Monday, July 23, 2018

It Only Takes a Pair To Start Their Synod Burning.
And Soon All Those Around with UOJ'll Be Yearning.

 Quoted in Robert Preus' Justification and Rome.

Rolf Preus must not garden or farm, because he shows no grasp of Matthew 7:15-23. Instead, Rolf agrees with David Valleskey that figs do indeed grow on thistles, because both of them adore UOJ and expect only the best from Justification without Faith.

More importantly, this previous post shows how an entire synod can be lost through a doctrinal error. Or, as Luther said, an entire nation.

The attack against WAM II's Justification by Faith, conducted by Jack and Robert Preus, set the stage for Ralph Rodham Bohlmann to steer the LCMS straight into mainline apostasy. That was almost 40 years ago, and it took that long to make UOJ official both in the synod's Dogmatanic and also in their Babylonian Talmud edition of the no-longer Small Catechsim.

The original Gausewitz Small Catechism was nothing more than Luther's Small Catechism and a list of the Scriptures that went with each point. Gausewitz taught Justification by Faith. That is significant, because Gausewitz was president of the Synodical Conference and therefore respected in those synods at that time. To duplicate that feat today one would need a DMin from Fuller Seminary.

WELS had to keep "improving" the Gausewitz until it morphed into the Kuske UOJ monster. They even have another one, honoring the Reformation's 500th Anniversary by repudiating Luther's doctrine.

 Calov and Quenstedt seem to be arguing against the UOJ of the Pietists. Norwegian Pietists like Jack and Robert Preus stuck to UOJ like lint to velcro, but the Augustana leaders were influenced by W. Passavant - a Book of Concord advocate. And - Augustana had the Apostolic Succession!

Do not be shocked, Lutherans, that this has happened. People live with contradictions all the time.

Picture a discussion website, not just any website, but a very special one.

  1. They routinely teach Justification without Faith.
  2. They never discuss Luther's doctrine.
  3. They attack anyone who questions their rationalistic Pietism.
  4. They are meaner than junkyard dogs with each other, but even worse toward anyone who questions their brilliance and orthodoxy.
  5. They love to quote a man who kidnapped his niece, nephew, and bishop, who adopted Halle Pietism, and stole millions from the leader of their cult.
And get this - They call their group LUTHERQUEST (sic)!

Walter A. Maier Family versus the Blood-Guilt of the Preus Clan.
Lights Out in LCMS-WELS: The UOJ Cabal Has Won

The Preus brothers beat WAM II like a rented mule,
for teaching the doctrine of The Lutheran Hour - and Luther.

 Robert Preus and Justification, 1981. Published on LutherQuest.

Older Lutherans recall that Walter A. Maier was not only a superstar among Lutherans, for his speaking on The Lutheran Hour, but also honored among Evangelicals, with special recognition at Billy Graham's Center Museum.

 Mrs. Ichabod and I visited the display about Maier, attended events at the Billy Graham Center, and I taught there once.

The Story of Walter A. Maier (Tobias Communications, The extraordinary father of Paul Maier, Dr. Walter A. Maier, was the founding speaker of The Lutheran Hour radio broadcast. He was also a seminary professor who wrote 31 books, edited a popular journal, and filled a dozen other roles. Billy Graham called him "the greatest combination of preacher and scholar that America has produced." "Rich, fascinating reading ... this book surely will have an impact on peoples of all faiths and nationalities." - Seattle Post-Intelligencer "Thorough ... of great interest, inspiring. Walter A. Maier was a Sunday institution in the lives of millions of Americans." - The Pittsburgh Press

Walter Maier and Wheaton College

Walter A. Maier II was the most likely president of the synod when the Preus brothers, Jack and Robert, launched a vicious attack on him for not teaching Objective Justification. The winner was Ralph Bohlmann, who became the LCMS president. The seminary took away WAM II's ability to teach Romans.

Some ELDONA details are here.

Here is some exculpatory posted by Rolf Preus.

This Rolf contribution defies the facts of the WAM II case.

Jack did this with a letter sent to all the pastors of LCMS, as I recall, and Robert followed up later with stuff like this -

Many of our readers know that our seminary, and one professor in particular, has been recently criticized for undermining this comforting and clear teaching of objective justification. The criticism and garbled accounts of the situation have become so widespread lately that I must now comment on the matter in this issue of the "Newsletter.

For over 15 years now Professor Walter A. Maier, Jr., has been teaching a course in the book of Romans, and, although he states he has always presented the doctrine of objective justification as taught in our synod (e.g. in the "Brief Statement"), he has taught in class that some of the key passages used in our church to support the doctrine actually do not speak to the subject at all. As a result some within the seminary community and some outside concluded that Dr. Maier did not in fact believe, teach, and confess the article of objective justification. A few – very few – complaints were brought against Dr. Maier and against the seminary for letting this go on.

The Preus mob pounded WAM II into the ground like a tent stake. I may not get all the dates and crimes in perfect order, because I was not in the LCMS at that time. 

Notice how ominous the charge appears in red. There is no effort to address what WAM II taught, only to claim that he has departed from the political document called the Brief Statement 1932. The Brief Statement of 1932 never had canonical status but here it is raised above the Scriptures to have super-canonical status, supplanting the clear message of the Scriptures and the Book of Concord.

Observe how Robert Preus' description of Objective Justification is a confused mess of garbage, highlighted by one of the most absurd statements ever - from Edward Preuss, who left the St. Louis Seminary to became a major Roman Catholic leader and editor. But the Stormtroopers still love Edward Preuss'
Justification of a Sinner essay/booklet. The phrase - justification of a sinner - is one of those clues that a Stormtrooper is clearing his throat.

 "We were justified before we were even born." What?

  • UOJ Gave the LCMS a Headstart on Women's Ordination and Church Growth, 
  • With a Side Helping of Pentecostalism and Union with the Future ELCA - 
  • Thank You, Preus Brothers and Buddy Ralph Bohlmann

Some background is worth considering. CFW Walther was not a Biblical theologian. He started with theses and simply stated them as the truth, citing Scripture passages whether they were fitting or not.

Jack and Robert Preus were better educated than Walther, but they were not Biblical scholars. Robert did his work on the late Lutheran scholastic period, which was influenced by Pietism.

Walter A. Maier and WAM II were both Biblical scholars.

 We met WAM II (left) at the Rutz funeral. He is a jolly guy with a lot of genius relatives. WAM III earned a doctorate from Harvard, like his grandfather did.

Ralph Bohlmann earned his PhD in church history at Yale and was part of the conservative minority when the Seminex crisis saw most of the faculty and students leave Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. When he became LCMS president in 1981, after the Preus attack against WAM II, he began leading the synod toward women's ordination, working with the LCA/ALC. Church Growth itself grew by leaps and bounds, and Pentecostalism continued.

Did Robert Preus Repent of the Mob Attack on WAMII?

Rolf Preus gives the impression that Justification by Faith is the false doctrine warned against in Matthew 7:15-23. If so, he should be more explicit. His father, Robert Preus, provided the best quotations against Objective Justification:

The LCMS - under Matt the Fatt - Has Made UOJ Official Doctrine:
Time To Unite with ELCA and Certify Herman Otten

 "Do you disagree with our dogmatics book?" jowls shaking in rage, eyes blazing with blood-lust.

 So you see, doctrine is always developing and making progress. This is the first LCMS Small Catechism - and the biggest - with UOJ taught.