own after its release 9/28/12 . However, with the orchestrated, organized and targeted promotional activity and tools offered to promote it, an observant review seemed to be in order.

Generally panned by professional movie critics without an agenda on its general movie making merits, David Germain, Associated Press, summed up by writing, "Theaters should install glow-in-the-dark versions of those old clunking classroom clocks so viewers can count the minutes ticking by as they watch the movie." (2hours) (San Jose Mercury News, 9/28/12).

The movie itself was produced by Walden Media which also co-produced the "Waiting For Superman" movie, the propaganda film for charter schools. "Won't back Down" continues the agenda associated with same "scripter's"--this time the issue is promoting the idea manifested by the Parent Trigger Lawfirst passed in California and subsequently in some other states. "Waiting For Superman" at least had some real live figures featured in existing entities to resemble a documentary setting.

"Won't Back Down" is FICTION "inspired by real events". Leading characters are portrayed by accomplished actresses, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis in unbelievable portrayals, and badly directed. Gyllenhaal's character is a single mother with a young dyslexic daughter living in a rundown inner city neighborhood with a rundown school, John Adams Elementary. Viola Davis's character is a drained and distressed teacher who has a "slow" son. For purposes of simplification Maggie Gyllenhaal's character will be identified in this review as MG, and Viola Davis's character as VD.

MG is frustrated that her daughter's teacher isn't meeting the needs of her daughter. She can't move her daughter to another classroom or another school. She happens to see through a window of the another classroom what she perceives as a successful teacher with an engaged class. That teacher happens to be a handsome young fellow who happens to be a Teach For America teacher who is leading his students in an exercise of line dancing, and accompanying them with a ukulele. That character provides the obligatory romantic interest as the movie progresses.

Then MG meets VD who is frustrated teacher with the "slow" son who attends the same school, and wants the school to do better by him. MG hears about a means for parents to take over schools by getting parent signatures and teachers on board. Obviously a Parent Trigger action, but not called that in the movie. Misleading technically as well with a tiny mention of a requirement for teachers' participation, which is not to my knowledge a specification for existing Parent Teacher Law. Yet, it made for a more complex story line to flesh out the movie as MG and VD team up to get parent signatures and engage teachers against administrators, union bosses, and the big bad school board.

The hyper character played by MG would qualify for Olympic sprint runner, for throughout the entire move she is portrayed running everywhere she goes, never a normal pace of walking. The two women spend night and day complying with signature gathering, filing requirements, deadlines, and compiling curricula for the school they plan to "take over." Little by little most of the teachers are convinced for "they aren't teaching for the sake of money, but for the children." The handsome young Teach-For- America teacher finally acquiesces to the take over when he overcomes his dedication to the memory of his father figure who was a teacher and union advocate.
Finally, the climax of the drama arrives when a split school board passes the Parent Trigger take over with one cliff hanger vote. By the way, the parent takeover was named, the "Parent Trooper" movement with t-shirts to match in the movie.
Cut to the closing scenes. The first school assembly following the parent takeover of John Adams School, the students are all well-behaved, well-groomed, and smiling while awaiting the speakers to begin. One of the speakers is the dyslectic daughter of MG's character who haltingly READS an announcement of the first "service learning assignment" for the school, a field trip to a local food bank! There is a brief view of the Teach-For-America teacher leading a singing group, performing a rap style vocal and his accompanying with his ukulele.

Everyone lives happily ever after.........curtain closed.

Watching the entire move one could not escape the subtle propaganda messages associated with left leaning community organizing. There exists a well-known practice utilized in movies and television called "Product Placement." This is where producers or marketers of brand name products work with film producers to place their products in the film as props in appropriate background scenes. This is also known as "benefit mix," for there is mutual benefit involved. It is not really subliminal advertising, but visual subjection of the product to viewers without open advertising associated with it.

I have a companion term that seems perfect, "Propaganda Placement." The movie, "Won't Back Down," is a prime example of this term with the contextual references just slipped in for visual or auditory association. Examples are:
1) In opening scenes MG's character wears a T-shirt with a large peace symbol on the front of it. Current generations of parents have no memory of the radical revolutionary 60's when the Peace Symbol was emblematic of the times for the "left."
2) In the inner city John Adams School, one scene has signage with the name of "Rosa Parks" over the three archways. Subtle, and unspoken, it is identifying with the 60's civil rights movement. Parent Trigger laws are being promoted by organizers as a "Civil Rights" movement. Gloria Romero is associated with California's Parent Revolution in Southern California. Earlier this year she spoke at Santa Clara University during School Choice Week, and said, "School Choice needs to be fought as a 'Civil Rights' issue."
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3) The mention of Montgomery, Alabama without context of the movie is another seed planted for thinking in context of the Civil Rights movement.
4) A label on a box of petitions gathered by MG and VD was, "Yes We Can," which we all know as the Obama 2008 campaign slogan.
5) T-shirts worn by parents with lettering "Parent Troopers," is a play on words for Parent Trigger.
6) Gandhi is quoted at an organizing pep rally.

What else but a propaganda vehicle has tool kits to spread the word, support the movie, mobilize and organize your community? They do so by using tools available such as "featurettes," movie trailers, internet links, Face book Group ticket sales, postcards, etc., etc. just as the promoters of this movie have.

Once again, they're selling poison to the dumbed down public.
© 2012 Mary Thompson - All Rights Reserved

Mary has a degree from Michigan State, her home state. Mary relocated with her husband to California where she became active in Republican Party, then as an early activist opposing innovations in schools which were emanating from Washington resulting from the passage of ESEA. She formed an organization with another mother and political activist to become a research source for information and opposition to the imposition of an all inclusive curricula in the nation's schools, called Family Life Education as well as PPBS, the management by objectives system used to accomplish the acceptance of FLE. During that effort, party activism was abandoned to concentrate on issues before becoming a small business owner with her husband until the 1990's.
In 2001 Mary became an individual plaintiff in association with the Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association in a lawsuit against the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority which ultimately resulted in a favorable unanimous decision by the California State Supreme Court in 2008. Following that court decision she was the class representative for negotiations allowing property owners to receive refunds for the illegal OSA assessment.

E-Mail Mary Thompson at:

'via Blog this'

Daryl Meyer Runs Up the Price of Used Luther Galatians Commentaries
With This Endorsement.
How Many SynCon Leaders Will Do the Same?

You are not allowed to question the District Pope
or Holy Mother Synod
or Fuller Seminary
or Groeschel plagiarists.

Daryl Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Luther's Galatians Commentary Catching On":

Unfortunately, it'll never catch on in the WEL(sic)S. No pictures. My Kregel hardcover arrived on Friday, and two boxes of pencils later, I'm going to have to find another one just to be able to read it again. Words like "treasure chest" and "powerhouse" come to mind but are hopelessly inadequate. I paid a little more than the 97 cents (!) you forked over for your Romans commentary, but, it was in absolutely pristine condition until I started marking it up. The pages were crisp, the binding tight, it could not possibly have been opened once in all its 30 years. Must have looked out of place on some DiP's shelf amongst the coloring and comic books. While a few keystrokes and a click of the mouse will find a pdf of Graebner's edition freely available, there's still something to be said for holding the actual book in one hand and a good, sharp, no. 2 pencil in the other.


GJ - The Graebner version is shorter, but full of great insights.

I have 50 graphics from the Kregel edition and I am only in Chapter Three.

Jeff Gunn - Church and Changer - welcomed by DP Jon Buchholz, after four years of so-called study.
Paul Rydecki - suspended by DP Buchholz, after four months of non-study.

Links about Justification by Faith 
and Justification without Faith (UOJ)

Luther's Galatians endorsed by reader

Luther's Galatians on Gnesio Lutherans

Roman Catholic adjunct Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty

Calov, quoted by Robert Preus, repudiated the UOJ position of WELS

Kilcrease, the McCain tutor, equivocates.

Buchholz is anti-Luther

Pastor Bickel on Tossing Rydecki Under the Bus

Church and Changer Jeff Gunn and His Mequon Class of Shrinkers

Paul McCain and Jon Buchholz - Bedfellows of Apostasy

Abraham Is the Common Theme in Justification - Justification by Faith

Pastor Rydecki's Account of His Suspension - October 9th

Intrepid Account October 6th- Pastor Rydecki Suspended

LutherQuest (sic) Opposes Justification by Faith

Warming Up the Tar and Feathers on LutherQuest (sic)

Pastor Bickel Answers Jon Buchholz

Kokomo Statements - WELS UOJ - JP Meyer

Jack Kilcrease Showing Signs of Stress

Dr. Lito Cruz and Brett Meyer Dispatch the UOJ Stormtroopers on Extra Nos

Luther's Galatians Commentary Catching On



Mondays with Martin

Paul taught that the Gentiles were justified by faith only, without the works of the law. This doctrine when he had published abroad among the Gentiles, he cometh to Antioch, and declareth to the disciples what he had done. Then they which had been trained up in the old customs of the law, rose against Paul with great indignation, for that he preached to the Gentiles liberty from the bondage of the law. Whereupon followed great dissension, which afterwards stirred up new troubles. Paul and Barnabas stood strongly to the truth, and testified, saying: Wheresoever we preached among the Gentiles, the Holy Ghost came and fell upon those which heard the Word; and this was done throughout all the churches of the Gentiles.
But we preached not circumcision, neither did we require the keeping of the law, but we preached only faith in Jesus Christ; and at this preaching of faith, God gave to the hearers the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost, therefore, doth approve the faith of the Gentiles, without the law and circumcision; for if the preaching of the Gospel, and faith of the Gentiles in Christ, had not pleased him, he had not come down in a visible shape upon the uncircumcised which heard the Word. Seeing then by the only hearing of faith he came down upon them, it is certain that the Holy Ghost by this sign hath approved the faith of the Gentiles; for it doth not appear that this was ever done before at the preaching of the law.
Then the Jews and many of the Pharisees which did believe, and notwithstanding bare yet a great zeal to the law, earnestly striving to maintain the glory thereof, set themselves fiercely against Paul (who alarmed that the Gentiles were justified by faith only, without the works of the law), contending that the law ought to be kept, and that the Gentiles ought to be circumcised; for otherwise they could not be saved, And no marvel; for the very name of the law of God is holy and dreadful. The heathen man, which never knew any thing of the law of God, if he hear any man say: This doctrine is the law of God, he is moved therewith. How then could it be but the Jews must needs be moved, and vehemently contend for the maintenance of the law of God, which even from their infancy had been nusled and trained up therein?
El Greco, Peter and Paul
El Greco, “Saints Peter and Paul” (1605-1608)
We see at this day, how obstinate the Papists be in defending their traditions and doctrines of devils; wherefore, it was much less to be marveled that the Jews did so vehemently and zealously strive for the maintenance of their law, which they had received from God. Custom is of such force, that whereas nature is of itself inclined to the observation of the law, by long continuance it so confirmeth nature, that now it becometh a double nature. Therefore, it was not possible for the Jews which were newly converted to Christ, suddenly to forsake the law; who, though they had received the faith of Christ, thought it necessary notwithstanding to observe the law. And with this their weakness God did bear for a time, until the doctrine of the Gospel might be plainly discerned from the law. So he bare with the infirmity of Israel in the time of king Ahab, when the people halted between two religions. He bare also with our weakness whilst we were under the blindness of the Pope. For he is long-suffering, and full of mercy. But we must not abuse this goodness and patience of the Lord, nor continue still in our weakness and error, since the truth is now revealed by the clear light of the Gospel.
Moreover, they that stood against Paul, affirming that the Gentiles ought to be circumcised, had to lay for themselves, first the law and custom of the country, theft the example of the Apostles, and last of all, the example of Paul himself, who had circumcised Timothy. Wherefore, if Paul in his defense said that he did not this of necessity, but for Christian love and liberty, lest they which were weak in faith should be offended, which of them would comprehend or believe him? Hereunto all the people would answer: Since it is evident that thou hast circumcised Timothy, thou mayest say what thou wilt; notwithstanding thou hast done it. For this is a matter far passing all man’s capacity, and therefore they could not understand it.
Moreover, no defense can serve when a man hath lost the favor of the people, and is fallen into such deadly hatred and contempt. Paul therefore seeing this contention and these clamors daily to increase more and more, and being also warned by revelation from God, after fourteen years (besides those wherein he had preached in Damascus and Arabia) goeth up again to Jerusalem, to confer his Gospel with the other Apostles; yet not for his own cause, but for the people’s sake.
Now, this contention touching the observation of the law, exercised Paul a long time after, and wrought him much trouble; but I do not think that this is the contention which Luke speaketh of in the fifteenth of the Acts, which happened, as it appeareth, by and by after the beginning of the Gospel; but this history which Paul here mentioneth, seemeth to be done long after, when Paul had now almost eighteen years preached the Gospel.

Via Luther’s Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians1:15-16.

'via Blog this'

Sunday, October 14, 2012

If You Have Not Been Named, You Are Not Trying Hard Enough.

Bloomingdale church robbed of $100K worth of lights, audio equipment -

This is another way to rob people,
swindle them out of the Means of Grace.
Turn Moses into the Savior.

Bloomingdale church robbed of $100K worth of lights, audio equipment -

After celebrating Mission Church’s one-year anniversary last weekend, Lead Pastor Jon Peacock said his non-denominational community near Bloomingdale had never felt stronger.
Yet it wasn’t until the 400-person congregation sat through services today without its normal sound, sights or lights that Peacock said they had reached “their finest hour.”
A trailer containing more than $100,000 worth of sound, screen and lighting equipment the church uses every Sunday was recently stolen from its regular spot in Carol Stream.
Peacock said church staff went out to the RV parking lot at the intersection of Gary and North Avenues in Carol Stream about 5:15 a.m. Sunday and reported it missing to police.
The staff believes it was taken overnight, but police are investigating, he said.
The church hosts its Sunday services in the gymnasium of Bloomingdale’s Stratford Middle School, Peacock said. The church-owned equipment was normally set up on Sunday mornings and packed away in the trailer on Sunday afternoons.
On Sunday, Peacock said the community was “incredibly supportive” and instead of focusing on anger, chose to pray.
“We decided to pray for these people – this is a reminder of why we’re in this community,” Peacock said. “This just solidifies we’re in the right place. This is the reason we started this church.”
Peacock said he and his staff are working with Carol Stream Police to locate the trailer.
While Mission Church’s staff is hoping for the prompt return of their equipment, they’re not putting their faith on hold.

“We’re not a church that’s held together by a building. We’ll meet in an open field if we have to,” Peacock said, jokingly.

'via Blog this'

Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty

Kilcrease requested his own Photoshop some time ago.
His wish has been granted.

arkos has left a new comment on your post "Do Not Play Games with Words - Or With the Word of...":

I feel like Alice, after reading Jack's meaningless response. I'd like to see a Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty photoshop:

`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'

`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all.'

Alice was too much puzzled to say anything.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty":

Another ROFLOLing post.

Is there no end to their madness?

My tummy is aching due to this. I can not stop LOLing.



bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty":

I remember like it was yesterday that Dr. Kilcrease asked repeatedly for a photoshop of himself. That was a couple years ago. I'm glad his wish has been finally half-granted, because as I recall he wanted one of himself as a Storm Trooper or Darth Vader. So he probably is not pleased. :)


arkos has left a new comment on your post "Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty":

Thank you. That made my day.


Links about Justification by Faith 
and Justification without Faith (UOJ)

Luther's Galatians endorsed by reader

Luther's Galatians on Gnesio Lutherans

Roman Catholic adjunct Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty

Calov, quoted by Robert Preus, repudiated the UOJ position of WELS

Kilcrease, the McCain tutor, equivocates.

Buchholz is anti-Luther

Pastor Bickel on Tossing Rydecki Under the Bus

Church and Changer Jeff Gunn and His Mequon Class of Shrinkers

Paul McCain and Jon Buchholz - Bedfellows of Apostasy

Abraham Is the Common Theme in Justification - Justification by Faith

Pastor Rydecki's Account of His Suspension - October 9th

Intrepid Account October 6th- Pastor Rydecki Suspended

LutherQuest (sic) Opposes Justification by Faith

Warming Up the Tar and Feathers on LutherQuest (sic)

Pastor Bickel Answers Jon Buchholz

Kokomo Statements - WELS UOJ - JP Meyer

Jack Kilcrease Showing Signs of Stress

Dr. Lito Cruz and Brett Meyer Dispatch the UOJ Stormtroopers on Extra Nos