Saturday, May 15, 2010

Self-Induced Amnesia

Self-induced amnesia means that George Christian Knapp is no longer on the Syn Conference radar scope.

L P has left a new comment on your post "Syn Conference Caught Knapping - Origin of Missour...":

Pr. GJ,

Matthew Harrison's book leaves out the most important LCMS father,
George Christian Knapp.

We call this self-induced amnesia.


Syn Conference Caught Knapping - Origin of Missouri's Enthusiasm, WELS Cloning, ELS Me-Tooism

Matthew Harrison's book leaves out the most important LCMS father,
George Christian Knapp

Halle University is the Rosetta Stone of Lutheran history in America. The school was founded in 1694 to promote Spener's Pietism, in an era where Biblical studies were neglected. Spener's influence was unionistic because his ideas came from Labadie, the Reformed churchman who had been a Roman Catholic. Anyone familiar with the emotional intensity of Roman Catholic small group piety can see why this phenomenon came to the Lutheran Church via Pietism.

Like the other Lutheran leaders in America, Walther was a Pietist. I doubt whether people saw that as a denominational difference. Many Syn Conference leaders today think they are fine Lutherans, even though their favorite schools are Fuller, Willow Creek, Trinity Divinity, and Gorden Conwell. They bristle at any criticism of Church Growth, but mouth the right platitudes about Reformed doctrine. Like Spener, they are union theologians, or at least unionists.

Knapp (1753 – 1825) was the last believing theologian of Halle, and he was considered a fossil of Pietism once the school had turned rationalistic. Tholuck, who was Adolph Hoenecke's mentor at Halle, was a Universalist.

Knapp, as shown in this link, created the concept of double justification, and the English definition (OJ and SJ) was penned by his equally famous (in America) translator - Leonard Woods.

Knapp began lecturing on this book in 1789, the year our Constitution was ratified. The Woods translation was published in 1831.

Note these words about the fame of Woods and his translation:

Leonard Woods (1807-1878), was born in West Newbury, Mass., on the 24th of November 1807, and graduated at Union College in 1827 and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1830. His translation of Georg Christian Knapp's Christian Theology (1831-1833) was long used as a text-book in American theological seminaries.

And see this link about Woods and Bowdoin College.

Walther did not land in America until 1839.

According to the UOJ Stormtroopers, their fantastic formulation--universal grace without the Means of Grace--is Biblical, Lutheran, and ancient. They have to admit that all their favorite terms are really quite new.

Of course the terms OJ and SJ are new - they came from the work of Knapp and the translation of Woods. One can find in the English translation of F. Pieper the same wording used in Woods' translator note, which was published to explain the verbosity of Knapp in a few words.

1789 - Knapp lectures completed.

1831 - English translation of Knapp - used throughout the 19th century in all denominations and still in print today.

Lectures on Christian Theology, p. 318.

1833 - in English!

By Georg Christian Knapp (Halle University), trans. Leonard Woods.

Translator's note• [This is very conveniently expressed by the terms objective and subjective justification. Objective justification is the act of God, by which he proffers pardon to all through Christ; subjective is the act of man, by which he accepts the pardon freely offered in the gospel. The former is universal, the latter not.]

1839 - Walther landed in New Orleans with the Stephan group.

1924 - F. Pieper's Dogmatics completed.

1932 - Brief Confession of the LCMS, 1932, canonized UOJ.

1953 - F. Pieper's Dogmatics translated into English.

1987 - Justification Theses of the LCMS mixed up OJ and SJ into one foul stew.

1997 - Robert Preus repudiated UOJ in Justification and Rome.

The term General Justification (same as UOJ) was used by Burk, who was also a Pietist. He was the son-in-law and close collaborator of Bengel. Hoenecke quoted Burk favorably but did not get into a UOJ fever. Hoenecke studied under Tholuck (Halle), and Tholuck followed Knapp. At this point I would find it schocking if Hoenecke did not mention this concept in his book.

The terms used--OJ, UOJ, GJ--have been understood as representing the universality of the Atonement. However, the core of UOJ is something apart from the Atonement. UOJ means that God has declared every single person absolved of sin. Therefore, everyone in Hell has the status of guilt-free saints.

The Syn Conference, by neglecting the efficacy of the Word, fell into a subtle form of Enthusiasm, its toxins masked by the apparent upholding of the Word and Sacraments. The Syn Conference has been caught knapping.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Syn Conference Caught Knapping - Origin of Missour...":

One can tell right away what the main issue of Harrison's synodical presidency will be. The LCMS et al, and especially Rev Rolph Preus, will have to go through a five-step Kübler-Ross process to deal with Walther's knapping. Of course, with alcohol abuse so rampant in the Midwest, some will have to go through a 17-step process: first the 12-step AA program, and then the Kübler-Ross steps: 1. Denial and Isolation. 2. Anger. 3. Bargaining. 4. Depression. 5. Acceptance.


GJ - So far they refuse to deal with the concrete evidence of UOJ being kelmed from Knapp by the Conference. I imagine, based upon unwarranted optimism, that someone at a seminary will discover the facts in about 20 years. Few will accept that unless a Synodical expert says so.

Baseball Brings a Family Together

Someone wrote:

Dear Gregory,
In Dec. 2009 you wrote a blog post entitled WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent which was spot on. I enjoyed it.

Today, I was on Twitter and read a couple of Mariqueen Maandig's tweets and she is blatant in her satanism. Please see [omitted].


GJ - I read the recent MQ Tweets. The latest featured an ultra-violent, bloody, gory scene in which there are several dead or dying people. MQ seems to be consumed in flames as she continues to mouth words. She has a bullet wound in her head. A big pool of blood is on the floor, near a man who is apparently dead. This must be her new video, on


Wisconsin Timber Rattlers score big with families with Kids Crew

Ski Skorzewski and his family love baseball. "There's nothing like baseball" Skorzewski said.

"There's nothing like baseball" Skorzewski said.

When they lived in Milwaukee, they regularly attended Brewers games. So when they moved to Appleton two years ago, one of the first things they did was purchase season tickets to the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, which plays at Time Warner Cable Field at Fox Cities Stadium in Grand Chute.

Baseball is a great family activity, Skorzewski said.

"We spend a lot of time at the park," he said, noting that his family, which includes 12- and 10-year-old daughters and a 3-year-old son, is also hosting a player. "We really feel like the ballpark is our home."

The Skorzewskis have more reasons this season to feel a part of the team, thanks to the Timer Rattlers Kids Crew, a program geared toward kids ages 12 and under.

"It was created specifically for our younger fans that enjoy coming out to the ballpark," group sales representative Dayna Haddock said.

For a $20 yearly membership fee, kids can get an official Kids Crew backpack, membership card with lanyard, 10 free tickets to every Wednesday home game, a monthly e-newsletter from Fang, discount to the Snake Pit Team Store, exclusive invitation to Fang's Birthday in July, an opportunity to be the Kids Crew Lineup Card Kid and an opportunity to attend a pizza party or ice cream party with Fang and Timber Rattlers players.

"The Kids Crew was created to give young fans unique opportunities that most fans do not get a chance to experience," said Sarah Heth, director of corporate marketing and community relations.

The kids enjoy wearing their lanyards like the game day staff, Heth said.

"The kids seem to get a real kick out of looking official," she said. "We have seen a lot being worn around the ballpark … already."

Membership in the club is expected to grow once school is out, Haddock said.

"I think the response thus far is great," she said. "I believe we will get a lot more kids signed up when school is out for the summer and the weather gets a little warmer."

Skorzewski enrolled his two girls because it allows them to see more games with their own tickets.

"I think it's a good deal," he said. "It allows them to interact with other kids. It allows them to manage their passes. They know they have a certain amount of tickets."

Jen Foucault of Neenah is excited her children can participate in the Kids Crew.

"My husband and I both grew up in the Milwaukee area and as kids were both members of the Brewer Pepsi Fan Club for many years," the mother of a 7-year-old and 5-year-old twins said. "We both went to many games as kids and still remember going with our parents and siblings. Now the Rattlers have a similar program, and we hope our kids will also have the same great baseball memories that we do."

The Foucault family also enjoys baseball and love the Kids Crew package.

"It is a lot less expensive to take a family to a Rattler game than a Brewer game and even more of a value now with the kids club," she said. "Any unused tickets can be traded in for a grass seat for any game. You can't go wrong. Most are day games, and my oldest son is in school for a few, but I can still bring my 5-year-old twins, even if it's only for a few hours."

Haddock said Timber Rattlers games are great for families.

"We try to make it very affordable for families to enjoy a night out," she said.

The games are ideal for both baseball fans and non-baseball fans, she added.

"We provide in-game entertainment and also provide entertainment in other areas," Haddock said.

The most popular family day is Fridays, where kids 12 and under eat free, kids run the bases post-game and families can enjoy fireworks beginning June 11.

There are many changes at Time Warner Cable Field this year, including a new beach area, Haddock said.

"This is a great area for kids to bring their beach toys and play in the sand," she said, noting that the beach area is located in right field and "is a great place for families to play and still enjoy a great view of the game."

There are also more box seats and a new all-you-can-eat area. Inflatables have been added to the kid zone as well as a new jungle gym, Haddock said.

Families also can get involved with birthday party packages, special activities and game days.

Two free baseball camps will be available in June and August for kids ages 7 to 14. Reggy, the Purple Party Dude, a traveling mascot, will be at the Timber Rattlers games being held at Miller Park on May 7 and at Time Warner Cable Field on May 8 and 9. On June 25, the stadium will host its second annual peanut-free night.

"We will clear the ballpark of all peanut, peanut-dust products and give those fans with a peanut allergy a chance to enjoy a game without worry," said Haddock, noting that other activities that night include a Webkinz giveaway, an autograph signing by Iron Man and a fireworks show.

Fang celebrates his birthday July 16 with a bunch of his mascot friends. Star Wars characters will be in attendance June 12, and Spiderman will appear Aug. 6.

Starting June 11, fireworks will take place every Friday and Saturday night immediately following the game.

"I think the affordable prices and the fun atmosphere is the main factor in bringing families back season after season," Haddock said.


At Home with Knapp and the Missouri Fathers

Someone added Knapp to the cover of future SP Harrison's book.

I have to apologize to Paul Calvin Kelm for writing as if he invented kelming, the verbatim copying of material from false teachers without a citation. CFW Walther and F. Pieper kelmed double-justification from Halle professor Knapp.

For many decades, Syn Conference leaders have acted as if OJ, SJ, and UOJ were embedded in the Scriptures and the Confessions. The language of SJ/OJ comes from the English edition of Knapp, which was used in German and English in America and Germany. The book is still in print today, although it preceded the formation of the old Missouri Synod by years.

The Syn Conference has been caught knapping.