Friday, December 17, 2021

We Interrupt This Sinaiticus Briefing for More ELCA Scandals


I was reading, for the second time, Who Faked the "World's Oldest Bible"? 

I checked on the Facebook news and saw ELCA in Chicago was doing what ELCA does best. The latest does not deserve being named, since is it all derived from 2009 and the cowardly years before that.

 The vote - 2009 - aftermath.

The tongue-clucking will not include these questions, "Why are the Missouri, Wisconsin, and Little Norwegian synods working with ELCA?" or "Why are the pastors sharing their address lists with Thrivent?"

Calvinist News, now fronted by Phil Hale, has the same ecumenical and Thrivent problems. I do not worry that he never mentions my books, because he never mentions:

  1. Justification by Faith
  2. The Chief Article
  3. The Means of Grace
  4. The Efficacy of the Word.
The book I just finished is fascinating, because the marks of deceit and fraud are all over Codex Sinaiticus (Aleph). What made Tischendorf a party in promoting a recent, custom-made Bible as the "world's oldest Bible"? That turned him into an international celebrity, the reputation he craved.