Friday, April 20, 2018

Matt Harrison's LCMS Has Proven Its Calvinism Once Again.
Geneva Won - Lutherans Lost to Lily-Livered Apostates

 Do you remember Calvin from the last post?The LCMS would make him so proud today.

 On the other hand, Calvin is so appealing to rationalists in the ELCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS, and the Calcified Legalistic Cult.

Missouri's CTCR has published a giant bolus of compost on its long-suffering pastors and members, in honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Slide (WELS) wrote a brilliant article on Lutheran disasters on the Reformation anniversary years.

Copied below - skills learned from Paul McCain - are the key slides from an endless "study" to be foisted upon the grieving, scattered, and confused members of the Synodical Conference (RIP).

Slide 41

All the world is redeemed, forgiven and reconciled because of Christ’s death and resurrection.
2 Cor. 5:18–19 and Rom. 5:19
God’s wrath is stilled; Satan (all evil) is defeated.
1 Thess. 1:10 and Col. 2:14–15
In Christ, righteousness and forgiveness are won and sinners are reckoned as righteousness.
Heb. 10:12

Slide 42

So objective [general] justification is forgiveness Christ won for all (2 Cor. 5:19–21).
His work is an objective reality — salvation and forgiveness for the world is accomplished, independent of any other human action or merit.
And subjective [individual] justification is this same forgiveness as it is received through faith by individuals (Gal. 2:16; Titus 3:3–7).
The individual “subject” is justified, born again.

The Calvinist Woods explained the words of Halle Pietist Knapp with these two terms, Objective Justification and Subjective Justification. These terms got translated back into German and Walther liked them very much. The key term is the world absolved of all sin without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith - just like Calvin's Unlimited Grace.
The rationalistic piffle of Missouri's great and wise has no relationship to the Scriptures, Luther, or the Book of Concord.

Like Karl Barth and ELCA, Missouri merges the Atonement with Justification by Faith, which is why John Sparky Brenner uses the term Justification of the World - God has declared the entire world free of sin.

JP Meyer taught this abomination for years, and WELS cheerfully republished his book, which was the source of three of the Kokomo Statements.

 This is a fine explanation of UOJ from Edward Preuss, who became a major figure in the Church of Rome after publishing his abomination on The Justification of the Sinner. Yes, the book title sounds nice, so lovely, but the words mean God has absolved all atheists, pagans, and cannibals of their sin for all time, even before birth.

Some things not mentioned or given adequate treatment by the LCMS:

  • The efficacy of the Word
  • The Means of Grace
  • Luther's Justification by Faith
  • The Augsburg Confession and the Apology
  • Martin Chemnitz on Justification by Faith
  • Andreae on Justification by Faith
  • Chemnitz on Justification by Faith
  • Gerhard, Calov, and Quenstedt on Justification by Faith
  • Walter's copying of Bishop Martin Stephan's dogma
  • Walther's insistence on election without grace to prop up his Easter Absolution (OJ) debacle
  • Eerie parallels with Walther and Calvin.

How Do the Lutheran Leaders Respond to Justification without Faith, Election without Faith?

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election - Walther's Election without Faith
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
Irresistible Grace - Walther's Justification without Faith
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)

 Walther seemed to think that attacking faith in Christ equaled praise for the grace of God, but one does not oppose the other. Walther wrote in the style of Calvin, as if he alone glorified God with his peculiar (albeit second-hand) notions.
Harrison's election (without faith) campaign consisted of praising all his alleged influences as the bulwark of LCMS dogma. Luther? Melanchthon? Chemnitz?

To be Steadfast Lutherans, one must promote the Calvinism of Walther and shun the Means of Grace in Luther. Wilken once denied being pals with McCain, but now wants to build a statue to His Corpulence, Paul the Plagiarist.
Minute mark 36.00 for Wilken's statue announcement.

Shh. I am hunting wascally wabbits that mention Ichabod.

Let us promote Walther's Justification without Faith while selling Roman Catholic books that identify true Christian doctrine with faith plus works.

Tis funny how the LCMS has bred so many mini-popes who hate one another, though knit together by election without faith. UOJ and rude behavior seems to be their common ground.
The Little Sect on the Prairie is fanatical about Justification without Faith, their history of Norwegian Pietism in perfect harmony with Calvinism. They persecuted B. Teigen for being a Lutheran - and now host the "Teigen Reformation Lectures," so give them credit for hypocrisy.

 WELS' Zarling decided that Calvin's concept of Justification  was the "Diamond of the Reformation, the Chief Article, the Master and Prince, the judge of all articles of Christianity." But his UOJ diamond has one enormous flaw - Justification by Faith is the Chief Article.

 Bivens copied the Zarling flaw, without giving credit.
In academic circles, that is plagiarism.
At Mordor, that is scholarship.

 I am not sure where this bishop is on doctrine.
One must be a 32nd degree ELDONUT and kiss the episcopal ring to attend their parties (no wives, no aspirants, no postulants, no laity) - so we can only guess. This blog has never called them NUTS - but DONUTS.
 The undersigned is an expert on DONUTS.

 Some of my research is still being used today.

Pope Pius XIII Has Begun His Book Tour

Interest in Comey's delusions of piety might be slight - good thing the media are there to swell the numbers at Barnes and Noble. I see a chipper B&N staffer and two indifferent shoppers. Pope Pius XIII, a modern Goliath.

ChurchMouse has published some dated complaints about Attorney General Sessions being too slow, too timid, etc. I highly recommend The Art of War, where such things as deception are explained. This is a global conflict. Sessions earned a nickname - The Silent Executioner - when he was a prosecutor.

An avalanche of prosecution is about to drop. Normally I would not get into the news, but this also involves child trafficking and the harvesting of organs - adults, children, unborn - for huge profits. On the battlefield a soldier is worth as much as $500,000 for spare parts, whether fresh dead or still alive. There is more to the story, which I will not get into. The trade is global and must be stopped, along with the nefarious activities that are associated with it, such as body chemicals harvested for regaining youth.

People need to stay tuned to the news on the Internet and forget the pablum and features of the mainstream media. We are now at a turning point for world history. If we continue on the present path of demonic, occult, and pagan practices, we will destroy America and take the world down with us.

This Spectator article names FBI officials facing prosecution instead of prosecuting suspects. There are many similar news outlets that are tracking the stories, plus hints from Q about what is coming soon. The Q posts come from military intelligence and require a good deal of translating and additional study.

The Oracle of Delphi spoke in riddles so the resident prophet interpreted the meaning of the sayings for the visitor. There are many sources for interpreting the Q posts. The media are ignoring this trend because it is independent of the managed news.

As we can see from church politics, the inept and corrupt surround themselves with weak and incompetent people. The church situation has developed ahead of the disaster in secular politics, but with the same results. Sadly, the institutional church has led the way and cheered for the sorry state of our nation.