Monday, December 14, 2009

Ongoing Topics To Be Featured on Upper Left of Blog

Stories can be buried by late-breaking news, so I am going to feature posts, which deserve everyone's attention, on the upper left corner of the blog. The picture will always be linked to the post, so click on the photo and you will get that particular post.

A note for the overly-sensitive who cannot grasp satire - Many or most of the Photoshops are created by laymen who do not even know each other. Each one contributes various concepts and I post them. I also create my own.

Ichabod Does Mean "The Glory Has Departed"

Walther was far from perfect, but he would blush over the way his disciples have trashed the Synodical Conference with Enthusiasm programs.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Jeske Is Definitely In the Cookie Jar":

I wasn't referring to why this blogger has not admonished Schroeder or Deutshlander (sic). I was simply asking him to put more focus on the good. You know, like when parents try to get their kids to eat veggies because sugar is bad for them. If he is to be a spiritual father of sorts, then he must point his spiritual children (that's you WELS church lady) to good foods (doctrine) as well as warn against eating unhealthy food (bad doctrine). He focuses a lot (especially lately) on what he perceives to be false teaching.


GJ - The theme of this blog is false doctrine among the apostates. I doubt whether anyone else has published so many verbatim quotations from the orthodox Lutherans. Try reading more than the first page. Check out the sermons, many accompanied by the best quotations I can find on the subject.

Complaining about apostasy being questioned is common today. Someone can always start a blog called The Glory Is Ours. Howzabout it?

Another Humorless Calvinist Comment

Portrait of the Blogger As a Young Baker

I wonder if Reilly understands satire. He would probably pooh-poor Mollie Hemmingway's PhotoShop of Kieschnick.
I. J. Reilly has left a new comment on your post "Techo-Dolts in the WELS Colleges":

Mr. Jackson,

I think you missed my point about my objection to the way you use the picture of Ski and Glende at the crab restaurant. That's probably because I didn't make myself clear. I will attempt to rectify that mistake here. When "Bishop" Katie published that photo, it was to show them taking a little break and having a good time at a restaurant. Whenever you use it, you do so to create the impression that this is the whole essence of Ski's personality -- that he is always some kind of idle-minded frat boy. I'm sure that you could, if you wanted to, find a picture or two of him looking respectable and "pastorly." You have no desire to do so and want to create the picture that he is not someone to be taken seriously. The fact that you often photoshop that picture to show him in an even more unflattering light compounds the issue. I'm sure there must be a picture or two around of you having a good time with friends and family where you look just slightly goofy. Would you consider it fair if someone took one of those pictures, ran it through a photoshop program to make it appear as if you were partying with John Calvin and made that the image that people thought of whenever they thought of you. This is why your use and abuse of that picture is, indeed, a breaking of the Eighth Commandment. I really feel sorry for you if you cannot see that.


GJ - I believe I have Photoshopped that Ski/Glende picture twice. "Often?" I should have that much time. The reason for popping Mark Driscoll into the picture was clear to most Lutherans. Ski, Glende, and Katie went to Seattle for a "pastor conference" as announced in the Glende church bulletin or newsletter. That seems a little vague. Driscoll is in Seattle--Mars Hill--and a favorite of Church and Change. There was no WELS pastoral conference at that time, yet Glende left the impression that he was at one of their conferences rather than a Schwaermer event.

The febrile unionism of Church and Change is a matter of record. Their leaders never tire of running off to Schwaermer conferences and taking more WELS workers with them. They brag about it and deceive the innocent who help for pay for it.

Ski, Glende, and Katie kept bragging and publishing their itineraries, so it was easy to track them. They have not officially denied going to Mars Hill yet, so I am not absolutely certain they were there. I really need their blog and photos. Ski still has his Drive '08 blog up, so I imagine there is more out there.

What this anonymous person sees may not be what I intend. However, Ski does not leave a good impression when his copy-cat CORE starts with a Flash movie of him making fun of sermons. "Faith comes by preaching/hearing," so he makes fun of the proclaimed Word--in favor of what?--popcorn, rock, and movie screens. That was taken down, but the other Flash introductions are tedious, and the website is silly, with stuff jumping around and jaws literally flapping. The content is nil. For some reason, the elderly Paul Calvin Kelm is used for a Bible study borrowed from....the Schwaermer, of course.

I am told this was posed for the newspaper, a rare use of the formal shirt and tie.

Ski posted this himself.

I love the use of "Mr." in a comment about the Eighth Commandment. This person is obviously one of Ski's friends, intimate enough to know exactly how and why the restaurant photo was taken.  Sarcasm is mistaken for wit in the Wisconsin Synod, so I imagine that "Mr." means I am not a pastor if he disagrees with me anonymously. The Chicaneries need someone who can turn a phrase better, an Oscar Levant of Enthusiasm. Presently they are only preaching to the choir, and the choir is munching popcorn in their theater seats.

Do I hear an Amen?


Gunn Not Called to Wisconsin Lutheran College:
Drive '08 Cohort of Ski and Glende Is

Babtist Andy Stanley and Jim Buske


P A S T O R - C A L L - R E P O R T
12/08/2009 - through - 12/14/2009

Buske, Rev James G - WLC - Milwaukee WI - 12/10/2009
Second Campus Pastor

That was it. After that Andy just ended and prayed for all the people there & for there (sic) ministries. As you can see from the pictures above, Buske and I got to get a picture with Andy, pretty cool. He is way down to earth. His wife Sandra was there also and she is just great. We actually got to talk to her a little more than Andy. You also notice John [Parlow] with the North Point member who played Bender in one of their sermon series called “Twisted”. The series was all about how Satan twists God’s Word. Finally, there is a photo of Buske & Todd Fields. I’m a little bitter about that one, but you’ll need to ask me why.

Drive '08

At least seven (7) WELS pastors and Katie have studied with Andy Stanley at the Drive conferences. Glende, Ski, and Buske are named on Ski's blog. Katie numbered four (4) others but failed to name them.

WELS Pastor John Parlow at Drive 08

Church and Change Idea List

Youth Ministry - Conference Breakout 304....
Lighthouse Youth Center— The Next Generation in Youth Ministry

Pastor James Buske
Struggling to reach out to your teens and unchurched youth? Is our congregation looking for its place in the community? Then check out what a new ministry in the Northwest corner of Milwaukee is doing to make connections with its community and youth. Lighthouse Youth Center is a non-profit mission outreach that is a “beacon for Christ” as it links inner city youth with their Savior. It’s a safe structured place for youth to gather, have fun, meet new people, receive Christian mentorship and build a relationship with Jesus!

If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!


Jeske Is Definitely In the Cookie Jar .

Look at the section entitled "Who We Are." You will read:

"St. Marcus is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and the Milwaukee Federation of Wisconsin Synod churches. We contribute toward the support of Wisconsin Lutheran High School, Wisconsin Lutheran College, the Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Service, the Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministry and the Milwaukee Campus."

Now you may not like the organizations listed here, but you cannot deny that Pastor Jeske is WELS.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Praise for Jeske Acknowledging Holy Baptism":

I was not trying to excuse Pastor Jeske, but I was trying to get you to point out what might be good in the WELS so that the WELS might improve, since they read your blog (as it is claimed).

Also, he has not changed churches. I'm not sure why TOG is a RSO of the LCMS, but officially he is WELS. Here I'll even provide a link that proves this:


GJ - Ichabod is widely read, even in the WELS schools, where special audio tapes are prepared for future DPs. Just kidding, folks.

Techo-Dolts in the WELS Colleges

Boo-hoo. Don't talk about our world-wide broadcasts!

The college crowd is supposed to be techno-savvy. Being able to text with two thumbs during class, wearing a zombie look, should not be confused with understanding technology.

The first lesson, never learned in WELS, is that Internet content lasts forever. If it is published, like Rick Johnson's offering figures, the information can be captured at the time. If not captured at once, it can be found through various services.

Publishing means "to make available to the entire world." There may be some controls added, but I would not count on them. One of my students told me about a program where all the files on a website could be examined. Facebook allows a lot of data-mining, as anyone can see from the ads that pop up. The ads are tied to the content of the user's information.

Only techno-dolts could upload videos to YouTube and whine that people are viewing them. Do they blubber on The Thword about the gay sites embedding their precious Party in the MLC? I never saw a complaint about that.

Only techno-dolts could post "funny" comments on Facebook and act shocked when they come to light. Writing on a real wall is local, at least. Writing on Facebook is international and longer lasting than a masonry wall. At one might hope for a real wall to be knocked down.

Church and Change seems to be overly blessed with techno-dolts. Katie published a photo of Ski and Glende stuffing themselves in Seattle, but a CORE fan complained that I published it. No, I re-published what was already, in essence, a little webpage - available for anyone with the URL (universal resource locator, for Mequon graduates).

Ski and Glende bragged about their Schwaermer conference attendance, until they realized they were being quoted on Ichabod, with the link provided. They stopped Tweeting - Silent Spring. Or they changed accounts. How boring. The very act of hiding the information made it more interesting, which is saying a lot for anything out of the Jeske circle. They are more predictable than Nile flooding.

Church and Change tried to lie their way out of the Stetzer invitation, but Stetzer's own calendar, blog, and Twitter proved them deceptive once again. The invitation they denied was clearly posted several times by Stetzer himself, and the timing proved to be close to his appearance at Exponential, where Dom Perignon Patterson took a bunch of WELS church workers.

Church and Change boasted about their board of directors. The more I posted from that page, the more they deleted. Board member photos and bios have disappeared. Board members have disappeared - without a trace. Once again, the act of hiding makes it more interesting.

The secret listserve of Church and Change is the biggest joke. The same people who deny being Chicaneries are the one who chatter the most on that email exchange. They are also the same ones who have hissy-fits when they are quoted verbatim, in context.w

The Chicaneries have to do several things:

  • They have to brag about themselves because false teachers are saturated with self-centeredness.
    1. They have to beg for money from the synod, foundations, and Thrivent, because their miserable and lazy efforts do not generate enough money for their taste in luxury.
    Both needs generate Internet content and Google picks it up. Many friends of confessional Lutheran doctrine mine the Internet for the latest information. The secrecy of Church and Change is laughable.


    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Fear That Made Milwaukee Famous":

    "When I was following Katie's Twitter posts, one was especially interesting. A former member of St. Marcus Lutheran Church had joined Granger Community Church and was thrilled to see Ski and Katie there for training."

    That says a lot about the inadequacy of Sausage Factory training.

  • Joint LCMS-WELS Chaplaincy Programs for Those in the Joint

    And my prep school is a now a prison too.

    House of Correction/Milwaukee #MS-8
    Contact: Rev. Daniel McMiller, SWD Missions Executive, (414) 464-8100

    The South Wisconsin District has supported the House of Correction Chaplaincy in diverse ways since the beginning of this ministry in 1904. This year, a partnership has been developed between the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and our South Wisconsin District—LCMS to provide a new format for spiritual care in the House of Correction (HOC). Deacon Afam Ikanih, a student in the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) of Concordia, St. Louis, and Lay Worker Pat Batom, (who completed the 31 credits in the Concordia University Wisconsin, Lay Ministry program), both of Mission of Christ Lutheran Church, are serving part time (8:00 am to noon, Monday through Friday) at the HOC. Three WELS men (two pastors and one layman) are also serving there. Joint training and coordination meetings are held between this team of 5 chaplains and their immediate supervisors in both the Wisconsin and Missouri Synods.

    Ex-Offender Ministry Milwaukee #MS-12
    Contact: Rev. Daniel McMiller, SWD Missions Executive, (414) 464-8100

    A new partnership between the District and the Metro Milwaukee Lutheran Mission Society (MMLMS—formerly known as the Greater Milwaukee Federation) is seeking funding and partnerships to provide ministry follow-up in at least 5 locations to men and women served in the House of Correction and released back into the community. Direct gifts are needed from individuals, congregations and granting institutions. This too is being done in partnership with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Every year 25,000 inmates are served in the House of Correction, and nearly those same numbers are released. This new ministry will address spiritual, social and some physical needs for those who are released with the hope that they are regularly nurtured in Word and Sacrament and equipped in diverse ways to become healthy, contributing members of society, rather than repeat offenders

    ++++++ link -

    The Fear That Made Milwaukee Famous

    Craig Groeschel shows how to inflate numbers.

    Catalyst One Day: Andy Stanley on Momentum

    Last night Mark Beeson and I had a great opportunity to eat dinner with the Catalyst team, including Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel. Every time I’m around those guys—I see they are the real deal. Humble. Authentic. Guys who put their families above their ministries. I respect them both immensely.
    Andy began the day with a session on momentum. Some quotes…
    • Momentum = forward motion fueled by a series of wins.
    • In the business world, a company that doesn’t have momentum takes quick action.
    • In the church world, we put up with lack of momentum for a long time as long as we can still pay the bills.
    • In the church world, momentum is not the norm. It is very disruptive, unsettling and uncomfortable.
    • If you have momentum and you don’t know why—you are one stupid decision away from killing it.
    • If you lack momentum, you need to understand why.
    • Anything new creates momentum.
    • Momentum is never triggered by tweaking something old. It is triggered by introducing something new.
    • Complexity kills momentum. The process of tearing down complexity is painful, but must be done.
    It’s almost as if Andy was sitting in our staff meeting yesterday. So much of this ties into our recent conversations.


    GJ - I am overwhelmed by the awesomeness of these guys promoting each other. But alas, they are familiar names to me. Ski and Katie have attended Drive '09 (Stanley). Ski blogged about worshiping at Drive '08. Ski attended Catalyst (Stanley and Groeschel). Ski and Katie attended Granger Community Church (Beeson et al.)

    When I was following Katie's Twitter posts, one was especially interesting. A former member of St. Marcus Lutheran Church had joined Granger Community Church and was thrilled to see Ski and Katie there for training.


    Money Makes the Word Go Around - Cabaret

    Dicipleship - From Stetzer - Betcha no one in Church and Change noticed...or cared.

    Just in 2008 from the Fleck Foundation - these grants -
    Risen Savior Ev. Lutheran Church Scholarships for students to attend Risen Savior $45,000
    9550 West Brown Deer Road Lutheran School.
    Milwaukee, WI 53224
    Pastor Kenneth Fisher (WELS)
    Wisconsin Lutheran High School Scholarships for students to attend Wisconsin Lutheran -. $90,000
    Funding for Agents of Change program to improve relationships among peers from various backgrounds - $600
    330 North Glenview Avenue
    Milwaukee, WI 53213
    Pastor James Kleist, President
    Risen Savior Ev. Lutheran Church Funding for civil rights tour, Spring 2009. $20,000
    9550 West Brown Deer Road
    Milwaukee, WI 53224
    Pastor Kenneth Fisher (WELS)
    St. Marcus School Funding for the Discover America civil rights trip. $10,000
    North Palmer Street
    Milwaukee, WI 53205
    Henry Tyson, Principal (WELS)

    How Firm Are Our Foundations

    Just in 2008 - from the Bradley Foundation -
    Risen Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church and School, Milwaukee
    To support community outreach $50,000
    Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee
    To support the "Pathways to College" program $100,000
    St. Marcus Lutheran School, Milwaukee
    To support expansion $365,000

    Chicanery Board Member John Huebner, Retired

    John has pastored growing congregations in Michigan and Florida. Currently, he serves as WELS Mission Counselor to the North Atlantic and Michigan districts. Deeply interested in reaching lost persons with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, he has written an extensive course in lifestyle witnessing. He understands the special importance of equipping believers to do ministry work. He also researches WELS congregations and studies writers from around North America to better understand our culture in order to advise missionaries and others in proclaiming Jesus in today’s world. John and his wife, Esther, have three children and are members of ChristLutheranChurch in Columbia.

    ------------------------------- R E T I R E D ------------------------------
    Huebner, Rev John P - Shepherd of the L - Land O Lakes FL - 12/31/2009
    Huebner, Rev John P Peace - Holiday FL -  12/31/2009

    Just For Fun at Martin Luther College (WELS)

    For all of you who are sick of the guys always acting so gay I mean, a little here and there is fine, but when it becomes a part of your everyday life, there needs to be a line drawn as to how far this can go! Also, This is just a complete joke! It's just for fun!! I thought it would give everyone a good laugh! so relax, sit back and reflect, and LAUGH!

    The Gayness at MLC Needs To Stop

    Cheree Koenig

    Cheree Koenig lol yeah ur right kailey! i didn't really notice that till now.. creepy

    February 2, 2007 at 4:02pm · Report
    Kailey Brianne Snyder

    Kailey Brianne Snyder funny how gunnar is in every single one of those pics...

    February 2, 2007 at 10:06am · Report
    John Schleis

    John Schleis Sorry guys, but my post was made in fun and was not serious at all.
    Sorry for the confusion, and I wanted to put a "j" instead of a "z" but I put a "z" for whatever reason.

    February 2, 2007 at 12:03am · Report
    Cheree Koenig

    Cheree Koenig yeah zealous?? don't get that one John. and snap, if there are guys, (or well anyone for that matter) that are taking this group totally serious.. uhh they SHOULD relax!! :D.. i admit it is frustrating sometimes.. but this group makes it less frustrating and more of a joke, and just something to laugh about.

    January 30, 2007 at 12:23am · Report
    Tyler Shinnick

    Tyler Shinnick

    January 29, 2007 at 10:22pm · Report
    Amanda Mikula

    Amanda Mikula i just want you all to know, i only made this group as a joke! it wasnt something i was being serious about...all a complete JOKE!!!! so everyone needs to relax and just laugh about it!

    January 28, 2007 at 10:37pm · Report
    John Schleis

    John Schleis I think Amanda is just zealous.

    January 28, 2007 at 4:04pm · Report
    Elisabeth Bishop

    Elisabeth Bishop sure, it's gross. but just be thankful it's all a joke. at least we only see heterosexual couples making out in centennial lobby, not homosexuals. and this group will very likely not stop the behavior of the boys here at mlc, but rather, will make them feel that they need to make an even bigger spectacle of themselves,... cuz now they're getting facebook attention for it. i'm not saying it was bad to make this group, but just be prepared for the repercussions!! :)

    See More
    January 28, 2007 at 3:53pm · Report
    Cheree Koenig

    Cheree Koenig I think it gets worse when all the guys are 'drunk' like tonight at cos, i think they were all dancing with other guys at some point in the night! any way, im just sick of it, cause it is GROSS!

    January 28, 2007 at 2:10am · Report
    Joanna Kramer

    Joanna Kramer is pretty disgusting.

    January 27, 2007 at 1:45pm · Report
    Peter Wells

    Peter Wells hey,....can i help it if even the men want a piece of me. I don't blame them, i mean i am hot and all...but sorry guys, i don't roll like that

    January 27, 2007 at 10:59am · Report
    Matthew Borck

    Matthew Borck what hurts, hutch, your bumhole?
    and gunnar, I'm not the one trying to touch another man's unit in the hallway

    January 27, 2007 at 1:20am · Report
    Gunnar Ledermann

    Gunnar Ledermann check this out. for one thing, borck is always naked in concord and only speaks of gayness therefore its always on his mind. the first time i met shinick he was singing the doxology naked with moldy in my room.

    January 27, 2007 at 1:18am · Report
    Zachariah John Wayne Hutchison
    January 27, 2007 at 1:17am · Report
    Cheree Koenig

    Cheree Koenig Amen to this group! it's just creepy how "close" some of the guys are here at mlc. they do need to know where to draw the line. maybe this will help them see the light.

    January 27, 2007 at 1:02am · Report
    Matthew Borck

    Matthew Borck its about time someone did this
    thank you amanda mikula, thank you

    January 27, 2007 at 12:34am · Report
    Tyler Shinnick

    Tyler Shinnick Wow.....
    I'm all for a good game here and there, but the constant pillow biting and everything that's going around is just taking it too far.....queers. Go join the ELCA

    January 27, 2007 at 12:34am · Report

    Praise for Jeske Acknowledging Holy Baptism

    What a relief! Jeske seems to agree with baptism.

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time of Grace Ad No Longer on LCMS Home Page":

    Just heard Pastor Jeske's message for the Third Sunday in Advent. He focused a lot on Baptism. He put emphasis on the Word of God having the power to convert people (as far as I can tell, and you no doubt will disagree, no decision theology was present). Yes, the WELS has problems, so does any Lutheran church. Oh and if you'll notice, the name of the church that Pastor Jeske is shown. Yes, it is not "liturgical," but it is in the spirit of what Paul talks about that he became like others for the sake of others. He focuses on both justification and sanctification.

    Perhaps you can praise what is good in the WELS. I seem to remember reading (though I can't find where--or even if it was you, but I hope it was) that you would not be criticizing the WELS if you didn't have any hope for some sort of change. So praise what is good about the WELS. Yes, point out problems, but praise what is good. St. Paul tells us that whatever is good, lovely, praiseworthy is to be thought about, right.

    WELS member


    GJ - The excuses for Jeske are legion. I suppose the next claim is that he believes in God, so let him be.

    He is the secretive leader of Church and Change. His influence is best seen in The CORE, where WELS members transfer in the name of "outreach." The Jeske circle does not want to acknowledge being Lutheran, but Lutherans should give him money and buy his trinkets.

    Meanwhile, no one is sure which synod he is. I am betting Missouri, because that is where the Church Growth action is moving. His fellow-student at Mequon, LCMS DP Wille, is the one who announced that Jeske earned RSO status in Missouri.

    When I met the head of evangelism in the LCMS, around 1992, he was very familiar with the CG guys in WELS. He worked with them on the Church Growth Initiative funded by AAL (now Thrivent). Doctrinal unity has been established in the LCMS-WELS-ELS-ELCA-CLC: through Church Growth.

    Martin Luther College - A Beacon of Hope for Videographers

     Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Clueless in the MLC":

    Thanks for calling a spade a spade when it comes to MLC. As you know, any student or even staff member at a WELS school who dared to call a spade a spade would sustain the same hail of rotten tomatoes and eggs you received via the blog comments, and after a year or two would drop out of the WELS school system after being pegged as a Pietist or party pooper, his or her life there being made unbearable by random comments and prank acts wherever he or she went on campus.