Boo-hoo. Don't talk about our world-wide broadcasts!
The college crowd is supposed to be techno-savvy. Being able to text with two thumbs during class, wearing a zombie look, should not be confused with understanding technology.
The first lesson, never learned in WELS, is that Internet content lasts forever. If it is published, like Rick Johnson's offering figures, the information can be captured at the time. If not captured at once, it can be found through various services.
Publishing means "to make available to the entire world." There may be some controls added, but I would not count on them. One of my students told me about a program where all the files on a website could be examined. Facebook allows a lot of data-mining, as anyone can see from the ads that pop up. The ads are tied to the content of the user's information.
Only techno-dolts could upload videos to YouTube and whine that people are viewing them. Do they blubber on
The Thword about the gay sites embedding their precious
Party in the MLC? I never saw a complaint about that.
Only techno-dolts could post "funny" comments on Facebook and act shocked when they come to light. Writing on a real wall is local, at least. Writing on Facebook is international and longer lasting than a masonry wall. At one might hope for a real wall to be knocked down.
Church and Change seems to be overly blessed with techno-dolts. Katie published a photo of Ski and Glende stuffing themselves in Seattle, but a CORE fan complained that I published it. No, I re-published what was already, in essence, a little webpage - available for anyone with the URL (universal resource locator, for Mequon graduates).
Ski and Glende bragged about their Schwaermer conference attendance, until they realized they were being quoted on Ichabod, with the link provided. They stopped Tweeting - Silent Spring. Or they changed accounts. How boring. The very act of hiding the information made it more interesting, which is saying a lot for anything out of the Jeske circle. They are more predictable than Nile flooding.
Church and Change tried to lie their way out of the Stetzer invitation, but Stetzer's own calendar, blog, and Twitter proved them deceptive once again. The invitation they denied was clearly posted several times by Stetzer himself, and the timing proved to be close to his appearance at Exponential, where Dom Perignon Patterson took a bunch of WELS church workers.
Church and Change boasted about their board of directors. The more I posted from that page, the more they deleted. Board member photos and bios have disappeared. Board members have disappeared - without a trace. Once again, the act of hiding makes it more interesting.
The secret listserve of Church and Change is the biggest joke. The same people who deny being Chicaneries are the one who chatter the most on that email exchange. They are also the same ones who have hissy-fits when they are quoted verbatim, in context.w
The Chicaneries have to do several things:
They have to brag about themselves because false teachers are saturated with self-centeredness.
- They have to beg for money from the synod, foundations, and Thrivent, because their miserable and lazy efforts do not generate enough money for their taste in luxury.
Both needs generate Internet content and Google picks it up. Many friends of confessional Lutheran doctrine mine the Internet for the latest information. The secrecy of Church and Change is laughable.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Fear That Made Milwaukee Famous":
"When I was following Katie's Twitter posts, one was especially interesting. A former member of St. Marcus Lutheran Church had joined Granger Community Church and was thrilled to see Ski and Katie there for training."
That says a lot about the inadequacy of Sausage Factory training.